TEACHER: CLASS: 7th Social Studies DATE: February 15-17 M T W TH F Topic 6, Lesson 6: Political Issues and Daily Life Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Resources: Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize Content Standards 1A: identify the major eras in Texas history, describe their defining characteristics, and explain why historians divide the past into eras, including Natural Texas and its People; Age of Contact; Spanish Colonial; Mexican National; Revolution and Republic; Early Statehood; Texas in the Civil War and Reconstruction; Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads; Age of Oil; Texas in the Great Depression and World War II; Civil Rights and Conservatism; and Contemporary Texas 1B: apply absolute and relative chronology through the sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time periods 1C: explain the significance of the following dates: 1519, mapping of the Texas coast and first mainland Spanish settlement; 1718, founding of San Antonio; 1821, independence from Spain; 1836, Texas independence; 1845, annexation; 1861, Civil War begins; 1876, adoption of current state constitution; and 1901, discovery of oil at Spindletop 4A: identify individuals, events, and issues during the administrations of Republic of Texas Presidents Houston, Lamar, and Jones, including the Texas Navy, the Texas Rangers, Edwin W. Moore, Jack Coffee Hays, Chief Bowles, William Goyens, Mary Maverick, José Antonio Navarro, the Córdova Rebellion, the Council House Fight, the Santa Fe Expedition, public debt, and the roles of racial and ethnic groups 6A: identify significant individuals, events, and issues from Reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th century, including the factors leading to the expansion of the Texas frontier, the effects of westward expansion on American Indians, the buffalo soldiers, and Quanah Parker 6B:identify significant individuals, events, and issues from Reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th century, including the development of the cattle industry from its Spanish beginnings and the myths and realities of the cowboy way of life 6C: identify significant individuals, events, and issues from Reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th century, including the effects of the growth of railroads and the contributions of James Hogg 6D: explain the political, economic, and social impact of the agricultural industry and the development of West Texas resulting from the close of the frontier 7A: explain the political, economic, and social impact of the oil industry on the industrialization of Texas 7C: describe and compare the impact of the Progressive and other reform movements in Texas in the 19th and 20th centuries such as the Populists, women's suffrage, agrarian groups, labor unions, and the evangelical movement of the late 20th century 8A: create and interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases representing various aspects of Texas during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries 8B: analyze and interpret geographic distributions and patterns in Texas during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries 9A: locate the Mountains and Basins, Great Plains, North Central Plains, and Coastal Plains regions and places of importance in Texas during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries such as major cities, rivers, natural and historic landmarks, political and cultural regions, and local points of interest 9C: analyze the effects of physical and human factors such as climate, weather, landforms, irrigation, transportation, and communication on major events in Texas 10A: identify ways in which Texans have adapted to and modified the environment and analyze the positive and negative consequences of the modifications 10B: explain ways in which geographic factors such as the Galveston Hurricane of 1900, the Dust Bowl, limited water resources, and alternative energy sources have affected the political, economic, and social development of Texas 11B: analyze how immigration and migration to Texas in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries have influenced Texas 12A: explain economic factors that led to the urbanization of Texas U.S. History Textbook Colonization through Reconstruction pp. (383-394) Online Editable presentation (p.383) Start Up Activity: (p.383) Reading and Note Taking Study Guide (p.383) Analyze Maps, Tables, Visuals, Information (p. 389 and 391) Interactive Gallery (p.387) Digital Activity(p.394) Digital Lesson Quiz (p.394) 12B: trace the development of major industries that contributed to the urbanization of Texas such as transportation, oil and gas, and manufacturing 13A: analyze the impact of national and international markets and events on the production of goods and services in Texas such as agriculture, oil and gas, and computer technology 13B: analyze the impact of economic concepts within the free enterprise system such as supply and demand, profit, government regulation, and world competition on the economy of Texas 13C: analyze the impact of significant industries in Texas such as oil and gas, aerospace, medical, and computer technologies on local, national, and international markets 17A: identify different points of view of political parties and interest groups on important Texas issues, past and present 18B: identify the contributions of Texas leaders, including Lawrence Sullivan "Sul" Ross, John Nance Garner ("Cactus Jack"), James A. Baker III, Henry B. González, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Barbara Jordan, Raymond L. Telles, Sam Rayburn, and Raul A. Gonzalez Jr Process Standards 20A: compare types and uses of technology, past and present 20C: analyze the effects of various scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the development of Texas such as advancements in the agricultural, energy, medical, computer, and aerospace industries 20D: evaluate the effects of scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the use of resources such as fossil fuels, water, and land 21A: differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources such as computer software, databases, media and news services, biographies, interviews, and artifacts to acquire information about Texas 21C:organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps 21H: use appropriate mathematical skills to interpret social studies information such as maps and graphs 22A: use social studies terminology correctly 22B: use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and proper citation of sources 22C: transfer information from one medium to another, including written to visual and statistical to written or visual, using computer software as appropriate Objective/Key Understanding: Explain the significance of the adoption of the Constitution of 1876. Describe the impact of reform movements in Texas in the 19th century. Explain how urban growth impacted the development of Texas. List the problems that confronted rural communities in Texas. Describe the hardships faced by African American, Tejanos, and women in Texas. Introduce Vocabulary Activity (p.383) capitol trolley rebates segregation trusts lynching monopoly coalition James Stephen Hogg Lawrence Sullivan “Sul” Ross Informal Assessment Questions 1-5 (p.394) Summarize the constitution of 1876 was significant for the Texas government. How did the Democrats’ efforts to reduce the state debt have a negative impact on some Texans? Contrast how the Texas economy of the late 1800s was profitable for railroads but challenging for others. Why was the Texas governor’s election of 1892 such competitive one? Why did ethnic and racial minorities in Texas still face problems despite the fact that slavery was banned after the Civil War? Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions What did the constitution of 1876 achieve? Why did farmers organize to fight the railroads? What problems were caused by urbanization in Texas? How did rural life in Texas differ from city life? What challenges did women face in the late 1800s? Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems Changing Time in Texas (pg.384-385) Explain why Democrats decided to write and adopt a new state constitution in 1876. How did the Texas government promote a free-enterprise system of economics? Why did the state nevertheless remain in debt? Texans Fight for Reforms (p.385-390) Identify the views of the Southern Alliance on the Texas economy. Compare the Grange with the Farmers’ Alliance. Population Growth and Urbanization (390-392) Explain the economic factors that led to the urbanization of Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio. Give an example of how urbanization and changes in geographic distribution patterns affected the Texas economy. Rural Communities (p.392-393) What economic factors led to migration from rural to urban areas? Draw a conclusion about the geographic distribution of natural resources in Polk County, Texas during the 19 th century. Discrimination Remains a Persistent Problem (p.393-394) Describe the two forms of segregation put forth by democrats in the late 19 th century. Make a prediction about how reform movements in the 20th century will affect African Americans, Tejanos, and women in Texas. Online Resources, Analyzing Maps and Charts & Digital Activity Online Editable Presentation (p.383) Use the Editable Presentation found on the Digital Course to present the main ideas for this lesson Start Up Activity: A Growing Population(p.383) Project the Start Up Activity: A Growing Population (p.383). Ask students to review the table and answer the questions as they enter and get settled. Have students share their answers with a partner. Why do you think the geographic distribution and settlement patterns of the population of Texas changed so greatly? How do you think these changes affected life in Texas? Reading and Note Taking Study Guide (p.383) Students can preview Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary using the Interactive Reading Notebook on the Digital Course or preview of the lesson in the Reading and Note taking Study Guide Analyze Cartoons (p.386) Review the cartoon on page 386. Which point of view does the cartoon most support-the farmers’ or the railroads? Analyze Charts (p.389) Review the chart, 1894 Texas Gubernatorial Election, on page 389. Based on the voting results shown in the pie chart, what issues concerned most Texas voters in 1894? Analyze Data (p. 391) Review the line graph, Texas Population, 1860-1910, on page 391. Based on the graph, how did Texas’s population likely change between 1910 and 1920? Digital Activity: Texans Call for Reform (p.394) Project the Digital Activity: Texans Call for Reform (p.394). Have students read the activity and then answer with the class, citing examples for support. Have student review their answers to the questions from the beginning of the lesson. Ask them if they would change or add to their answers now that they have would change or add the causes and effects of urbanization in the late 19 th century. Ask students how they think migration, immigration, urbanization will continue to impact the state into the 20 th century. Digital Lesson Quiz (p.394) Assign the Digital Lesson Quiz (p.394) Discuss with the class: In Political Issues and Daily Life, you read about economic, political, and social changes that led to reform movements in Texas in the late 19th century. What was the impact of the Populist Party on Texas politics and on life for ordinary Texans? When democrats rewrote the state constitution, they wanted to limit government power. Many Texans later called for reforms to regulate the economy. Which position do you agree with, and why? Lesson Plan Engage *Have students preview the lesson objectives and the list of key terms (p.383). Use the Editable Presentation found on the digital course to present the main ideas of the lesson (p.383). Start Up Activity: A Growing Population(p.383) Project the Start Up Activity: A Growing Population (p.383). Ask students to review the table and answer the questions as they enter and get settled. Have students share their answers with a partner. Why do you think the geographic distribution and settlement patterns of the population of Texas changed Explore Explain Elaborate so greatly? How do you think these changes affected life in Texas? *Tell students that in this lesson they will be learning about the urbanization of Texas and the impact of reform movements in the 19th century. *Divide the class into groups. Each group is to read a section and be prepared to discuss and share findings with the class. Changing Time in Texas (pg.384-385) Texans Fight for Reforms (p.385-390) Population Growth and Urbanization (390-392) Rural Communities (p.392-393) Discrimination Remains a Persistent Problem (p.393-394) *Students are to read assigned sections and use the Note Taking Study Guide to help them take notes and understand the text as they read. *Tell students that in this lesson they will be learning about the urbanization of Texas and the impact of reform movements in the 19th century. Changing Time in Texas (pg.384-385) Texans have a long history of opposing a strong central government. However, the constitution of 1869 set up by Republicans during Reconstruction did not follow this model. As a result, the first order of business for Coke and other Democrats when they returned to power was to replace the state’s constitution. Most Texans thought it gave the state government too much power. Texans sent delegates to a constitutional convention in Austin. There, they wrote the constitution of 1876. The constitution of 1876, heavily amended, remains the state constitutions of Texas to this day. Texans Fight for Reforms (p.385-390) The late 1800s and early 1900s was a time of reform in the U.S. The Progressive movement, as it was known, aimed to address a range of social and economic problems. Many Texans joined in this movement. Population Growth and Urbanization (390-392) Texans thought that if the state’s population grew, it would spur the economy. To help the effort, lawmakers created the Bureau of Immigration. This agency sent out pamphlets about Texas to people in other states. Rural Communities (p.392-393) Despite the growth of cities, Texas was still a mostly rural state. In 1900, more than four out of five Texans lived in rural areas. Discrimination Remains a Persistent Problem (p.393-394) National trends during the Civil War and Reconstruction eras forced a lot of political changes on Texas. However, changes in Texas society took hold much more slowly. Most Texans at that time completely rejected the idea of equality for all people. *Guided Reading and Discussion Questions See Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems from the previous page for this portion of the lesson. *Analyzing Maps and Charts & Digital Activity See Online Resources from the previous page for this portion of the lesson. *Active Classroom Divide students into groups and assign each group one or more of the following issues related to reform movements in Texas in the 19th century: the populists women’s suffrage agrarian groups African American voting rights James Hogg Have students use the Sticky Notes Strategy to jot down questions, comments, or observations about their issues on sticky notes and post them on the wall. Have groups sort and discuss their sticky notes as a group, then share their conclusions with the class. *Topic of Inquiry Students will examine primary and secondary source documents to answer the following question: What political, economic, and social impact did the development of the agriculture, railroad, and oil industries have on Texas from Reconstruction to the early twentieth century? Examining how these major industries affected Texas’s development will contribute to the students’ understanding of the Essential Question: How do we affect the economy? *Assign the Digital Lesson Quiz for this lesson (p.394). Teachers can also opt to have students demonstrate Evaluate TEACHER: mastery by responding to the following questions on paper: Summarize the constitution of 1876 was significant for the Texas government. How did the Democrats’ efforts to reduce the state debt have a negative impact on some Texans? Contrast how the Texas economy of the late 1800s was profitable for railroads but challenging for others. Why was the Texas governor’s election of 1892 such competitive one? Why did ethnic and racial minorities in Texas still face problems despite the fact that slavery was banned after the Civil War? CLASS: 7th Social Studies DATE: February 18-19 M T W TH F Topic 6, Lesson 7: A Hurricane and the Oil Boom Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Resources: Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize Content Standards 1A: identify the major eras in Texas history, describe their defining characteristics, and explain why historians divide the past into eras, including Natural Texas and its People; Age of Contact; Spanish Colonial; Mexican National; Revolution and Republic; Early Statehood; Texas in the Civil War and Reconstruction; Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads; Age of Oil; Texas in the Great Depression and World War II; Civil Rights and Conservatism; and Contemporary Texas 1B: apply absolute and relative chronology through the sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time periods 1C: explain the significance of the following dates: 1519, mapping of the Texas coast and first mainland Spanish settlement; 1718, founding of San Antonio; 1821, independence from Spain; 1836, Texas independence; 1845, annexation; 1861, Civil War begins; 1876, adoption of current state constitution; and 1901, discovery of oil at Spindletop 4A: identify individuals, events, and issues during the administrations of Republic of Texas Presidents Houston, Lamar, and Jones, including the Texas Navy, the Texas Rangers, Edwin W. Moore, Jack Coffee Hays, Chief Bowles, William Goyens, Mary Maverick, José Antonio Navarro, the Córdova Rebellion, the Council House Fight, the Santa Fe Expedition, public debt, and the roles of racial and ethnic groups 6A: identify significant individuals, events, and issues from Reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th century, including the factors leading to the expansion of the Texas frontier, the effects of westward expansion on American Indians, the buffalo soldiers, and Quanah Parker 6B:identify significant individuals, events, and issues from Reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th century, including the development of the cattle industry from its Spanish beginnings and the myths and realities of the cowboy way of life 6C: identify significant individuals, events, and issues from Reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th century, including the effects of the growth of railroads and the contributions of James Hogg 6D: explain the political, economic, and social impact of the agricultural industry and the development of West Texas resulting from the close of the frontier 7A: explain the political, economic, and social impact of the oil industry on the industrialization of Texas 7C: describe and compare the impact of the Progressive and other reform movements in Texas in the 19th and 20th centuries such as the Populists, women's suffrage, agrarian groups, labor unions, and the evangelical movement of the late 20th century 8A: create and interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases representing various aspects of Texas during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries 8B: analyze and interpret geographic distributions and patterns in Texas during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries 9A: locate the Mountains and Basins, Great Plains, North Central Plains, and Coastal Plains regions and places of importance in Texas during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries such as major cities, rivers, natural and historic landmarks, political and U.S. History Textbook Colonization through Reconstruction pp. (395-403) Online Editable presentation (p.395) Start Up Activity: (p.395) Reading and Note Taking Study Guide (p.395) Analyze Maps, Tables, Visuals, Information (p.397 and 399) Interactive Gallery (p.398) 3D-Model: Exploring an Oil Derrick (p.399) Digital Activity: How Do We Affect the Economy? (p.403) Digital Lesson Quiz (p.403) cultural regions, and local points of interest 9C: analyze the effects of physical and human factors such as climate, weather, landforms, irrigation, transportation, and communication on major events in Texas 10A: identify ways in which Texans have adapted to and modified the environment and analyze the positive and negative consequences of the modifications 10B: explain ways in which geographic factors such as the Galveston Hurricane of 1900, the Dust Bowl, limited water resources, and alternative energy sources have affected the political, economic, and social development of Texas 11B: analyze how immigration and migration to Texas in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries have influenced Texas 12A: explain economic factors that led to the urbanization of Texas 12B: trace the development of major industries that contributed to the urbanization of Texas such as transportation, oil and gas, and manufacturing 13A: analyze the impact of national and international markets and events on the production of goods and services in Texas such as agriculture, oil and gas, and computer technology 13B: analyze the impact of economic concepts within the free enterprise system such as supply and demand, profit, government regulation, and world competition on the economy of Texas 13C: analyze the impact of significant industries in Texas such as oil and gas, aerospace, medical, and computer technologies on local, national, and international markets 17A: identify different points of view of political parties and interest groups on important Texas issues, past and present 18B: identify the contributions of Texas leaders, including Lawrence Sullivan "Sul" Ross, John Nance Garner ("Cactus Jack"), James A. Baker III, Henry B. González, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Barbara Jordan, Raymond L. Telles, Sam Rayburn, and Raul A. Gonzalez Jr Process Standards 20A: compare types and uses of technology, past and present 20C: analyze the effects of various scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the development of Texas such as advancements in the agricultural, energy, medical, computer, and aerospace industries 20D: evaluate the effects of scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the use of resources such as fossil fuels, water, and land 21A: differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources such as computer software, databases, media and news services, biographies, interviews, and artifacts to acquire information about Texas 21C:organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps 21H: use appropriate mathematical skills to interpret social studies information such as maps and graphs 22A: use social studies terminology correctly 22B: use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and proper citation of sources 22C: transfer information from one medium to another, including written to visual and statistical to written or visual, using computer software as appropriate Objective/Key Understanding: Understand why the Galveston Hurricane caused a large amount of destruction. Explain the ways in which the Galveston Hurricane affected the development of Texas. Describe some of earliest uses for oil. Explain the significance of the discovery of oil at Spindletop in 1901. Explain how the oil industry contributed to the industrialization of Texas. Introduce Vocabulary Activity (p.395) barrier island hurricanes wildcatter roughneck Galveston Hurricane Spindletop Hill Informal Assessment Questions 1-5 (p.403) How might Galveston have avoided such heavy damage from the hurricane of 1900? Which aspects of modern Galveston geography are results of the hurricane of 1900? How did the Corsicana oil field play a role in the birth of the oil industry? Why was Spindletop such a “good surprise” for Texas? Why was the discovery of oil at Spindletop a turning point for the state of Texas? Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions What sort of challenges did Galveston face in the 19th century before the hurricane? What steps did the city of Galveston take to help protect the city from future hurricanes? What was the significance of the “gusher” at Spindletop? What was one way the state used oil revenue? Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 (p.396-398) Give examples that explain why the hurricane had such a devastating effect on Galveston. How did the destruction and failure of communications systems affect the impact of the storm? How do you think the storm will shape the political, economic, and social development of Galveston? After the Storm (p.398-399) Describe the political developments in Galveston following the hurricane. Cite evidence that these developments affected other cities as well. How do you think the hurricane affected the economic development of Galveston? Provide evidence for support. What do you think were the social effects of the storm? Explain your reasoning. A Boom Begins the Age of Oil (p.399-401) Why does the author describe the 1901 discovery of oil at Spindletop as “one of the most significant dates in Texas history? What technological innovation affected the use of fossil fuels? How do you think this will affect the development of the Texas economy? Trace the early development of the oil industry in Texas. A Boom Changes the Economy (p. 401-403) Use the example of Beaumont to explain how the development of the oil industry contributed to the urbanization of the oil industry contributed to the urbanization of Texas. Online Resources, Analyzing Maps and Charts & Digital Activity Online Editable Presentation (p.395) Use the Editable Presentation found on the Digital Course to present the main ideas for this lesson Start Up Activity: The Galveston Hurricane (p.395) Project the Start Up Activity: The Galveston Hurricane (p.395). Ask students to read the quote and answer the questions as the get settled. Have students share their answers with a partner. Does Dr. Cline’s account seem reliable? Why or why not? Why was the hurricane so devastating for the people of Galveston? How do you think the storm affected the city of Galveston over time? Reading and Note Taking Study Guide (p.395) Students can preview Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary using the Interactive Reading Notebook on the Digital Course or preview of the lesson in the Reading and Note taking Study Guide Analyze Maps (p.397) Review the map, Texas hurricane Over Time, on page 397. Which region of Texas was most likely to experience bad hurricanes? What geographic factors might explain that pattern? Analyze Data (p.399) Review the infographic, The Age of Oil, on page 399. What was the most significant result of the discovery of oil at Spindletop? What data supports your evaluation? Digital Activity: How Do We Affect the Economy? (p.403) Project the Digital Activity: How Do We Affect the Economy? (p.403). Have students read the activity and list at least 5 ways that people’s actions affected the economy of Texas. Remind students to consider the economic impact of the oil industry, the growth of related industries, and the uses of oil revenue. Have students share their lists with a partner or class. How did the discovery of oil make Texas a more industrialized state? In addition to the economic impact of the oil industry, how did the industry shape Texas politics and society? Have student lit the political and social impacts of the oil industry as well as the ways oil affected the development of Texas. Digital Lesson Quiz: (p.403) Assign the Digital Lesson Quiz (p.403). Discuss with the class: In A Hurricane and the Oil Boom, you read about the effects of the Galveston Hurricane and the impact of the oil industry. Describe the defining characteristics of the Age of Oil. Give an example of how technological advancements in the energy industry affected the development of Texas. Lesson Plan Engage Explore Explain Elaborate *Have students preview the lesson objectives and the list of key terms (p.395). Use the Editable Presentation found on the digital course to present the main ideas of the lesson (p.395). Start Up Activity: The Galveston Hurricane (p.395) Project the Start Up Activity: The Galveston Hurricane (p.395). Ask students to read the quote and answer the questions as the get settled. Have students share their answers with a partner. Does Dr. Cline’s account seem reliable? Why or why not? Why was the hurricane so devastating for the people of Galveston? How do you think the storm affected the city of Galveston over time? *Tell students that in this lesson they will be learning about the effects of the hurricane and other major events, including the discovery that led to the Age of Oil. *Divide the class into groups. Each group is to read a section and be prepared to discuss and share findings with the class. The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 (p.396-398) After the Storm (p.398-399) A Boom Begins the Age of Oil (p.399-401) A Boom Changes the Economy (p. 401-403) *Students are to read assigned sections and use the Note Taking Study Guide to help them take notes and understand the text as they read. *Tell students that in this lesson they will be learning about the effects of the hurricane and other major events, including the discovery that led to the Age of Oil. The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 (p.396-398) Galveston was named after Bernardo de Galvez, the Spanish governor of Louisiana and viceroy of New Spain in the late 1700s. Galvez was a hero of the American Revolution. He helped the American patriots defeat the British in several battles. After the Storm (p.398-399) The storm that hit Galveston moved north out of Texas. It remained a strong storm as it crossed Oklahoma and Kansas After a few days, it passed into the North Atlantic. Meanwhile, Galveston was faced with death and destruction, and the challenge of rebuilding. The storm’s devastation, and the heroic efforts to recover from it, would have deep political economic, and social impacts on Texas history. A Boom Begins the Age of Oil (p.399-401) Spanish explorer Luis De Moscoso found oil in Texas in 1543. While stranded on the shore, Moscoso and his men saw oil floating on the surface of the water. They patched their leaking boats with the sticky slime. A Boom Changes the Economy (p. 401-403) Oil would become a huge industry in Texas-and around the world. Technological innovations would create huge demand for this product. The oil would transform local economies and markets, and national markets as well. *Guided Reading and Discussion Questions See Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems from the previous page for this portion of the lesson. *Analyzing Maps and Charts & Digital Activity See Online Resources from the previous page for this portion of the lesson. *Active Classroom Have students use the Wallpaper Strategy to design a piece of wallpaper using text and illustration that encapsulates something that have learned about the effects of the Galveston hurricane on the development of the city and state. Post students’ wallpaper and have them take a gallery walk through the images, noting what others have depicted. Students may jot down ideas as they occur and discuss their responses to the images. *Active Classroom Have students break into groups and use the Circle Write Strategy to answer the prompt: Why was the discovery of oil in Texas so important? Have students write as much as they can for 1 minute and then switch with the person on the right. Have the next person improve or elaborate on the response. Students continue to switch until the paper comes back to the first person. Have the groups share the best response with the class. *Topic of Inquiry Students will examine primary and secondary source documents to answer the following question: What political, economic, and social impact did the development of the agriculture, railroad, and oil industries have on Texas from Reconstruction to the early twentieth century? Examining how these major industries affected Texas’s development will contribute to the students’ understanding of the Essential Question: Evaluate How do we affect the economy? *Assign the Digital Lesson Quiz for this lesson (p.403). Teachers can also opt to have students demonstrate mastery by responding to the following questions on paper: How might Galveston have avoided such heavy damage from the hurricane of 1900? Which aspects of modern Galveston geography are results of the hurricane of 1900? How did the Corsicana oil field play a role in the birth of the oil industry? Why was Spindletop such a “good surprise” for Texas? Why was the discovery of oil at Spindletop a turning point for the state of Texas?