2012 RMBEST Kickoff – BEST Award – Marketing

Teacher/Mentor Institute
2012 Rocky Mountain BEST Award:
Marketing Presentation
David Klein, IDSA
Associate Professor of Industrial
Marketing Presentation
As a component of the BEST Award, the evaluation of Marketing
presentation are worth 25 points total (25/100)
BEST Award Point Values:
Project Engineering Notebook
Marketing Presentation
Team Exhibit and Interviews
Spirit and Sportsmanship
Robot Performance
25 points
25 points
20 points
15 points
15 points
Page 2
2012 Schedule
Saturday, Sept .15
Kickoff: Denver South H.S.
Saturday, Oct. 6
Deadline to notify for Marketing Presentation
participation. kleind@msudenver.edu
Saturday, October 20
Practice Day: Denver West H.S.
Friday, October 26
Marketing Presentations on Auraria Campus, TE-121A
Saturday, October 27
Game Day: Auraria Events Center, Denver, CO
2012 Schedule
Saturday, Oct. 6
Deadline to notify for Marketing Presentation participation:
Select a preferred and a backup 25-minute timeslot, either on the
hour (i.e. 3:00pm), or half-hour (I.e. 3:30pm), between 8:00am and
5:00pm. These hours could be expanded to include LATER times
(after 5:00pm) if high participation requires.
Notify David Klein by email or telephone, and wait for confirmation.
kleind@msudenver.edu, 303-556-4133.
2012 Schedule
Saturday, Sept .15
Kickoff: Denver South H.S.
Saturday, Oct 6
Deadline to notify for Marketing Presentation
participation. kleind@msudenver.edu
Saturday, October 20
Practice Day: Denver West H.S.
Friday, October 26
A busy
Marketing Presentations
Saturday, October 27
Game Day: Auraria Events Center, Denver, CO
Marketing Presentation
A minimum of 4 students must actively participate in the
Adults/leaders are not allowed to participate, but may be present in
the room (counting as one of the 8 representatives)
Representation by student presenters from more than one grade
level is encouraged and will be considered in the evaluation as part
of the team’s recruitment efforts.
A maximum of 8 representatives for the team may be in the
presentation room, including the presenters, photographers,
videographers, etc.
Marketing Presentation
A minimum of 4
maximum of 8
Marketing Presentation
Guidelines (continued)
The presentation format is the prerogative of the team.
The team may provide any equipment it wishes to use.
BEST will provide a computer, projector, and screen for presentations.
All other equipment needs are the responsibility of the teams.
Direct questions about equipment and facilities to David Klein:
kleind@msudenver.edu, 303-556-4133
Failure to voice equipment needs may result in a team not having the
necessary equipment for its presentation.
Marketing Presentation
Time Breakdown
There will be a check-in station in near the presentation rooms.
Teams should check in 15 minutes prior to their schedules time slot.
Presentation time limits are firm, if teams exceed they will ‘get the
> 5 minutes: Computer set-up (optional)
> 12 minutes: Presentation
> 5 minutes: Q & A with judges
> 3 minutes: Computer break-down (optional)
= 25
* 5 minutes will be scheduled between presentation times for judges to confer
* Teams not requiring computer set-up or break-down time may utilize that time for their
presentation .
Marketing Presentation
‘Company’ Information- 2 points (2/25)
Well-defined roles as company employees/owners/managers
Marketing Presentation
Design/Engineering Process- 4 points (4/25)
Brainstorming approaches- Early concepts, alternatives
Analytical evaluation of design alternatives- What worked? What didn’t?
Marketing Presentation
Use of Available Technology- 4 points (4/25)
CAD drawings, computer illustrations and/or models, simulations/analysis
WEB-based for promotional and/or recruiting,
Photography, video, other media.
Marketing Presentation
Marketing Strategies- 3 points (3/25)
Publicity efforts to inform school and community of their product (e.g.
school newsletters, presentations to community and/or school groups,
fliers/brochures, posters, press releases, etc.).
Team Demographics and Operations- 2 points (2/25)
Company team-building (team-building activities, representation and
percentage of team involved in development, methods of team decisionmaking, etc.)
Company team demographics (evidence of team diversity – male,
female, variety of grades represented, minority involvement)
Marketing Presentation
Quality of Presentation- 10 points (10/25)
Communication skills and professionalism. Organized, prepared .
Meet specifications (time limit, 4 presenters, etc).
Creativity of format; visual elements like graphics, typography, images,
and information are used in a creative way- to enhance clarity.
Quality of Q&A response to judges questions
The road to success
Apply the engineering/design process:
Define the problem and establish constraints
Read the rules and requirements
 Research similar designs
 Inventory resources available
Brainstorm strategy and design possibilities
Evaluate the strategies & design approaches
Analyze several alternative solutions
Select strategy & preliminary design configuration
Accomplish final design- Build & test, modify & retest
Document process and decisions along the way!
Deliver product
Marketing Presentation
Judges’ Sample Comments: Complimentary
Excellent; presentation was outstanding; this team had lots of
The “Project Manager” was great.
Introductions were excellent; good brochures.
Well-prepared; all elements covered. Prototyping was excellent.
Hit all points. Obvious that the students can follow instructions.
Excellent presentation. Clever approach as a company organization.
Students were involved and enthusiastic.
Eager to respond to questions.
Role-playing was effective in presenting details of design and
Well-prepared for questions.
Marketing Presentation
Judges’ Sample Comments: Criticism
Speaker spoke too fast during presentation
Visual aids would have helped
Students did not show any enthusiasm
Not dressed suitably
Needed better drawings
No evidence of forethought, or planning
Students did not cover the required items to be accomplished in the
presentation; we had to pull these out in the Q&A
Rock and roll music does not add to presentation; video is more effective
with a narrator
Marketing Presentation
Judges’ Advice
Don’t read the presentation verbatim, use cards for notes. Look at
your audience, not at the projection screen.
Use visual aids
• Pictures of people, drawings, mockups, your actual robot, etc.
• Take advantage of technology- software like PowerPoint, etc.
Dress appropriately, professionally
• Dress and speak like you’re interviewing for a scholarship
• ‘Casual business’ is expected, or better.
Lessons from a master presenter
Collecting images/info, organizing,
sketching the story
Building the presentation
Rehearsing, and editing in response to
realized needs or excesses
Begin low-tech
His sense of informality came after grueling hours of practice.
Thank you!
David Klein, IDSA