Root Words A word that stands on its own and has a meaning but can also be modified with prefixes and suffixes to make new words. Root Meaning Examples Word Origin Bio Life Biology, biography, Greek biopsy Graph Write Telegraph, Greek photograph, phonograph, autograph Photo Light Photograph, Greek telephoto Photocopy Phon Sound Phonograph, Greek symphony, telephone Microphone, phonics Bene Good, well, or gentle Beneficial, benefit Latin Dict To say or tell Diction, dictator Latin Therm Heat Thermometer, Greek thermostat, thermos Scope See Microscope, Greek telescope, periscope, stethoscope Cent Hundred Century, centimeter, Latin centennial Struct To build Construct, instruct, Latin instructor Fract To break Fraction Latin Ped Foot Pedicure, Greek Geo Earth, soil, ground Geography, geology Greek Aster & Astr Star Astronomy, asteroid Greek Chron Time Chronological Greek Tact To touch Tactile Latin Meter Measure Speedometer, Greek metric, thermometer, perimeter, diameter, centimeter Vac Empty Vacuum Latin Port Carry Portable Latin Aud Hear Audio, audible Latin Zoo Animal Zoology Greek Hydra Water Hydration Greek Leg Law Legislative, legal Latin Sect Cut Section Latin Root Song Written by Mrs. Garrison Sung to the tune of “Frere Jacques” (Verse 1) Roots are words that stand alone and can change meaning will change prefixes and suffixes added to the root words make new words make new words (Verse 3) Cent means hundred Struct means build Fract: to break Ped means foot Geo is earth ground and soil Aster and Astr is star Chron means time Tact: to touch (Verse 2) Bio means life Graph means write Photo means light Phon means sound Bene is good well or gentle Dict means to say or tell Therm means heat Scope means see (Verse 4) Meter means measure Vac means empty Port means carry Aud means hear Zo-o means animal Hydra means water Leg means law Sect means cut