1 Population Biology of Squid Loligo chinensis in The Waters of Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Joeharnani Tresnati1), Achmar Mallawa1) dan Nuraeni L. Rapi2) 1) 2) Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University Postgraduate Program, Hasanuddin University ABSTRACT Squid is an economically important resource. Currently, squid populations, especially in the waters of Barru Regency, were intensive exploited, that is feared to affect the population biology parameters. The study was conducted from February to April 2011. The sampling period was three times a week. The samples were obtained using random collection from the fishermen catch using large liftnet (“bagan Rambo”). Squid mantle length was measured to the nearest one mm. The parameters analyzed were age group, gonad maturity stage, growth, mortality, and exploitation rate. Squid population in Barru Regency consists of three age groups with the length of each mode of 50 mm, 105 mm, 145 mm for males, and 47 mm, 92 mm, 124 mm for females. The gonad maturity stage (GMS) ranging from GMS I to IV for males and females, with the largest percentage of GMS III (47.82% in males and 50.06% in females). The squid first maturity is reached at 94.3827 mm in long coat for males, and 59.6735 mm for females. Growth equation for males was Lt = 227 {1 - e -0.31 (t + 0.30)} and females are Lt = 196 {1-e-0, 37 (t +0.26)}. The total mortality rate (Z) is 1.59 for males and 1.63 for females. The natural mortality rate (M) is 0.20 for males and 0.57 for females. The capture mortality rate (F) is 1.39 for males and 1.06 for females. The highest CPUE values reached in 1999 was 0.0022 ton per trip, while the smallest CPUE values reached in 2001 was 0.0001 tons per year. The greatest catches could be reached with fishing effort of 50 000 trips with catches of 50 tonnes. Key words : Age group, Gonad maturity stage, Growth, Mortality, MSY, Exploitation Rate Introduction In Indonesia, squid (Loligo sp) is one of important economically valuable fishery commodities, and an export commodity. Due to significant economic value and very popular, the demand for squid increased. This trend will urge fishermen to conduct intensive arrest, while it is known that the production of squid still hanging on the stock in the wild so feared arrest intensification will somehow threaten the sustainability of resource commodity. The squid in Indonesia are almost all surface waters, such as waters of the west coast of Sumatra (Aceh and North Sumatra), Strait Java (West Java and Central Java), Bali, NTB, NTT, South and West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Northern Sulawesi, Maluku and Irian Jaya (Pratiwi and Ward, 1996 in Nurcahaya, 2004). Waters in Barru Ragency that include in Makassar strait in South Sulawesi are included in the scope of a potential Indonesian waters will capture squid, cuttlefish whereabouts has long been used by the surrounding community as income and food ingredients. According to statistics of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources of South Sulawesi, the production of squid in Barru increase since 2002 amounted to 25.7 tons to 127.1 tonnes in 2008. If the arrest was made on a continuous basis to meet consumer demand in the absence of a business setting, the biological resources of squid in a certain period can have excess catch and result in disruption of resource sustainability. The results Sriwana (2007) in the waters of Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi using large liftnet (bagan rambo) scored exploitation 2 rate of 0.70 per year. Syriac (2007) in the waters of the North Galesong District, Takalar get the value of exploitation rate of 0.79 per month. The data indicate that the level of exploitation of the squid is very high. Statistical data of 1999 - 2008 obtained the catch per trip on the amount of fishing gear decreased at the end of the year, 0.0013 on purse seine and 0.0853 on the large liftnet (bagan rambo), while the longline had increase of 0.3556 (Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan Sulawesi Selatan, 2009). A realistic view of the stock in the sustainable management of fishery resources, is included to take advantage of the existing stock in the optimal, for example squid stocks. For this purpose it is necessary to analyze the impact of squid fishing technology, and biological characteristics must be understood as the dynamic nature of fish resources. One way to know the size of the squid that first ripe gonads can be used as one indication of the gear arrangement specifically regarding mesh sizes of large liftnet. It can be used as a reference in the sustainable management of fisheries resources. Materials and Methods The study was conducted in February-April 2011 in the waters of Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. The sampling period was three times a week. There are 2090 squids used in this study, which number of males are 1307 individu and females are 783 individu. Each squid mantle length is measured with a ruler and expressed in millimeters and then calculate the rate of gonadal maturation, maturation, growth, mortality, MSY, and the exploitation rate. Determination of the age group using the method of Bhattacharya (1967) which divides the squid in batches mantle lenght. To get good results, the observed frequency is converted into a frequency count (Fc) using the normal distribution equation (Hassel Blad in Sparre et al. 1989) : Fc = n.dl S√2π −(X− ̅̅̅̅̅ X)2 exp [ 2𝑆 2 ]wherein Fc is frequency calculated, n is number of squid, dl is interval of class, sd is standard deviation, x is mean of squid’s mantle length, π = 3,1415. Estimation of growth parameters using the Von Bertalanffy growth formula (Sparre et al. 1999) : Lt = L∞(l-e-K(t-to)), wherein Lt is total mantle length (mm), L∞ is asymptotic mantle length (mm), K is growth coefficient, t0 is age theoretical squid at zero length (years) and t is age (years). To determine the asymptotic length of squid (L∞) and growth coefficient (K) is used in the method of Ford and Walford in Sparre et al. (1999), by plotting L (T + Δt) and L (T) : L(t + ∆t) = a + b. L(t), then bring in to linear equation : Y = a + bX, wherein a = L∞ (1-b) and b = exp(-K. ∆t), a −1 thus obtained : L∞ = and K = . Furthermore, to determine t0 1−b ∆t Ln b formula of Pauly (1980) used Log (-to) = -0,3922 – 0,2752 (Log L∞) – 1,038 (Log K). Natural mortality allegedly using empirical formula Pauly (1980) : Ln M = -0,0066 – 0,279 Ln L ∞ + 0,6543 Ln K + 0,4634 Ln T, wherein M is the rate of natural mortality (years), L∞ mantle length asymptote (mm), K is growth coefficient, T is water temperature (˚C). Total mortality would be expected with the Beverton and Holt equations presented in the Sparre et al. (1999) : L L , wherein Z is the rate of total mortality (years), L is mean Z K L L 3 of mantle length (mm), L’ is Limit length of the smallest class size squid caught (mm). Fishing mortality (F) is suspected by the equation: Z = F + M, then obtain : F = Z – M. Observations gonad maturity, gonadal morphology done by macroscopic observation (visual observation by looking at the color and texture of the gonads) and histology used gonad maturity criteria of Sepioteuthis lessoniana Lesson, 1830. To determine the size of the first ripe gonads in fish can be predicted using the Spearman-Karber method as X proposed by Udupa (1986) : Log m=Xk+ - (X x ∑pi) 2 If a = 0,05; 95% confidence limit of m : Anti log (m ± 1,96 √X 2 ∑(pi x qi) ni−1 ) wherein m is Log of mantle length while the squid’s gonads are mature, Xk is Log class midpoint when all the squid (100%) mature gonads, X is log difference in median, pi is proportion mature squid in the class-i (pi = ri/ni), qi is the number of mature squid in the class i, ni is the number of squid in the class i, qi = 1 – pi Exploitation rate analysis of squid by collecting secondary data from annual catch statistics obtained from the Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Sulawesi Selatan for 10 years and performed standardized gear, then used methods of Schaefer and Fox in Ricker(1995) : Y/f = a + bf. To determine the potential of the squid sustainable use formulas MSY optimal amount of fishing gear : F opt a2 (ton) and 4b a . To determine the exploitation 2b rate : (Last Year Production / MSY) x 100%. Standardization of fishing effort 𝐶𝑃𝑈𝐸𝑛 following the equation (Gulland, 1982) : 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑑 = 𝑥 𝐸𝑛, wherein Estd = 𝐶𝑃𝑈𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑑 total capture effort that has been standardized (trip), CPUEn = CPUE gear to be standardized (tons / trip), CPUEstd = standard gear CPUE (tons / trip), En = fishing effort will standardize. To find high-low level of exploitation then used criteria level of exploitation(Mallawa, 2005):>80-60% very high levels of exploitation, 80-60% high levels of exploitation, 60-50% moderate of exploitation, <50% a low rate of exploitation. Results and Discussion Size Structure and Age Groups. The catch of squid for this research in the waters of Barru regency was 2090 individu. The squid males were 1307 individu and females 783 individu. The male squid that many caught in the class midpoints size 104 mm is 136 individu and the female on the size of the class midpoints of 100 mm is 139 individu. Catches gained at least 164 mm size of the class midpoints is 10 individu in males and the female on the size of the class midpoints of 154 mm is 7 individu (Fig.1 and 2). The number of samples of squid (Loligo chinensis) obtained during the study in Barru waters is 2090 individu. Based on the analysis of the results of the mapping method Bhattacharya class midpoint values by accounting for the difference in the natural logarithm of the frequency obtained three age groups for males and females with modus of length 50 mm, 105 mm, 145 mm for males and 47 mm, 92 mm, 124 mm for females (Figures 3 and 4). 4 Frequency 150 100 50 0 32 44 56 68 80 92 104 116 128 140 152 164 Class midpoint (mm) Figure 1. Relation between the Class Midpoint (mm) and the Frequency of Males Squid (individu) Frequency 150 100 50 0 34 46 58 Class 70 82midpoint 94 106(mm) 118 130 142 154 Figure 2. Relation between the Class Midpoint (mm) and the Frequency of Females Squid (individu) Both image mapping (Figures 3 and 4) showed the presence of three straight lines indicating that squid caught in the waters of Barru use Large lift net for each study consisted of three age groups. 1.00 0.50 L1 = 50 L2 = 105 L3 = 145 Δ Ln Fc 0.00 -0.50 32 44 56 68 74 86 98 110 122 134 140 152 164 -1.00 -1.50 -2.00 Class midpoint (mm) Figure 3. Mapping Between Class Midpoint and the Difference Frequency Effective Natural logarithm (ln Δ Fc) Males squid (Loligo chinensis) in waters of Barru Regency. 5 2.00 L2 = 92 Δ Ln Fc 1.50 1.00 0.50 L3 = 124 L1 = 47 0.00 -0.50 34 46 58 64 76 88 100 106 118 130 142 154 -1.00 -1.50 Class Midpoint (mm) Figure 4. Mapping Between Class Midpoint and the Difference Frequency Effective Natural logarithm (ln Δ Fc) Females squid (Loligo chinensis) in waters of Barru Regency. While the relationship between mantle length range, the relative age and mode of mantle length of squid (Loligo chinensis) in waters of Barru Regency can be seen in Table 1. Table 1. Relation between Range of Mantle Length (mm), Age Group and Mean Length of Squid (Loligo chinensis) Male and Female in the waters of Barru Regency. Range of Mean Length Frequency Sex Age Group Length (mm) (mm) (individu) Male Female 29 – 77 1 50 292 71 – 137 131 – 167 31 – 67 61 – 109 103 – 157 2 3 1 2 3 105 145 47 92 124 877 189 117 424 274 Table 1 shows that at the same relative age, male squid has a mantle length of the mode is larger than the female squid. Compared with the results of the study Sriwana (2007) in the waters of Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi on S. lessosiana use large lift net, obtained three age groups with a length mantle is 11.761 cm, 18.603 cm and 23.962 cm as well as research Nurcahaya (2004) in the waters of Bali on Loligo sp, using purse seine earned four age groups with length mantle is 66.07 mm, 85.88 mm, 100.03 mm and 115.15 mm. The difference in results is caused by the differences in fishing gear and species of squid were caught. Gonad Maturity Stage During the study used large lift net obtained different levels of gonadal maturation in the male and female sexes. Gonad maturity range of each sample squid ranging from GMS I - IV in males and females. Percentage GMS for squid males and females were caught in the waters of Barru Regency using large lift net can be seen in Table 2. 6 Table 2. Gonad Maturity Stage of Male and Female Squid were caught in the waters of Barru Regency Male Female Gonad Maturity Stage Number of sample Percentage Number of sample Percentage I 256 19.59% 109 13.92% II 211 16.14% 205 26.18% III 625 47.82% 392 50.06% IV 215 16.45% 77 9.83% Total 1307 100% 783 100% Based on Table 2, the male squid that is 1307 more than the number of 783 females squid. Greatest percentage of cuttlefish males at GMS III in the amount of 47.82% (625 individu) and females at GMS III in the amount of 50.06% (392 individu). Percentage of immature and mature gonads of squid can be seen in Table 3. Effendi (2000) stated that fish have a short periode spawning in a year or as long it spawn, will be marked by an increase in the percentage of high level of maturity in each would approach the spawning season. For those who have fish spawning season of the year, will get the maturity composition of gonad consisting of various levels with unequal percentages. Table 3. Percentage of squid (Loligo chinensis) Immature (GMS I and II) and mature (GMS III and IV) caught by large lift net. Sample n (individu) Male Immature Mature n (individu) Percentage n (individu) Percentage 1307 467 22.34% 840 40.19% Female 783 314 15.02% 469 22.44% Total 2090 781 37.37% 1309 62.63% Table 3 shows that immature gonads of male squid obtained 467 individu (22.34%) and 314 individu of female squid (15.02%), while the squid with mature gonad obtained 840 individu in males (40.19%) and 469 individu in females (22.44%). During the study the large lift net obtained squid with immature gonad 37.37% and mature gonad 62.63%. The results showed that squid populations are found in the Barru waters mostly located in the phase of mature gonads. Size in First Maturity Male squid has a mantle length range between 43-163 mm and squid females between 42-156 mm. There are differences in range size between the sexes. The results of the calculation male squid for first maturity stage at 94.3827 mm mantle length with a 95% confidence interval ranged from 93.3518 to 95.4248 mm. While the female squid at 59.6735 mm mantle 7 length with a 95% confidence interval ranged from 59.6729 to 59.6742 mm. Sukramongkol et al. (2005) in the waters of the Andaman Thailand get L. duvauceli mature sex on mantle length 125-224 mm in males and 103-186 mm in females, while Loligo chinensis mature sex on mantle length 121-286 mm in males and 104-235 mm in females. According to Andy Omar (2002) that the squid S. lessosiana first mature gonads in mantle length range 100109 mm for males and females at mantle length size range 150-159 mm. Fate (2004) found the squid S. lessosiana first spawn at mantle length range from 11.2 to 14.0 cm. Jackson and PECL (2003) in Australian waters get mature female squid with mantle length 165-358 mm, weighing 210-1700 g and mature male with mantle length 172-501 mm and weight of 175-2830 g. Mariani (2007) get the first ripe gonad size L. chinensis were caught on squid in the waters of Beba, Tamasaju Village, District of North Galesong, Takalar is 94.0 mm mantle length in the range of 88.65 to 99.75 mm in males and 98.1 mm mantle length in females or in the range of 92 , 51 to 104.09 mm. Growth Data analysis of the growth of the squid in the waters of Barru Regency used combined data chart catches rambo and purse seine. The results of the analysis using the Ford Walford (Sparre et al. 1989), obtained values of each growth parameter, which can be seen in Table 4. Table 4. Growth parameters (L∞, K and t0) Each Sex Squid (Loligo chinensis) in Barru Waters Growth parameters Asymptotic Length (mm) Coefficient Growth Rate Theoretical age Sex Male 227 0,31 -0,30 Female 196 0,37 -0,26 Table 4 shows that asymptotic length (L∞) for squid males larger than females is 227 mm for males and 196 mm for females. Growth coefficient (K) squid males and females showed a low value due to under 0.5 per year so it takes a long time to achieve asymptotic length. This is consistent with the statement Spare et al. (1989) that the fish has a low coefficient of growth rate will take a long time to achieve its symptotic length and fish that have a high growth rate of value takes quickly to achieve its asymptotic length. Asymptotic length and growth coefficient different from the results of research conducted by Thomas and Khizhakudan (2006) in Indian waters and get an asymptotic length coefficient growth in the squid Loligo duvauceli of 303 mm and 0.98 per year. Sriwana (2007) in the waters of Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, where the squid asimptot length S. lessosiana 43.30 cm while the coefficient of the growth rate of 0.24 cm per year. Charles and Sivashanthini (2010) in the northern waters of Sri Lanka to get the value of the coefficient of the growth rate of 0.85 per year with the theoretical age at first -0.18627 per annum while the maximum length coat (L∞) of 31.13 cm. The difference in results obtained, presumably due to differences in environmental conditions are not the same (Indian waters, the waters of the North Galesong District, Northern Sri Lankan waters and waters Barru), so the size and growth rate of squid differently. Nontji (1987) states that any 8 water has different properties in the geographical structure of the seasons and cycles of water, therefore the organisms that live in it will have the shape and size of different body. By using equation Von Berthalanffy (Spare et al. 1989) then in theory get old male squid (t0) is -0.30 (a relative), and -0.26 (relative time) for females. Based on the obtained values of growth parameters (L∞, K and t0) then the growth equation squid in waters Barru by Von Berthalanffy : Males Lt = 227 (1-e-0, 31 (t +0.30)) and Females Lt = 196 (1-e-0, 37 (t +0.26)). Shape of growth curve referred to specific growth curves where the squid in the early phase of his life experiencing rapid growth and will be followed by slower growth in older age. Effendi (1997) stated that the young fish will have a relatively rapid growth, being adult fish will be slower to reach the asymptotic. This is because the energy obtained from food is no longer used for growth, but is used to replace cells damaged body. Furthermore, Aziz (1989) suggested that the length of the body with respect to time shows a uniform level with the growth rate at the beginning, then downhill towards the theoretical maximum length or the asymptotic length. Mortality Estimation of the rate of mortality is important in analyzing the dynamics of fish populations, the rate of mortality can give an idea of the amount of stock that can be exploited on a population. Based on the value of the growth parameters obtained from the calculation in getting the value of the rate of total mortality (Z), natural mortality rate (M), and the rate of fishing mortality (F) of each sample squid were analyzed as shown in Table 5. Table 5 shows that fishing mortality (F) squid males and females is greater than natural mortality (M). This suggests that the death of squid in the waters Barru generally caused by the arrest. The results of research from Thomas and Khizhakudan (2006) in the waters of India scored 3.94 per year total mortality, natural mortality of 1.94 per year and fishing mortality 2.20 per year. Table 5. Alleged Value mortality (Z, M, F) squid (Loligo chinensis) in Waters of Barru Regency Natural mortality Total Mortality (Z) Fishing Mortality (F) Sex (M) Male 1,59 0,20 1,39 Female 1,63 0,57 1,06 Syriac (2007) in the District of North Galesong scored 1.53 per month total mortality in males and 1.53 for females 1.89 per month, natural mortality 0.14 per month in males and 0.40 females per month, fishing mortality 1.11 per month in males and 1.49 per year in females. Karnik and Chakraborty (2002) conducted research in the waters of Mumbai, India to get the value of the total mortality of 4.29 per year, 1.82 per year of natural mortality, fishing mortality 2.47 per year. Furthermore Neethiselvan and Venkataranami (2002) in the South Coast India scored 2.27 per year total mortality, natural mortality of 0.91 per year, fishing mortality 1.36 per year. Mortality values different from above by several studies in the waters of 9 Barru Regency presumably because the water conditions are not the same, so the cause of death would naturally be different, and the amount or intensity of arrests in each region are different. Mortality values different from above by several studies in waters of Barru Regency presumably because the water conditions are not the same, so the cause of death would naturally be different, and the amount or intensity of arrests in each region are different. Exploitation Rate Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) or maximum sustainable capture fisheries production is the maximum that can be maintained continuously, and is one of the parameters generated in the management of fisheries resources assessment. Estimated resource potential of squid is done by analyzing the data of total catch and fishing effort of fishing gear. By using statistical Office of Marine and Fisheries in southern Sulawesi Barru exploitation rates can be calculated using the production model of Schaefer and Fox in Ricker (1975). To find the catch per unit of arrest can be seen in Table 6. Table 6. Data Exploitation magnitude estimation results Catch and CPUE model Schaefer on squid in the waters of Barru Regency Year Catch (ton) Effort Standar (trip) CPUE 1999 51 23651 0.0022 2000 32 26729 0.0012 2001 12 83983 0.0001 2002 26 19199 0.0013 2003 28 58958 0.0005 2004 31 27396 0.0011 2005 34 25949 0.0013 2006 34 25012 0.0014 2007 125 31088 0.0040 2008 127 69422 0.0018 Table 6 shows that the highest CPUE values obtained in 1999 is 0.0022 tons per trip, whereas the smallest CPUE in 2001 is 0.0001 tonnes per year. It indicates that there is always an increase in fishing effort would increase the catch. This can be seen in 2001, where the attempts to arrest as many as 83,983 trip but production of squid only 12 tons. From the data in Table 6 after the model was analyzed by Schaefer obtained a regression equation as follows: Y= 0,002 - 0,00000002x or C/F = 0,128 - 0,00000002f 10 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yield (ton) MSY = 50 0 fopt = 50000 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Effort (trip) Figure 5. The relationship of the catch (Y) and attempts (f) for model Schaefer Figure 5 shows that the greater the effort to arrest the dwindling catches. Obtained the greatest catches in fishing effort by 50 000 trip which catches up to 50 tons. From the analysis of the data according to the model of Schaefer (Table 13), obtained MSY and maximum fishing effort amounted to 50 tons / year and 50,000 trip gear. This means that it is not possible to do additional trip arrests for fishing effort exceeds MSY. Table 7. Linear Estimation (Model Schaefer) CPUE = a + bf Parameter R a b MSY = -a2/4b f opt = -a/2b 2 Exploitation rate = (127/50) x 100% Value 0,155 0,002 -0,00000002 50 50000 = 254 % Theoretically, if the potential maximum sustainable (MSY) compared with annual catches by comparison MSY = annual catch (catch / year), then it belongs to the moderate level of exploitation or balanced, MSY is greater than the annual production of relatively low levels of exploitation and if MSY less than the annual production, the classified and highly exploitable. Conclusions Based on the results of research on the impact of fishing technology on squid (Loligo chinensis) in Barru waters, it can be concluded that: 1. Large liftnet impact on squid populations, characterized by the size of squid caught that small and generally not spawn yet (phase I and II). 2. 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