Design Patterns Introduction

Design Patterns
“Patterns are discovered, not invented”
Richard Helm
What’s a pattern?
 A pattern is a named abstraction
from a concrete form that
represents a recurring solution to a
particular problem.
Categories of Patterns
 Design patterns vary in granularity and
level of abstraction.
 By categorizing patterns, it becomes
easier to recognize and learn them
 patterns can be categorized by purpose
or scope
 purpose reflects what the pattern does
 scope specifies if the pattern applies to
classes or objects
 reflects what the pattern does
 Creational -- facilitate object creation
 Structural -- deal with the
composition of classes or objects
 Behavioral -- deal with the way
objects interact and distribute
 whether the pattern applies to classes
or objects
 class patterns:
 deal with relationships between classes or
subclasses established through inheritance
 these relationships are fixed at compile time
 objects patterns: deal with object
relationships that can be changed at
other ways to organize patterns
 some patterns are frequently used with
other patterns, for example composite is
often used with visitor and/or iterator
 some patterns are alternatives:
Prototype is usually an alternative for
Abstract Factory
 Some patterns are very similar in
structure, such as Composite and
How do Design Patterns Solve
Design Problems?
 The meaning of OO is well-known
 The hard part is decomposing the
system into objects to exploit:
flexibility, extensibility
ease of modification
Finding objects
 Many objects in the design come
from the analysis model
 But OO designs often end up with
classes that have no counterpart in
the real world
 Design Patterns help the modeler to
identify less obvious abstractions
and the objects that can capture
 Inheritance is a mechanism for reuse
 you can define a new kind of object in
terms of the old one
 you get new implementations almost
for free, inheriting most of what you
need from an existing class
 This is only half the story!
Program to an interface,
not an implementation
 Inheritance permits defining a family of
objects with identical interfaces
 polymorphism depends on this!
 all derived classes share the base class
 Subclasses add or override 0perations, rather
than hiding operations
 All subclasses then respond to requests in the
interface of the abstract class
Inheritance properly used
 clients are unaware of types of objects:
heuristic 5.12 - “explicit case analysis on the
type of an object is usually an error. The
designer should use polymorphism”. Riel
 clients only know about the abstract classes
defining the interface. heuristic 5.7: “All base
classes should be abstract”. Riel
 This reduces implementation dependencies
 program to an interface, not an implementation
 creational patterns help ensure this rule!
Two techniques for reuse
 inheritance: white box
 object composition: black box
advantage of inheritance for
 defined statically
 supported directly by the language:
straightforward to use
 easier to modify implementation
being reused
disadvantage of inheritance
 can’t change inherited implementation at runtime
 parent classes often define part of their
subclass’s physical representation
 because inheritance exposes the parent
implementation it’s said to “break
encapsulation” (GOF p.19, Sny86)
 change in parent => change in subclass
 What if inherited attribute is inappropriate?
object composition:
black box reuse
 objects are accessed solely through their
interfaces: no break of encapsulation
 any object can be replaced by another
at runtime: as long as they are the
same type
 favor object composition over class
inheritance. GOF p. 20
 but inheritance & composition work
 “a way of making composition as
powerful for reuse as inheritance”:
 GOF, p. 20
 [JZ91] Ralph Johnson and Jonathan Zweig,
Delegation in C++, JOOP, f(11):22-35,
Nov. 91
 [Lie86] Henry Lieberman. Using
prototypical objects to implement shared
behavior in OO systems. OOPSLA, pp 214223, Nov. ‘86
delegation: reuse
 In delegation, 2 objects handle a
 analogous to subclass deferring
request to parent
 in delegation, the receiver passes
itself to the delegate to let the
delegated operation refer to the
delegating area() to rectangle
return rectangle->area()
return width*height
advantages of delegation
 can change behaviors at run-time
 window can become square at runtime by replacing Rectangle with
Square, (assuming Rectangle & Square
are same type!)
 There are run-time costs.
 delegation in patterns: State,
Strategy, Visitor, Mediator, Bridge
delegating area() to square
return square->area()
return side*side
Patterns make design resistant to re-design
Robustness to Change
 Algorithmic dependencies: Template Method,
Visitor, Iterator, Builder, Strategy.
 Creating an object by specifying a class
explicitly: Abstract Factory, Factory Method,
 Dependence on specific operations: Command,
Chain of Responsibility
 Dependence on object representation or
implementation: Abstract Factory, Bridge, Proxy
 Tight coupling: Abstract Factory, Command,
Facade, Mediator, Observer, Bridge
Patterns make design resistant to redesign
 Extending functionality by subclassing:
Command, Bridge, Composite, Decorator,
Observer, Strategy
 Inability to alter classes conveniently:
Visitor, Adapter, Decorator
Design Confidence
 Design Inexperience: “Is my design
 Patterns engender confidence
 used twice & blame the GOF
 still room for creativity
Design Coverage
 Large portion of design can be
covered by patterns
 Seductively simple to implement
 most explained in a few pages
 add no “extra-value” to end-user
 You still have to write functionality:
patterns don’t solve the problem
Design Understanding
 Most people know the patterns
If you’re looking at someone’s design & you
identify a pattern, you immediately
understand much of the design
 Common design vocabulary
 “Let’s use a Builder here”
 Design language beyond language
 Problem-oriented language
 program in rather than into the language
Common Problems
 Getting the “right” pattern
 Taming over-enthusiasm
 you “win” if you use the most patterns
 everything solved by the last pattern you
How to select a pattern
know a basic catalog
scan intent section
study patterns of like purpose
consider a cause of redesign