
Welcome to my conference!
• February 2006
• 8th grade
• Guadalupe
What was your easiest assignment in Algebra &
• The easiest assignment in Algebra was
graphing linear equations with the graphing
calculator. It is the easiest assignment
because all I had to do was get the equation
into y- intercept form and put it in the
calculator. The calculator graphs it for me
and I only have to copy the graph. Simple.
What was your hardest Algebra assignment &
• The hardest Algebra assignment was having
to read a selection and then coming up with
an equation and solving it. It was the
hardest because I got everything mixed up
and always did everything wrong, because
the way I wrote it was different from the
way it was worded in the selection.
What have been your easiest and hardest Social
Studies assignments? Describe them.
• The easiest Social Studies assignment has been the
worksheet that had a timeline and gave us the
dates. It has been the easiest because all I had to
do was write down what happened that year.
• The hardest Soc. St. assignment has been working
on the different types of political parties
(Republicans, Democrats…) because I get
confused on who is working towards what. Or
which political party is on the favor of something.
In Science & Spanish, what assignment has
frustrated you the most? Why?
• The assignment in Spanish class that has frustrated me the
most is understanding indirect object pronouns. This has
frustrated me because I don’t understand how to find the
indirect object pronoun and circle the direct object
• In Science there’s really nothing I am frustrated with
because the worksheets are pretty easy. What I don’t like is
the complicated way the book explains everything,
Because e the book decides to take the long way of
explaining things instead of just telling us straight forward
what they want us to know.
Do you feel challenged in Language Arts?
Why/not? Describe your favorite activity so far.
• No I don’t feel very challenged in Language
Arts because writing haikus is pretty simple
and reading nothing but the truth is simple
• My favorite assignment so far is reading
Nothing But The Truth because I like the
book and it is not very hard to understand.
What stresses you out about school and why?
• What stresses me out about school is not
understanding things. I gets in my nerves when I
don’t understand things immediately.
• What also stresses my about school is the
homework. It is when we get a lot of homework
and I don’t even know where to begin. Then I
spend a long time trying to make up my mind on
whether I should start with Algebra or Social
Pick two specific classes you can improve in, and
tell two specific steps you can take to improve.
• Two classes I can improve in are Band and
Algebra. I can improve in band by
practicing the 100 minutes as I am suppose
to in a week. Also by trying harder and not
just doing what will get me by. To improve
in Algebra I can study every day and not
just before a test. I can also spend more
time on my Algebra homework. That way I
would be able to understand it better.
How much time do you spend doing homework
each night? Describe your routine.
• I spend about two hours doing homework
each night. First of all I get home at about
3:00 p.m. I go to my room turn on my
computer an put on some music. Then I get
out my homework and do it. I usually finish
at about 5:00 p.m. If I need to go to the
library and do research my mom usually
takes me around 5:00 p.m. so I go do
research and then take some notes.
What are your test grades like? Tell three
specific ways you study.
• My test grades are pretty good in every class
except Algebra. In Algebra I got a C on my last
test (before end of 2nd period) . Three ways I study
for my tests is writing questions on flash cards and
the answer on the back. I also use the question
answer sheet. I also just go over my notes and
make my self some questions that I believe will
appear on the test. I reread material handed to me
in class as well.
As you prepare to go to high school, what subjects or
areas do you feel you need the most improvement?
How can your teachers & parents help?
• The subject I feel I need more improvement in is
Algebra. One way I can get helped in Algebra is if
we had more Algebra time. I also need to get
better at learning my equations and knowing when
I need to use them. That way I don’t use the wrong
equation. I also need to improve on taking notes so
that I don’t write down every little detail. The
teachers can help me with this by having us take
more notes in class.
Teacher Comment Page
• Well done slide show Lupe! I especially appreciate that you cited each
of your graphics, which were chosen well. Honest and thoughtful
responses as well. 29 out of 30 points.
• You are such a bright and talented student, that sometimes I just worry
that you put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. I recognized
a little bit of myself in you too- sometimes when I have a lot to do, I
obsess about what to do first, and waste a lot of time doing that! It
helps me to make a list, because if I see it on paper, I can prioritize
• If you need extra help in Algebra, or learning how to take more concise
notes, I’d be happy to help with either! Sra. T.