
Woodstock Public Library District
Library Board Meeting of March 19, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:05pm
Present: Stuart Auchincloss, Katryna Barber, Doris Goldberg, Dorothea Marcus, Barry Samuels, Geoffrey
Hanowitz, Caroline Ritchey, Jesse Jones & Amy Raff, Director.
Excused: Barry Miller, Kathleen Lee, Elaine Hammond
Approval of agenda: Barry Samuels moved, Dorothea Marcus second to approve agenda. All ayes.
Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Katryna Barber moved, Geoffrey Hanowitz second to approve the minutes of
February 19, 2015. All ayes. Motion carried. Geoffrey Hanowitz moved, Caroline Ritchey second to
approve minutes from March 5, 2015 meeting. All ayes. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Dorothea Marcus moved, Katryna Barber second to approve voucher numbers 15005
thru 15402. All ayes. Motion carried. Katryna Barber moved, Jesse Jones second to approve financial
report. All ayes. Motion carried. Geoffrey Hanowitz second, Katryna Barber second to move$ 9802.77 to
uncompensated absences fund of the assigned unappropriated funds. All ayes. Motion carried.
Caroline Ritchey moved, Dorothea Marcus second to approve the NYS statistical report submitted to the
state. All ayes. Motion carried.
Director’s Report:
Director’s Report for March 19, 2015 Meeting
Prepared by Amy Raff
1. Programs at the Library
Live at the Library Saturday, March 21, 2015
English Classes for Spanish Speakers: Avie, a fluent Spanish speaker and teacher who has worked abroad
P&W Workshop: ½ grant and ½ paid for by the friends
Readers’ Theater: Last Saturday there was a Readers Theater performance of James and Giant Peach.
Readers Theater is an integrated approach of involving kids in reading, writing, listening & speaking activities.
It gives children a chance to share literature, perform with a purpose and work collaboratively! There were over
50 people in the audience. b/c it had to be held upstairs the attendees had to bring the chairs up and down when
the performance was over. b/c it is not handicapped accessible people could have been prevented from
attending & Lesley had to limit attendees to 5 per child. Also, the program is constantly interrupted b/c people
are going in and out of the room to use the bathroom downstairs. Why does this matter? The children who are
the future of this town and this world and their families and friends deserve an appropriate space for their
programs and an appropriate space for more programs.
2. NYS Annual Report: Resolution & Statistical Highlights
Outside of the system ILL at Wdstck requested 839/received 698 which a 83% fill rate (MHLS facilitated over
500 with a fill rate of 68%) we pay about $1,000 a year for access to database that makes it possible
3. Library Advocacy Update: The Senate has proposed matching an increase to library aid with their proposed
increase to Education Aid, which would result in a ~$5 million increase to library aid. The Assembly has proposed
a $2 million increase.
Committee Reports:
Planning Committee: Planning National Library Week.
Public Relations: New library TV show is on youtube. Please forward the link to your friends.
Policy: Meeting in April.
Personnel: Rebekkah Smith Aldrich will be coming to run a board retreat on April 30, 2015.
Building: Two companies recommend mold remediation after the mold testing. Both quotes are over
$8,000 so, another quote will be obtained.
Outreach: Meeting tomorrow.
Old Business: Jesse Jones moved, Doris Goldberg second to hire a library savvy architect to update the
master plan as soon as possible. Ayes: Stuart Auchincloss, Katryna Barber, Jesse Jones, Caroline Ritchey,
Barry Samuels, Dorothea Marcus, Doris Goldberg. Nay: Geoffrey Hanowitz. Motion carried.
Dorothea Marcus moved, Barry Samuels second to empower Stuart Auchincloss and Amy Raff to create
the RFP, with legal approval and send it to appropriate architects. All ayes. Motion carried.
Dorothea Marcus moved, Jesse Jones second to adjourn the meeting. All ayes. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:21pm.
Submitted by,
Amy Raff