
Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy – Summer 2014
Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Civic Square Building 372 (3rd Floor Computer Lab)
Course website on Sakai: https://sakai.rutgers.edu
Course resource directory: s:\591 -summer14
Dataset directory: s:\ArcGISClass
Faculty & Office Hours
Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw, GISP
Room 176
Other Resources:
Lyna Wiggins
Teaching Assistants
Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy, Summer 2014
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw
Course Schedule
Lecture Topic
Intro to Geographic Information Systems (GIS),
definitions, components, brief history, and three core
GIS concepts
Basic mapping concepts, spatial representation, the
nature of geographic data, generalization, and scale
Intro to Esri, ArcGIS 10.2, and the ArcMap user
Projections, coordinate systems, datums and projection
tools in ArcGIS
Thematic mapping, table joins, data classification,
exploration and interpretation
Land Use Classification and Basic Cartographic
Geodata Discovery, applications and workflows
Relational database management systems and
Intro to Spatial Analysis, Selections and Spatial Joins
Geoprocessing and Spatial Analysis
Address Geocoding /Google Fusion Tables, ArcGIS
Raster analysis in GIS, Spatial Analyst Extension
Policy issues and trends in GIS
Final Presentations Prep
Final Presentations
Due Date
Our last day of class will be July 3rd.
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Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy, Summer 2014
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw
Learning Objectives
Things happen in places. There is always a spatial dimension involved in our everyday activities.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are systems and a science that helps us to organize, manage,
analyze, and present the spatial dimension of the information on maps. It is an essential tool for
planners and policy makers who have special interests in places and who need this kind of knowledge
for decision making.
The purpose of this course is to teach students the foundations of GIS and how it is applied in urban
planning and other related disciplines. The learning objectives are to:
 understand the concepts and principles of GIS, including layers, topology, the georelational
model, scale, generalization, and projections;
 select and create appropriate thematic maps for data with different levels of measurement;
 create attractive, readable and useful maps through good cartographic practice;
 understand basic concepts of Relational Database Management Systems, several different
models of GIS data and how to create and integrate non-spatial attribute data into maps;
 learn and apply basic geoprocessing tools (buffer, intersection, union, spatial join) to address
planning questions;
 provide basic training on Esri ArcGIS Desktop software and other mapping products, such as
Google Fusion Tables.
Course Format
Laboratory exercises and problem sets are integral parts of the course, and help illuminate the
principles and teach the skills that are useful in the planning job market. To make learning more
pertinent to student interests, the lab exercises use real data from local communities in New Jersey.
The word “systems” in GIS involves not only software and hardware, but also the people who create,
maintain, and use GIS. Therefore, it is also a course objective to discuss the policy and organizational
issues involved in GIS, and the institutional framework that supports them. How is spatial data created?
Who creates and maintains it? How are GIS currently used in the organizations that are concerned with
our urban environment? What are some of the ethical issues involved in the practice of GIS? Are there
legal issues (for example, privacy) that we need to think about? These questions and more will be
integrated into the lectures, discussions, and problem sets throughout the course.
Our lecture topics are divided into three major themes. The first is Data Display, where we introduce
subjects such as data models, projections, map types, and cartography, and discuss many of the other
GIS components that influence how spatial data are displayed on maps. Next, we move on to Data
Collection and Management, where you will learn about the sources of spatial data, and ways of
managing spatial datasets. The last theme is Data Analysis, where we will explore the tools and
techniques available in Esri ArcGIS software to create and edit spatial data, and process and analyze the
The course combines lectures, discussion of readings, and hands-on exercises in the computer lab. You
will learn how to use the software mainly via the problem sets on your own time. Your final course
grade will be based on your performance in three areas: the twelve problem sets assigned throughout
the course (40%), the final project (50%), and your overall participation (10%). See below for details.
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Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy, Summer 2014
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw
Course Grading
Problem Sets ---------- 40%
Final Project ----------- 50%
Class Participation ---- 10%
(Scale: A=100-90, B+=90-85, B=85-80, C+=80-75, C=75-70, F=70-0)
Course Requirements
1. Problem Sets – 40%
There will be 12 problem sets assigned throughout the course. You will learn how to use the ArcGIS
software mainly via these problem sets and they are collectively worth 40 percent of your grade, so
make sure to budget enough time to complete them to the best of your ability. Each one will take
several hours, so plan accordingly. The problem set for each week will be posted on Sakai by 12:00 PM
on Mondays. You will have a week to complete them. You will have a chance to ask questions during
office hours and the class meetings.
The problem sets will be due the following Tuesday by 11:55 PM. Late problem sets are accepted with a
10% deduction (1 point) per day. Exceptions will only be granted with my permission. If you are seeking
an extension, send me an email explaining why you need extra time. Late problem sets will not be
accepted after the set has been graded and returned to the rest of the class.
2. Final Project – 50%
The final project will require you to collect and prepare various GIS datasets for a municipality in New
Jersey. You will pick a municipality that you are interested in studying, and use that municipality to
produce maps and conduct spatial analyses for a particular theme (e.g., recreation, education,
redevelopment, transit-oriented development, land use change). The purpose of the final project is to
give you a chance to apply all of the tools you learn in the class to an area of your interest. You should
start collecting the datasets you will need and creating some of the maps for the final project while
completing the problem sets. Soon after learning the tools each week, we will start incrementally
preparing your final project through in-class, hands-on exercises. You will submit a powerpoint of
original maps and a brief memo describing a spatial analysis. During the presentation days, you will
present your maps in front of the class and we will critique them. More details about this project will be
provided later in another document called “Final Project Description.”
3. Participation – 10%
In order to encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas with the class, 10% of your course grade will
be determined by the quality and quantity of your participation in various course activities. You can earn
participation credit by answering questions, asking questions, or commenting in class; by seeking help
during office hours; or by posting discussions on Sakai. As a result, attendance will have an impact on
your grade.
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Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy, Summer 2014
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw
Sakai and the Online Classroom
This course is designed to be paper-free, which means you should not need to print anything. We have
an online classroom, called “Sakai,” where you will be able to access course materials, submit problem
sets, ask questions, and post content anywhere you can connect to the Internet. The Sakai site is where
you will receive grades and feedback, and communicate with your classmates and the course staff. We
will go over each section of the Sakai site and its tools on the first day of class. To access Sakai, first go to
http://www.sakai.rutgers.edu and log on using your Rutgers NetID and password.
Academic Integrity
You are encouraged to work in groups on your problem sets. However, the written answers and maps
that you turn in must be your own work. The final project must also be your own work and have proper
citations. The Rutgers policies can be found at http://academicintegrity.rutgers.edu/academic-integrityat-rutgers.
Required readings can be downloaded on the Sakai site. You are not required to purchase any
textbooks. Some of the readings are excerpts from the following textbooks:
J. Maantay & J. Ziegler. 2006. GIS for the Urban Environment.1
P. Longley, M. Goodchild, D. Maguire, D. Rhind. 2011. Geographic Information Systems and Science.2
C. Brewer, 2005. Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users.3
Other recommended textbooks:
 M. Kennedy. 2006. Introducing Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS.4
 C. Brewer, 2008. Designed Maps: A Sourcebook for GIS Users.5
 H. MacDonald & A. Peters. 2011. Urban Policy and the Census.6
GIS Software
We will be using ArcGIS 10.2 for this course. The software is available in the computer labs on the 3rd
and 5th floor of the Civic Square Building. It is also available in some of the other labs around campus,
but not all. You will receive a complimentary 1-year license for ArcView 10.2 as part of our university site
license. You will be able to use the license on your home computer. However, your home computer
1. This is a very good introductory book of GIS for urban planning. The book is divided into 3 parts: (1) basic text (theory and
concepts); (2) case studies; and (3) laboratory exercises with ArcGIS.
2. An excellent reference book for your library, as it covers the theory and concepts in more detail and with broader coverage
than the Maantay and Ziegler text. Make sure that you purchase the Third Edition, as significant changes were made.
3. An excellent reference on basic cartography for GIS users.
4. Provides basic concepts and detailed lab exercises using ArcGIS 9.x. Good reference book if you use ArcGIS for your job.
5. A great cartographic reference book that focuses on the idea of learning cartography from the study of excellent maps.
6. Helps you navigate the census data and summarize how to use census variables and GIS for the following areas of analysis:
(1) demographic/social; (2) economic; (3) housing; and (4) transportation.
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Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy, Summer 2014
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw
should be a Windows-based machine and have sufficient RAM (at least 2GB) and disk space for this
GIS Data
There are two main folders that contain the data and documents you will need with this semester:
o s:\ArcGISClass – All of the data you will need for the problem sets.
o s:\591 -summer14 – All of the course material, including the lectures, readings, problem sets,
hands-on exercises, and other course documents. Course material is also available on Sakai (see
You can copy the data folder and other course material to use on your home computer. The computers
in the Bloustein lab have CD/DVD write drives, but it will be useful to have a flash drive for transferring
files and holding data for your final project. The personal workspace on the Bloustein server (U: drive)
will not have enough space for all of the GIS data that you will download and use for your problem sets
and final project. You can also download the data folder from
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Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy, Summer 2014
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw
Detailed Course Schedule
Week 1
Intro to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), definitions, components, brief
history, and three core GIS concepts
1) Maantay and Ziegler, 2006. GIS for the Urban Environment. ESRI Press:
Redlands, CA. Chapter 1.
2) Goodchild, 1992. “Geographical Information Science.” International Journal
of Geographical Information Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 31-45.
3) Chrisman, 2006. “Founding the Laboratory for Computer Graphics,”
Charting the Unknown. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.
4) Goodchild, 2007. “Citizens as Sensors: The World of Volunteered
Geography.” White paper for the Workshop on Volunteered Geographic
Information, UCSB, December 13-14, 2007.
5) National Resource Council, 2003. Weaving a National Map: A Review of the
U.S. Geological Survey Concept of the National Map. National Academies
Press. Executive Summary and Chapter 1.
Problem Set 1: Google Earth and Street View, GIS Web Services, NSDI, National
Atlas, The National Map & GIS Applications
Week 1
Basic mapping concepts, spatial representation, the nature of geographic data,
generalization, and scale
Intro to Esri, ArcGIS 10.2, and the ArcMap user interface
1) Longley et al., 2011. Geographic Information Systems and Science. John
Wiley and Sons. Chapter 3.
Problem Set 2: Introduction to ArcGIS
Week 1
Projections, coordinate systems, datums and projection tools in ArcGIS
1) Longley et al., 2011. Geographic Information Systems and Science. John
Wiley and Sons. Chapter 5.
2) Maantay and Ziegler, 2006. GIS for the Urban Environment. ESRI Press:
Redlands, CA. Chapter 2.
Problem Set 3: Metadata, Projections and Tools for Manipulating Projection
Week 2
Thematic mapping, table joins, data classification, exploration and interpretation
1. Maantay and Ziegler, 2006. GIS for the Urban Environment. ESRI Press:
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Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy, Summer 2014
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw
Redlands, CA, Chapters 3 and 4.
Problem Set 4: Thematic Maps
Week 2
Land Use Classification and Basic Cartographic Principles
1) Brewer, 2008. “Designed Maps: A Sourcebook for GIS Users.” ESRI Press:
Redlands, CA. Chapter 1.
2) Brewer, 2008. “Designed Maps: A Sourcebook for GIS Users.” ESRI Press:
Redlands, CA. Chapter 5.
Problem Set 5&6: Cartography and Land Use Classification
Week 3
Geodata Discovery, applications and workflows
1) MacDonald & Peters, 2011, “Urban Policy and the Census,” ESRI Press.
Chapter 2.
2) Maantay and Ziegler, 2006. GIS for the Urban Environment. ESRI Press:
Redlands, CA, Chapter 6.
Problem Set 7: GIS Data Collection
Week 3
Relational database management systems and geodatabases
1) Longley et al., 2011. “Geographic Information Systems and Science.” John
Wiley and Sons. Chapter 10.
Problem Set 8: Tables from Excel, Relational Database Management
Week 3
Intro to Spatial Analysis, Selections and Spatial Joins
Problem Set 9: Creating geodatabases, land use data collection, selections
Week 4
Geoprocessing and Spatial Analysis
1) Longley et al., 2011. “Geographic Information Systems and Science.” John
Wiley and Sons. Chapter 14.
Problem Set 10: Geoprocessing, buffers
Week 4
Address geocoding/ Google Fusion Tables, ArcGIS Online
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Introduction to GIS for Planning and Policy, Summer 2014
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:00 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer (Rovito) Whytlaw
1) FGDC, United States Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address
Data Standard, FGDC-STD-016-2011
Problem Set 11: Address Geocoding, Google Fusion Tables, ArcGIS Online
Week 5
Raster analysis in GIS, Spatial Analyst Extension
Problem Set 12: GIS raster analysis
Week 5
Policy issues and trends in GIS
Various optional readings provided on Sakai.
No Problem Set
Week 6
Week 6
Final Presentation Prep
Final Presentations
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