SiD MDI Issues Tom Markiewicz/SLAC Beijing ACFA/GDE Meeting 05 February 2007 Issues : No Definite Solutions Surface Assembly and Underground Halls Space and Crane Requirements Detector Access Model in Push-Pull Scheme QD0 cryostat and support Anti-Solenoid Liquid Helium Supply “R20” detector package- Support and Alignment Model Beampipe and VXD Forward Tracker Lumical, Beamcal & Masks Not Covered Today Detector Shielding Model DID &Solenoid Field Calibration Scheme in Push-Pull Background Simulations 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 2 of 22 SiD Assembly Movie 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 3 of 22 Sequence of Operations • Detector subassembly construction & surface tests – Octants of muon chamber instrumented barrel yoke, barrel Hcal, barrel Ecal – Four sub-modules of EC return flux instrumented with muon chambers, donut Hcal, Ecal – Tracker, vertex and FCAL packages • Surface Magnet test – Assemble barrel support and the bottom 5/8 flux return octants – Drop in coil & cover with remaining 3/8 octants – Assemble two door legs and 4 360° (180 °?) plates of flux return – Test magnet and disassemble • Lower detector – Reassemble lower barrel with supports below ground – Load barrel HCAL and ECAL modules into coil cryostat via threaded beam – Lower loaded coil package and capture with upper barrel yoke segments – Depending on crane capacity • Lower fully assembled door • Lower door pieces, the last plate with the Endcap Ecal & Hcal, and reassemble • Tracker, VXD and FCAL installed below ground at last minute 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 4 of 22 A Surface Assembly Scenario for SiD M. Breidenbach -1 August 2006 M-Tons Stainless HCAL Radiator Tungten HCAL Radiator Barrel Endcap x2 Barrel Endcap x2 EM Cal 59 19 59 19 HCAL 354 33 367 46 Coil 160 Iron 2966/8= 374.5 2130/4= 532.5 1785/8= 223.125 1284 150 110 90 65 Loaded Coil=573 Assembled Door=2402 Loaded Coil=542 Assembled Door=1479 8.3m 10.4+2.0m Support x 2 116 (each ~5%Fe) Total to Lower Shaft Diameter(m) 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 5 of 22 Pre-Push Pull, 20mrad crossing angle, L*=3.5m Final Doublet Support and Access Plan • One cryostat with radial step support tube with corresponding step • Cryostat step @ z=4.8m: door can open 2m; radii from BNL Theta OD1 OD2 14 mrad 290mm 477mm 20mrad 305mm 512mm • Tube cantilevered from removable base just behind closed end cap door • Full coverage endcap Ecal/Hcal @ r>20cm • Forward instrumented steel return flux cut back ~10cm to clear step in cryostat when door open • Antisolenoid cryostat begins at r=30cm 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 6 of 22 2006-05-07 BNL Discussion 0.5 70mm x 1.7m AntiSolenoid Cryostat 0.4 Space to Open Door 60cm OD Support Tube 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 305 mm OD 38cm OD Cryostat Support Tube 2007.02.06 Beijing 0 2 ACFA/GDE 4 6 SiD MDI 8 512 mm OD Cryostat 10 12 147 of 22 16 SiD Final Doublet Support and Access Plan with Push Pull @ 14mrad Crossing angle, L*=3.51m • Three concepts – Drop idea of cantilevered support tube • QD cryostat and FCAL package supported off rails in endcap doors • Rails incorporate telescoping “rail extensions” to support cryostat and FCAL when door is open – Permanent liquid He feed line from barrel to QD0 with loop large enough to allow 3m door opening – 5cm (?) radial cutback in endcap door iron to allow it to pass over QF1 cryostat with antisolenoid cryostat beginning at r=30cm 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 8 of 22 Plan & Elevation View of FCAL/QD0 Support QD0 Door 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 9 of 22 FCAL/QD0 Supported with Door Open FCAL QD0 Rail Extensions 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE Door SiD MDI 10 of 22 Cross Section of QD0 Cryostat at z=3.5m 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 11 of 22 SiD r<50cm, L*=3.5, 14mrad Crossing Angle, Push-Pull, Door Closed 0.5 0.4 70mm x 1.7m AntiSolenoid Cryostat Space to Open Door 10cm ColdWarm Xtns 30cm needed? 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 328 mm OD Cryostat Support Rails -0.5 0 2007.02.06 Beijing2 ACFA/GDE 4 477 mm OD Cryostat 6 8 SiD MDI 10 12 14 of 22 12 16 SiD r<50cm, L*=3.5, 14mrad Crossing Angle, Push-Pull, Door Open 0.5 Liquid He Line 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 Inconsistency between support rail & cutout -0.4 -0.5 0 2007.02.06 Beijing2 ACFA/GDE 4 6 8 SiD MDI 10 12 14 of 22 13 16 Door Closed, Permanent QD0 Liquid He Line 8 6 4 Liquid He Line 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 1 2 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE 3 4 5 SiD MDI 6 7 8 9 14 of 22 10 Door Open, Permanent QD0 Liquid He Line 8 6 4 Liquid He Line 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 1 2 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE 3 4 5 SiD MDI 6 7 8 9 15 of 22 10 R20 Tracking, Beam Pipe and FCAL Details Need Consistency Check • In my personal view handshake between Tracker people, VXD people, FCAL people, Recon people, Management people and MDI people not made yet • VXD cryostat now a CF support tube hanging from Beam Pipe and in turn supporting VXD Barrel and 7 endcap layers – Who supports beampipe? • FCAL interplay with Forward tracking and Beampipe not globally resolved • Interference between forward tracker & FCal during VXD access • No conceptual solutions yet for Flanges, Bellows, Alignment, Cable and Cold Gas Access • All Good Topics for SiD April 9-11 Collab Mtg @ Fermilab 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 16 of 22 SiD R20 As per SiD Detector Outline Document 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 0 0.5 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE 1 1.5 2 SiD MDI 2.5 3 3.5 17 of 22 4 R-Z View of the Pixel VXD 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 18 of 22 12mm Beam Pipe and VXD Detail 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 19 of 22 SiD Open for Access to the VXD Region 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 20 of 22 VXD and Support Structures 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 21 of 22 Elevation & Plan Views of FarLumi/BeamCal 2007.02.06 Beijing ACFA/GDE SiD MDI 22 of 22