Table 3 — Acts that ceased to be in force Last updated: 14 March 2016 This Table list Acts (WA and Imperial) that have been repealed or expired but does not show all such Acts because the process of putting the information for all such Acts on to a database is on-going. The following should be noted: This Table lists some of the Acts that were repealed before 30 June 1956. The Pilot Volume No. 1 (1956) Table Seven lists all of them. This Table lists all of the Acts that have been repealed since 30 June 1956 other than some that were repealed by the following Acts — Statute Law Revision Act 1964 Statute Law Revision Act 1965 Statute Law Revision Act (No. 2) 1965 Statute Law Revision Act 1966 Statute Law Revision Act (No. 2) 1966 Statute Law Revision Act 1967 Statute Law Revision Act 1970 [1964/061] [1965/057] [1965/058] [1966/079] [1966/080] [1967/068] [1970/010] In this Table— Repealing Acts are referred to by their year and number. E.g. ‘1964/061’ stands for Act No. 61 of 1964. ‘Exp’ stands for ‘Expired on’. 3-1 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired A Abattoirs (1842) 1852 (16 Vict. No. 7) Abattoirs Act 1909 1993/032 Aboriginal girls protection (1844) 1905/014 (5 Edw. VII No. 14) Aboriginal Offenders Act 1883 1991/010 Aboriginal offenders, summary trial of (1849) 1883 (47 Vict. No. 8) Aboriginals, evidence and summary trial of (1840) 1970/010 Aborigines Act 1889 1897 (61 Vict. No. 5) Aborigines Act 1897 1905/014 (5 Edw. VII No. 14) Aborigines Protection Act 1886 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Aborigines, employment in pearling (1871) 1873 (37 Vict. No. 11) Aborigines, evidence without oath (1841) 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Aborigines, validation of certain convictions of (1883) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Absconding Debtors Act 1877 1984/073 Adelphi Hotel Act 1935 1966/079 Administration of estates (1871) 1903/013 (3 Edw. VII No. 13) Admiralty lands vesting (1863) 1970/010 Adoption of Children Act 1896 1994/009 Advance Bank (Merger with St.George Bank) (Taxing) Act 1998 2014/032 Affirmations Act 1892 1991/010 AFIC (Australian Financial Institutions Commission) (Western Australia) Code 1999/026 Agricultural Areas, Great Southern Towns and Goldfields Water Supply Act 1947 1985/025 Agricultural Bank Act 1894 1906/015 (6 Edw. VII No. 15) Agricultural Bank Act 1906 1934/045 (25 Geo. V No. 44) Agricultural Bank Act 1934 1944/051 (8 & 9 Geo. VI No. 51) Agricultural Lands Purchase Act 1896 1909/046 (9 Edw. VII No. 42) Agricultural Lands Purchase Act 1909 1933/037 (24 Geo. V No. 37) Agricultural Lands Purchase Act 1912 1933/037 (24 Geo. V No. 37) Agricultural Practices (Disputes) Act 1995 2011/054 Agricultural Produce (Chemical Residues) Act 1983 2007/024 Agricultural Products Act 1929 2007/024 Agricultural Seeds Act 1922 1950/073 (14 & 15 Geo. VI No. 73) Agriculture Act 1988 2007/024 Agriculture Protection Board Act 1950 2007/024 Ajana-Geraldine Railway Act 1919 1966/080 Albany Cemeteries Act 1943 2014/032 Albany Freezing Works Agreement Act 1945 2006/037 Albany Lot 184 (Validation of Title) Act 1956 2014/032 Albany Mechanics Institute Land Act 1884 1967/068 Albany Port Authority Act 1926 1999/005 Formerly: Albany Harbour Board Act 1926 Albany Public Cemeteries Subsidies Act 1952 2014/032 Albany Woollen Mills Ltd. Agreement Act 1976 1998/010 Albany-Denmark Railway Extension Act 1923 1965/057 Alsatian Dog Act 1929 1962/089 (11 Eliz. II No. 89) Alsatian Dog Act 1962 1976/045 Alumina Refinery (Bunbury) Agreement Act 1970 1973/067 Alumina Refinery (Mitchell Plateau) Agreement Act 1969 1971/067 3-2 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Alumina Refinery (Muchea) Agreement Act 1972 1991/010 Alumina Refinery (Upper Swan) Agreement Act 1971 1972/097 Amendments Incorporation Act 1923 1938/022 (2 & 3 Geo. VI No. 22) Amendments Incorporation Act 1938 1984/013 America's Cup Yacht Race (Shopping Hours) Act 1986 Exp. 15/02/1987 America's Cup Yacht Race (Special Arrangements) Act 1986 Exp. 30/06/1987 Anniversary of the Birthday of the Reigning Sovereign Act 1937 1972/063 Annuity, J Barlee (1885) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Annuity, M A Broome (1897) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Annuity, S L O'Connor (1902) 1966/079 Anti-Corruption Commission Act 1988 2003/078 Formerly: Official Corruption Commission Act 1988 Anzac Day Act 1919 1972/063 Anzac Day Act 1923 1960/073 (9 Eliz. II No. 73) Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1911 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Apportionment Act 1891 1969/032 Apprentices Act 1918 1975/095 Appropriation (1883) [47 Vict. No. 1] 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Appropriation (1883) [47 Vict. No. 5] 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Arbitration Act 1895 1985/109 Architects Act 1921 2004/075 Argentine Ant Act 1954 1965/057 Argentine Ant Act 1959 1968/036 Argentine Ant Act 1968 2007/024 Armadale Redevelopment Act 2001 2011/045 Arson amendment (1837) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Arson of farm buildings (1844) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Artificial Breeding Board Act 1965 1984/055 Artificial Breeding of Stock Act 1965 2007/024 Ashburton Tramway Act 1902 1965/057 Assistance by Local Authorities in Wiring Dwellings for Electricity Act 1953 1997/057 Assistance to Decentralized Industry Act 1974 1980/079 Assisted Schools Abolition Act 1895 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Associations Incorporation Act 1895 1987/059 Attorney General (Vacancy in Office) Act 1922 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Auctioneers (1839) 1873 (37 Vict. No. 3) Auctioneers' Act 1873 1921/029 (12 Geo. V No. 29) Auctioneers Act 1921 1973/073 Audit Act 1881 1891 (54 Vict. No. 12) Audit Act 1904 1985/117 Australasian Federation Enabling Act (Western Australia) 1900 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Australasian Federation Enabling Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Australasian Naval Force Act 1888 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Australia Acts (Request) Act 1999 2006/037 Authority for Intellectually Handicapped Persons Act 1985 1993/036 Ballot Act 1877 1889 (53 Vict. No. 23) Bank Holidays Act 1884 1970/013 Bank Holidays Act 1970 1972/063 Bank Note Protection Act 1899 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Bankers' Books Evidence Act 1879 1894 (58 Vict. No. 6) 3-3 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Banker's Books Evidence Act 1894 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Banking companies, execution against (1849) 1967/068 Bankruptcy Act 1871 1892 (55 Vict. No. 32) Bankruptcy Act 1892 2009/008 Banks (1837) 1967/068 Basil Murray Co-operative Memorial Scholarship Fund Act 1938 1994/073 Bassendean Marshalling Yards Act 1950 1965/057 Bastardy Laws Act 1875 1921/014 (12 Geo. V No. 14) Bayswater Drainage Works Act 1920 1966/079 Bee Industry Compensation Act 1953 1993/026 Beef Cattle Industry Compensation Act 1963 1965/041 Beef Industry Committee Act 1974 Exp. 1/02/1977 Beekeepers Act 1963 2007/024 Beer Duty Act 1898 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Bees Act 1930 1963/004 (12 Eliz. II No. 4) Bellevue-Mount Helena Railway Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1964 1970/010 Belmont Branch Railway Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1956 1965/057 Betting Control (Bunbury Golden Classic) Act 1986 Exp. 30/06/1987 Betting Investment Tax Act 1959 1970/072 Beverley-Albany Railway Act 1884 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Beverley-Albany Railway Contract (1888) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Bibra Lake-Armadale Railway Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1964 1970/010 Bills of Exchange Act 1879 1884 (48 Vict. No. 10) Bills of Exchange Act 1884 1967/068 Bills of Exchange Act 1904 1967/068 Bills of Lading Act 1855 (Imp) 1997/006 Bills of sale (1863) 1879 (43 Vict. No. 19) Bills of Sale Act 1879 1899 (63 Vict. No. 45) Bills of Sale Act 1899 2011/042 Births, deaths and marriages registration (1841) 1856 (19 Vict. No. 12) Blackboy and Zamia Palm License Act 1915 1966/079 Boarding and eating houses (1854) 1872 (36 Vict. No. 5) Boat Licensing Act 1878 1948/072 (12 & 13 Geo. VI No. 72) Boats and boatmen licensing (1843) 1856 (19 Vict. No. 15) Boats and boatmen licensing (1853) 1856 (19 Vict. No. 15) Boats and boatmen licensing (1856) 1878 (42 Vict. No. 24) Borrowings for Authorities Act 1981 1986/016 Boulder Lots 313 and 1727 and Kalgoorlie Lot 883 Re-vesting Act 1913 1967/068 Boulder rates validation (1900) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Boulder Tramways Act 1904 1966/091 Boyanup-Busselton Railway Act 1892 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Boyanup-Busselton Railway Extension Act 1914 1965/057 Boyanup-Minninup Railway Act 1892 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Boyup Brook-Cranbrook Railway Act 1926 1966/080 Boyup-Kojonup Railway Act 1909 1965/057 BP Refinery (Kwinana) Limited Act 1962 2006/037 Branding Consolidation Ordinance 1864 1881 (45 Vict. No. 7) Brands Act 1881 1904/061 (4 Edw. VII No. 36) 3-4 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Brands Act 1904 1970/116 Bread Act 1903 1982/106 Bread Act 1982 2003/070 Bridgetown-Jarnadup Railway Extension Act 1923 1965/057 Bridgetown-Wilgarrup Railway Act 1909 1965/057 Bridgetown-Wilgarrup Railway Extension Act 1911 1965/057 Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (Export of Iron Ore) Act 1965 2003/074 Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited Agreements (Variation) Act 1980 2013/001 Broken Hill Proprietary Company's Integrated Steel Works Agreement Act 1960 2013/001 Broken Hill Proprietary Steel Industry Agreement Act 1952 2013/001 Brookton-Dale River Railway Act 1923 1966/080 Brookton-Kunjinn Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Broome Local Court Admiralty Jurisdiction Act 1917 1991/010 Broome Rates Validating Act 1920 1966/079 Broome Road Board Loan Validation Act 1926 1966/079 Broome Tramway Act 1902 1965/057 Broome Tramway Extension Act 1941 1965/057 Broomehill Lot 602 Act 1927 1966/079 Brown Hill Loop Kalgoorlie-Gnumballa Lake Railway Act 1900 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Builders' Registration Act 1939 2011/019 Building Act 1884 1906/032 (6 Edw. VII No. 32) Building Industry (Code of Conduct) Act 1986 Exp. 30/08/1988 Building Operations and Building Materials Control Act 1945 Exp. 31/12/1953 Building regulation (1851) 1852 (15 Vict. No. 9) Building societies (1863) 1920/020 (11 Geo. V No. 20) Building Societies Act 1920 1976/047 Bulk Handling Act 1935 1967/015 Bunbury (Old Cemetery) Lands Revestment Act 1936 1991/010 Bunbury (Roman Catholic Old Cemetery) Lands Revestment Act 1951 1991/010 Bunbury Electric Lighting Act 1911 1994/073 Bunbury Motor-bus Service Act 1914 1966/091 Bunbury Port Authority Act 1909 1999/005 Formerly: Bunbury Harbour Board Act 1909 Bunbury Racecourse Railway Act 1897 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Bunbury Racecourse Railway Discontinuance Act 1935 1965/057 Bunbury Railway Act 1887 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Bunbury Railway Lands Act 1985 2003/031 Bunbury Road District Rates Validation Act 1924 1966/079 Burglary amendment (1837) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Bush fires (1847) 1885 (49 Vict. No. 9) Bush Fires Act 1885 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 18) Bush Fires Act 1902 1937/055 (1 & 2 Geo. VI No. 55) Bush Fires Act 1937 1954/053 (3 Eliz. II No. 53) Business Names Act 1942 1962/008 (11 Eliz. II No. 8) Busselton Cemetery Act 1944 2014/032 Busselton Water Board (Supply of Water to Dunsborough) Act 2009 2012/025 Busselton-Margaret River Railway Deviation Act 1922 1965/057 3-5 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Busselton-Margaret River Railway Deviation No. 2 Act 1923 1965/057 Butterine Act 1887 1940/036 (4 & 5 Geo. VI No. 36) Camballin Farms (AIL Holdings Pty. Ltd.) Agreement Act 1985 2003/074 Cancer Council of Western Australia Act 1958 1982/074 Cannabis Control Act 2003 2010/045 Canning District Sanitary Site Act 1946 1994/073 Capital Punishment Amendment Act 1871 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Carnarvon Banana Industry (Compensation Trust Fund) Act 1961 1998/045 Formerly: Banana Industry Compensation Trust Fund Act 1961 Carnarvon Electric Light and Power Act 1919 1994/073 Carnarvon Electric Lighting Act 1924 2014/032 Carnarvon Tramway Act 1902 1965/057 Carriage of Mails Act 1900 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Carriers Act 1920 2006/037 Cart and Carriage Licensing Act 1876 1919/060 (10 Geo. V No. 48) Cart Licensing Act 1873 1876 (40 Vict. No. 5) Casual Revenue Appropriation Ordinance 1867 2006/037 Cattle Diseases Ordinance 1865 1895 (59 Vict. No. 34) Cattle Industry Compensation Act 1965 2007/024 Cattle nuisance (1842) 1864 (28 Vict. No. 13) Cattle Trespass Ordinance 1857 1872 (36 Vict. No. 9) Cattle Trespass, Fencing, and Impounding Act 1882 1961/044 (10 Eliz. II No. 44) Caves House Disposal Act 1965 2014/032 Cemeteries (1847) 1897 (61 Vict. No. 23) Cemeteries Act 1897 1986/102 Cemeteries Act 1899 1986/102 Cemetery Closure Act 1888 1897 (61 Vict. No. 23) Censorship of Films Act 1947 1996/040 Census (1848) 1891 (54 Vict. No. 7) Census Act 1880 1891 (54 Vict. No. 7) Census Act 1891 2009/046 Central Board of Works (1847) 1888 (52 Vict. No. 16) Chamberlain Industries Pty. Ltd. (Release of Debt) Act 1962 1967/068 Change of Names Regulation Act 1923 1998/040 Charitable Purposes Income Deductions Act 1920 Exp. 31/12/1921 Chicken Meat Industry Act 1977 Exp. 31/12/2010 Chicken Meat Industry Committee Act 1975 1977/058 Child maintenance (1871) 1875 (39 Vict. No. 8) Child Support (Adoption) Act 1988 1990/098 Child Welfare Act 1907 1947/066 (11 & 12 Geo. VI No. 66) Formerly: State Children Act 1907 Child Welfare Act 1947 2004/034 Chinese immigration restriction (1886) 1889 (53 Vict. No. 3) Chinese Immigration Restriction Act 1889 1967/068 Chiropodists Act 1957 1984/004 Chiropractors Act 1964 2005/031 Chiropractors Act 2005 2010/035 Church building (1840) 1967/068 Church of England, Collegiate School (1865) 1885 (49 Vict. No. 19) 3-6 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Church of England, lands (1857) 1858 (22 Vict. No. 3) Church of England, lands (1858) 1874 (38 Vict. No. 18) Church of England, temporalities (1853) 1873 (37 Vict. No. 16) Church of England, trustees (1838) 1857 (21 Vict. No. 10) Church of England, trustees (1857) 1874 (38 Vict. No. 18) Church of England, trustees (1874) 1888 (52 Vict. No. 2) Circuit Courts Act 1897 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) City Club Act 1965 2009/046 City of Fremantle (Free Literary Institute) Act 1948 2014/032 City of Fremantle and Town of East Fremantle Trust Funds Act 1961 Exp. 1/04/2014 City of Perth (Rating Appeals) Act 1940 1978/076 City of Perth Act 1914 1993/038 City of Perth Act 1925 1996/014 City of Perth Restructuring Act 1993 2016/002 City of Perth Electricity and Gas Purchase Act 1948 1994/073 City of Perth Improvement Act 1913 2014/032 City of Perth Improvement Ordinance 1858 1871 (34 Vict. No. 6) City of Perth Parking Facilities Act 1956 1999/016 City of Perth Sanitation Act 1945 1985/025 City of Perth Scheme for Superannuation (Amendments Authorisation) Act 1941 1994/060 City of Perth Scheme for Superannuation (Amendments Authorisation) Act 1946 1994/060 City of Perth Scheme for Superannuation (Amendments Authorisation) Act 1947 1994/060 City of Perth Scheme for Superannuation (Amendments Authorisation) Act 1949 1994/060 City of Perth Scheme for Superannuation (Amendments Authorisation) Act 1954 1994/060 City of Perth Scheme for Superannuation (Amendments Authorisation) Act 1956 1994/060 City of Perth Scheme for Superannuation (Amendments Authorisation) Act 1958 1994/060 City of Perth Superannuation Fund Act 1934 1994/060 City of Perth Tramways Act 1897 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Civil Court of Western Australia (1832) 1861 (24 Vict. No. 15) Civil Defence (Emergency Powers) Act 1940 1965/057 Clackline-Bolgart and Bellevue-East Northam Railway Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1965 2006/037 Clackline-Newcastle Railway Act 1887 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Claremont and Perth Road Districts Rates Act 1923 1966/079 Claremont rates validation (1908) 1966/079 Clean Air Act 1964 1986/077 Closed Roads Alienation Act 1932 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Closer Settlement Act 1927 1985/057 Clothes and Fabrics (Labelling and Sales) Act 1973 1988/017 Coal Mine Workers (Pensions) Act 1943 1989/028 Coal Mines Regulation Act 1902 1946/063 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 63) Coal Mines Regulation Act 1915 1946/063 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 63) Coal Mines Regulation Act 1946 Exp. 19/05/2000 Coal Mining Industry Long Service Leave Act 1950 1994/045 Coin offences (1832) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Coin offences consolidation (1861) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) 3-7 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Colleges Act 1978 1996/042 Collie - Collie-Boulder Railway Act 1902 1965/057 Collie Club Act 1953 1966/079 Collie Coal (Western Collieries and Dampier) Agreement Act 1981 1990/009 Collie Coalfields Railway Act 1895 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Collie Hospital Agreement Act 1937 1966/079 Collie Quarry Railway Act 1897 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Collie rates validation (1906) 1966/079 Collie rates validation (1911) 1966/079 Collie Recreation and Park Lands Act 1931 1969/050 Collie-Griffin Mine Railway Act 1953 2006/037 Collie-Narrogin Railway Act 1904 1965/057 Colonial passengers (1876) 1879 (43 Vict. No. 21) Colonial Passengers Act 1896 1965/057 Colonial Passengers Ordinance 1861 1967/068 Colonial Prisoners Removal Act 1894 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Commercial Arbitration Act 1985 2012/023 Commercial Tribunal Act 1984 2004/055 Commission on Government Act 1994 Exp. 12/11/1996 Commissioners for affidavits (1871) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Commonwealth and State Housing Agreement Act 1945 1998/010 Commonwealth and State Housing Agreement Act 1956 1998/010 Commonwealth and State Housing Agreement Act 1961 1998/010 Commonwealth and State Housing Agreement Act 1966 1998/010 Commonwealth and State Housing Supplementary Agreement Act 1955 1998/010 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (Special Powers) Act 2011 Exp. 10/10/2015 Commonwealth Jubilee Observance Act 1950 1966/079 Commonwealth Powers Act 1943 1965/058 Commonwealth Powers Act 1945 Exp. 31/12/1948 Community Correction Centres Act 1988 1990/061 Community Services Act 1972 2004/034 Formerly: Community Welfare Act 1972 Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 2009/008 Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Western Australia) Code 2009/008 Companies (Application of Laws) Act 1981 2009/008 Companies (Co-operative) Act 1943 2009/024 Formerly: Companies Act 1943 Companies (Western Australia) Code 2009/008 Companies Act 1893 1943/036 (7 Geo. VI No. 31) Companies Act 1961 2009/008 Companies and Securities (Interpretation and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 2009/008 Companies and Securities (Interpretation and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Western Australia) Code 2009/008 Companies Duty Act 1899 Exp. 31/12/1903 Company Take-overs Act 1979 1994/073 Confederation of Western Australian Industry (Incorporated) Act 1976 2006/037 Congregational Church lands (1855) 1976/139 Conservator of Forests (Validation) Act 1953 1967/068 3-8 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Constitutional Convention Act 1974 1984/078 Construction Safety Act 1972 1987/041 Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Act 1996 2010/014 Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Code 2010/014 Contagious Diseases (Bees) Act 1899 1930/018 (21 Geo. V No. 18) Contingent Remainders Act 1878 1969/032 Contraceptives Act 1939 1991/010 Contracts, fisheries (1847) 1970/010 Contracts, remedy for breaches (1842) 1892 (55 Vict. No. 28) Control of Trade in War Time Act 1914 Exp. 30/09/1915 Convicted Inebriates' Rehabilitation Act 1963 1989/014 Convicts, custody and discipline (1849) 1850 (14 Vict. No. 6) Convicts, custody and discipline (1850) 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Convicts, custody and discipline (1853) 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Convicts, custody and discipline (1857) 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Convicts, offences by (1854) 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Convicts, pardoned (1855) 1892 (55 Vict. No. 27) Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply Construction Act 1898 1985/025 Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply Loan Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply Loan Re-allocation Act 1902 1965/057 Coolgardie rates validation (1898) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Coolgardie-Kalgoorlie Railway Act 1895 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Coolgardie-Norseman Railway Act 1906 1965/057 Co-operative and Provident Societies Act 1903 2009/024 Co-opted Medical and Dental Services for the Northern Portion of the State Act 1951 2009/046 Copyright Act 1895 1994/073 Copyright Register Act 1887 1895 (59 Vict. No. 24) Coronation Holiday Act 1952 1966/079 Coroners (1856) 1920/024 (11 Geo. V No. 24) Coroners Act 1920 1996/002 Cossack-Roebourne Tramway Act 1886 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Cottesloe Beach Health Rates Validation Act 1911 1966/079 Cottesloe Beach Rates Validation Act 1915 1966/079 Cottesloe Electric Light and Power Act 1925 1967/068 Cottesloe Lighting and Power (Private) Act 1899 1965/057 Cottesloe rates validation (1909) 1966/079 Cottesloe Rates Validation Act 1914 1966/079 Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948 2012/025 Court of Quarter Sessions (1832) 1861 (24 Vict. No. 15) Courts of General Sessions (1845) 1921/024 (12 Geo. V No. 24) Courts of Requests (1842) 1863 (27 Vict. No. 21) Courts of Session Act 1921 1969/084 Credit Unions Act 1979 1992/030 Crime (Serious and Repeat Offenders) Sentencing Act 1992 Exp. 8/06/1994 Crimes (Confiscation of Profits) Act 1988 2000/069 Crimes (Offences at Sea) Act 1979 2000/011 Criminal Evidence Act 1896 1899 (63 Vict. No. 8) Criminal Evidence Act 1899 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 1970 1982/119 Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1982 1985/073 Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 2003/077 3-9 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Criminal Investigation (Exceptional Powers) and Fortification Removal Act 2002 2003/078 Criminal law and procedure (1852) [16 Vict. No. 5] 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Criminal law and procedure (1852) [16 Vict. No. 6] 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Criminal law and procedure (1853) 1861 (25 Vict. No. 15) Criminal Law Appeal Act 1893 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Criminal Law Consolidation Ordinance 1865 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Criminal law, cheating (1882) 1892 (55 Vict. No. 27) Criminal law, embezzlement (1859) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Criminal law, larceny and embezzlement (1871) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Criminal law, offences by trustees etc. (1860) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Criminal law, treason (1868) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Criminal procedure (1852) 1970/010 Criminal procedure (1886) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Criminal Procedure (Summary) Act 1902 2004/084 Formerly: Justices Act 1902 Criminal procedure, nolle prosequi (1859) 1883 (47 Vict. No. 6) Criminal procedure, summary (1859) 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 11) Crown land, grants to deceased estates (1857) 1933/037 (24 Geo. V No. 37) Crown land, occupation of (1842) 1970/010 Crown land, occupation of (1844) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Crown land, surrendered (1856) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Crown Lessees Arbitration Act 1887 1933/037 (24 Geo. V No. 37) Crown suits (1867) 1898 (62 Vict. No. 9) Crown Suits Act 1898 1947/011 (11 Geo. VI No. 11) Cue rates validation (1907) 1966/079 Cue-Big Bell Railway Act 1936 1965/057 Cue-Nannine Railway Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Curator of Intestate Estates Act 1918 1941/026 (5 Geo. VI No. 26) Custom duties (1901) 1966/079 Customs (1839) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Customs (1854) 1860 (24 Vict. No. 5) Customs Consolidation Act 1892 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Customs duties (1832) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Customs duties (1834) 1854 (17 Vict. No. 16) Customs duties (1842) 1844 (8 Vict. No. 5) Customs duties (1854) 1856 (19 Vict. No. 16) Customs duties (1856) 1871 (34 Vict. No. 17) Customs duties (1900) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Customs duties, remission (1846) 1872 (36 Vict. No. 5) Customs duties, repeal (1900) 1911/034 (1 Geo. V No. 45) Customs Ordinance 1860 1892 (55 Vict. No. 31) Customs, landing places for imports (1843) 1892 (55 Vict. No. 31) Dairy Cattle Compensation Act 1926 1946/027 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 27) Dairy Cattle Improvement Act 1922 1957/004 (6 Eliz. II No. 4) Dairy Cattle Industry Compensation Act 1960 1965/041 Dairy Industry Act 1922 1973/092 Dairy Industry Act 1973 2000/025 Dairy Industry and Herd Improvement Legislation Repeal Act 2000 Exp. 10/05/2008 Dairy Products Marketing Regulation Act 1934 1973/092 Damage to property amendment (1861) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) 3-10 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Dampier Port Authority Act 1985 1999/005 Dangerous Goods (Transport) Act 1998 2004/007 Dangerous Goods Act 1871 1885 (49 Vict. No. 16) Daylight Saving Act 1946 1974/013 Daylight Saving Act 1974 1983/011 Daylight Saving Act 1983 1991/025 Daylight Saving Act 1991 2003/074 Death Duties (Taxing) Act 1934 1973/081 Death Duty Act 1973 1997/057 Death Duty Assessment Act 1973 1997/057 Death penalty abolition (1832) (Imp) [2 & 3 Will. IV c. 123] 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Death penalty abolition (1832) (Imp) [2 & 3 Will. IV c. 62] 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Death penalty abolition (1833) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Death penalty abolition (1835) (Imp) 1995/078 Death penalty abolition (1836) (Imp) 1995/078 Death penalty abolition (1837) (Imp) [7 Will. IV & 1 Vict. c. 84) 1995/078 Death penalty abolition (1837) (Imp) [7 Will. IV & 1 Vict. c. 91] 1995/078 Death penalty amendment (1843) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Debits Tax Act 1990 2002/045 Debits Tax Act 2002 2010/017 Debits Tax Assessment Act 1990 2002/045 Debits Tax Assessment Act 2002 2010/017 Debt Conversion Agreement Act (No. 2) 1931 1966/079 Debt Conversion Agreement Act 1931 1966/079 Debt recovery (1836) 1963/021 (12 Eliz. II No. 21) Debtors Act 1871 2004/059 Debtors relief (1842) 1856 (20 Vict. No. 10) Debtors, absconding (1844) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Debtors, absconding (1856) 1871 (34 Vict. No. 21) Debtors, absconding (1871) 1877 (41 Vict. No. 17) Debtors, attachment of (1836) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Debtors, attachment of (1842) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Debtors, execution against (1842) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Debts to Crown (1832) 1898 (62 Vict. No. 9) Deceased estates, unclaimed (1850) 1903/013 (3 Edw. VII No. 13) Deceased Persons' Estate Act 1883 1903/013 (3 Edw. VII No. 13) Declarations and Attestations Act 1913 2005/024 Defence Forces Act 1893 1894 (58 Vict. No. 2) Defence Forces Act 1894 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Delivery of Prisoners Act 1873 1982/087 Dental Act 1939 2010/035 Formerly: Dentists Act 1939 Dental Prosthetists Act 1985 2010/035 Dentists Act 1894 1939/020 (3 Geo. VI No. 20) Deodands abolition (1846) (Imp) 2014/032 Derby Tramway Act 1902 1965/057 Designs and Trade Marks Act 1884 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance 1845 1994/073 Destruction of Rabbits Act 1883 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 34) Destructive Birds and Animals Act 1893 1976/042 Destructive Insects and Substances Act 1880 1898 (62 Vict. No. 27) 3-11 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Disability Services Act 1992 1993/036 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act 1918 1986/053 Diseased Coco-nut Act 1953 Exp. 31/12/1954 Diseases in Vines Act 1881 Exp. 1/09/1885 Distillation Act 1871 1900 (64 Vict. No. 16) Distillation Act 1900 1967/068 Distress (1888) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Distress for Rent Restriction Act 1904 1966/079 Distress for rent, lodgers' goods exemption (1898) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Distressed Persons Relief Trust Act 1973 1985/057 District Fire Brigades Act 1909 1917/013 (7 Geo. V No. 33) District Road Boards Audit Act 1879 1888 (52 Vict. No. 16) District Roads Act 1871 1888 (52 Vict. No. 16) District Roads Boards Audit Act 1877 1878 (42 Vict. No. 26) Dividend Duties Act 1902 1937/013 (1 & 2 Geo. VI No. 13) Documentary Evidence Act 1887 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Dog Act 1883 1903/006 (3 Edw. VII No. 6) Dog Act 1903 1976/058 Dogs (1841) 1883 (47 Vict. No. 13) Donnybrook-Bridgetown Railway Act 1895 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Donnybrook-Preston Valley Railway Act 1906 1965/057 Door to Door (Sales) Act 1964 1987/007 Door to Door Trading Act 1987 Exp. 19/11/2014 Dower amendment (1833) (Imp) 2014/032 Dowerin-Merredin Railway Act 1909 1965/057 Dried Fruits Act 1926 Exp. 31/03/1947 Dried Fruits Act 1947 2000/024 Droving Act 1894 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 30) Droving Act 1902 1970/116 Drunkenness, punishment of (1851) 1892 (55 Vict. No. 27) Drunkenness, punishment of (1854) 1892 (55 Vict. No. 27) Duties on Deceased Persons Estates Act (1895) 1903/013 (3 Edw. VII No. 13) Duty on Sandalwood Ordinance 1860 1895 (59 Vict. No. 1) Dwellingup State Hotel Act 1911 1967/068 Dwellingup-Hotham Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Early Closing Act 1898 Exp. 1/11/1901 Early Closing Act 1902 1920/044 (11 Geo. V No. 44) East Perth Cemeteries Act 1932 1994/061 East Perth Public Hall Act 1930 1973/095 East Perth Redevelopment Act 1991 2011/045 Easter Act 1929 1991/010 Eastern Goldfields Transport Board Act 1946 1984/005 Eastern Goldfields Transport Board Act 1984 2008/028 Eastern Railway Act 1878 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Eastern Railway Extension Act 1881 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Eastern Railway Further Extension Act 1885 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Eastern Railway Improvement Act 1893 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Eastern Railway siding (1914) 1965/057 Eastern Railway Terminus Act 1883 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Eastern Railway, Spencer's Brook-Northam Branch Act 1886 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Ecclesiastical Grant Abolition Act 1895 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) 3-12 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Economic Stability Act 1946 Exp. 31/12/1948 Education Act 1928 1999/036 Ejanding Northwards Railway Act 1926 1965/057 Elections (1875) 1899 (63 Vict. No. 20) Electoral (War Time) Act 1943 Exp. 31/12/1947 Electoral Act 1889 1895 (59 Vict. No. 31) Electoral Act 1895 1899 (63 Vict. No. 20) Electoral Act 1899 1904/020 (3 Edw. VII No. 35) Electoral Act 1904 1907/027 (7 Edw. VII No. 27) Electoral Distribution Act 1947 2005/001 Formerly: Electoral Districts Act 1947 Electoral Districts (Cancellation of Proclamation) Act 1959 1967/068 Electoral Districts Act 1922 1947/051 (11 & 12 Geo. VI No. 51) Electoral Rolls Act 1893 1895 (59 Vict. No. 31) Electric Light and Power Agreement Act 1913 1948/033 (12 & 13 Geo. VI No. 33) Electric Lighting Act 1892 1937/045 (1 & 2 Geo. VI No. 45) Electric telegraphs (1883) 1893 (57 Vict. No. 5) Electricity Act 1937 1945/019 (9 & 10 Geo. VI No. 19) Electro-Magnetic Telegraph Guaranteed Interest Act 1871 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Electronic Transactions Act 2003 2011/046 Elementary Education Act 1871 1928/033 (19 Geo. V No. 33) Employers' Liability Act 1894 1951/029 (15 & 16 Geo. VI No. 29) Employment Brokers Act 1897 1909/057 (9 Edw. VII No. 53) Employment Brokers Act 1909 1976/010 Enemy Contracts Annulment Act 1915 1966/079 Engine Sparks Fire Prevention Act 1895 1986/053 Entertainments Tax Act 1925 1961/024 (10 Eliz. II No. 24) Entertainments Tax Assessment Act 1925 1961/024 (10 Eliz. II No. 24) Environmental Protection Act 1971 1986/077 Escheat Ordinance 1867 1940/045 (4 & 5 Geo. VI No. 45) Esperance Lands Agreement Act 1960 2003/074 Esperance Northwards Railway Act 1914 1965/057 Esperance Northwards Railway Extension Act 1922 1965/057 Esperance Port Authority Act 1968 1999/005 Esperance Port Authority Lands Act 1979 2006/037 Essential Foodstuffs and Commodities Act 1979 Exp. 27/09/1983 Estates administration (1854) (Imp) 1970/012 Estates available to pay debts (1833) (Imp) 1903/013 (3 Edw. VII No. 13) Estates, conveyance of (1838) (Imp) 1854 (17 Vict. No. 10) Evidence (1847) 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Evidence Act 1899 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Evidence of convictions, prevention of (1836) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Excise Declarations Act 1831 (Imp) 2005/024 Execution of Instruments Act 1916 1967/068 Exmouth Gulf Solar Salt Industry Agreement Act 1969 1991/010 Exotic Stock Diseases (Eradication Fund) Act 1969 1993/033 Explosive Substances Act 1894 1961/038 (10 Eliz. II No. 38) Explosives Act 1885 1895 (59 Vict. No. 38) 3-13 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Explosives Act 1895 1961/038 (10 Eliz. II No. 38) Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act 1961 2004/007 Explosives, gunpowder (1849) 1850 (14 Vict. No. 9) Explosives, gunpowder (1850) 1885 (49 Vict. No. 16) Explosives, gunpowder (1854) 1885 (49 Vict. No. 16) Explosives, gunpowder, amendment (1861) 1885 (49 Vict. No. 16) Export of Arms and Munitions of War Prohibition Act 1871 1967/068 Exportation of Arms Act 1900 1967/068 Exportation of Horses Act 1874 1986/053 Extortion by letter (1847) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Extradition Act, Western Australia 1877 1991/010 Factories Act 1904 1920/044 (11 Geo. V No. 44) Factories and Shops Act 1920 1963/044 (12 Eliz. II No. 44) Factories and Shops Act 1963 1995/079 Fairbridge Farm School Act 1948 2009/046 Family Court Act 1975 1997/040 Farmers' Debts Adjustment Act 1930 Exp. 31/03/1972 Fatal accidents (1846) (Imp) 1959/020 (8 Eliz. II No. 20) Federal Aid Roads (New Agreement Authorisation) Act 1936 1965/057 Federal Aid Roads Agreement Act 1926 1965/057 Federal Aid Roads Agreement Act 1936 1965/057 Federal Council (Adopting) Act 1885 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Federal Council of Australasia (1885) (Imp) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Federal Council Reference Act 1886 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Federal Council Reference Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Federal Council Referring Act (Western Australia) Act 1893 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Federal Council Referring Act 1889 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Federal House of Representatives Western Australian Electorates Act 1900 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Feeding Stuffs Act 1928 1976/056 Fees validation (1902) 1966/079 Felons, defence of by lawyers (1836) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Ferries (1834) 1888 (52 Vict. No. 16) Fertilisers Act 1928 1977/011 Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act 1895 1904/007 (3 Edw. VII No. 22) Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act 1904 1966/079 Fertilizers Act 1977 2007/024 Filled Milk Act 1959 1980/045 Finance and Development Board Act 1930 1966/079 Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985 2006/077 Financial Emergency Act 1931 Exp. 31/12/1933 Financial Emergency Act 1934 Exp. 30/11/1947 Financial Emergency Tax Act (No. 3) 1936 1965/057 Financial Emergency Tax Act 1932 1965/057 Financial Emergency Tax Act 1933 1965/057 Financial Emergency Tax Act 1934 1965/057 Financial Emergency Tax Act 1935 1965/057 Financial Emergency Tax Act 1937 1965/057 Financial Emergency Tax Act 1938 1965/057 Financial Emergency Tax Act 1939 1965/057 Financial Emergency Tax Assessment Act 1932 1965/057 Financial Institutions (Taxing) Act 1992 1999/026 3-14 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Financial Institutions (Western Australia) Act 1992 1999/026 Financial Institutions (Western Australia) Code 1999/026 Financial Institutions Duty Act 1983 2004/012 Fines and Penalties Appropriation Act 1909 1995/078 Fire Brigades (Sinking Fund) Act 1931 1967/068 Fire Brigades Act 1898 1917/013 (7 Geo. V No. 33) Fire Brigades Act 1905 1917/013 (7 Geo. V No. 33) Fire Brigades Act 1916 1942/035 (6 & 7 Geo. VI No. 35) Fire Brigades Board Debenture Act 1900 1917/013 (7 Geo. V No. 33) Fire Inquiry Act 1887 1920/024 (11 Geo. V No. 24) Firearms and Guns Act 1931 1973/036 Fish Farming (Lake Argyle) Development Agreement Act 1976 1991/010 Fisheries (Dynamite) Act 1879 1905/018 (5 Edw. VII No. 18) Fisheries Act 1899 1905/018 (5 Edw. VII No. 18) Fisheries Act 1905 1994/053 Fisheries protection, oyster (1864) 1881 (45 Vict. No. 4) Fishery Act 1889 1905/018 (5 Edw. VII No. 18) Fishing and whaling by foreigners (1860) 1937/015 (1 & 2 Geo. VI No. 15) Fitzgerald Street Bus Bridge Act 1991 2014/032 Flinders Bay-Margaret River Railway Act 1913 2006/037 Flinders Bay-Margaret River Railway Act 1916 1970/010 Flinders Bay-Margaret River Railway Deviation No. 1 Act 1923 1965/057 Flour Act 1977 Exp. 20/04/1978 Foodstuffs Commission Act 1914 Exp. 31/03/1916 Foot and Mouth Disease Eradication Fund Act 1959 1993/011 Footwear Regulation Act 1916 1963/044 (12 Eliz. II No. 44) Foreign judgments (1856) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Foreign Judgments Act 1963 2004/059 Formerly: Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1963 Foreign Probate Act 1879 1903/013 (3 Edw. VII No. 13) Foreign Recruiting Act 1874 1986/053 Foreign Seamen's Offences Act 1878 1986/053 Forests Act 1918 1984/126 Forfeitures abolition (1870) (Imp) 1913/015 (4 Geo. V No. 15) Forgery (1830) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Forgery consolidation (1861) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Foundation Day Observance (1949 Royal Visit) Act 1948 1966/079 Franchise Act 1916 2012/035 Freehold Estates Conveyancing Act 1843 1969/032 Freemasons land declaration (Fremantle Lodge No. 2) (1911) 1966/079 Freemasons, mortgage power (1866) 1967/068 Freemasons, mortgage power (1875) 1911/029 (1 Geo. V No. 40) Fremantle (Skinner Street) Disused Cemetery Act 1909 1991/010 Fremantle Carriage Ordinance 1868 1876 (40 Vict. No. 5) Fremantle Dock Act 1907 1966/079 Fremantle Electricity Undertaking (Purchase Moneys) Agreements Act 1952 2006/037 Fremantle Electricity Undertaking Agreement Act 1952 2006/037 Fremantle Endowment Lands Act 1918 2014/032 Fremantle Gas and Coke Company's Act 1886 1997/057 3-15 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Fremantle Grammar School Act 1883 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Fremantle Harbour Works and Tramway Act 1893 1997/057 Fremantle Harbour Works Rocky Bay-Rous Head Additional Line of Railway Act 1899 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Fremantle Improvement Act 1913 2014/032 Fremantle Jockey Club funds disposal (1906) 1966/079 Fremantle Lands Act 1921 1967/068 Fremantle Literary Institute Mortgage Act 1936 1966/079 Fremantle Municipal Tramways Act 1924 1961/078 (10 Eliz. II No. 78) Fremantle Municipal Tramways and Electric Lighting Act 1903 1961/078 (10 Eliz. II No. 78) Fremantle Municipal Tramways and Electric Lighting Act 1915 1961/078 (10 Eliz. II No. 78) Fremantle Municipal Transport Board (Postponement of 1960 Elections) Act 1960 1961/078 (10 Eliz. II No. 78) Fremantle Port Authority Act 1902 1999/005 Formerly: Fremantle Harbour Trust Act 1902 Fremantle Prison Site Act 1902 1994/073 Formerly: Site of Convict Prison at Fremantle (1902) Fremantle Water Supply Act 1893 1899 (63 Vict. No. 53) Fremantle Water Supply Act 1899 1904/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 29) Fremantle, Collie Street lot boundaries (1861) 1965/057 Fremantle, Essex Street lot boundaries (1857) 1965/057 Fremantle, loan validation (1889) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Fremantle, rates (1868) 1965/057 Fremantle-Kalgoorlie (Merredin-Coolgardie Section) Railway Act 1912 1965/057 Fremantle-Owen's Anchorage Railway Act 1897 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Friendly societies (1863) 1894 (58 Vict. No. 23) Friendly Societies (Taxing) Act 1999 1999/026 Friendly Societies (Western Australia) Act 1999 1999/026 Friendly Societies Act 1894 1999/002 Friendly Societies' Association of Kalgoorlie Investment Validation Act 1919 2009/046 Fruit Cases Act 1919 1982/061 Fruit Growing Industry (Trust Fund) Act 1941 1996/015 Fruit Growing Industry Trust Fund Committee (Validation) Act 1960 1967/068 Fruit-growing Reconstruction Scheme Act 1972 1998/009 Fuel Suppliers Licensing Act 1997 Exp. 12/12/2002 Formerly: Fuel Suppliers Licensing and Diesel Subsidies Act 1997 Futures Industry (Application of Laws) Act 1986 2009/008 Game Act 1874 1892 (55 Vict. No. 36) Game Act 1892 1912/078 (3 Geo. V No. 59) Game Act 1912 1950/077 (14 & 15 Geo. VI No. 77) Gas (Standards) Act 1947 1972/015 Gas Corporation Act 1994 1999/058 Gas Undertakings Act 1947 1999/058 General Insurance Brokers and Agents Act 1981 1986/012 General Loan and Inscribed Stock Act 1884 1910/005 (1 Geo. V No. 5) General Loan and Inscribed Stock Act 1910 1965/057 Geraldton and Northampton Railway Act 1873 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Geraldton Harbour Works Railway Act 1923 1965/057 Geraldton Harbour Works Railway Extension Act 1939 1965/057 3-16 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Geraldton Health Authority Loan Act 1936 1966/079 Geraldton Mid-West Development Authority Act 1988 1993/053 Geraldton Municipal Gas Supply Act 1910 1997/057 Geraldton Port Authority Act 1968 1999/005 Geraldton Sand-hills Planting Act 1872 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Geraldton-Greenough Railway Act 1886 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Geraldton-Mullewa Railway Act 1892 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Goats, destruction in Geraldton (1881) 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Gold Buyers Act 1921 1976/067 Gold Declaration Act 1888 1895 (59 Vict. No. 40) Gold Mining Profits Tax Act 1934 2006/037 Gold Mining Profits Tax Assessment Act 1934 2006/037 Gold, duty on (1886) 1887 (51 Vict. No. 2) Goldfield Licensing Act 1888 1911/032 (1 Geo. V No. 43) Goldfields Act 1886 1895 (59 Vict. No. 40) Goldfields Act 1895 1904/015 (3 Edw. VII No. 30) Goldfields regulation (1854) 1904/015 (3 Edw. VII No. 30) Goldfields Tattersalls Club (Inc.) Act 1986 2006/037 Goldfields Water Supply Act 1902 1947/062 (11 & 12 Geo. VI No. 62) Goldfields-Esperance Development Authority Act 1990 1993/053 Goomalling-Dowerin Railway Act 1905 1965/057 Goomalling-Wongan Hills Railway Act 1909 1965/057 Government Electric Works Act 1914 1945/060 (9 & 10 Geo. VI No. 60) Government Employees (Promotions Appeal Board) Act 1945 1984/094 Government Employees' Pensions Act 1948 1991/010 Government Employees Superannuation Act 1987 2000/042 Government Ferries Act 1932 1948/052 (12 & 13 Geo. VI No. 52) Government School Teachers Arbitration and Appeal Act 1979 1984/094 Government Stock Saleyards Act 1941 1975/070 Government Trading Concerns Act 1912 1917/012 (7 Geo. V No. 32) Government Tramways Act 1912 1948/052 (12 & 13 Geo. VI No. 52) Governors of High School Appointment Act (1892) 1958/034 (7 Eliz. II No. 34) Governor's salary (1868) 1884 (48 Vict. No. 24) Governor's salary (1884) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Grain and Foodstuff Act 1914 Exp. 30/09/1915 Grain and Foodstuff Act 1915 1966/079 Grain Marketing Act 1975 2002/030 Grain Marketing Act 2002 2010/030 Grain Pool Act 1932 1975/085 Formerly: Wheat Pool Act 1932 Grand Jury Abolition Act Amendment Act 1883 2004/084 Formerly: The Grand Jury Abolition Act Amendment Act 1883 Great Southern Development Authority Act 1987 1993/053 Great Southern Railway Purchase Act (1896) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Greenhills-Quairading Railway Act 1906 1965/057 Greyhound Racing Control Act 1972 1981/010 Group Settlement Act 1925 1986/053 Group Settlers' Advances Act 1925 2006/037 Guardians to child immigrants (1839) 1970/010 3-17 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Guardians to child immigrants (1842) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Guardianship of Children Act 1972 1975/106 Guardianship of Infants Act 1920 1972/077 Guardianship of Infants Act 1926 1972/077 Guildford Cemeteries Act 1936 2014/032 Guildford Old Cemetery (Lands Revestment) Act 1949 2014/032 Guildford-Greenough Flats Railway Act 1886 2003/031 Gun License Act 1885 1931/008 (22 Geo. V No. 8) Hairdressers Registration Act 1946 Exp. 13/03/2012 Hanging criminals in chains abolition (1834) (Imp) 1995/078 Harbours (1832) 1855 (18 Vict. No. 15) Harbours (1841) 1855 (18 Vict. No. 15) Harbours, fees (1849) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Hawkers Act 1882 1892 (55 Vict. No. 35) Hawkers and pedlars (1861) 1882 (46 Vict. No. 10) Hawkers and Pedlars Act 1892 1991/010 Hawkers and pedlars licensing (1852) 1861 (25 Vict. No. 4) Health Act 1898 1911/034 (1 Geo. V No. 45) Health Education Council Act 1958 1985/057 Herd Improvement Service Act 1984 2000/025 Herdsman's Lake Drainage Act 1920 1922/009 (12 Geo. V No. 43) Hide and Leather Industries Act 1948 2006/037 High School Act 1875 1970/010 High School Act 1924 1958/034 (7 Eliz. II No. 34) High School, Perth, Mortgage Act 1883 1958/034 (7 Eliz. II No. 34) Hire-Purchase Act 1958 1959/058 (8 Eliz. II No. 58) Hire-Purchase Agreements Act 1931 1959/058 (8 Eliz. II No. 58) Homesteads Act 1893 1898 (62 Vict. No. 37) Honey Pool Act 1955 1978/073 Honey Pool Act 1978 1991/027 Hopetoun-Ravensthorpe Railway Act 1906 1965/057 Hospital Benefits Agreement Act 1945 1967/068 Hospital Benefits Agreement Act 1951 1967/068 Hospital Fund (Contributions) Act 1930 1966/079 Hospital Fund Act 1930 2012/044 Hospitals Act 1894 1927/023 (18 Geo. V No. 23) Hospitals Benefits Agreement Act 1948 1967/068 Hotham-Crossman Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Hotham-Crossman Railway Extension Act 1912 1965/057 Housing Advances (Contracts with Infants) Act 1968 1972/046 Housing Agreement (Commonwealth and State) Act 1973 1998/010 Housing Agreement (Commonwealth and State) Act 1981 1998/010 Housing Agreement (Commonwealth and State) Act 1984 2006/037 Housing Agreement (Commonwealth and State) Act 1990 2006/037 Housing Loan Guarantee Act 1957 2005/017 Housing Societies Act 1976 2005/017 Formerly: Building Societies Act 1976 Illicit Sale of Liquor Act 1913 1970/034 Immigrants, bounties to (1841) 1970/010 Immigration Act 1883 1893 (57 Vict. No. 26) Immigration Restriction Act 1897 1967/068 Imperial Act adopting (1873) 1913/015 (4 Geo. V No. 15) 3-18 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Imperial Act Adopting Ordinance 1850 2006/037 Imperial Act Adopting Ordinance 1856 1997/006 Imperial Acts (Masters and Apprentices) Adopting Act 1873 2006/037 Imperial Acts adopting (1877) 1970/010 Imperial Acts Adopting Act 1839 2003/074 Imperial Acts adoption (libel) (1837) 1884 (48 Vict. No. 12) Imperial Pauper Invalids Discipline Act 1883 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Imported Labor Registry Act 1874 1882 (46 Vict. No. 21) Imported Labor Registry Act 1882 1884 (48 Vict. No. 25) Imported Labor Registry Act 1884 1897 (61 Vict. No. 27) Imported Labour Registry Act 1897 1967/068 Imported Stock Act 1876 1895 (59 Vict. No. 34) Income and Entertainments Tax (War Time Suspension) Act 1942 1966/079 Income Tax (Rates for Deduction) Act 1939 1966/079 Income Tax Act 1918 1965/057 Income Tax Act 1940 1965/057 Income Tax Act 1941 1965/057 Income Tax Assessment Act 1937 2006/037 Increase of Rent (War Restrictions) Act 1939 1951/047 (15 & 16 Geo. VI No. 47) Indecent Publications and Articles Act 1902 1996/040 Industrial and Commercial Employees' Housing Act 1973 1998/004 Industrial and Reformatory Schools Act 1893 1907/031 (7 Edw. VII No. 31) Industrial Arbitration Act 1912 1979/114 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1900 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 21) Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1902 1912/057 (3 Geo. V No. 38) Industrial Development (Kwinana Area) Act 1952 1985/057 Industrial Development (Resumption of Land) Act 1945 1992/035 Industrial Lands (Maddington) Agreement Act 1964 1998/010 Industrial Lands Development Authority Act 1966 1992/035 Formerly: Kewdale Lands Development Act 1966 Industrial Schools' Act 1874 1907/031 (7 Edw. VII No. 31) Industrial Statistics Act 1897 1907/003 (7 Edw. VII No. 3) Industrial Training Act 1975 2008/044 Industries Assistance Act 1915 1985/057 Industries Assistance Act 1929 1985/057 Industry (Advances) Act 1947 1998/013 Inebriates Act 1912 1962/046 (11 Eliz. II No. 46) Infants, custody of (1839) (Imp) 1926/023 (17 Geo. V No. 23) Inheritance amendment (1833) (Imp) 2014/032 Innkeepers Act 1887 1970/034 Innkeepers Act 1920 1970/034 Inquiries into Wrecks Ordinance 1864 1991/010 Inquiry Agents Licensing Act 1954 1996/027 Insect Pests Act 1894 1898 (62 Vict. No. 27) Insolvent Ordinance 1856 1871 (34 Vict. No. 20) Inspection of Machinery Act 1904 1922/011 (12 Geo. V No. 45) Inspection of Machinery Act 1921 1974/074 Inspection of Scaffolding Act 1924 1972/013 Insurance Companies Act 1918 1991/010 Interpretation (1845) 1898 (62 Vict. No. 30) Interpretation Act 1898 1918/030 (9 Geo. V No. 20) 3-19 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Interpretation Act 1918 1984/012 Inter-State Destitute Persons Relief Act 1912 1959/028 (8 Eliz. II No. 28) Interstate Maintenance Recovery Act 1959 1965/109 Inventions Act 1975 1998/013 Inventions, A Carson (1864) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Inventions, E J Crease (1863) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Inventions, J Morgan (1866) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Inventions, P V Ramel (1868) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Inventions, S Golay (1868) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Iron and Steel (Mid West) Agreement Act 1997 2013/001 Iron and Steel Industry Act 1947 1991/010 Iron Ore - Direct Reduced Iron (BHP) Agreement Act 1996 2011/062 Iron Ore (Dampier Mining Company Limited) Agreement Act 1969 1997/057 Iron Ore (Hanwright) Agreement Act 1967 1991/010 Iron Ore (Mount Goldsworthy) Agreement Act 1962 1964/097 (13 Eliz. II No. 97) Iron Ore (Nimingarra) Agreement Act 1967 1991/010 Iron Ore (Scott River) Agreement Act 1961 1991/010 Iron Ore (Tallering Peak) Agreement Act 1961 1964/104 (13 Eliz. II No. 104) Iron Ore (Tallering Peak) Agreement Act 1964 1991/010 Iron Ore (The Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited) Agreement Act 1964 2003/074 Iron Ore Beneficiation (BHP) Agreement Act 1996 2011/062 Iron Ore Processing (BHP Minerals) Agreement Act 1994 2011/062 Irrigation (Dunham River) Agreement Act 1968 2003/074 Jandakot Railway Act 1904 1965/057 Jandakot-Armadale Railway Act 1906 1965/057 Jetties Regulation Act 1878 1926/045 (17 Geo. V No. 45) Joint Stock Companies' Fees Act 1887 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Joint Stock Companies Ordinance 1858 1893 (56 Vict. No. 8) Joondalup Centre Act 1976 1992/035 Judges' Pensions Act 1896 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Judges' Salaries Act 1902 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Judgments Act 1838 (Imp) 2004/059 Judgments Act 1840 (Imp) 2004/059 Juries (1832) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Juries (1845) 1871 (35 Vict. No. 8) Juries, grand (1851) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Juries, grand, abolition (1855) 1883 (47 Vict. No. 6) Juries, validation (1860) 1964/010 (13 Eliz. II No. 10) Jury (Emergency Provisions) Act 1942 1957/050 (6 Eliz. II No. 50) Jury Act 1871 1898 (62 Vict. No. 10) Jury Act 1898 1957/050 (6 Eliz. II No. 50) Jury Exemption Act 1892 1898 (62 Vict. No. 10) Jury Ordinance 1858 1871 (35 Vict. No. 8) Justice administration, statutory declarations (1896) 1994/073 Justices Appointment Act 1895 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 11) Justices, indictable offences (1850) 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 11) Justices, protection (1850) 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 11) Justices, summary offences (1850) 1970/010 Juvenile offenders, trial of (1847) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) 3-20 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Kalgoorlie and Boulder Racing Clubs Act 1904 2007/008 Formerly: The Kalgoorlie and Boulder Racing Clubs Act 1904 Kalgoorlie and Boulder Racing Clubs Act Amendment Act 1953 2007/008 Kalgoorlie Country Club (Inc.) Act 1982 2003/074 Kalgoorlie Electric Power and Lighting Corporation Limited Act 1902 2006/037 Kalgoorlie Health Authority Loan Act 1940 1966/079 Kalgoorlie Municipal Loans Re-appropriation Act 1900 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Kalgoorlie Racecourse Tramways Act 1904 1998/010 Kalgoorlie Road Board District Tramways Act 1900 1966/091 Kalgoorlie Road Board License Validation Act 1904 2006/037 Kalgoorlie Tramways Act 1900 1966/091 Kalgoorlie-Gnumballa Lake and Boulder Townsite Loop Railways Act 1897 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Kalgoorlie-Kanowna Railway Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Kalgoorlie-Menzies Railway Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Kalgoorlie-Parkeston Railway Act 1959 2003/031 Kangaroo Ordinance 1853 1878 (42 Vict. No. 9) Kangaroos (1900) 1907/018 (7 Edw. VII No. 18) Katanning Electric Lighting and Power (Private) Act 1904 1961/056 (10 Eliz. II No. 56) Katanning Electricity Supply Undertaking Acquisition Act 1961 2006/037 Katanning-Kojonup Railway Act 1905 1965/057 Katanning-Nampup Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Katanning-Nyabing Railway Extension Act 1914 1965/057 Kimberley Districts General Sessions Act 1886 1957/050 (6 Eliz. II No. 50) Kingia Grass Tree Concession Confirmation Act 1914 1966/079 Kojonup and Dowerin Road Board Loans Validation Act 1926 1966/079 Kojonup Cemetery Act 1928 2014/032 Kulja Eastward Railway Act 1928 1965/057 Kwinana Road District Act 1953 1967/068 Lake Brown-Bullfinch Railway Act 1926 1965/057 Lake Grace-Karlgarin Railway Act 1928 1965/057 Lake Grace-Newdegate Railway Act 1923 1965/057 Lake Lefroy Salt Industry Agreement Act 1969 1991/010 Land (Titles and Traditional Usage) Act 1993 1995/052 Land Act 1898 1933/037 (24 Geo. V No. 37) Land Act 1933 1997/030 Land Agents Act 1921 1978/072 Land Alienation Restriction Act 1944 Exp. 31/12/1949 Land Drainage (Validation) Act 1996 2012/025 Land Drainage Act 1900 1925/043 (16 Geo. V No. 43) Land Drainage Act 1925 2012/025 Land Quarantine Act 1878 1898 (62 Vict. No. 24) Land Regulations Arbitration Act 1888 1933/037 (24 Geo. V No. 37) Land resumption (1854) 1933/037 (24 Geo. V No. 37) Land resumption, Perth (1864) 1965/057 Land Sales Control Act 1948 Exp. 31/12/1949 Land Tax Act 1940 1965/057 Land Tax Act 1948 1976/013 Land Tax Act 1976 2002/045 Land Tax Adjustment Act 1918 1965/057 3-21 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1907 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1908 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1909 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1910 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1911 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1912 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1913 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1914 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1915 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1917 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1917 (No. 2) 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1918 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1919 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1920 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1921 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1922 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1923 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1924 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1926 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1927 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1928 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1929 1965/058 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1930 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1931 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1932 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1933 1966/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1934 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1935 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1936 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1937 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1938 1965/057 Land Tax and Income Tax Act 1939 1965/057 Land Tax Assessment Act 1907 1976/014 Formerly: Land and Income Tax Assessment Act 1907 Land Tax Assessment Act 1976 2002/045 Land Tax Relief Act 1991 2004/012 Land Tax Relief Act 1992 2004/012 Land Valuation Tribunals Act 1978 2004/055 Land vesting, Albany (1868) 1965/057 Land vesting, City of Perth (1863) 1965/057 Land vesting, Coolgardie (1898) 1900 (64 Vict. No. 40) Land vesting, Coolgardie (1909) 1965/057 Land vesting, Government House (1858) 1965/057 Land vesting, Guildford (1871) 1965/057 Land vesting, ordnance lands (1861) 1970/010 Landlord and Tenant Act 1912 1969/032 Lands Alienation Ordinance 1856 1991/010 Lands Resumption Act 1894 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 47) Lands Resumption Act 1896 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 47) Laporte Industrial Factory Agreement Act 1961 1986/092 Larceny consolidation (1861) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Larceny Summary Conviction Ordinance 1855 1970/010 3-22 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Larceny Summary Conviction Ordinance 1856 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Law and Parliamentary Library Act 1873 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Law and Parliamentary Library Act 1889 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Law Reform (Decriminalization of Sodomy) Act 1989 2002/003 Law Reform (Property, Perpetuities, and Succession) Act 1962 1969/032 Leases (1845) (Imp) 1969/032 Leederville Rates Validation Act 1914 1966/079 Leederville Tramways Act 1900 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Legal Contribution Trust Act 1967 2008/021 Legal Practice Act 2003 2008/021 Legal practitioners (1855) 1861 (24 Vict. No. 15) Legal practitioners (1865) 1893 (57 Vict. No.12) Legal practitioners (1881) 1893 (57 Vict. No.12) Legal Practitioners Act 1893 2003/065 Legislative Assembly Duration and General Election Postponement Act 1941 1966/079 Legislative Assembly Duration and General Election Postponement Act 1942 1966/079 Legislative Council (1870) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Legislative Council (Postponement of Election) Act 1941 1966/079 Legislative Council (Postponement of Election) Act 1942 1966/079 Legislative Council (Postponement of Election) Act 1944 1966/079 Legislative Council (War Time) Electoral Act 1943 Exp. 31/12/1947 Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Act 1976 1987/045 Legitimacy Declaration Act 1858 (Imp) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Legitimation Act 1909 1998/040 Leighton-Robb's Jetty Railway Act 1927 1966/080 Leonora Tramway Act 1902 1909/048 (9 Edw. VII No. 44) Leonora Tramways Act 1909 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Libel Act 1843 (Imp) 2005/044 Libel punishment repeal (1830) (Imp) 1884 (48 Vict. No. 12) Libellous publications prevention (1797) (Imp) 1884 (48 Vict. No. 12) Libellous publications regulation (1819) (Imp) 1884 (48 Vict. No. 12) Libels punishment (1819) (Imp) 1884 (48 Vict. No. 12) Licensed Surveyors Act 1886 1895 (59 Vict. No. 14) Licensed Surveyors Act 1895 1909/025 (9 Edw. VII No. 21) Licensing (Provisional Certificate) Act 1941 1947/047 (11 & 12 Geo. VI No. 47) Licensing (Provisional Certificate) Act 1947 1965/057 Licensing (Rottnest Island) Act 1962 1970/034 Licensing Act 1911 1970/034 Licensing Act Amendment Continuance Act 1915 [No. 9 of 1915] 1965/057 Liens and mortgages, wool and livestock (1866) 1899 (63 Vict. No. 45) Life Assurance Companies Act 1889 2009/008 Light and Air Act 1902 1969/032 Limitation of actions (1833) (Imp) 1935/035 (26 Geo. V No. 35) Liquefied Petroleum Gas Subsidy Act 1980 2009/046 Liquid Fuel (Emergency Provisions) Act 1949 Exp. 31/12/1950 Liquid Petroleum Gas Act 1956 2003/074 Liquor Act 1970 1988/054 Liquor distillation (1840) 1859 (23 Vict. No. 11) Liquor distillation (1859) 1871 (35 Vict. No. 12) 3-23 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Liquor licensing (1833) [3 Will. IV No. 3] 1872 (36 Vict. No. 5) Liquor licensing (1833) [4 Will. IV No. 3] 1841 (4 & 5 Vict. No. 8) Liquor licensing (1834) 1856 (20 Vict. No. 2) Liquor licensing (1841) 1856 (20 Vict. No. 1) Liquor licensing (1854) 1856 (20 Vict. No. 1) Liquor Licensing (Moratorium) Act 1983 Exp. 30/06/1988 Liquor licensing, boarding houses (1844) 1872 (36 Vict. No. 5) Liquor licensing, Sundays (1855) 1856 (20 Vict. No. 1) Liquor on naval ships (1887) 1970/010 Liquor sales (1832) 1856 (20 Vict. No. 2) Liquor sales (1856) 1872 (36 Vict. No. 5) Liquor sales (1871) 1872 (36 Vict. No. 5) Liquor sales, colonial wine (1863) 1872 (36 Vict. No. 5) Listening Devices Act 1978 1998/056 Loan and Inscribed Stock (Sinking Fund) Act 1927 1965/057 Loan Control Act 1882 1891 (54 Vict. No. 12) Loans Consolidation Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Loans validation (1904) 1966/079 Local Authorities (Reserve Funds) Act 1942 1966/079 Local Authorities Sinking Funds Act 1920 1965/057 Local Authorities, British Empire and Commonwealth Games Contributions Authorisation Act 1960 1967/068 Local Authorities, Royal Visit Expenditure Authorisation Act 1953 1966/079 Local Authorities, University of Western Australia Medical School Appeal Fund Contributions Authorisation Act 1955 1967/068 Local Courts Act 1904 2004/059 Local Government Superannuation Act 1980 1993/002 Local Government Water Supply Preservation Act 1892 2006/037 Formerly: The Local Government Water Supply Preservation Act 1892 Local Inscribed Stock Act 1897 1910/005 (1 Geo. V No. 5) Local Option Vote Continuance Act 1913 1966/079 Local Option Vote Continuance Act 1914 1966/079 Lotteries (Control) Act 1932 1954/018 (3 Eliz. II No. 18) Lotteries (Control) Act 1954 1990/016 Lotto Act 1981 1990/016 Lunacy Act 1871 1903/015 (3 Edw. VII No. 15) Lunacy Act 1903 1962/046 (11 Eliz. II No. 46) Machinery Safety Act 1974 1987/041 Magisterial Districts Act 1886 2004/059 Formerly: The Magisterial Districts Act 1886 Magistrates jurisdiction (1840) 1970/010 Magistrates jurisdiction (1863) 1970/010 Main Roads Act (Funds Appropriation) Act (No. 2) 1941 Exp. 31/12/1942 Main Roads Act (Funds Appropriation) Act 1942 Exp. 31/12/1943 Main Roads Act (Funds Appropriation) Act 1943 Exp. 31/12/1944 Main Roads Act (Funds Appropriation) Act 1944 Exp. 31/12/1947 Main Roads Act (Funds Appropriation) Act 1947 Exp. 31/12/1950 Main Roads Act (Funds Appropriation) Act 1950 Exp. 31/12/1951 Main Roads Act (Funds Appropriation) Act 1951 Exp. 31/12/1955 Main Roads Act (Funds Appropriation) Act 1955 1964/067 (13 Eliz. II No. 67) Main Roads Act 1925 1930/005 (21 Geo. V No. 5) 3-24 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Malcolm-Laverton Railway Act 1902 1965/057 Mandurah Church Burial Ground Act 1947 2014/032 Mangles Bay Railway Act 1968 2006/037 Manjimup Canned Fruits and Vegetables Industry Agreement Act 1969 2006/037 Manjimup Mount Barker Railway Act 1926 1966/080 Margarine Act 1940 1991/026 Marine Stores Act 1902 1994/088 Marketable Securities Transfer Act 1966 1970/086 Marketable Securities Transfer Act 1970 2009/008 Marketing of Apples and Pears Act 1948 Exp. 6/07/1951 Marketing of Apples and Pears Act 1949 1966/079 Marketing of Barley Act 1946 1975/085 Marketing of Eggs Act 1938 1945/058 (9 & 10 Geo. VI No. 58) Marketing of Eggs Act 1945 2011/047 Marketing of Lamb and Hogget Act 1967 1982/032 Marketing of Meat Act 1971 Exp. 31/12/1999 Marketing of Onions Act 1938 1981/047 Marriage (1841) 1847 (10 Vict. No. 18) Marriage (1847) 1856 (19 Vict. No. 11) Marriage (1849) 1856 (19 Vict. No. 11) Marriage (1856) 1894 (58 Vict. No. 11) Marriage (1877) 1894 (58 Vict. No. 11) Marriage Act 1835 (Imp) 2014/032 Marriage Act 1894 1967/068 Married Persons (Summary Relief) Act 1960 1965/109 Married Persons and Children (Summary Relief) Act 1965 1975/106 Married Women's Property Act 1892 2003/028 Married Women's Protection Act 1922 1960/080 (9 Eliz. II No. 80) Marrinup Branch Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Master and apprentice laws (Imp) in force on 1 Jan 1873 2006/037 Masters and Servants Act 1892 1995/079 Matches, dangerous (1876) 1877 (41 Vict. No. 8) Matrimonial causes (1871) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Matrimonial Causes and Personal Status Code 1948 1997/041 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance 1863 1997/041 McNess Housing Trust Act 1930 1968/050 Formerly: Housing Trust Act 1930 Meat Industry (Treatment Works) Licensing Act 1937 1976/075 Medical Act 1894 2008/022 Medical Ordinance 1869 1894 (58 Vict. No. 36) Medical Practitioners Act 2008 2010/035 Medical Radiation Technologists Act 2006 2010/035 Meekatharra-Horseshoe Railway Act 1920 1965/057 Meekatharra-Wiluna Railway Act 1927 1965/057 Melville Tramways Act 1914 1967/068 Melville Water and Freshwater Bay Road Act 1912 1966/027 Members of Parliament Fund Act 1941 1948/060 (12 & 13 Geo. VI No. 60) Members of Parliament, (Legislative Council) Retirement Act 1964 2009/046 Members of Parliament, Reimbursement of Expenses Act 1953 1967/070 3-25 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Mental Health (Consequential Provisions) Act 1996 2014/024 Mental Health Act 1962 1996/069 Mental Health Act 1981 1996/069 Mental Health Act 1996 2014/024 Mental Institution Benefits (Commonwealth and State Agreement) Act 1949 1991/010 Mental Treatment (War Service Patients) Act 1941 1962/046 (11 Eliz. II No. 46) Mental Treatment Act 1917 1962/046 (11 Eliz. II No. 46) Mental Treatment Act 1927 1962/046 (11 Eliz. II No. 46) Menzies-Leonora Railway Act 1899 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Merchandise Marks Act 1888 1986/053 Merchant Shipping Act Application Act 1903 1991/010 Methodist Church (W.A.) Property Trust Incorporation Act 1969 1976/139 Methodist Church Property Trust Act 1912 1976/139 Methodist Church, lands (1863) 1895 (59 Vict. Prvt Act) Methodist Church, trusts (1867) 1895 (59 Vict. Prvt Act) Metropolitan (Perth) Passenger Transport Trust Act 1957 2003/031 Metropolitan Milk Act 1932 1946/027 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 27) Formerly: Metropolitan Whole Milk Act 1932 Metropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme Act 1959 2005/038 Metropolitan Town Planning Commission Act 1927 Exp. 31/03/1931 Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Act 1904 1909/043 (9 Edw. VII No. 39) Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Board (Validation) Act 1977 2006/037 Metropolitan Water Works Act 1896 1904/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 29) Metropolitan Water Works Act 1899 1904/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 29) Midland Junction Trades Hall Act 1915 1967/068 Midland Junction-Welshpool Railway Act 1957 2014/032 Midland Railway Act 1919 2003/031 Midland Railway Company of Western Australia Limited Acquisition Agreement Act 1963 2003/031 Midland Railway Loan Act 1893 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Midland Redevelopment Act 1999 2011/054 Milk Act 1946 1973/092 Millstream Station Acquisition Act 1982 2006/037 Mine Workers' Relief (Payments Authorisation) Act 1940 2003/028 Mine Workers' Relief (War Service) Act 1940 2006/037 Mine Workers' Relief Act 1932 2011/047 Mineral Lands Act 1892 1904/015 (3 Edw. VII No. 30) Mineral Sands (Western Titanium) Agreement Act 1975 1988/061 Minerals and Energy Research Act 1987 2013/013 Miner's Phthisis Act 1922 2011/047 Mines and Machinery Inspection Act 1911 1969/019 Mines Regulation Act 1895 1906/036 (6 Edw. VII No. 36) Mines Regulation Act 1906 1946/054 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 54) Mines Regulation Act 1946 1994/062 Mining and Petroleum Research Act 1981 1987/089 Mining Companies Act 1888 1882 (46 Vict. No. 8) Mining Development Act 1902 1990/027 Mining lease, Hainault Gold Mine, title to (1897) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Mining on Private Property Act 1897 1898 (62 Vict. No. 29) Mining Tenements (War Time Exemptions) Act 1942 1978/107 3-26 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Miscellaneous Regulations (Validation) Act 1985 2009/046 Money Lenders Act 1912 1984/102 Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Control Act 1956 1959/079 (8 Eliz. II No. 79) Formerly: Unfair Trading and Profit Control Act 1956 Mortgagees' Rights Restriction Act 1931 Exp. 30/11/1946 Mosman Park Rates Validation Act 1944 1966/079 Motor Spirit and Substitute Liquid Fuels Act 1942 1965/057 Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance Surcharge) Act 1962 1988/008 Mount Goldsworthy-Ord Ranges-Depuch Island Railway Act 1962 1991/010 Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company Limited Lease Act 1909 1994/073 Mount Yokine Land Acquisition Act 1960 2000/047 Mt. Magnet-Black Range Railway Act 1907 1965/057 Mullewa Road Board Loan Rate Act 1938 1966/079 Mullewa-Cue Railway Act 1894 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission Act 1983 2006/037 Municipal Corporations (Postponement of 1958 Elections) Act 1958 1966/079 Municipal Corporations Act 1906 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Municipal Councils Titles Act 1885 1895 (59 Vict. No. 10) Municipal Counsel of Collie Validation Act 1928 1966/079 Municipal Footpaths Act 1888 1895 (59 Vict. No. 10) Municipal Institutions Act 1871 1895 (59 Vict. No. 10) Municipal Institutions Act 1876 1895 (59 Vict. No. 10) Municipal Institutions Act 1895 1900 (64 Vict. No. 8) Municipal Institutions Act 1900 1906/032 (6 Edw. VII No. 32) Municipal Loans Validation Act 1899 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Municipality boundaries alteration (1911) 1966/079 Municipality boundary change (1909) 1966/079 Municipality of Albany Loan Validation Act 1924 1966/079 Municipality of Fremantle Act 1925 1996/014 Murderers, prison discipline of (1836) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Museum Act 1959 1969/090 Museum, and Art Gallery of Western Australia Act 1911 1959/062 (8 Eliz. II No. 62) Formerly: Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of Western Australia Act 1911 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 1995 Exp. 28/02/2001 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2001 Exp. 28/02/2011 Nannine-Meekatharra Railway Act 1909 1965/057 Naraling-Yuna Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Narrogin Hospital Act 1932 1996/014 Narrogin-Wickepin Railway Act 1907 1965/057 National Bank of Australasia (1866) 1965/057 National Companies and Securities Commission (State Provisions) Act 1980 1991/051 National Crime Authority (State Provisions) Act 1985 2004/074 National Emergency (Stocks of Goods) Act 1942 1967/068 National Fitness Act 1945 1972/071 National Parks Authority Act 1976 1984/126 National Rail Corporation Agreement Act 1992 1999/048 Native Flora Protection Act 1912 1935/037 (26 Geo. V No. 37) Native Flora Protection Act 1935 1976/086 Native Flora Protection Act 1938 1976/086 3-27 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Native Mission Stations Act 1923 2014/032 Native Welfare Act 1905 1963/079 (12 Eliz. II No. 79) Formerly: Aborigines Act 1905 Native Welfare Act 1954 1963/079 (12 Eliz. II No. 79) Native Welfare Act 1963 1972/024 Natives (Citizenship Rights) Act 1944 1971/026 Naturalisation Act 1871 1986/053 Naturalisation, A Bothe (1866) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, A Bothe (1867) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, A J Lecaille (1859) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, B F Simmons (1841) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, B Martinez (1870) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, B Ramis (1866) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, B Ramis (1867) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, C Millar (1856) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, clarification (1849) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, F A D C Helmich (1842) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, F Waldeck (1841) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, G A Seubert (1869) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, H Lipschitz (1859) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, H Look (1867) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, I Oriol (1865) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, J A Baesjou (1858) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, J A L Preiss (1841) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, J M B Serra (1851) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, J Perejuan (1860) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, J S Barker & T Pope (1852) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, P Ferrara 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, S Duryea (1858) 1964/010 (13 Eliz. II No. 10) Naturalisation, S Pekilman (aka C Reichberg) (1869) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, T F Gilman (1850) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, various (1849) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, various (1851) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, various (1854) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, various (1860) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, W Lawrence (1869) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naturalisation, Y A J Boladeras (1861) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Naval and Military Absentees Relief Act 1915 2006/037 Naval and Victualling Stores Ordinance 1867 2006/037 Naval Deserters Act 1884 1986/053 Navigation Act 1904 1948/072 (12 & 13 Geo. VI No. 72) Nedlands Park Tramways Act 1907 1967/068 Nelson Agricultural Society Land Act 1906 1997/057 Nelson Rates Validation Act 1916 1966/079 New Tractors and Motor Vehicle Control Act 1948 Exp. 31/12/1949 Newcastle Suburban Lot S8 Act 1925 1965/057 Newcastle-Bolgart Railway Act 1907 1965/057 Newcastle-Bolgart Railway Extension Act 1912 1965/057 Newcastle-Bolgart Railway Extension Act 1915 1965/057 Newspaper Libel and Registration Act 1884 2005/044 Formerly: The Newspaper Libel and Registration Act 1884 3-28 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Newspaper Libel and Registration Act 1884 Amendment Act 1888 2005/044 Formerly: The Newspaper Libel and Registration Act 1884 Amendment Act 1888 Nickel Refinery (Western Mining Corporation Limited) Agreement Act 1968 2013/001 Noise Abatement Act 1972 1987/041 Nollamara Land Vesting Act 1957 1991/010 Norseman-Salmon Gums Railway Act 1924 1965/057 North Fremantle Municipal Tramways Act 1907 1967/068 North Fremantle Rates Validation Act 1921 1966/079 North Perth and Perth Road Board Districts Tramways Act 1902 1967/068 North Perth Tramways Act 1904 1965/057 North Perth Tramways Act 1909 1965/057 Northam Cemeteries Act 1944 2014/032 Northam Municipal Council Validation Act 1936 1966/079 Northam Municipal Ice Works Act 1921 1994/073 Northam Municipal Loan Authorisation Act 1938 1966/079 Northam-Goomalling Railway Act 1899 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Northampton Mechanics' Institute Act 1919 1965/057 Northampton-Ajana Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Northern Australia Survey Agreement Act 1935 1966/079 Northern Developments (Ord River) Pty. Ltd. Agreement Act 1960 2003/074 Northern Developments Pty Limited Agreement Act 1957 2003/074 Northern Developments Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1969 2003/074 Northern District Special Revenue Act 1873 1886 (50 Vict. No. 7) Northern Mining Corporation (Acquisition) Act 1983 2006/037 Noxious Weeds Act 1900 1904/045 (4 Edw. VII No. 20) Noxious Weeds Act 1904 1924/019 (15 Geo. V No. 19) Noxious Weeds Act 1924 1950/060 (14 & 15 Geo. VI No. 60) Noxious Weeds Act 1950 1976/042 Nurses Act 1968 1992/027 Nurses Act 1992 2006/050 Nurses and Midwives Act 2006 2010/035 Nurses Registration Act 1921 1968/027 Oaths Act 1838 (Imp) 2005/024 Oaths and affidavits (1855) 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Occupational Therapists Act 1957 1980/089 Occupational Therapists Act 2005 2010/035 Occupational Therapists Registration Act 1980 2005/042 Ocean Gardens (Inc.) Act 2004 2014/032 Oddfellows' Mortgage Ordinance 1869 1966/079 Offences against the person amendment (1837) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Offences against the person consolidation (1861) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Offences by fire or explosive (1846) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Offences, parties to (1861) (Imp) 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Offenders' Apprehension Act 1875 1892 (55 Vict. No. 27) Offenders Community Corrections Act 1963 1995/078 Formerly: Offenders Probation and Parole Act 1963 Officers of Parliament Act 1893 1899 (63 Vict. No. 19) Official appointments (1834) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) 3-29 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Official Trustee Act 1921 1941/026 (5 Geo. VI No. 26) Officials in Parliament Act 1891 1899 (63 Vict. No. 19) Off-shore (Application of Laws) Act 1977 1982/021 Opium Duty Act 1886 1898 (62 Vict. No. 5) Opium Smoking Prohibition Act 1913 1928/011 (19 Geo. V No. 11) Optical Dispensers Act 1966 2006/011 Optometrists Act 1940 2005/029 Optometrists Act 2005 2010/035 Osborne Park Tramways Purchase Act 1914 1970/010 Osteopaths Act 1997 2005/033 Osteopaths Act 2005 2010/035 Oyster Fisheries Act 1881 1994/053 Painters' Registration Act 1961 2011/019 Parental Support and Responsibility Act 2008 2015/023 Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act 1920 2003/028 Parliamentary Allowances Act 1911 1967/070 Parliamentary Salaries and Allowances Act 1967 1975/027 Parliamentary Superannuation Act 1948 1970/036 Partition Act 1878 1969/032 Passenger by Land Ordinance 1866 1876 (40 Vict. No. 5) Patent Act 1888 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Patents (1871) 1888 (52 Vict. No. 5) Pawnbrokers' Ordinance 1860 1994/088 Payment of Members Act 1900 1911/033 (1 Geo. V No. 44) Pay-roll Tax Act 1971 2002/045 Pay-roll Tax Assessment Act 1971 2002/045 Pearl Dealers Licensing Act 1899 1912/045 (3 Geo. V No. 26) Pearl Shell Duty Reduction Act 1889 1912/045 (3 Geo. V No. 26) Pearl Shell Fishery Act 1886 1912/045 (3 Geo. V No. 26) Pearl Shell Fishery Regulation Act 1873 1912/045 (3 Geo. V No. 26) Pearl Shell Fishery Regulation Act 1875 1912/045 (3 Geo. V No. 26) Pearling Act 1912 1990/088 Penalties, remission of (1876) 1970/010 Pension, W H Mackie (1857) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Pensioners (Rates Exemption) Act 1922 1966/058 Pensioners (Rates Rebates and Deferments) Act 1966 1992/031 Formerly: Pensioners (Rates Exemption) Act 1966 Pensioners Benevolent Society (1863) 1871 (35 Vict. No. 13) Pensioners Benevolent Society (1873) 1967/068 Pensions Supplementation Act 1953 Exp. 31/12/1957 Peppermint Grove, Cottesloe, and Buckland Hill Water Supply (Private) Act 1899 1965/057 Perpetual Trustees W.A. Ltd., Act 1922 1987/111 Formerly: The Perpetual Executors, Trustees, and Agency Company (W.A.) Limited Act 1922 Perpetuation of Testimony Act 1842 (Imp) 2014/032 Perth and Tattersall's Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) Act 1979 2006/037 Perth Carriage Fees Ordinance 1865 1876 (40 Vict. No. 5) Perth City Council powers (1874) 1965/057 Perth Dental Hospital Land Act 1942 2006/037 Perth Drainage Rate Act 1875 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Perth Gas Company's Act 1886 1979/111 3-30 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Perth International Centre for Application of Solar Energy Act 1994 2006/043 Perth Mint Act 1895 1970/023 Perth Municipal Gas and Electric-Lighting Act 1911 1979/111 Perth Racecourse Railway Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Perth Railway Crossing Improvement Act 1892 1965/057 Perth Regional Railway Act 1972 2003/031 Perth Streets Dedication Act 1912 1965/057 Perth Tramways Act 1889 1897 (61 Vict. No. 30) Perth Working Men's Association Mortgage Act 1880 1966/079 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 1982/033 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Registration Fees Act 1967 1982/034 Petroleum Products Subsidy Act 1965 2009/046 Petroleum Safety Act 1999 2005/013 Pharmacy Act 1964 2010/035 Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1894 1910/007 (1 Geo. V No. 7) Pharmacy and Poisons Act Compilation Act 1910 1964/072 (13 Eliz. II No. 72) Phosphate Co-operative (W.A.) Ltd. Act 1974 2006/037 Physical Environment Protection Act 1970 1971/063 Physiotherapists Act 1950 2005/032 Physiotherapists Act 2005 2010/035 Piawaning Northwards Railway Act 1920 1965/057 Pig Industry Compensation Act 1942 2004/040 Pilbara Development Commission Act 1992 1993/053 Pinjarra-Dwarda Railway Extension Act 1914 1965/057 Pinjarra-Marrinup Railway Act 1907 1965/057 Piracy amendment (1837) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Plant Diseases (Registration Fees) Act 1939 1941/033 (5 & 6 Geo. VI No. 33) Plant Diseases (Registration Fees) Act 1941 1981/055 Plant Diseases Act 1914 2007/024 Plant Pests and Diseases (Eradication Funds) Act 1974 2007/024 Formerly: Skeleton Weed and Resistant Grain Insects (Eradication Funds) Act 1974 Podiatrists Act 2005 2010/035 Podiatrists Registration Act 1984 2005/030 Poison Sale Act 1879 1894 (58 Vict. No. 35) Police (1849) 1861 (25 Vict. No. 15) Police Benefit Fund (1866) 1939/040 (3 & 4 Geo. VI No. 40) Police Benefit Fund Abolition Act 1939 1994/073 Police Ordinance 1861 1892 (55 Vict. No. 27) Poor Houses Discipline Act 1882 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Poor Persons Legal Assistance Act 1928 1991/010 Port Hedland Port Authority Act 1970 1999/005 Port Hedland-Marble Bar Railway Act 1907 1965/057 Ports (Functions) Act 1993 1999/005 Ports and Harbours Act 1917 1967/017 Ports safety (1851) 1892 (55 Vict. No. 27) Post and Telegraph Act 1893 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Post Office Savings Bank Act 1900 1906/009 (6 Edw. VII No. 9) Post Office Savings Bank Act 1902 1906/009 (6 Edw. VII No. 9) Post Office Savings Bank Consolidation Act 1893 1906/009 (6 Edw. VII No. 9) 3-31 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Post Office Savings Bank Interest Act 1895 1906/009 (6 Edw. VII No. 9) Post Office Savings Bank Ordinance 1863 1893 (57 Vict. No. 3) Postage (1834) 1845 (9 Vict. No. 6) Postage (1845) 1893 (57 Vict. No. 5) Postage (1851) 1893 (57 Vict. No. 5) Postage (1854) 1893 (57 Vict. No. 5) Postage Stamp Ordinance 1854 1893 (57 Vict. No. 5) Postponed Debts Act 1919 1967/068 Postponement of Debts Act 1914 Exp. 31/12/1919 Potato Growers Licensing Act 1941 1946/026 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 26) Potato Growing Industry Trust Fund Act 1947 2004/040 Poultry Industry (Trust Fund) Act 1948 2004/040 Powers of Attorney Act 1896 1969/032 Prawn Fishing Act 1876 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 17) Presbyterian Church Act 1884 1908/002 (8 Edw. VII No. 2) Pre-School (Education and Child Care) Act 1973 1928/033 (19 Geo. V No. 33) Preston Road District Soldiers' Memorial Act 1918 2006/037 Prevention of Crimes Act 1898 1966/079 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1912 1920/021 (11 Geo. V No. 21) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1920 2002/033 Prevention of Pollution of Waters by Oil Act 1960 1987/014 Prices Control Act 1948 Exp. 31/12/1953 Prices Regulation Act 1919 Exp. 31/12/1921 Prison at Fremantle (1851) 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 7) Prison at Rottnest (1840) 1970/010 Prison at Rottnest (1841) 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Prisoners Employment Act 1887 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Prisoners escaped from other colonies, arrest of (1850) 1851 (14 Vict. No. 18) Prisoners escaped from other colonies, arrest of (1851) 1970/010 Prisons (1849) 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Prisons Act 1903 1981/115 Private Bonded Warehouses Act 1883 1892 (55 Vict. No. 31) Private Savings Bank Act 1924 1999/026 Private Slaughter House Ordinance 1852 1876 (40 Vict. No. 11) Probation of First Offenders Act 1892 1902 (1 & 2 Edw. VII No. 14) Profiteering Prevention Act 1939 1952/028 (1 Eliz. II No. 28) Property law amendment (1859) (Imp) 1969/032 Property law amendment (1860) (Imp) 1969/032 Protection of Witnesses Act 1875 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Psychologists Act 2005 2010/035 Psychologists Registration Act 1976 2005/028 Public Authorities (Contributions) Act 1974 1996/055 Public Authorities (Postponement of Elections) Act 1942 1994/073 Public Authorities (Retirement of Members) Act 1943 1966/079 Public Buildings Act (Validation of Payments) Act 1951 1966/079 Public Buildings Act 1937 1951/003 (15 Geo. VI No. 3) Public Dental Hospital Land Act 1934 2006/037 Public Depositors' Relief Act 1893 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Public Education Act 1899 1928/033 (19 Geo. V No. 33) Public Health Act 1886 1898 (62 Vict. No. 24) Public House Ordinance 1856 1872 (36 Vict. No. 5) 3-32 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Public Institutions and Friendly Societies Lands Improvement Act 1892 2009/008 Formerly: The Public Institutions and Friendly Societies Lands Improvement Act 1892 Public Institutions and Friendly Societies Lands Improvement Act 1892, Amendment Act 1893 2009/008 Formerly: The Public Institutions and Friendly Societies Lands Improvement Act 1892, Amendment Act 1893 Public Moneys Investment Act 1961 1985/098 Public Notaries Act 1902 1979/070 Public Officers Act 1879 2004/059 Formerly: The Public Officers Act 1879 Public Offices and Officers Designation Act 1892 1991/010 Public Pound Ordinance 1861 1882 (46 Vict. No. 7) Public Servants' Act 1915 2006/037 Public Service Act 1900 1904/041 (4 Edw. VII No. 16) Public Service Act 1904 1978/086 Public Service Act 1978 1994/031 Public Service Appeal Board Act 1920 1977/018 Public Service Arbitration Act 1966 1984/094 Public Service Commissioner's Salary Act 1927 1978/086 Public Slaughter House Ordinance 1852 1876 (40 Vict. No. 11) Puisne Judge's Salary Act 1883 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Purchasers' Protection Act 1933 1970/119 Pyramid Sales Schemes Act 1973 1988/017 Quairading-Nunajin Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Quakers and Moravians Act 1833 (Imp) 2005/024 Quakers and Moravians Act 1838 (Imp) 2005/024 Quarantine (1833) 1868 (32 Vict. No. 12) Quarantine (1850) 1868 (32 Vict. No. 12) Quarantine Ordinance 1868 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Quarry Railway Extension Act 1928 1965/057 R & I Holdings Act 1990 1990/073 Formerly: Bank of Western Australia Act 1990 Rabbit Act 1902 1925/029 (16 Geo. V No. 29) Race Meetings (Two-up Gaming) Act 1985 1987/074 Racecourse Development Act 1976 2003/035 Racing Restriction Act 1917 2003/035 Racing Restriction Act 1927 2003/035 Radioactive Substances Act 1954 1975/044 Rail Safety Act 1998 2010/018 Rail Safety Act 2010 2015/021 Railway (Brown Hill Loop Kalgoorlie-Gnumballa Lake) Discontinuance Act 1948 1965/057 Railway (Collie-Griffin Mine Railway) Discontinuance Act 1967 2006/037 Railway (Coogee-Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 1973 2006/037 Railway (Hopetoun-Ravensthorpe) Discontinuance Act 1946 1965/057 Railway (Kalgoorlie-Parkeston) Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1973 2006/037 Railway (Midland-Walkaway Railway) Discontinuance Act 1967 1970/010 Railway (Mt. Magnet-Black Range) Discontinuance Act 1948 1965/057 Railway (Mundaring-Mundaring Weir) Discontinuance Act 1952 1965/057 3-33 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Railway (Port Hedland-Marble Bar) Discontinuance Act 1950 1965/057 Railway (Portion of Tambellup-Ongerup Railway) Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1963 1965/057 Railway (Upper Darling Range) Discontinuance Act 1950 1965/057 Railway Act 1889 1904/023 (3 Edw. VII No. 38) Railway and Theatre Refreshment Rooms Licensing Act 1895 1911/032 (1 Geo. V No. 43) Railway Discontinuance Act 1996 2006/037 Railway Refreshment Room Licensing Act 1881 1911/032 (1 Geo. V No. 43) Railway Servants Act 1887 1904/023 (3 Edw. VII No. 38) Railway Siding (North Fremantle) Act 1922 1965/057 Railway Supplementary Loan Act 1875 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Railway Survey Act 1873 1878 (42 Vict. No. 31) Railway Survey Act 1913 1965/057 Railways (Cue-Big Bell and other Railways) Discontinuance Act 1960 1970/010 Railways Act 1873 1878 (42 Vict. No. 31) Railways Act 1878 1904/023 (3 Edw. VII No. 38) Railways and Electric Telegraph Protection Act 1871 1878 (42 Vict. No. 31) Railways Classification Board Act 1920 1984/094 Railways Discontinuance Act 1928 1965/057 Railways Discontinuance Act 1980 2006/037 Railways Discontinuance Act 1985 2006/037 Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1968 2006/037 Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1970 2006/037 Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1974 2006/037 Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1975 2006/037 Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1978 2006/037 Rates validation (1904) 1966/079 Real Estates Administration Act (1893) 1903/013 (3 Edw. VII No. 13) Real Property Act 1845 (Imp) 1969/032 Real property conveyances (1845) (Imp) 1969/032 Real Property Limitation Act 1878 1935/035 (26 Geo. V No. 35) Real Property Transfer Act 1832 1969/032 Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1921 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act 1921 1965/109 Recognizances (Forfeiture) Ordinance 1861 1994/092 Recording of Evidence Act 1975 2003/074 Recording of Proceedings Act 1980 2003/074 Recovery of Debts Ordinance 1861 1994/073 Redistribution of Seats Act 1911/006 (1 Geo. V No. 17) Redistribution of Seats Act 1911 1947/051 (11 & 12 Geo. VI No. 51) Redistribution of Seats Act 1929 1947/051 (11 & 12 Geo. VI No. 51) Reduction of Rents Act 1931 Exp. 31/12/1935 Referenda on Proposals for Marketing of Wheat, Oats, and Barley, Act 1952 1991/010 Registration of births, deaths and marriages (1856) 1894 (58 Vict. No. 16) Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1961 1998/039 Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Act 1894 1961/034 (10 Eliz. II No. 34) Registration of deeds, wills etc. (1832) 1856 (19 Vict. No. 14) Registration of Firms Act 1897 1943/002 (6 & 7 Geo. VI No. 45) Registration of Identity of Persons Act 1975 1998/040 3-34 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Regulation of Anchorage Act 1871 1986/053 Regulation of Whipping Act 1884 1965/091 Removal of Guano Act 1876 1991/010 Rents and Tenancies Emergency Provisions Act 1951 1965/057 Reprinting of Acts Authorisation Act 1953 1984/013 Reprinting of Regulations Act 1954 1984/013 Reserve Funds (Local Authorities) Act 1950 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Reserves (Reserve 43131) Act 2003 Exp. 12/06/2005 Resumption Variation (Boulder-Kambalda Road) Act 1973 2014/032 Returned Sailors and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia, W.A. Branch Incorporated (Anzac Club Control) Act 1938 1970/034 Returned Sailors and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia, W.A. Branch, Incorporated, Headquarters Building Act 1933 2011/047 Road Districts Act 1919 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Road Districts Rates Act 1924 1998/010 Road Maintenance (Contribution) Act 1965 1979/009 Road Parties Discipline Act 1877 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Road Traffic (Vehicle Licensing) (Taxing) Act 2001 2012/008 Formerly: Road Traffic Amendment (Vehicle Licensing) (Taxing) Act 2001 Road Transport Subsidy Act 1937 1946/004 (10 Geo. VI No. 4) Roads Act 1888 1902 (2 Edw. VII No. 48) Roads Act 1902 1911/029 (1 Geo. V No. 40) Roads Act Continuation Act 1913 1919/038 (10 Geo. V No. 26) Roads Agreements between the State Housing Commission and Local Authorities Act 1950 1994/073 Roads conservation (1875) 1888 (52 Vict. No. 16) Roads management (1838) 1841 (4 & 5 Vict. No. 16) Roads management (1841) 1847 (10 Vict. No. 19) Robbery amendment (1837) (Imp) 1865 (29 Vict. No. 5) Robb's Jetty-Woodman's Point Railway Act 1902 1965/057 Rockingham Road District (Loan Rate Exemption) Act 1932 1967/068 Royal Commissioners' Powers Act 1902 1968/065 Royal Visit 1952 Special Holiday Act 1951 1966/079 Royal Visit Holiday Act 1962 1966/079 Royal Visit Holiday Act 1976 1994/073 Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation Act 1971 1993/010 Formerly: Rural Reconstruction and Rural Adjustment Schemes Act 1971 Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation Act 1993 2000/072 Rural and Industries Bank Act 1944 1987/083 Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Act 1987 1990/073 Rural Housing (Assistance) Act 1976 1998/004 Rural Industries Assistance Act 1975 1985/027 Rural Relief Fund Act 1935 1980/027 Rural Youth Movement Act 1955 1991/010 Formerly: Junior Farmers' Movement Act 1955 Safety of Defences Act 1892 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Sailors and Soldiers' Scholarship Fund Act 1938 2009/008 Salaries and Wages Freeze Act 1982 1995/079 Salaries Tax Act 1930 1931/020 (22 Geo. V No. 20) Sale of Government Property Act 1907 1985/098 Sale of Human Blood Act 1963 1982/116 Sale of Land (Vendors' Obligations) Act 1940 1970/119 3-35 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Sale of Tobacco Act 1916 1990/104 Sales by Auction Act 1937 1973/073 Sand Drift Act 1889 1919/051 (10 Geo. V No. 39) Sand Drift Act 1919 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Sandalwood Act 1881 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Sandalwood toll (1847) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Scab (1844) 1866 (30 Vict. No. 13) Scab Act 1879 1882 (46 Vict. No. 15) Scab Act 1882 1885 (49 Vict. No. 21) Scab Act 1885 1891 (54 Vict. No. 16) Scab Act 1891 1960/024 (9 Eliz. II No. 24) Scab in Sheep Ordinance 1866 1879 (43 Vict. No. 16) Scientology Act 1968 1973/011 Seamen, assistance to (1871) 1970/010 Seamen, deserting (1840) 1970/010 Seamen, discipline (1875) 1967/068 Seats for Shop Assistants Act 1899 1920/044 (11 Geo. V No. 44) Secession Act 1934 1966/079 Secession Referendum Act 1932 1966/079 Secondary Education Authority Act 1984 1997/017 Second-hand Dealers Act 1906 1994/088 Secret Commissions Act 1905 1913/028 (4 Geo. V No. 28) Secret Harbour Management Trust Act 1984 1998/010 Securities for illegal transactions amendment (1835) (Imp) 1985/029 Securities Industry (Application of Laws) Act 1981 2009/008 Securities Industry (Release of Sureties) Act 1977 2009/008 Securities Industry Act 1970 1975/099 Securities Industry Act 1975 2009/008 Security Agents Act 1976 1996/027 Seed Marketing Act 1969 1975/085 Formerly: Marketing of Linseed Act 1969 Seeds Act 1950 1981/035 Seeds Act 1981 2007/024 Seniors (Water Service Charges Rebates) Act 1990 1992/031 Sentence Administration Act 1995 2003/050 Sentence Administration Act 1999 2003/050 Sentencing, transportation abolition (1856) 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Sentencing, transportation abolition, amendment (1860) 1903/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 14) Service and Execution of Process (Harbours) Ordinance 1855 2014/032 Formerly: Administration of Justice (Civil) Ordinance (1855) Settled estates amendment (1858) (Imp) 1970/010 Settled estates amendment (1864) (Imp) 1970/010 Settled estates amendment (1874) (Imp) 1970/010 Settled estates amendment (1876) (Imp) 1970/010 Settled estates, leases and sales (1856) (Imp) 1970/010 Settled Land Act 1892 1962/078 (11 Eliz. II No. 78) Sewerage Works Validation Act 1918 1966/079 Sharks Bay Pearl Shell Fishery Act 1886 1892 (55 Vict. No. 9) Sharks Bay Pearl Shell Fishery Act 1892 1912/045 (3 Geo. V No. 26) Shearers' Accommodation Act 1912 2004/051 Sheep Branding Act 1871 1881 (45 Vict. No. 7) 3-36 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Act 1987 1993/041 Sheepskins (Draft Allowance Prohibition) Act 1952 1991/010 Sheriff (1851) 1869 (33 Vict. No. 6) Shipping and Pilotage Act 1855 1967/017 Formerly: Shipping and Pilotage Consolidation Ordinance 1855 Shipping, survey costs (1877) 1970/010 Shipwrecked Colonial Seamen's Act 1880 1986/053 Shortening Ordinance 1853 1898 (62 Vict. No. 30) Simultaneous Deaths Act 1960 1969/032 Slander of Women Act 1900 2005/044 Slaughter houses (1876) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Slaughter of Calves Restriction Act 1919 1980/011 Sluicing and Dredging for Gold Act 1899 1978/107 Small Business Guarantees Act 1984 2004/031 Small Claims Tribunals Act 1974 2004/059 Small Debts Ordinance 1863 1904/051 (4 Edw. VII No. 26) Small Savings Ordinance 1855 1856 (19 Vict. No. 9) Small Tenements Recovery Act 1838 (Imp) 2004/059 Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Enabling Act 1971 2000/024 Soccer Football Pools Act 1984 1987/074 Soil Fertility Research Act 1954 1995/061 Solar Energy Research Act 1977 Exp. 30/06/1988 Soldier Land Settlement Act 1926 1966/079 Soldier Land Settlement Act 1934 1966/079 South West Development Authority Act 1984 1993/053 Southern Cross Southwards Railway Act 1933 1966/080 Southern Cross-Bullfinch Railway Act 1910 1965/057 Southern Cross-Coolgardie Railway Act 1894 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) South-West Electric Power Act 1926 1945/060 (9 & 10 Geo. VI No. 60) South-West State Power Scheme Act 1945 1979/111 South-Western Railway Act 1891 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Spanish Radish and Scotch Thistle Prevention Act 1874 1900 (64 Vict. No. 11) Special Holidays Act 1973 1994/073 Special Investigation (Coal Contract) Act 1994 2014/032 Special Lease (Esperance Pine Plantation) Act 1926 1994/073 Special Lease (Gypsum) Act 1918 2014/032 Special Lease (Lake Clifton) Act 1916 2014/032 Special Lease (Stirling Estate) Act 1916 2014/032 Special Lease Enabling Act 1914 2014/032 Special License (Waroona Irrigation District) Act 1932 1985/025 St George's Court Act 1935 1965/057 Stallions Act 1921 1980/012 Stamp Act 1881 1882 (46 Vict. No. 6) Stamp Act 1882 1922/010 (12 Geo. V No. 44) Stamp duty on land transfers (1841) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Stamp duty on land transfers (1878) 1893 (56 Vict. No. 14) Standard Time Act 1895 2005/021 Formerly: The Standard Time Act 1895 State (Western Australian) Alunite Industry Act 1946 1997/057 State (Western Australian) Alunite Industry Partnership Act 1942 1946/053 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 53) 3-37 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired State Electricity Commission Act 1945 1979/111 State Employment and Skills Development Authority Act 1990 1996/042 State Engineering Works Act 1984 1988/019 State Forest Access Act 1939 1967/068 State Forest Access Act 1946 1967/068 State Government Insurance Office Act 1938 1986/051 State Hotels (Disposal) Act 1959 1985/057 State Housing Act 1946 1980/058 State Housing Death Benefit Scheme Act 1965 1994/073 State Manufactures Description Act 1931 1957/058 (6 Eliz. II No. 58) State Salaries (Commonwealth Taxation) Act 1916 2006/037 State Savings Bank Act 1906 1965/057 Formerly: Government Savings Bank Act 1906 State Savings Bank Transfer Act 1931 1965/057 State Tender Board Act 1965 1991/005 State Transport Co-ordination Act 1933 1966/091 State Transport Co-ordination Act 1966 1981/014 State Transport Co-ordination Act 1981 1985/054 Statutes Compilation Act 1905 1984/013 Steam Boilers Act 1897 1904/053 (4 Edw. VII No. 28) Steam Vessel Boat Ordinance 1863 1878 (42 Vict. No. 24) Stipendiary Magistrates Act 1930 1957/017 (6 Eliz. II No. 17) Stipendiary Magistrates Act 1957 2004/059 Stock (Identification and Movement) Act 1970 2007/024 Formerly: Stock (Brands and Movement) Act 1970 Stock branding (1852) 1864 (28 Vict. No. 13) Stock Diseases (Regulations) Act 1968 2007/024 Stock Diseases Act 1895 1968/066 Stock Jobbing (Application) Act 1969 2014/032 Stock straying (1839) 1872 (36 Vict. No. 9) Stock Tax Act 1893 1898 (62 Vict. No. 5) Stock trespass (1832) 1857 (21 Vict. No. 7) Stock, grazing (1850) 1960/084 (9 Eliz. II No. 84) Stock, import control (1873) 1876 (40 Vict. No. 14) Strata Titles Act 1966 1985/033 Street Photographers Act 1947 1991/010 Streets substitution, Greenmount and Marble Bar (1896) 1965/057 Subiaco Redevelopment Act 1994 2011/045 Subiaco Tramways Act 1899 1912/031 (3 Geo. V No. 12) Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1896 1922/028 (13 Geo. V No. 10) Summary procedure, justices (1844) 1850 (14 Vict. No. 5) Summary procedure, justices (1845) 1970/010 Sunday Labour in Mines Act 1899 1906/036 (6 Edw. VII No. 36) Sunday Observance Act 1677 (Imp) 1997/049 Superannuation Act 1871 1991/010 Superannuation, Sick, Death, Insurance, Guarantee and Endowment (Local Governing Bodies' Employees) Funds Act 1947 1980/076 Supreme Court Act 1880 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Supreme Court Criminal Sittings Act 1899 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Supreme Court Ordinance 1861 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Swan River Conservation Act 1958 1976/131 Swan River Improvement Act 1925 1966/027 3-38 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Swan River Mechanics' Institute, mortgage (1886) 1967/068 Swan River Trust Act 1988 2006/052 Tallering Peak-Mullewa Railway Act 1961 2003/074 Tamala Park Land Transfer Act 2001 2014/032 Tambellup-Ongerup Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Tariff Act 1871 1872 (36 Vict. No. 4) Tariff Act 1872 1876 (40 Vict. No. 6) Tariff Act 1876 1879 (43 Vict. No. 25) Tariff Act 1879 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Tariff Act 1882 1888 (51 Vict. No. 23) Tariff Act 1888 1893 (57 Vict. No. 11) Tariff Act 1893 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Tax Collection Act 1920 1997/057 Taxation (Motor Spirit Vendors) Act 1925 1967/068 Taxation (Reciprocal Powers) Act 1989 2004/012 Taxi-car Control Act 1985 1994/083 Taxi-cars (Co-ordination and Control) Act 1963 1985/101 Teacher Education Act 1972 1978/100 Teachers' Registration Act 1976 1978/067 Technology and Industry Development Act 1983 1998/013 Telegram Copyright Act 1872 1895 (59 Vict. No. 24) Telegraphic Messages Act 1874 1906/028 (6 Edw. VII No. 28) Telephone Act 1889 1893 (57 Vict. No. 5) Temporary Reduction of Remuneration (Senior Public Officers) Act 1983 1995/079 Tenants, Purchasers, and Mortgagors' Relief Act 1930 1965/057 Testator's Family Maintenance Act 1939 1972/057 Timber Industry Regulation Act 1926 2003/074 Tissue Grafting and Processing Act 1956 1982/116 Formerly: Corneal and Tissue Grafting Act 1956 Tobacco (Unmanufactured) Duty Act 1891 1896 (60 Vict. No. 14) Tobacco (Unmanufactured) Duty Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Tobacco Control Act 1990 2006/005 Tobacco Sellers Licensing Act 1975 1999/053 Formerly: Business Franchise (Tobacco) Act 1975 Tobacco, duty on (1866) 1867 (31 Vict. No. 4) Tobacco, duty on (1867) 1871 (34 Vict. No. 17) Tolls, on roads etc. (1850) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Toodyay Cemeteries Act 1939 2014/032 Total Abstinence Society lands (1856) 1967/068 Totalisator Act 1883 1992/011 Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960 2003/035 Totalisator Agency Board Betting Tax Act 1960 2003/035 Totalisator Duty Act 1905 1995/063 Totalisator Regulation Act 1911 1992/011 Tourist Act 1959 1973/078 Tourist Act 1973 1983/057 Tourist Development (Secret Harbour) Agreement Act 1983 1998/010 Town boundaries, Newcastle (1860) 1970/010 Town lots, fencing of (1834) 1961/044 (10 Eliz. II No. 44) Town of Fremantle Tramways Act 1900 1967/068 Town Planning and Development Act 1928 2005/038 3-39 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Towns improvement (1839) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Towns improvement (1841) 1850 (14 Vict. No. 15) Towns improvement (1850) 1965/057 Towns improvement (1852) 1965/057 Townsite abolition, Greenbushes (1893) 1965/057 Trade Associations Registration Act 1959 1983/034 Trade Descriptions and False Advertisements Act 1936 1988/017 Trade Measurement Act 2006 Exp. 1/07/2013 Trade Measurement Administration Act 2006 Exp. 1/07/2013 Trade Unions Act 1902 1995/079 Trading Stamp Act 1948 1981/046 Trading Stamp Act 1981 2006/069 Trading-stamps Abolition Act 1902 1948/055 (12 & 13 Geo. VI No. 55) Traffic Act 1919 1974/059 Tramways Act 1885 1966/091 Tramways Purchase Act 1912 1970/034 Trans-Australian Railway Enabling Act (1903) 1966/079 Transfer and Use of Funds (Shires of Harvey and Waroona) Act 1991 2014/032 Transfer of Land Act 1874 1893 (56 Vict. No. 14) Transportation as punishment amendment (1837) (Imp) 1995/078 Treasury Bills (Signatures) Act 1921 1965/057 Treasury Bills Act 1893 1991/010 Treasury Bills Act 1929 1965/057 Treasury Bonds Deficiency Act 1916 1965/057 Treasury Bonds Deficiency Act 1918 1965/057 Treasury Bonds Deficiency Act 1918 (No. 2) 1965/057 Treasury Bonds Deficiency Act 1919 1965/057 Treasury Bonds Deficiency Act 1920 1965/057 Treasury Bonds Deficiency Act 1924 1965/057 Trespass Act 1872 1882 (46 Vict. No. 7) Trespass, summary punishment (1864) 1882 (46 Vict. No. 7) Truck Act 1899 1995/079 Trust Funds Investment Act 1924 1987/084 Trustee Investment Act 1889 1900 (64 Vict. No. 17) Trustee Ordinance 1854 2006/037 Trustees Act 1900 1962/078 (11 Eliz. II No. 78) Trustees' and mortgagees' powers (1860) (Imp) 1969/032 Trustees Colonial Investment Act 1900 2006/037 Trustees' conveyances (1830) (Imp) 1854 (17 Vict. No. 10) Trustees powers (1853) 1950/058 (14 & 15 Geo. VI No. 58) Trustees' Powers Act 1931 2006/037 Trustees Protection Act 1931 2006/037 Tuberculosis (Commonwealth and State Arrangement) Act 1949 1966/079 Tuberculosis (Commonwealth and State Arrangement) Act 1958 1966/079 Tuberculosis (Commonwealth and State Arrangement) Act 1965 1991/010 Unclaimed Moneys Act 1912 1990/031 Uniforms Act 1895 2009/046 University Building Act 1938 2014/032 3-40 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired University Buildings Act 1930 2014/032 University Buildings Act 1952 2014/032 University Endowment Act 1904 2000/075 University Endowment Act Amendment Act 1927 2000/075 University Medical School Act 1955 2006/037 Unleaded Petrol Act 1984 1995/054 Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1973 1988/017 Upper Chapman Railway Act 1909 1965/057 Upper Darling Range Railway Extension Act 1911 1965/057 Upper Darling Range Railway Lands Revestment Act 1953 1965/057 Used Car Dealers Act 1964 1973/101 Usury, application of UK statutes (1866) 1935/036 (26 Geo. V No. 36) Vaccination (1860) 1878 (42 Vict. No. 13) Vaccination Act 1878 1966/080 Vaccination amendment (1861) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Vehicle licensing, carts and carriers (1850) 1876 (40 Vict. No. 5) Vendor and Purchaser Act 1878 1970/119 Vermin Act 1918 1976/042 Vermin Boards Act 1909 1925/029 (16 Geo. V No. 29) Veterinary Act 1911 1960/064 (9 Eliz. II No. 64) Veterinary Medicines Act 1953 1976/056 Vexatious proceedings restriction (1851) 1872 (36 Vict. No. 9) Vexatious Proceedings Restriction Act 1930 2002/023 Victoria Park rates validation (1904) 1966/079 Victoria Park Tramways Act 1904 1967/068 Video Tapes Classification and Control Act 1987 1996/040 Vineyard Distillation Ordinance 1863 1970/010 Volunteer Force Ordinance 1861 1883 (47 Vict. No. 7) Volunteer Force Regulation Act 1883 1894 (58 Vict. No. 2) Volunteer Foreign Service Act 1885 1894 (58 Vict. No. 2) Wagin Agricultural Hall Transfer Act 1913 1967/068 Wagin Hospital Validation Act 1930 1966/079 Wagin-Bowelling Railway Act 1912 1965/057 Wagin-Dumbleyung Railway Act 1905 1965/057 Wagin-Dumbleyung Railway Extension Act 1911 1965/057 Wagin-Kukerin Railway Extension Act 1914 1965/057 War Council Act 1915 1967/068 War Funds Regulation Act 1939 1946/029 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 29) War Relief Funds Act 1926 1984/035 War Service Land Settlement (Notification of Transactions) Act 1949 Exp. 31/12/1951 War Service Land Settlement Agreement (Land Act Application) Act 1945 1951/050 (15 & 16 Geo. VI No. 50) War Service Land Settlement Agreement Act 1945 1951/050 (15 & 16 Geo. VI No. 50) War Service Land Settlement Agreement Act 1951 1954/029 (3 Eliz. II No. 29) Waroona-Lake Clifton Railway Act 1924 1965/057 Waste Lands Unlawful Occupation Act 1872 1898 (62 Vict. No. 37) Water and Rivers Commission Act 1995 2007/038 Water Boards Act 1904 2012/025 Water Supply Act 1893 1994/073 Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1912 2007/038 3-41 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Waterways Ordinance 1854 1991/010 Water-works Act 1889 1904/014 (3 Edw. VII No. 29) Weights and measures (1832) 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Weights and measures (1851) 1855 (18 Vict. No. 18) Weights and measures (1855) 1899 (63 Vict. No. 11) Weights and Measures Act 1899 1915/050 (6 Geo. V No. 17) Weights and Measures Act 1915 2006/012 Welfare and Assistance Act 1961 2004/034 Welshpool-Bassendean Railway Act 1950 1965/057 Wesply (Dardanup) Agreement Authorization Act 1975 2006/037 West Australian Club Act 1948 1966/079 West Australian Meat Export Works Act 1942 1975/070 West Australian Trustees Limited Act 1893 1987/111 Formerly: West Australian Trustee Executor and Agency Company Limited Act (1893) Western Australia (Sales-Promotion Labels) Act 1957 1972/054 Western Australian Arts Council Act 1973 1986/037 Western Australian Bank (1878) 1896 (60 Vict. Prvt Act) Western Australian Bank Act 1896 2006/037 Western Australian Bank Act Amendment Act 1925 2006/037 Western Australian Bush Nursing Trust Act 1936 2006/037 Western Australian Bush Nursing Trust Act Amendment Act 1947 2006/037 Western Australian Coal Industry Tribunal Act 1978 1992/037 Western Australian Day Funds Act 1916 1970/010 Western Australian Development Corporation Act 1983 1998/030 Western Australian Exim Corporation Act 1986 1998/030 Western Australian Financial Institutions Authority Act 1992 1999/026 Western Australian Government Tramways and Ferries Act 1948 1966/091 Western Australian Marine Act 1948 1982/055 Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-operative Limited (Shares) Act 2003 2014/032 Western Australian Mint Act 1970 1987/099 Formerly: Perth Mint Act 1970 Western Australian Overseas Projects Authority Act 1978 1986/094 Western Australian Planning Commission Act 1985 2005/038 Formerly: State Planning Commission Act 1985 Western Australian Post-Secondary Education Commission Act 1970 1989/048 Formerly: Western Australian Tertiary Education Commission Act 1970 Western Australian Transport Board (Validation) Act 1949 1967/068 Western Australian Tripartite Labour Consultative Council Act 1983 Exp. 8/06/1991 Western Australian Water Resources Council Act 1982 1995/073 Western Australian Wesleyan Methodists Act 1895 1912/029 (3 Geo. V No. 10) Westralian Buffalo Club Act 1949 1966/079 Westralian Meat Works Act 1920 1967/068 Whaling Act 1937 1994/053 Wheat Bags Act 1928 1981/036 Wheat Delivery Quotas Act 1969 1981/042 Wheat Industry Stabilisation Act 1946 1967/068 Wheat Industry Stabilisation Act 1954 1958/031 (7 Eliz. II No. 31) 3-42 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Wheat Industry Stabilisation Act 1958 1963/077 (12 Eliz. II No. 77) Wheat Industry Stabilisation Act 1963 1968/058 Wheat Industry Stabilization Act 1968 1974/066 Wheat Industry Stabilization Act 1974 1979/113 Wheat Marketing Act 1916 1966/079 Wheat Marketing Act 1921 1966/079 Wheat Marketing Act 1947 Exp. 31/10/1984 Wheat Marketing Act 1948 1954/052 (3 Eliz. II No. 52) Formerly: Wheat Industry Stabilisation Act 1948 Wheat Marketing Act 1979 1984/098 Wheat Marketing Act 1984 1989/026 Wheat Marketing Act 1989 2003/070 Wheat Products (Prices Fixation) Act 1938 2006/037 Wickepin-Merredin Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Width of Tires Act 1895 Exp. 1/07/1920 Wild Cattle Nuisance Act 1871 2003/074 Wild Cattle Nuisance Act 1871 Amendment Act 1878 2003/074 Wild Cattle Nuisance Act 1871 Amendment Act 1883 2003/074 Wills (Formal Validity) Act 1964 1970/012 Wills (Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen) Act 1941 1970/012 Wills amendment (1837) (Imp) 1970/012 Wiluna Water Board Further Loan Guarantee Act 1935 1965/057 Wiluna Water Board Loan Guarantee Act 1933 1965/057 Wines, Beer, and Spirit Sale Act 1872 1880 (44 Vict. No. 9) Wines, Beer, and Spirit Sale Act 1880 1911/032 (1 Geo. V No. 43) Winning Bets Tax Act 1952 1954/063 (3 Eliz. II No. 63) Women's Legal Status Act 1923 2006/037 Wongan Hills-Mullewa Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Wonnerup-Nannup Railway Act 1907 1965/057 Wood Chipping Industry Agreement Act 1969 2006/037 Wood Distillation and Charcoal Iron and Steel Industry Act 1943 1997/057 Wood Distillation and Charcoal Iron and Steel Industry Amendment Act 1966 1991/010 Wool (Draft Allowance Prohibition) Act 1936 1991/010 Workers' Compensation Act 1902 1912/069 (3 Geo. V No. 50) Workers' Compensation Act 1912 1981/086 Workers' Homes Act 1911 1946/051 (10 & 11 Geo. VI No. 51) Workers' Homes Act 1929 1965/057 Workmen's Lien Act 1897 1898 (62 Vict. No. 35) Workmen's Wages Act 1898 2009/046 Workplace Agreements Act 1993 Exp. 14/09/2003 Wreck Act 1887 1994/073 Wundowie Charcoal Iron and Steel Industry Agreement Act 1965 Exp. 30/06/1966 Wundowie Works Management and Foundry Agreement Act 1966 2000/024 Wyalcatchem Rates Validation Act 1926 1966/079 Wyalcatchem-Mount Marshall Railway (Extension No. 2) Act 1922 1965/057 Wyalcatchem-Mount Marshall Railway Act 1912 1965/057 Wyalcatchem-Mount Marshall Railway Extension Act 1919 1965/057 3-43 TABLE 3 — ACTS THAT CEASED TO BE IN FORCE Title of Act repealed Repealed by/Expired Wyndham Freezing, Canning, and Meat Export Works Act 1918 2006/037 Yarramony-Eastward Railway Act 1923 1966/080 Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 2014/017 Yilgarn Railway Act 1892 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Yillimining-Kondinin Railway Act 1911 1965/057 Yilliminning-Kondinin Railway Extension Act 1914 1965/057 York Cemeteries Act 1933 2014/032 York Mechanics' Institute Transfer Land Act 1911 1966/079 York-Greenhills Railway Act 1896 1964/061 (13 Eliz. II No. 61) Youth Service Act 1964 1972/071 Youth, Community Recreation and National Fitness Act 1972 1978/069 Youth, Sport and Recreation Act 1978 1984/062 Yuna-Dartmoor Railway Act 1933 1966/080 Zoological Gardens Act 1898 1972/012 Zoological Gardens Act 1972 2001/024 3-44