Tests - Jefferson Parish Public School System

J P P S S S c h o o l Te st C o o rd i n ato r
S p r i n g 2 0 1 5 P l a n n i n g M e et i n g
Please silence all electronic devices.
Be fully present:
• Be an active listener
• Refrain from text messaging and emailing – All
distracts others.
• Participate, don’t dominate
• Limit side bar conversations
• Throw trash away on the way out.
Contact Information – Testing Krewe
Karen Herndon – Director of Testing
• karen.herndon@jppss.k12.la.us
Testing Procedures and Materials
JoLynn Tompson– State Testing Specialist
• Jolynn.tompson@jppss.k12.la.us
Chip Farman - Special Ed. Test Compliance Specialist
• chip.farman@jppss.k12.la.us
Parent Questions
Emma Vidacovich – Testing Technician
• emma.vidacovich@jppss.k12.la.us
• 349-7604
• Fax: 349-8573
• Emergencies during testing – 655-2846
Louisiana Believes
JPPSS - Testing Times
• Is a daily e-paper
• Contains step by step directions and reminders for
the day.
• Delivered daily via email to principals, assistant
principals, school test coordinators, monitors and …
• Posted on the jpschools.org website on the Testing
department page in the downloads section
• http://jpschools.org/department/testing/
Louisiana Believes
13-14 Assessment Review
Pre-Assessment of Readiness
Test Security
Fast Track
Spring Administration Coordination and Logistics
PARCC Administration
Accessibility and Accommodations
Post Assessment of Readiness
ACT Series
Accountability Review
Louisiana Believes
Let’s Celebrate
Applaud your professionalism during last year’s
testing season.
• Attention to details
• Diligence in monitoring the students
• Completing student irregularities
14-15 Assessment Plan
3 to 8
Social Studies
All subjects
High School
Social Studies
ELA, Math, Science
(varies by grade level)
ELA, Math, Science, Social
Studies (varies by grade level)
English Language
Louisiana Believes
13-14 Assessment
14-15 Assessment
ACT series
Advanced Placement
English II EOC
English III EOC
Algebra I EOC
Geometry EOC
Biology EOC
US History EOC
ACT series, including WorkKEYS
Advanced Placement & CLEP
English II EOC
English III EOC
Algebra I EOC
Geometry EOC
Biology EOC
US History EOC
LAA2 eligible testers entering high
school prior to 2014-15
Assessment Monthly Checklist
To assist school leaders with preparations for upcoming state assessments, particularly
PARCC, the Department created an Assessment Readiness Checklist.
Available in the assessment library, the Month-to-Month Checklist will:
• Outline all monthly action steps to prepare to administer PARCC, as well as other
statewide assessments
• Link all supporting resources for each step
• Recommend resources to share with principals and teachers
Louisiana Believes
January Checklist
Assessment Content
 Use assessment guides to ensure every teacher understands content and structure
of the assessments (alternate assessment guides available here)
 Share PARCC practice tests and support materials
 Utilize updated EAGLE questions in classroom instruction and assessment
Accessibility and Accommodations
 Jan 16-Feb 1: Utilize new forms in SER to apply new LAA 1 criteria to IEPs prior to LAA 1
assessment window
 Ensure all test coordinators, special education, 504, and LEP coordinators read and
understand the PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual and the Quick Guide
to Accessibility and Accommodations
 Identify total number of IEP, IAP,, and LEP documents requiring either creation or
amendments and track progress toward completion by Feb 13 for PARCC
 PNP Numbers by grade level deadline is January 29, 2015.
Goggle Link is in the Principal Updates
Louisiana Believes
January Checklist
 Jan 26-29: Teacher leaders participate in January regional training sessions and redeliver
training in their schools.
 Jan 29: ACT test administration Q&A session
 Share regularly the PARCC FAQ (regularly updated with questions and answers from
 Teachers and principals participate in PARCC Office Hours each Thursday at 11 and 4
 Share regularly the PARCC FAQ (regularly updated with questions and answers from
Assessment Administration
 Jan 6-13: Window for school test coordinators to confirm orders of ACT and WorkKeys (PBT) test
materials online
 Jan 19-Feb 9: STS submissions include diploma pathways. Designation of “career diploma” is
necessary for state funding of WorkKeys assessment for juniors
 Jan 27: Deadline to order additional materials for LAA 1 and ELDA (see Test Coordinator Manual)
*Extension for LAA 1 materials until Feb 2
 Jan 26-Mar 6: NAEP testing window
Louisiana Believes
Proper Security
Chain of Custody
• Upon receipt, testing materials should immediately inventoried and placed in
the locked, secure area.
• The locked, secure storage area for checking out/in test materials must be
designated—one that is only accessible to the STC, backup, and test
• Only personnel trained in test security should have access to the locked,
secure area.
– At least two people must be in the locked, secure area when
– Coding time must be logged. (Time in/Time out Form)
• Later arrival of test materials
• Using the electronic security checklists, the STC and backup should count and
verify all contents of all boxes.
• If additional materials are ordered, the STC must add the materials to the
electronic security checklist.
Louisiana Believes
• DTC and STC should use the before, during, and after
testing checklists in TCM and TAM
• Ensure proper training in test security and
administration of all school personnel, including LEA
staff assigned to campuses during testing
• The school’s plan for handling disruptions during
testing should be reviewed, and all personnel should
be informed of how to handle various situations.
Louisiana Believes
Test Security: Access
• Test Administration Manuals must be distributed before testing to allow test
administrators time to become familiar with directions for correctly administering the
test. They are encouraged to mark in the manuals.
• Test administrators administering human read aloud on the PARCC assessments
may be permitted to view the test materials no more than 2 days prior to the
assessment. TAs cannot take notes or take the materials until day of the test.
• Document the date and time of the viewing. TA sign in.
• No one other than those test administrators administering human read aloud is to
have the opportunity to view any test item at any time except the student during
the test and test administrators providing the accommodations Tests Read Aloud,
Communication Assistance, Answers Recorded, Braille, or Transferred Answers. That
includes discussion of test items after testing.
Louisiana Believes
Test Security: Access (cont’d)
• The School Test Coordinator should distribute the appropriate test
booklets and answer documents to test administrators each
morning of test administration.
• The School Test Coordinator must collect test booklets and answer
documents and other secure materials and store them in the
locked, secure storage area during any extended break.
• To ensure test security during any assessment breaks, students who
have not completed the previous sessions should be allowed time
during the break to complete them.
• The School Test Coordinator must also collect and verify the return
of all test booklets, answer documents, and other secure materials
immediately after testing is completed each day and return them
to the locked, secure storage area.
Louisiana Believes
Coordinate with various school personnel, including site
administration, teachers, counselors, special education
teachers/staff, ABIT team members, and data entry clerks to
• students are participating in the appropriate assessment
• appropriate accommodations for all special education, Section
504, and ELL students.
Provide each test administrator testing students with
accommodations a list of those students and their approved
Verify that the test administrators know how to administer the
Louisiana Believes
• Emergencies During Testing
• Students should place answer documents on top of test
booklet and hand all secure materials to TA as they file out of
• TA should carry documents with them outside of the building.
• If test security has been maintained, testing may continue after
students return to the room.
Louisiana Believes
• Emergencies During Testing (cont.)
• If test security has been compromised, testing should not be
continued. Answer documents should be sent in with the
responses that were completed prior to the emergency.
• Contact DTC when any emergency occurs at the school.
Louisiana Believes
• Verify that all materials related to the content areas being
tested are covered or removed before testing. Check
locations used for extended time or makeup testing.
• Verify that rooms are arranged for students to be seated
with enough space between them to minimize the
possibility of copying. For online testing, verify that
students cannot see other students’ monitors.
• Provide classroom seating charts to record student
attendance and seating location for each day of testing.
• Seating chart is in the Test Security Policy
Louisiana Believes
• Throughout the school, post Testing—Do Not Disturb
signs that prohibit entry into testing locations.
• Verify that all personnel and students are aware of the
district’s policies regarding cell phones or other devices
with imaging or text-messaging capability. If allowed in
the school, all such devices must be in the off position
during testing and any other time secure materials are in
the vicinity.
Louisiana Believes
Electronic Devices
State policy –Bulletin 118, Chapter 3
• §316. Cell phones and Other Electronic Devices
A. If district and school policy allows for students and personnel
to carry cell phones or other similar technological devices with
imaging or text-messaging capability, test administrators must
make certain that the devices are in the off position while test
booklets and answers documents are in the vicinity.
Louisiana Believes
ACT Test Security Reminders
ACT Cell Phone Policy
If they find a student brought a timer, cell phone, media player, or any other electronic
device into the test room, or it was used during a break, the student will be dismissed, the
device may be confiscated, and the answer document will not be scored.
Monitors for ACT Testing
• Only ACT observers or LDOE monitors with an ACT authorization letter are allowed to
monitor ACT testing.
Louisiana Believes
Test Security: Testing Irregularities
Testing Irregularities:
• A testing irregularity is any incident in test handling or administration that leads to
a question regarding the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data.
• All testing irregularities must be reported in writing to the District Test Coordinator, who
must then send the written reports to the LDOE. This is in addition to School Test
Coordinators submitting Void Notification forms and District Test Coordinators submitting
Void Verification forms.
• School Test Coordinators are responsible for locating any materials reported as missing by
the testing vendor. Unresolved instances are reported to the LDOE, and district
superintendents are notified to take further action.
• Principals are required to sign each School Test Coordinator’s Oath of Security and
Confidentiality Statement after testing is completed, ensuring that security and test
administration procedures were followed. (See page vii.)
Louisiana Believes
During scoring, the testing company/LDOE detect testing
irregularities (e.g., plagiarism, excessive wrong-to-right erasures).
Other analysis may detect unusual gains in scores and unusually
similar patterns in responses.
Erasure Analysis
• Students whose wrong-to-right erasures exceed the state
average by more than 4 standard deviations are identified for
further investigation.
Unauthorized access to electronic devices
• Common responses discovered in same format and language.
• In some cases, sources outside of the test session were
referenced directly.
Louisiana Believes
Reporting of Irregularities
(R.S. 17:81.6)
Allows public school employees to report irregularities
or improprieties in the administration of standardized
tests directly to LDOE who then investigate the
Misdemeanor offenses:
• Obstructing reporting
• Retaliating against an employee who participates in an
investigation or reports an irregularity
• Submitting a false report
Louisiana Believes
Reporting of Irregularities
• When something out of the ordinary happens
complete an irregularity form.
Louisiana Believes
Violations of Test Security
The LDE considers it a violation of test security for any person to do any of
the following:
• administer tests in a manner that that would give examinees an unfair
advantage or disadvantage;
• give examinees access to test questions prior to testing;
• examine any test item at any time (except for test administrators while
providing certain accommodations);
• at any time reproduce or discuss all or part of any secure materials;
• coach examinees in any manner during testing or alter or interfere with
examinees’ responses in any manner;
• provide answers to students in any manner during the test;
• administer published parallel, previously administered, or current forms of
any statewide assessment . . . as a practice test or study guide (does not
include LDE or PARCC released items.);
Louisiana Believes
Violations of Test Security (cont’d)
• Fail to account for and secure test materials before, during, or after
• conduct testing in environments that differ from the usual
classroom environment without prior written permission from the
• fail to report any testing irregularities; or
• participate in, direct, aid, counsel, assist in, encourage, or fail to
report any of the acts prohibited in this section.
(Bulletin 118)
Louisiana Believes
Certification and Violation
of Test Security
BESE Bulletin 746 states “A Louisiana teaching or educational
leadership certificate shall be suspended and revoked” and requires
that an “LEA:
1. conducts an investigation into the allegations of cheating;
2. gathers sufficient evidence to confirm the cheating was
facilitated by the employee;
3. dismisses the employee as a result of this offense;
4. notifies the department that the individual has been
dismissed for this reason; and
5. provides evidence to justify the termination.”
Louisiana Believes
Voiding Student Tests:
Test Administrator
Student tests should be voided if there is an instance of cheating or
administrative error—whether by a student or by anyone else. In the
case of student cheating or administrative error:
The test administrator should
• give the School Test Coordinator a written account of the incident,
with any available additional documentation, including the
lithocode number of the answer document (see next column) and
the content area to be voided.
• not write or mark on the answer document.
• not erase the TA number coded by the student on page 1 of the
answer document.
• place the answer document with other used answer documents for
return to the School Test Coordinator.
Louisiana Believes
Voiding Student Tests:
School Test Coordinator
The School Test Coordinator should
• not write or mark on the answer document.
• place the voided answer documents with other used answer documents for
return to the District Test Coordinator.
• convene a school-level test security committee consisting at a minimum of the
principal, the School Test Coordinator, and the test administrator to determine
whether a test should be voided.
• complete the Void Notification form. (Photocopy as needed. Include the student’s
nine-digit SSN/State ID Number.)
• by the date designated by the District Test Coordinator, notify the District Test
Coordinator of any voided test. The Void Notification form must be accompanied
by an account of the incident written on school letterhead stationery, signed by
the principal and the School Test Coordinator.
Louisiana Believes
If high-stakes tests are voided by the district due to an
administrative error that results in questions regarding
the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data,
the LEA superintendent or the parent or legal guardian
of the affected student may request (in writing) an
opportunity to administer a retest to the affected
student(s) prior to the next scheduled test
Louisiana Believes
Retests available for students at the expense of the
LEA ($350 per test) prior to next scheduled testing
LEAP grades 4 and 8, ELA and Mathematics
GEE and LAA 2 grades 10 and 11
EOC tests
Scores from the administrative error retests may be used only at the
student level – not for school accountability.
Louisiana Believes
If LDOE determines that the retest is allowable, the original
test will be voided by LDOE.
LEA must provide a description of what occurred, a
corrective plan of action, and acknowledgement of fee for
A score memo will be produced with student’s scores.
Retest scores will not be included in reporting, including
Louisiana Believes
Double Lock
• Occur again this year.
• Criteria has not been finalized.
• Volunteer
Reporting Irregularities and Voids
• Return district office documents
• security checklist copies
• documentation of testing irregularities
• the School Test Coordinator Oath of Security and
Confidentiality Statement
• Everything will be scanned and emailed to
• Emergencies (504) 655-2846
School Name
Grade Level(s)
Alice Birney Elementary
3, 5
Ellender Middle School
6, 7
Gretna Middle School
6, 7
Harahan Elementary
3, 5
Hazel Park Elementary
Phoebe Hearst Elementary
3, 5
Jefferson Elementary
Livaudais Middle
Marie Riviere Elementary
3, 5
Schneckenburger Elementary
Catherine Strehle Elementary
Miller Wall Elementary
3, 5
Woodland West Elementary
Woodmere Celerity Charter
School Name
John Q. Adams
Gretna Middle School
Grade Level(s)
Harahan Elementary
Hazel Park Elementary
Phoebe Hearst Elementary
Marie Riviere Elementary
Miller Wall Elementary
Woodmere Celerity Charter
C.T. Janet Elementary
DRC Documents for District Test Coordinator
The documents listed below are posted to eDIRECT in electronic format.
STCs must complete the forms and send an electronic version to
jolynn.tompson@jppss.k12.la.us .
• Delivery Verification form
• Additional Materials/Labels Request form (school version)
• Return Verification form
• Void Notification for School Test Coordinators
– Located in Test Coordinators Manual
• Test Administrator and Coordinator Manuals
Louisiana Believes
Accessing Forms in eDIRECT
(Step 1)
On the eDIRECT website select Documents from the General Information Menu as
shown above.
Louisiana Believes
Accessing Forms in eDIRECT
(Step 2)
Choose Spring 2015 from the Administration drop down menu.
Louisiana Believes
Accessing Forms in eDIRECT
(Step 3)
Documents types include forms, graphics, key dates, manuals, testing information, and
training materials.
Louisiana Believes
Accessing Forms in eDIRECT
(Step 4)
After making the appropriate choice under Document Type click the Show Documents
Louisiana Believes
Accessing Forms in eDIRECT
(Step 5)
Documents can be either be viewed or downloaded in PDF form.
Louisiana Believes
Accessing Forms in eDIRECT
(Step 6)
The pages of available documents can be navigated using the buttons at the bottom of
the screen.
Louisiana Believes
JPPSS Key Dates
JPPSS Key Dates document will be sent to you via the
Principal Update and email next week.
JPPSS Key Dates include for each assessment
details related to:
• Test administrator system
• Test schedule
• Return of materials
• Voids
• Rescores (where applicable)
Louisiana Believes
Test Administrator System
• The Test Administrator (TA) Numbers application will allow School Test
Coordinators to enter all test administrators’ names for their school. Each test
administrator will be assigned a 3-digit number that will be used for any test that
he or she administers (ELDA, LAA 1, etc.).
• The Test Administrator system is available by logging in at the school level
through LEAPweb.
• Once a TA number is assigned to a test administrator, that TA number may not be
reassigned to another test administrator. Add test administrators as needed,
using new numbers.
• TA numbers should be entered into LEAPweb using the timeline in the Key Dates
• For further instructions refer to the Test Administrator Numbers Application User
Manual found on LEAPweb.
• The TA system is not used for the LAA 2 assessment.
*Noted in Alerts in TCM; Directions available in LEAPweb
Louisiana Believes
Pre-identified Inventories
and Answer Documents
Pre-identified documents were based on October 1 enrollment and
assessment participation information from SER for all assessments.
• Pre-identified documents require hand coding for education classification,
exceptionalities, and accommodations and accessibility features (on
PARCC) that students actually received during testing.
• Bar-code labels must NOT be placed over the preprinted student
• Test administrators must NOT correct any errors in the preprinted student
information. All errors should be reported to the School Test Coordinator,
who must report them to the district’s Student Information System (SIS)
Coordinator for corrections in the SIS database
*Noted in Alerts in TCM
Louisiana Believes
Home Study Program Students
The information below does not apply to nonpublic districts testing
students enrolled in the Student Scholarship for Education
Excellence Program. Schools with participants in the Louisiana
Scholarship Program receive school-specific bar-code labels (not 998
site code labels).
• Approved home study program documents
• Contain both content areas: LEAP and iLEAP
• Home study plastic bag provided to schools for return to DTC
• DTC affixes bar-code labels with site code 998
*Noted in TCM, pg 13
Louisiana Believes
Bar-code Labels for Hand-Coded Documents
• Hand-coded inventories and answer
documents require bar-code labels.
• Bar-code labels are program specific.
• The testing program and administration are
identified at the bottom of the bar-code
Pelican Parish
Bayou High School
• School personnel must not affix bar-code
labels to answer documents for approved
home study program
*Noted in Alerts in TCM
Louisiana Believes
Unscorable Document Labels
• Use if an answer document or inventory was
• torn or damaged
• for another student, or
• marked with ink, highlighter*, marker,
or crayon.
• Unscorable documents must not be
thrown away.
• Any student responses or scores must be transferred to a scorable hand-coded document
to be scored.
• Documentation about the incident should be kept by the District Test Coordinator.
• Do not affix these labels to answer documents for students whose tests should be voided.
• Do not affix these labels to soiled answer documents or inventories.
*Yellow non-carbon highlighters may be used on the PARCC consumable test booklets.
*Noted in District Test Coordinator section in TCM
Louisiana Believes
Soiled Documents
Do not return documents soiled with bodily fluids to DRC.
• If an answer document or inventory and/or test
booklet is soiled with bodily fluids (e.g., blood, vomit),
the District Test Coordinator should destroy the
document by shredding, if the document can be
shredded, or by burning.
• Complete and fax the Soiled Document Form, available
at ttps://la.drcedirect.com,
to LDOE and DRC. The answer document or inventory
and/or the test booklet security number must be
recorded on the form to ensure the document is not
included in the missing document report.
*Noted in School Test Coordinator in TCM
Louisiana Believes
Straggler Documents
• These are answer documents or inventories that are incorrectly
packaged or received by DRC after the cutoff date.
• DRC's procedures for handling straggler documents:
• Documents will be scanned and scored at a later date.
• Documents will not appear on the used answer document report
but may appear on the missing materials report.
• A score memo will be released with the student’s score, and the
student’s Web history will be updated.
• No student labels will be sent, and scores will not appear online in
the CSV file.
*Directions for Returning Test Materials Noted in TCM
Louisiana Believes
General Reminders
• TA numbers must be entered as defined in the Key Dates document by using
• Answer documents, inventories, test booklets, or bar-code labels cannot be transferred
from one school to another.
• The security checklist must be used to keep track of secure materials and security
• When calling DRC with score inquiries or requests to locate documents, you must supply
the security number.
• Search and score fees:
• The cost is $100 to search and $100 per subject to score answer documents that are
returned without a label or returned inside a test booklet.
• To maintain student confidentiality, any personal student information such as first and
last name, SSN, and DOB must be relayed to DRC via an encrypted file in an e-mail, fax,
or phone conversation.
Louisiana Believes
ELDA Grades
Secure Test Materials
Inventories K-2
Test booklets for grade clusters 3–5, 6–8, 9–12
• Reading/Writing Test Booklet
• Listening/Speaking Test Booklet
Answer documents for grade clusters 3–5, 6–8, 9–12
• Each answer document includes all four domains (Reading, Writing, Listening,
Listening and Speaking CDs
One Listening CD for each grade cluster
One Speaking CD for each grade cluster
Speaking Scoring Guide
• Includes all grade clusters: 3–5, 6–8, 9–12
• One guide sent for every five students
• Each Test Administrator should have a Speaking Scoring Guide.
*Noted in Test Security in TCM, pg 2
Louisiana Believes
ELDA Large-print and Braille Materials (Grades
3–12 Only)
Students who use large-print test booklets:
• Circle responses to the multiple-choice questions in the test booklet.
• Write responses for Writing―Part 1 writing prompts in the standard print answer
Braille test booklets are provided for Reading, Writing, and Listening only. To administer
Speaking for students using braille, test administrators use the Speaking Scoring Guide and
the braille TA instructions.
All student responses must be transferred to a scorable answer document to receive a score.
(Instructions for transferring responses are in the Test Administration Manual and in the
braille TA instructions.)
*Noted in District in TCM, pg 11
Louisiana Believes
Demographics Specific
to ELDA for NCLB
Certain data demographics data are specific to ELDA for NCLB
reporting. Because these are necessary for NCLB reporting, accurate
data must be entered in these fields for all students.
First or native language (may code more than one)
Born in U.S.
Date of entry into U.S.
Time enrolled in a school in the U.S.
Type of specialized language program
Time student has received services in specialized language
*Noted in TAM, pg 18
Louisiana Believes
ELDA Nonparticipation Codes
• Listed on the answer document/inventory
• Coded by principal on answer document/inventory if the
student does not test with the document due to one of the
following reasons:
• Student is no longer enrolled at the school.
• Pre-coded materials are received for a student who was
misclassified as LEP.
• Student is absent for the entire testing cycle due to illness.
• Student completed the test on another answer document.
NOTE: Only one nonparticipation code may be marked.
*Noted in TCM, p 7 & 23
Louisiana Believes
ELDA Packing Instructions
Schools must place scorable materials, including those packed in the resealable plastic bags,
into a DRC return bag. After verifying scorable materials for each school, seal each DRC
return bag with one of the provided plastic ties.
Scorable materials:
• Schools are provided two resealable plastic bags for return of scorable documents
(maximum, 15 per bag).
• Schools with 30 or fewer scorable documents use the resealable plastic bags, placed in
the box on top of nonscorable materials.
• Schools with more than 30 scorable documents must use separate boxes for scorable
and nonscorable materials.
Nonscorable materials:
• Nonscorable materials may only be packed with scorable materials by schools with 30
or fewer scorable documents.
*Noted in TCM, p 30 (schools), p 18 (districts)
Louisiana Believes
ELDA Packing Instructions (continued)
DRC return labels
• Must be affixed to flap A of each district and school box.
• Use tan labels on boxes of scorable documents, including any box of
nonscorable materials that contains resealable plastic bags of scorable
• Use white labels on boxes that contain only nonscorable materials. A
circle symbol (⃝) identifies ELDA nonscorable materials.
UPS Ground Return Service labels
• Affix UPS Ground Return Service labels to flap B of each district and
school box:
• UPS labels for the return of both ELDA and LAA 1 scorable and
nonscorable test materials are provided.
• Labels must be affixed to flap B of each district and school box.
• Do not make copies of UPS labels.
• Materials for multiple schools must NOT be packaged in the same box,
regardless of how few the materials.
Louisiana Believes
LAA 1 Grades and Content Areas
Grade Span
*Noted in TCM in Alerts
Louisiana Believes
Scoring Study/Dual Assessment
• Ten percent of LAA 1 student population is randomly selected to be
dually assessed.
• These students are listed twice on the Student/Label Roster and the
electronic security checklist, noted with an “X.”
• These students receive two pre-identified documents.
• One document (scored by the secondary test administrator) will
contain the text “Scoring Study Document” on page 1 in the upper
right corner and
in the box in the lower left corner.
• The other document (scored by the primary test administrator)
serves as the student’s reporting document. NOTE: The student
will not receive a score if this document is not returned.
*Noted in TCM, pg 2
Louisiana Believes
Dual Assessment Procedures
• Primary and secondary test administrators must observe and score
student’s performance at the same time; therefore, testing
schedules must accommodate both test administrators.
• Primary and secondary test administrators must not discuss
student’s performance.
• Both response documents must be returned with all other response
Louisiana Believes
Secondary Test Administrators
Secondary test administrators (dual assessors) may include:
• Speech therapist
• Adaptive physical education teacher
• Physical therapist
• Occupational therapist
• Member of the evaluation team, including the psychologist
• Special education teacher
• Central office personnel
NOTE: Paraprofessionals may not score student responses.
Louisiana Believes
Dual Assessment Schools
Gretna Middle
Helen Cox
TH Harris
Riverdale High
West Jeff
Woodland West
Young Audience
LAA 1 Test Materials
LAA 1 secure test materials include:
• Administrator booklets
• Student booklets
• Response documents
• Task descriptions
LAA 1 non secure test materials include:
• Manipulatives lists
• CDs
• Test Coordinator Manuals
• Test Administrator Manuals
NOTE: There are no overage materials provided at the district level. Schools may receive overage
materials based on the number of students per grade cluster. The District Test Coordinator can
order additional materials as needed and may need to do so to meet the needs of the recent
changes in LAA 1 eligibility criteria. In order to meet this need, deadlines for ordering additional
LAA 1 materials have been extended to February 2.
*Noted in TCM, pg 3
Louisiana Believes
Packaging Materials for
Return to District Test Coordinator
• Manipulatives lists and CDs of graphics should be kept at the school.
• School Test Coordinators should place used response documents in the resealable
plastic bag, along with nonscorable materials, to the District Test Coordinator.
• Student booklets should be returned in the boxes in which they were received.
*Noted in TCM, pg 10, 15
Louisiana Believes
Returning Materials to DRC
• Collect materials from all schools and package them for return using the programspecific DRC return labels.
• Package scorable materials for the entire district by placing the resealable plastic
bags containing scorable response documents from all schools into a DRC return
bag in box 1. Seal the DRC return bag with one of the provided plastic ties.
• Affix a BLUE DRC return label to flap A of box 1.
• Package the nonscorable materials for the entire district in boxes 2 and 3. Affix
WHITE DRC return labels to flap A of each box containing nonscorable materials.
• UPS labels for LAA 1 are included in the shipment of ELDA materials. Affix UPS
Ground Return Service labels to flap B of each box. Do not make copies of UPS
NOTE: Scorable materials must be boxed separately from nonscorable materials.
*Noted in TCM, pg 12
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Testing
Eligible students are to be tested in spring 2015:
Students must have entered a high school cohort prior between 2010–2011 and
Students shall take the Algebra I or Geometry EOC test to be eligible for the LAA 2
Mathematics test, the English II or III EOC to be eligible for the LAA 2 English
Language Arts test, the Biology EOC for the LAA 2 Science test, and the U.S. History
EOC for the LAA 2 Social Studies test.
Because they do not have a current IEP, Nonpublic School students not on scholarship
and Home Study Program students do not participate in LAA 2 testing
*Noted in TCM, pg 1.
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Students Eligible
for a High School Diploma
First-time 9th graders in 2010–2011 through 2013–2014 who are taking the End-ofCourse (EOC) tests may use EOC test results (Fair and above) or LAA 2 content area test
results (Approaching Basic or above) to meet graduation requirements.
For first-time 9th graders prior to 2010–2011 and after 2013–2014, students must pass
the English language arts and mathematics components and either the science or social
studies components of GEE or LAA 2.
Students participating in LAA 2 who meet all graduation requirements—1) earning
required Carnegie units; 2) passing the required components of LAA 2, EOC, or GEE
(based on their cohort) or passing by use of the EOC/GEE/LAA 2 waiver of one of the
testing requirements; and 3) meeting attendance requirements—will be eligible for a
high school diploma.
*Noted in TCM, pg 1
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Retesters
LAA 2 students who are earning the appropriate Carnegie units toward a high school
diploma and are planning to earn a high school diploma may retest in
the spring.
Testing for all four content areas—mathematics, English language arts, science, and
social studies—is scheduled for LAA 2 students who need to retest in any or all content
areas. Students who scored Unsatisfactory in both Science and Social Studies will
retest in both. Do not retest students who scored Unsatisfactory in only one of the
Make sure retesting seniors who do not have full-day school schedules make
arrangements to remain at school for full days during the spring test administration.
If a student is testing in both LAA 2 and GEE, contact your District Test Coordinator for
further instructions. As of July 1, 2014, the GEE is administered only as a district testing
program. Districts must offer the GEE twice a year. There is no age limit for retesters.
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Test Not Taken Labels
For the spring 2015 administration of LAA 2 ONLY, preidentified or hand-coded answer
documents without student responses are considered unused and should be returned with
unused answer documents.
Test Not Taken labels should be affixed to preidentified and hand-coded answer documents of
students who did not retest. Do NOT affix these labels to answer documents for students
whose tests should be voided.
Test Not Taken labels must NOT be affixed to answer documents for ELDA, LAA 1, LEAP, or
Unused answer documents without preprinted or hand-coded student
information do not need a label.
NOTE: When preparing scorable and
nonscorable materials for return to
DRC, School Test Coordinators
must break open any shrink-wrapped
packs of 5 containing unused
preidentified answer documents and
affix Test Not Taken labels over the
preidentified student information.
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Packing Instructions
• Return Bags for Scorable Materials
• DRC return bags are provided in the shipment of LAA 2 test materials.
• Districts and schools are provided large, gusseted bags to protect scorable materials from
water or other potential damage during transit.
• Make sure the School Test Coordinator has used a DRC return bag in each school box
containing scorable materials.
• Test materials should be returned in boxes provided by DRC.
• After verifying scorable materials from each school, the DTC must seal each DRC gusseted
return bag tightly using one of the provided plastic ties.
*Noted in TCM beginning on pg 23
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Packing Instructions (continued)
DRC return labels
• Must be affixed to flat A of each district and school box:
• Use pink DRC return labels on boxes containing scorable materials.
• Use white DRC return labels on boxes containing nonscorable materials. A
square symbol identified LAA 2 nonscorable materials.
UPS Ground Return Service Labels
• Affix UPS Ground Return Service labels to flap B of each district and school box:
• Do not make copies of the labels.
• Use only the labels provided for LAA 2.
Louisiana Believes
LEAP and iLEAP Tests
LEAP Grades 4 and 8
• Science (Multiple Choice, Constructed Response, and Science
• Social Studies (Multiple Choice (2 parts), Constructed
Response, and Social Studies Task)
iLEAP Grades 3, 5, 6, and 7
• Science (Multiple Choice and Constructed-response Task)
• Social Studies (Multiple Choice and Constructed-response
Standard print test booklets and answer documents include
both content areas; one test booklet per grade.
Louisiana Believes
LEAP and iLEAP Large-print and Braille Materials
• Large-print test booklets are combined by content-area pair.
• One volume of braille booklets is provided per grade for each
• Student responses from all LEAP and iLEAP large print, braille
and other accommodated format materials must be transferred
to scorable answer documents.
• Reminder stickers about transferring responses have been
placed on all large print and braille booklets.
• Security checklists should be used to monitor which
booklets require transferred answers.
• Braille Test Administration instructions are considered secure
and must be returned to DRC.
Louisiana Believes
LEAP and iLEAP General Packing Instructions
• Use the provided DRC return bags and plastic ties in boxes containing scorable materials.
• The boxes used to deliver testing materials and the additional boxes included in the
district shipment should be used when returning materials.
• Materials must be separated by testing program and the correct program-specific DRC
return labels must be affixed to flap A.
• When applicable, UPS Return Service labels must be affixed to flap B.
• Do not make copies of UPS Return Service labels!
• Do not affix UPS labels to boxes of nonscorable materials picked up by Assessment
Distribution Services.
• Do NOT package materials for multiple schools in the same box, regardless of how few the
*Noted in TCM, pg 14
Louisiana Believes
Basics of ELA and Math Assessments
Test Content
• Louisiana will administer PARCC assessments for English language arts (ELA) and math to students in grades 3
to 8 in spring 2015.
• These will be the same test forms as those taken by students in districts and states across the country and
will include the same questions field tested with nearly 50,000 Louisiana students during spring 2014.
• The test details were originally communicated in the assessment guides released last March. Minor
improvements were made based on field test feedback.
Test Dates
• Phase 1 (Performance-Based Assessment): March 16 to 20
• Phase 2 (End-of-Year Assessment): May 4 to 8
• Students will take only one session (called “units”) per day.
• Paper administration only: PARCC will be given only on paper for 2014-2015. Educators have urged the
Department to take a patient approach to technology implementation, allowing dedicated focus on the test’s
content for 2015. In 2016, Louisiana will implement technology-based tests.
• One fewer EOY ELA passage with questions: Louisiana and other states have shortened the ELA test by
removing one passage per grade level.
• These changes are included in the updated assessment guides.
Louisiana Believes
Preparing for PARCC
In spring 2015, Louisiana will administer the PARCC assessments for English language arts
and mathematics in grades 3 to 8. The following resources are available to assist educators:
Weekly PARCC Office Hours
Background: Dedicated time to answer educator questions related to the PARCC assessments
When: Beginning November 20; held every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Access: Join any of the PARCC webinars here.
Key Administration Resources Available
• Assessment Guides
• 2014-15 Louisiana Assessment Calendar
• PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual
• Quick Guide to Accessibility and Accommodations
• Frequently Asked Questions Document
• Assessment Month-by-Month Checklist *New
• Parental Supports *New
• Read Aloud Decision Making *New
• Personal Needs Profile Decision Making *New
• PARCC Practice Tests and Guidance *NEW
Louisiana Believes
Top Administrative Questions
Because we will be using DRC as our testing vendor for PARCC, much of the coordination of
the assessments is very similar to LEAP and iLEAP in past years.
However, there are few key administrative shifts from prior years that are important for
planning. In pairs, use the resources available on the tables (assessment guides and PARCC
FAQ) to locate answers to the following questions.
Will the PARCC assessments be timed?
What calculators can students use on the PARCC assessment?
What resources will be available to students when writing?
Which students are eligible for read aloud?
When will scores be available?
Louisiana Believes
Scheduling for the PBA Assessment
Performance Based Assessment (Phase I) Schedule
March 16
ELA Unit 1
Literary Analysis
March 17
ELA Unit 2
Research Simulation
March 18
ELA Unit 3
Narrative Writing
Math Unit 1
Friday March
20 Math Unit
Grade 3
75 min
75 min
60 min
75 min
75 min
Grade 4
75 min
90 min
60 min
80 min
70 min
Grade 5
75 min
90 min
60 min
80 min
70 min
Grade 6
75 min
90 min
60 min
80 min
70 min
Grade 7
75 min
90 min
60 min
80 min
70 min
Grade 8
75 min
90 min
60 min
80 min
70 min
• Students will take one unit/session per day as defined above
• Maximum times allowed are included in the schedule
• Make-up days are allowed on March 23rd and 24th
Louisiana Believes
Scheduling for the EOY Assessment
End of Year Assessment (Phase II) Schedule
May 4
Math Unit 1
May 5
Math Unit 2
May 6 ELA
Unit 1
May 7
ELA Unit 2 (gr 6-‐8)
May 8
Grade 3 75 min
75 min
75 min
Make-‐up testing
Make-‐up testing
Grade 4 75 min
75 min
75 min
Make-‐up testing
Make-‐up testing
Grade 5 75 min
75 min
75 min
Make-‐up testing
Make-‐up testing
Grade 6 80 min
75 min
60 min
60 min
Make-‐up testing
Grade 7 80 min
75 min
60 min
60 min
Make-‐up testing
Grade 8 80 min
75 min
60 min
60 min
Make-‐up testing
• Students will take one unit/session per day as defined above
• Maximum times allowed are included in the schedule
• Additional make-up days are available on May 11th and 12th
Louisiana Believes
• Consumable test booklets
• Vendor – Data Recognition Corporation (DRC)
• https://la.drcedirect.com
• Teacher of record may give the PARCC assessments.
• Pre-gridded test booklets
• Number 2 pencil
• Students may:
• Write in the booklet
• Use a non-carbon based yellow highlighters
• Use blank, lined , or graph paper as scratch paper
and/or for masking
Consumable PARCC Test Booklets
• Students at every grade level will be using consumable test booklets.
• Students will be able to underline in passages and questions within the consumable test
booklet and use non-carbon yellow highlighters in the text of the passages and questions.
• Multiple Choice items have four options. Students will shade the bubble of the correct
• Multiple Select items have more than four options. Students will shade each bubble that
corresponds to a correct answer. The number correct will vary from item to item.
Process of Elimination - Right Side
Multiple Choice
Louisiana Believes
Multiple Select
Math Administration
• Students are allowed scratch paper (blank, lined, or graph).
• Math reference sheets and tools will be available as appropriate for specific grade levels.
• Items with potential fractional answers will be presented in Multiple Choice or Multiple
Select format.
• Students will use grids for fill-in-the-blank items as shown below.
Fill-in-the-Blank Grids
Louisiana Believes
Calculator Policy
The table below outlines which students may use which calculators on calculator and noncalculator sections of the test.
Second shipment of calculators will arrive the first week of February.
Grade Level
Non-accommodated Students
Accommodated Students
Grades 3-5
No calculator usage allowed
Grades 6-7
Grade 8
Louisiana Believes
Four function calculators with
only percent and square root
For the calculator portion of the
Scientific calculators
For the calculator portion of the
Four function calculators with
only percent and square root
For the entire assessment
Four function calculators with
only percent and square root
For the entire assessment
Scientific calculators
For the entire assessment
ELA PARCC Administration
• Students will be provided blank paper (blank, lined, or graph) by the test administrator on
which to do their planning.
• There is only space for the student’s final written response in the test booklet.
• Students will not provided with a Writer’s Checklist or a rough draft page, beyond the
blank paper provided.
• Students will not be allowed to use dictionaries and thesauruses on any part of the test.
However, the scoring of the written responses takes into account the absence of resources
and the time constraints of each task.
Louisiana Believes
Preidentified Consumable Test Booklets
Consumable test booklets:
All testers receive one
consumable test booklet per
content area for each testing
The label box is preprinted with
the following information: first
and last name, gender, DOB, bar
code, precode number, district
and school names and codes, and
last four digits of SSN/state ID
A Spanish version of Mathematics
will be available for both phases
through additional materials
requests only. *New
Louisiana Believes
Spanish Consumable Test Booklets
Consumable test booklets:
• One Spanish version Mathematics
consumable test booklet for each testing
• Available through an additional materials
request using form available in eDIRECT
• The label box is not preprinted and will
require a bar-code label.
*Information for ordering additional materials included in Key Dates and Monthly Checklist
Louisiana Believes
Annotating in the Consumable Test Booklet
In the consumable test booklets students will be able to:
• Use yellow non-carbon highlighters in the text and questions
• Make annotation and underline text of the assessment with their pencil
• Annotate in the questions and answer choices with their pencil while using caution around
actual bubbles and answer grids
Stray pencil marks in and around the actual bubbles could interfere with scoring of the
document. Underlining, crossing out, or marking up bubbles or answer grids in any way
other than to darken the circles for their responses are considered stray marks.
Louisiana Believes
Phase 1 (PBA) School Materials Retained for
Phase 2 (EOY)
The School Test Coordinator should retain the following materials for
use in Phase 2 (EOY) testing:
Student/label rosters
Unused resealable plastic bags for approved home study program students’
consumable test booklets (all grades)
Unused bar-code labels
Unused DRC return labels (goldenrod and white)
Unused DRC return bags
Return envelopes for district office items
Test Coordinators Manual and Test Administration Manuals
Unmarked Mathematics Reference Sheets
Unmarked rulers
Louisiana Believes
Large Print and Braille Reminder
All large-print and braille responses must be transferred to a scorable consumable test
booklet according to instructions provided.
• Reminder stickers about transferring responses have been placed on all large-print and
braille booklets.
• Security checklists should be used to monitor which booklets require transferred
Large-print test booklets look like a consumable test booklet; however, these booklets are
not scannable or scorable.
All Large-print and braille test materials ordered in Phase 1 (PBA) will be automatically
ordered for Phase 2 (EOY).
Louisiana Believes
General Packing Instructions
• Use the provided DRC return bags and plastic ties in boxes containing scorable
• The boxes used to deliver testing materials and the additional boxes included in the
district shipment should be used when returning materials.
• Large-print boxes must be used for the return of large-print materials.
Louisiana Believes
Phase 1 (PBA) Testers During Phase 2
• Phase 1 testing during Phase 2 must be approved by LDOE after consideration of
appropriate documentation.
• Testing must take place during the makeup period of the Phase 2 (EOY) administration in
• Must fit one of the following extenuating circumstances:
• Illness, with absence inclusive of all testing and makeup dates.
Request must be accompanied by doctor’s letter.
• Transfer/New Student who enrolled after March 20, 2015, and
did not test March 16–20 in another Louisiana public school.
• Appropriate documentation must be sent to LDOE for permission to be granted. DRC will
not send Phase 1 (PBA) materials to the district without approval from LDOE.
• Phase 1 (PBA) materials requests must be placed by April 24, 2015.
• Phase 1 (PBA) materials must be returned to DRC in pickup 2 on
May 14 and must be boxed separately from Phase 2 (EOY) materials.
Louisiana Believes
Phase 2 (EOY) Preidentified Labels
• Phase 2 (EOY) preidentified labels will be
provided for students who tested on Phase
1 (PBA) hand-coded documents including
the Spanish math tests.
• Pink: Mathematics
• Ivory: ELA
• Demographic information hand coded on
the Phase 1 (PBA) consumable test booklet
appears on the Phase 2 preidentified label.
PHASE 1 AD SEC.#: 41259415
P510659 3999999
001 Pelican Parish
002 Egret Elementary School
• Do not correct errors on Phase 2 (EOY)
preidentified labels.
• Phase 2 (EOY) preidentified labels must be
affixed to consumable test booklets for
students who are not testing, and an
accountability code (if applicable) should
be hand coded on page 2 of the
consumable test booklets .
Louisiana Believes
Planning for Accessibility and Accommodations
The documents below define the accessibility and accommodations features to be used by
students on the state assessments. All documentation of accessibility and accommodations
must be made 30 calendar days prior to the assessment window.
Individualized Education
Program (IEP)
Special Education
Reporting (SER)
Special Education
Accessibility Features
and Accommodations
Individual Accommodation
Plan (IAP)
Assessment Library
504 Students
Accessibility Features
and Accommodations
Limited English Proficient
Accommodations Checklist
(LEP Form)
Assessment Library
English Language
Accessibility Features
and Accommodations
Personal Needs Profile
Assessment Library
All students requiring
additional support
without IEP, IAP or LEP
plans in place
Accessibility Features for
PARCC assessments only
Unique Accommodations
SER and Assessment
Special Education, 504,
and LEP Students
Louisiana Believes
(updated form available)
Students with Disabilities
IEP Form
• The updated IEP form is available in SER.
• Additional edits have been made to the form based on PARCC updates and district
• The IEP form includes paper and online accommodations, as IEPs are valid for one year.
• IEP teams should use the PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual for guidance
in making selections for PARCC assessments.
IAP Form
• The updated IAP form is available in the Assessment Library.
• For IAPs completed on the previous form, districts and/or schools should review to ensure
alignment with available accessibility and accommodations on the PARCC assessments. If
accommodations are already aligned, then no changes are required.
• The temporary IAP form for students requiring temporary accommodations (e.g. broken
arm) will also be available in the Assessment Library.
• IAP teams should use the PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual for guidance
in making selections.
Louisiana Believes
English Language Learners
LEP Accommodations Checklist Form
• The Limited English Proficient (LEP) Accommodations Checklist has been updated to
include the Spanish form in math in grades 3-8 for the PARCC assessment.
• For LEP Checklists completed on the previous form, districts and/or schools should review
to ensure alignment with available accessibility and accommodations on the PARCC
assessments. If there are no changes needed, then it is not necessary to complete
another form.
• School-level teams should use the PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual for
guidance in decisions concerning accessibility and accommodations. This manual includes
guidance on using English proficiency levels in determining most appropriate supports.
Louisiana Believes
Unique Accommodations
Unique Accommodations Form
• The Unique Accommodations Form is available in SER and in the Assessment Library.
• Unique accommodations require approval for use on any state assessment and should be
submitted through assessment@la.gov.
*See the Quick Guide to Accessibility and Accommodations and PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual for more information.
Louisiana Believes
PARCC Accessibility Features
for All Students
Accessibility Features
• Accessibility Features are available to all students and increase access without subverting
the purpose of the PARCC assessments.
• Some of these features must be predetermined and documented on IEP, IAP, LEP, or PNP
• All forms for accommodations and accessibility features should be completed at least 30
days prior to the assessment window.
• Additional guidance is available in the Personal Needs Profile Decision Making Webinar
Accessibility Feature
Auditory Aids (e.g., noise
buffer, amplification)*
Magnification Device*
Small Group Testing*
General Administrations
Directions Clarified
Read Aloud for the Math
Assessment (Text to Speech or
Human Reader)*
Specialized Furniture or
Individual Testing*
Redirect Student to the Test
Visual Aids* (e.g., line
reader, color overlay)
*Requires documentation on a PNP, IEP, IAP, or LEP form prior to the assessment window
Louisiana Believes
PARCC Read Aloud
Read Aloud on the Math Assessment:
• Available to all students and should be indicated on the IEP, IAP, LEP, or PNP form
Read Aloud on the ELA Assessment:
• Includes read aloud of the entire ELA assessment
• Student performance reports will be noted as receiving the accommodation
• Available to students with IEP and IAP accommodations that meet the following criteria:
• Blindness or a visual impairment and has not learned (or is unable to use) braille;
• A disability that severely limits or prevents him/her from accessing printed text, even
after varied and repeated attempts to teach the student to do so (e.g., student is unable
to decode printed text or read fluently);
• Deafness or a hearing impairment and is severely limited or prevented from decoding
text due to a documented history of early and prolonged language deprivation
Additional Resource:
• Read Aloud Decision Making Webinar
*See the PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual for more information.
Louisiana Believes
• PNP is not for all children.
• The accessibility feature must be used
in the classroom.
• Schools must measure continued
effectiveness of the accessibility
features through classroom
observation and performance data and
adjust as needed.
• All documentation of accessibility and
accommodations must be made 30 calendar days
prior to the assessment window.
PBA – Friday, February 13, 2015
EOY – Wednesday, April 1, 2015
• Read aloud math students can be in a regular
class size group.
• Read aloud math assessment must be completed
in the time allotted.
Step 1: Ensure that the accessibility feature is used in the
Step 2: Gather evidence that the support increases access during
instruction and assessments (observation and
performance/assessment data).
Step 3: Meet as a school level committee (teacher, parent, student,
and other relevant stakeholders) to discuss accessibility features
and create the PNP using the PARCC Accessibility and
Accommodations Manual for guidance. The form is available below.
Step 4: Measure continued effectiveness of the accessibility
features through classroom observation and performance data and
adjust as needed.
• The PNP form has been created IC that
will make documentation easier for the
schools. You will be able to run reports
concerning the students with a PNP.
• PNPs must be signed by the parent, teacher,
administrator and student. The signed
documents will be kept at the school site for
review by the test monitors and later placed in
the student's cum folder.
Assessment Checklist
High Priority January Actions
Use assessment guides to ensure every teacher understands content and structure of the
assessments (alternate assessment guides available here)
Identify total number of IEP, IAP, PNP, and LEP documents requiring either creation or amendments
and track progress toward completion by Feb 13 for PARCC
Share regularly the PARCC FAQ (regularly updated with questions and answers from educators)
Ensure teachers participate in PARCC Office Hours each Thursday at 11 and 4
For each of the high priority actions, answer the following:
• For areas that are “On track” note, what has led to readiness?
• For areas that are “Off track”, why are they off track and how are you ensuring schools get
back on track?
• For areas that are marked “I don’t know”, how are you going to secure this information?
Louisiana Believes
ACT and WorkKeys Administration Resources
ACT’s Louisiana testing site is available here. (http://act.org/aap/louisiana/act.html)
Prior to the assessment dates all district and school coordinators and administrators
should complete the appropriate online training available through the testing site.
The testing site includes:
• Test dates
• Checklist of dates
• Test site establishment
• Manuals and supplements
• Training
• Accommodations information
• Score reporting information
Louisiana Believes
ACT and WorkKeys (PBT) Trainings
Test coordinators and administrators should review the administration manuals and then
view all training snippets. The training snippets cover all steps of test administration, such
• planning and preparing for testing
• identifying and training room supervisors and proctors
• receipt and check-in of secure test materials
• tips for a successful test administration
• administering the test
• procedures for return of all materials
Take the following steps to view training snippets:
1. Go to: http://www.act.org/aap/louisiana/act.html
2. Click on the “Training” heading.
3. Click on the “Test Administration Training” link.
4. Select your city, and school.
5. Enter your first and last name and click on the Next button.
Note: Use Internet Explorer 9 or later, Safari 5.1 or later, or Google Chrome 17 or later to view
the snippets
Louisiana Believes
ACT Q & A Session
To register for a Q&A session, go to the appropriate URL from the table below by the Friday
prior to the session date.
Registration URL
Thursday, Jan 29
10:00 am
Tuesday, Feb 3
10:00 am
Registration is confirmed by email. A reminder email 24 hours prior to the Q&A session start
time will include a link to join the session and a number to call for audio.
Contacting ACT:
If you have questions, you may:
Contact ACT electronically via the Contact Us web page at
Call 800.553.6244, ext. 2800 with standard time questions
Call 800.553.6244, ext. 1788 with accommodations questions, or email specific questions to
Louisiana Believes
EXPLORE and PLAN Administration Resources
• The EXPLORE and PLAN Louisiana testing site is
available here
• (http://act.org/aap/louisiana/explore-plan.html)
• The testing site includes:
• Milestone schedule
• Manuals and documents
• Score reporting information
Louisiana Believes
Accommodation Codes
Void Scoring Codes
To be completed by
school staff only—see
Supervisor’s Manual
Only mark these “Void
Scoring Codes” if you
wish to void a portion of
a student’s test. When a
Void Scoring Code is
marked, that portion of
the test will not be
Mark only one.
ALERT – Carefully review the answer documents before submitting.
Louisiana Believes
K-8 School Performance Scores
Grade Configuration
K-7 (Elementary)
100% assessments + Progress Points
K-8, 7-8 (Middle)
95% assessments + 5% (dropout/credit accumulation
index) + Progress Points
K-8 School SPS: Assessments
(slide 1 of 3)
Louisiana students in grades 3-8 take assessments in ELA, math, science and social studies so as to
assess whether each student gained the knowledge and skills reflected in the standards of that grade
and subject.
Achievement Levels*
Achievement Level
Achievement Level
Assessment Index
Points Per Student
2 or 1
Exceeds Standard
Basic (Proficient)
Meets Standard
Working Towards
*Latest PARCC Achievement Levels
Louisiana Believes
K-8 School SPS:
Dropout/Credit Accumulation Index (DCAI)
(slide 2 of 3)
Schools with 8th grade earn points for the number of
credits students accumulate by the end of 9th grade or
Transitional 9th grade. This encourages successful
transition to high school, as well as access to Carnegie
credits in middle school.
• Calculated for schools that include Grade 8
• Points based on number of Carnegie Credits earned
through the end of 9th grade (and transitional 9th,
where applicable)
• To count toward DCAI, students must be full
academic year in 8th and 9th grade (or transitional 9th,
where applicable), if earning Carnegie credits
• Students transferring districts between
grade are still eligible to earn points for DCAI
Louisiana Believes
Carnegie Course
DCAI Points Per
3 or less
3rd year 8th
grade student
K-8 School SPS: Progress Points
(slide 3 of 3)
Progress Points
Schools may earn up to 10 progress points for previously non-proficient students who exceed
their expected score.
Eligible Students
School must have 10+ students with school-level VAM scores who were nonproficient in prior year in math, ELA, or both
Required Success Rate
Schools must have more than 50% of the eligible students exceed their
expected score in math, ELA, or both
Schools will receive .1 for students scoring Unsatisfactory in prior year and .05
for students scoring Approaching Basic in prior year who exceed expectations in
current year
Current Year (2014-15): Proficient
Eligible Students:
Assessment Index points: YES
Prior Year (2013-14): Non-proficient
(Scored Unsatisfactory or Approaching
Basic in ELA, math or both)
Progress points: YES
Current Year (2014-15): Non-proficient
Assessment Index points: NO
Progress points: YES
Louisiana Believes
9-12 School Performance Scores
25% ACT +
25% EOC +
25% Cohort Graduation Rate +
25% Strength of Diploma +
Progress Points
High School SPS: EOC Exams
(slide 1 of 5)
The End-Of-Course (EOC) exams assess whether students have mastered the standards of
various high school core subjects.
EOC exams are required in Algebra I, Geometry, English II, English III, Biology, and U.S.
EOC Score/Level
Points Earned Per Test
150 points
Good (Proficient)
100 points
Fair or Needs Improvement
0 points
Louisiana Believes
High School SPS: ACT
(slide 2 of 5)
All Louisiana 11th graders take the ACT, a
nationally recognized measure of college and
career readiness.
Schools earn points for the highest
composite score earned by a student through
the April testing date of their senior year.
NOTE: Beginning in 2015-16, the ACT Index
will include students’ highest score on either
the ACT or the WorkKEYS. Starting in 201415, the LDOE will fund WorkKEYS
assessments for juniors on the Career
Louisiana Believes
ACT Composite Score
Points Earned Per Student
150.4 points (maximum)
27 (TOPS Honors)
23 (TOPS Performance)
20 (TOPS Opportunity)
17 or below
0 points
High School SPS: Graduation Rate
(slide 3 of 5)
The cohort graduation rate measures our base expectation, that students who enter 9th grade will
graduate four years later.
• Inclusion: All 9th graders who enter a graduation cohort are included in calculations of the
cohort graduation rate.
• Transitional 9th: Students will enter into the first-time ninth grade cohort in the year that follows
the transitional 9th grade. If students in transitional 9th dropout, they will be included as
dropout in cohort graduation rate calculations.
The cohort graduation rate is calculated in the following manner:
Cohort Graduation Rate (CGR)
0 to 60 percent grad rate
CGR x 1.166667
61 to 100 percent grad rate
(CGR x 2.0) - 50
Louisiana Believes
High School SPS: Strength of Diploma
(slide 4 of 5)
The graduation index measures the strength of the diploma earned by each 12th grader.
Schools earn points for graduates in the following manner (2014 graduates):
Quality of Diploma (Graduation Index): Student Results
HS Diploma plus
(a) AP score of 3 or higher, IB score of 4 or higher, or CLEP score of 50 or higher; OR
(b) Advanced statewide Jump Start credential
*Students achieving both (a) and (b) will generate 160 points.
HS Diploma plus
(a) At least one passing course grade for TOPS core curriculum credit of the following type: AP**, college
credit, dual enrollment, or IB; OR
(b) Basic statewide Jump Start credential
*Students achieving both (a) and (b) will generate 115 points.
**Students must take the AP exam and pass the course to earn 110 points.
Four-year graduate
(Includes Career Diploma student with a regional Jump Start credential)
Five-year graduate with any diploma
*Five-year graduates who earn an AP score of 3 or higher, an IB score of 4 or higher, or a CLEP of 50 or
higher will generate 140 points.
Six-year graduate with any diploma
HiSET (formerly GED)
Non-graduate without HiSET
Louisiana Believes
Points Awarded
High School SPS: Progress Points
(slide 5 of 5)
High schools may earn up to 10 progress points for non-proficient students who score at the
top of the expected score range or higher on the PLAN and/or ACT.
Progress Points: EXPLORE to PLAN
Schools can earn progress points for eligible
students who score at the top of the expected
score range or higher on the PLAN test.
Eligible (in the
Progress Points: PLAN to ACT
Schools can earn progress points for eligible
students who score at the top of the expected
score range or higher on the ACT (12th grade).
30% or more of non-proficient students who score at the top of the expected score range or
higher on PLAN, as predicted by EXPLORE, and ACT, as predicted by PLAN.
This can be met by the subgroup for ELA and/or math.
School must have 10 or more eligible students in the subgroup to receive points.
Schools earn .2 point for students who previously scored Unsatisfactory/Needs Improvement
and .1 point for students who previously scored Approaching Basic/Fair.
Students who were non-proficient on state
assessments (LEAP or EOC) in year of EXPLORE
or year prior (most recent test is used in ELA and
in math).
Students who were non-proficient on state
assessments (EOCs) in the year of PLAN or the
year between PLAN and 12th grade ACT score
(most recent test is used in ELA and in math).
*High school progress points are currently under review based on district and school feedback.
Louisiana Believes
Moving Toward 2025
As we continue giving educators time to learn the new expectations and adjust their practice, BESE
approved a series of policies to support educator and student learning.
School accountability. Letter grade distributions will remain the same from 2013 to 2014 and
2015. During the two year transition, any school or district that maintained or improved its annual
performance score will not experience a decrease in its current letter grade. As in any other year, if
a school improves, the performance score and letter grade may go up.
Teacher accountability. For 2014 and 2015, the state will not produce “value-added data” because
there will be no baseline from which to calculate. Compass policies will remain in effect, but
student learning scores will not need to be based on value-added data.
Student accountability. In 2014 and 2015, the state will maintain current 4th grade policy but
allow districts to issue waivers for students demonstrating readiness to progress. The state will
shift the 8th grade retention standard to be a remedial standard and require that remediation take
place on the high school campus in a “transitional 9th grade” year.
For more information on the transition policies, click here.
Louisiana Believes
Accountability Resources
Now available in the Accountability Library are 2014-15 accountability resources for district and
school leaders to use in understanding and sharing information related to accountability.
Districts should ensure leaders are aware of and are using these tools. The newly available
resources include:
2014-15 Accountability Overview
K-8 Progress Points Fact Sheet
Jump Start Fact Sheet
Policy Guidance on Transitional 9th and High School Planning
• Transitional 9th grade Guide: This guide is designed to help district identify, plan, and
improve the academic achievement of struggling 8th grade students.
• High School Guide: This guide is designed to help counselors and school staff plan the
pathways and goals for all students.
Louisiana Believes
Coding Assessments for Accountability
Codes 01 through 37 and code 97 are for students who have exited the school or grade
(for code 15)
Codes 80 through 99 are for students who are enrolled in school and:
• Receive the wrong kind of test
• Have a doctor’s letter explaining that the student was too medically fragile to test or
had medical emergency for all days of testing, including make-up dates
Limited English Proficient Students:
All LEP students are expected to test.
Code 81 can be applied to the tests of LEP students who have
been enrolled in U.S. school less than one year.
LEP students must take the test even though code 81 is applied. They must provide
LEP status is verified through SIS. Students will receive scores of zero if they are not
properly identified in SIS.
Louisiana Believes
Phase 1/Phase 2: Different Sites in Same
Student took Phase 1 at
School A
Enrolled by
October 1st
Student took Phase 2
at School B
Student score counts
where student was
enrolled on February 1
Louisiana Believes
Partial Tests
Student took Phase 1
Student did not take
Phase 2
With accountability
code, student score is
not counted.
Louisiana Believes
Where to Access this Presentation
• Go to:
• jpschools.org
• Departments
• Testing
• Downloads
Louisiana Believes
Contact Information – Testing Krewe
Karen Herndon – Director of Testing
• karen.herndon@jppss.k12.la.us
Testing Procedures and Materials
JoLynn Tompson– State Testing Specialist
• Jolynn.tompson@jppss.k12.la.us
Chip Farman - Special Ed. Test Compliance Specialist
• chip.farman@jppss.k12.la.us
Parent Questions
Emma Vidacovich – Testing Technician
• emma.vidacovich@jppss.k12.la.us
• 349-7604
• Fax: 349-8573
Emergencies during testing – 655-2846
Louisiana Believes