MINUTES OF THE R&D WORKING GROUP, MEETING Of NATIONAL BAMBOO MISSION (NBM) HELD ON 16.07.2013 A meeting of the R&D Working Group, National Bamboo Mission (NBM), was held on 16.07.2013 under the Chairmanship of DDG(NBM). List of participants is annexed. 2. Brief of the discussions and decisions taken in the meeting are as follows: (a) Dr. Mohinder Pal, Chief Consultant, NBM apprised the Group about the key findings as reflected in the final reports of the following R&D projects: I. Hydrologic and economic evaluation of bamboo plantations in gullied lands under major ravine systems of India; II. Studies on development of bamboo based agro forestry models for Himachal Pradesh; III. Ecological assessment, collection, multiplication and establishment of clonal banks of superior genotypes of economically important hill bamboos (Arundinaria Spp.) in Himachal Pradesh; IV. Development of bamboo agro forestry systems for six agro–climatic zones; V. Integrated development of bamboo for economic upliftment in Central India; VI. Development, Standardization and Dissemination of technologies for improving productivity and production of bamboo and bamboo based cropping system; VII. Studies on crop diversity, growth, productivity and biomass on bamboo based traditional home gardens of different agro climatic zones of Arunachal Pradesh; VIII. Evaluation of bamboo species in agrisilviculture / silvopastoral system of agro forestry under wasteland conditions of Madhya Pradesh; IX. An integrated approach of bamboo improvement: propagation, agro forestry models, protection, processing and utilization; X. Bamboo improvement for Integrating recent technologies. rural and tribal communities: XI. Conservation and sustainable development of dwarf bamboo in Garhwal Himalaya; XII. Locational trial of Dendrocalamus Strictus (Bamboo) develop/recommend standardised plantation with Guggul at Jaipur; XIII. Improving productivity of bamboo cultivation in farmlands of Tamil Nadu; XIV. Bamboo multilocation trial; XV. Development of production technology of bamboo for sustainable development of rural economy and agri-ecosystem in Eastern Uttar Pradesh; to After presentation and discussion the Working Group was of the view that the reports mentioned from srl no (i) to (x) contain vital information and may be very useful for the users, therefore these reports may be placed on the web portal of NBM for wider dissemination. (b) Dr. Pandalai, KFRI, Kerala presented the outline of the proposal for development of methodology of bamboo seed/seedlings certification. Group was of the view that methods for identification of seeds and nursery stock of different species of bamboo and criterion for accreditation of nurseries may also be developed. Keeping in view the importance and sensitivity of the methodology to be developed, it was suggested that a small group may be formed to advise and to look into the methodology proposed for certification/accreditation of nurseries. Accordingly, a small group with the following composition was constituted: I. II. III. IV. Director FRI.- Chairman Chief Consultant NBM – Member Expert from National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources - Member. Project Coordinator, KFRI - Convener Project Coordinator, KFRI will forward a copy of the draft report of the proposed methodology by 15th September, 2013 to all concerned. (c) Bureau of Indian Standards will prepare and submit a concept paper to NBM for review of existing standards and development of new standards required specifically for bamboo products. While finalizing the paper BIS may also consider recommendations given in the report entitled “National Mission On Bamboo Technology and Trade Development” of Planning Commission (2003). (d) ICFRE presented a proposal on “Bamboo Genetic Evaluation, Improvement and Propagation”. The Group was of the view that this project must be taken up on priority. However it was also suggested that the project may be implemented in a phased manner and for each phase the activity proposed to be taken, time frame and budget may be separately spelled out. ICFRE was accordingly requested to revise the project. (e) The problem of development of cracks in bamboo products even after seasoning was discussed in detail. The general view was that if proper procedure is followed the possibility of developing cracks is quite remote. ICFRE has offered to prepare a manual on various techniques of seasoning of bamboo culms particularly for value added products like furniture, handicrafts etc. It was also suggested to incorporate the best practices to be followed for seasoning in the proposed development of multimedia audio visual aids by ICFRE. List of Participants: S. No. Name & Designation Address Telephone/ Fax Nos. 1. Shri Sanjay Kumar, Deputy Director General (NBM) Room No. 109, B-wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 011-23389225 2. Dr. P.P. Bhojvaid, Director FRI & DDG (R), Dehradun Forest Research Institute, Dehradun 09411570056 3. Smt. Lalthan Pari, Scientist C (Civil Engg.), BIS, New Delhi BIS, 9BS2 Marg, New Delhi 09868524658 Dr. R.C. Pandalai, Programme 4. Coordinator E&T Division, KFRI – Peechi Coordinator, BTSG – South, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi – 680653 0487-2690330, 0487-2690339 Dr. E.M. Muralidharan, Programme Coordinator, 5. Biotechnology Department, KFRI, Peechi Assoc. coordinator, BTSG South Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi – 680653 6. Dr. Mohinder Pal, Chief Consultant (NBM) Room No. 119, B-wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 09871674034 7. Shri R.P. Meena, Asstt Commissioner (NBM) Room No. 107, F-wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 011-23382101 09447080848 0487-2690192 09446936961