In Times like these - Christians & Cultural Mandate (03 ver)

In times like
Needed to Establish
God’s Kingdom
through Fulfilling the
Cultural Mandate
Great growth of Christianity
Ratio of Christian to total world
 In 1430, 1 to 99
 In 1790, 1 to 49
 In 1940, 1 to 32
 In 1994, 1 to 7
 Today, 1 in 3 are nominally Christian
and 1 in 7, to 1 in 10, are Biblebelieving Christians
In times like these . . .
Battle of worldviews: Secular v.
Christian, Muslim v. Christian
Culture wars: value of life, defining the
family, freedom to believe in Truth,
origins, public expression of faith
Rendering to Caesar the things that
are God’s
Worshiping the golden calf of
statism/socialism – “shall we fall down
before a block of wood?” (Isa. 44: 19)
The Great Commission
“All authority has been given to Me in
heaven and on earth. Go therefore
and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit, teaching them to observe all
that I commanded you; and
lo, I am with you always,
even to the end of the age.”
Matt. 28:18-20
The Great Commission
(Mt. 28:18-20)
Creation Commission
or Cultural Mandate
(Gen. 1:26-28)
Redemption Commission
or Evangelistic Mandate
(2 Cor. 5:17-19)
“Occupy till I come.” (Luke 19:11-27)
“Do business with this [minas] until I come
back” (v. 13)
Minas – the talent, skills, and abilities God
has given each of us.
We are to work as partners with Him to take
dominion over the earth (Gen. 1:26-28) by
using the talents He has given us.
Our work is a vital part of God’s plan for us
and the nations.
We occupy through our occupation.
Fulfilling the cultural
mandate requires us to:
Discover truth through sciences
Apply truth through technology
Interpret truth through humanities
Implement truth through commerce
and social action
Transmit truth through education and
Preserve truth through government &
Discover truth through sciences
Scientists/inventors : Johann Kepler,
William Herschel, Isaac Newton, James
Maxwell, Francis Bacon, Blaise Pascal,
Gregor Mendel, Carolus Linneaus, James
Joule, Michael Faraday, John Herschel,
Robert Boyle, Lord Kelvin
“We are to ... acknowledge one God,
infinite, eternal, omnipresent, omniscient,
omnipotent, the Creator of all things,
most wise, most just, most good, most
holy. We must love him, fear him, honor
him, trust in him, pray to him, give him
thanks, praise him, hallow his name,
obey his commandments, and set times
apart for his service, as we are directed in on
the Third and Fourth Commandments, for
this is the love of God that we keep his
commandments, and his commandments are not
grievous (1 John 5:3).” Philosophy of Nature
Newton’s book
was published
in 1733, six
years after his
Michael Faraday – “our hope is founded
on the faith that is in Christ.”
One of the greatest
experimental scientists of all
time. He laid the foundation for
new fields of science –
electromagnetism, magnetooptics, and diamagnetism.
He invented the dynamo and
electric motor, which became
the foundation for the modern
day electrical industry.
Michael Faraday – “our hope is founded
on the faith that is in Christ.”
Faraday’s Biblical worldview:
 He saw scientific laws
originating from the Creator
as beneficial to man when he
discovered and applied them.
 He spoke of the “gifts of God”
given for man’s benefit, of
nature operating “for our
Apply truth through technology
Colonizers/Explorers: Columbus, Richard
Hakluyt, the Pilgrims, Thomas Hooker,
Roger Williams, William Penn, Jedidiah
Smith, Marcus Whitman, Jason Lee, Johnny
Christopher Columbus
“It was the Lord who
put into my mind, I
could feel His hand
upon me, the fact
that it would be
possible to sail from
here to the Indies.”
Book of Prophecies, 1502
Richard Hakluyt
Discourse of Western Planting, 1584
“Wee shall by
plantinge there
inlarge the glory of
the gospell and
provide a safe and a
sure place to
receave people from
all partes of the
worlds that are
forced to flee for the
truthe of Gods
The Pilgrims
“A great hope and inward zeal they had
of laying some good foundation, or at
least to make some way thereunto, for
the propagating and advancing of the
Gospel of the kingdom of Christ in those
remote parts of the world.”
William Bradford, Of Plimouth Plantation
William Penn
on the colony of Pennsylvania, 1681
“My God that
has given it to
me ... will, I
believe, bless
and make it
the seed of a
Marcus Whitman
A medical missionary
who converted many
Indians and saved the
Oregon Territory.
He fulfilled the
evangelistic and cultural
Statue in the U.S. Capitol with
Bible and medical bag.
Apply truth through technology
Inventors: Johann Gutenberg, Robert
Fulton, Cyrus McCormick, Samuel F.B.
Morse, R.G. LeTourneau
Johannes Gutenberg
“Through it [the
press] God will
spread His Word. A
spring of pure truth
shall flow from it! Like
a new star, it shall
scatter the darkness
of ignorance, and
cause a light
heretofore unknown
to shine among men.”
The Bible was the first book
published with movable type, 1455.
Gutenberg printing
Gutenberg Bible in the
Library of Congress,
Washington, DC. One of
three printed on vellum in
the world.
He shrunk the
world through
his invention
of the
telegraph in
Samuel F.B. Morse
invented the
telegraph in
 A message
was sent
to Baltimore
in 1844.
Morse’s 1837 Telegraph
“What hath God wrought!”
Nothing could have been
more appropriate than this
devout exclamation, at
such an event, when an
invention which creates
such wonder, and about
which there has been so
much scepticism, is taken
from the land of visions,
and becomes a reality.
Samuel F.B. Morse
Plaque in U.S. Capitol Building
Samuel F.B. Morse
That sentence of Annie
Ellsworth’s was divinely
indited, for it is in my
thoughts day and night.
“What hath God wrought!”
It is His work , and He alone
could have carried me thus
far through all my trials and
enabled me to triumph over
the obstacles, physical and
moral, which opposed me.
“Not unto us, not unto us,
but to Thy name, O Lord, be
all the praise.”
Apply truth through technology
Scientists: Jedediah Morse, John Fleming,
Joseph Lister, James Simpson, Matthew
Maury, G. W. Carver, Nathaniel Bowditch,
Crawford W. Long, Ephraim McDowell
Dr. Ephraim McDowell
Performed the first abdominal surgery in 1809 in
his home in Danville, Kentucky.
The patient, Mrs. Crawford had no anesthesia.
Before removing a huge ovarian cyst, Dr.
McDowell prayed asking God to bless his
patient and guide him in the operation.
Mrs. Crawford sang psalms while being
operated on.
Dr. Crawford W.
Discoverer of the use
of sulphuric ether as
an anaesthetic in
surgery on March 30,
1842 at Jefferson,
Jackson County,
Georgia U.S.A.
“My profession is to me
a ministry from God.”
Engraving on base of statue in US Capitol.
Dr. Joseph Lister
Applied Biblical
principles and
saved millions of
First developed
surgery in mid1850s.
He applied the truth
and transformed the
economy of the south.
“The secret of my success?
It is simple. It is found in
the Bible, ‘In
all they ways
Him and He shall
direct thy paths.’ ”
George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver
In his
“God’s little
at Tuskegee
Institute in
Carver discovered over
300 uses for the peanut
and 107 for the
sweet potato.
George Washington Carver
“My purpose
alone must be
God’s purpose
– to increase
the welfare and
happiness of
His people.”
Matthew Fontaine Maury
Pathfinder of the Seas
Father of
 Charted the ocean
and wind currents
 Mapped out and
proposed sea routes
Maury Monument, Richmond
“The fish of the sea, and
whatsoever passeth through the
paths of the seas.” Psalm 8:8
Maury Monument
“If God says
there are
paths in the
sea, I am
going to find
Maury Monument
“Against his
chair is the
Bible, from
which he drew
Richmond Times, 1929
Pathfinder of the Seas
The Genius who first Snatched
From Ocean & Atmosphere
The Secret of their Laws.
Born January 14th, 1806
Died at Lexington, Va., February 1st, 1873
Every Mariner
For Countless Ages
As he takes his Chart to Shape
His course across the Seas,
Will think of thee
His Inspiration Holy Writ
Goshen Pass
Psalms 8 & 107, Verses 8, 23, & 24
Ecclesiastes Chap. 1, Verse 8
A Tribute of his Native State
In a word, the science of
Physical Geography unfolds
to us this grand view of our
planet, that in all its
arrangements there is proof
of All-wise and beneficent
design. The study leads to a
deeper understanding of the
Psalmist’s words, “The
earth is full of the goodness
of the Lord; so is the great
and wide sea also.”
Interpret truth through humanities
Historians — William Bradford, Cotton
Mather, Charles Rollin, David Ramsay,
Mercy Otis Warren, Daniel Neal, George
Bancroft, Noah Webster
Authors — Geoffrey Chaucer, John Donne,
John Milton, Anne Bradstreet, Daniel Defoe,
John Bunyan, Lew Wallace, Charles
Dickens, John Whittier, Longfellow, Samuel
Coleridge, Harriet Beecher Stowe
Gen. Lew Wallace
Wallace was converted to
Christianity during
research for his great
Christian classic, Ben
Hur, one of the best
sellers of all time.
Statue in the United States Capitol
Interpret truth through humanities
Theologians/Religious Leaders — Justin
Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Augustine,
John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, William
Tyndale, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, John
Knox, Cotton Mather, John Wesley, George
Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Richard
Allen, Charles Spurgeon
Interpret truth through humanities
Political, Governmental, and Economic
Philosophers — John Calvin, Samuel
Rutherford, John Locke, Adam Smith, Hugo
Grotius, John Wise, William Blackstone
William Blackstone (1723-1780)
Commentaries on
the Laws of England,
“Man, considered as a creature,
must necessarily he subject to
the laws of his Creator, for he is
entirely a dependent being . . .
And, consequently, as man
depends absolutely upon his
Maker for everything, it is
necessary that he should in all
points conform to his Maker’s
will . . . this will of his Maker is
called the law of nature. . . .
William Blackstone (1723-1780)
Commentaries on
the Laws of England,
“These laws laid down by
God are the eternal
immutable laws of good
and evil . . . . This law of
nature dictated by God
himself, is of course
superior in obligation to
any other. It is binding over
all the globe, in all
countries, and at all times:
no human laws are of any
validity if contrary to this.”
Implement truth through commerce
and social action
Businessmen — Cyrus McCormick, Cyrus
Field, George Pullman, Peter Cooper, John
Wanamaker, Jack Eckard
Cyrus Hall McCormick
A reaper in the Kingdom
He advanced
and destroyed
famine by
fulfilling his
Providential Preparation
of Cyrus McCormick
Cyrus’ father
had worked to
invent a reaper
 Cyrus was
often in his
The reaper was
first tested in
July 1831.
 He cut 6 acres
of oats in an
afternoon – the
work of 6 to 24
Generational transfer:
“It makes me
feel proud to
have a son do
what I could
not do.”
Robert McCormick,
Cyrus’ Father
Building his business
He built a
business to
make and sell
reapers in a
manner with
Kingdom fruit.
Building his
“He did more than any other
member of the human race to
abolish the famine of the cities and
the drudgery of the farm — to feed
the hungry and straighten the bent
backs of the world.”
Building his
“His whole soul was wrapped up in
His Reaper.”
 “Cyrus McCormick hung to his
Reaper as John Knox had to his
 He created a new species of
commercial organization.
McCormick, a Kingdom
“He instructed the wheateating races how to
increase the ‘seven small
loaves’ so that the
multitudes should be fed.
He picked up the task of
feeding the hungry
masses – the Christly
task that had lain
unfulfilled for eighteen
centuries, and led the
way in organizing it into a
system of international
Implement truth through commerce
and social action
Social Reformers — William Wilberforce,
John Eliot, Samuel Adams, Frances Willard,
Charles Finney, Sojourner Truth, Harriet
Tubman, William and Catherine Booth
William Wilberforce
Member of the British Parliament.
Leader of the Clapham Sect – a group of
evangelicals active in political, philanthropic,
and religious causes.
Championed parliamentary and prison reforms,
missionary endeavors, Bible distribution, etc.
Worked 18 years to secure the abolition of the
slave trade.
Labored 26 more years for the ending of slavery
in the British empire, which occurred in 1833.
Transmit truth through education
and arts
Educators — Origen, Jerome, Erasmus,
John Harvard, John Cotton, John
Witherspoon, Noah Webster, Emma
Willard, William McGuffey, Booker T.
John Witherspoon trained
Princeton University
1 president (James
1 vice-president
(Aaron Burr)
10 cabinet officers
21 senators
39 congressmen
12 governors
1 Supreme Court
1 attorney general
Noah Webster
1828 Dictionary
 Blue-backed
 Numerous other
 Bible
 Founded
Founding Father of
American Education
Speller sold
over 100
million copies
in the 19
“God will forgive those
who repent of their
sins, and live a holy
“Examine the
Scriptures daily and
carefully, and set an
example of good
“Those who enjoy the
light of the gospel, and
neglect to observe its
precepts, are more
criminal than the
 Biblical
 Thousands
of Scriptural
“In my view, the Christian
religion is the most
important and one of the
first things in which all
children, under a free
government, ought to be
instructed…. No truth is
more evident to my mind
than that the Christian
religion must be the basis
of any government
intended to secure the
rights and privileges of a
free people.”
Letters of Noah Webster, 1836
Founding Father of
American Education
Noah Webster
Transmit truth through education
and arts
Artists, Musicians, Newsmen — Leonardo
da Vinci, Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley,
Benjamin West, Peter Zenger, Horace
Greeley, J. S. Bach, George F. Handel
He concluded his scores:
S.D.G., Soli Deo Gloria – “to
God alone the glory.”
“the aim and final reason . . .
of all music . . . should be
none else but the Glory of
God and the recreation of the
mind. Where this is not
observed, there will be no
real music but only a devilish
Preserve truth through government
and law
Political and Legal Leaders — Patrick,
Justinian, Alfred the Great, John Winthrop,
Thomas Hooker , Nathaniel Ward, William
Penn, Patrick Henry, George Mason, James
Madison, Samuel Adams, John Marshall,
Daniel Webster, George Washington,
Abraham Kuyper
Christians (many ministers) have written
most of the civil document s of liberty.
Patrick’s Liber
Alfred’s Code of Laws
Rev. Stephen Langton – the Magna Charta
Pilgrims – Mayflower Compact
Rev. Hooker – Fundamental Orders of
Rev. Ward – Massachusetts Body of Liberties
Penn – Frame of Government of Pennsylvania
George Washington
“By common
Washington is
regarded as not
merely the Hero
of the American
Revolution, but
the World’s
Apostle of
Thomas Paine
Washington, the World’s Apostle of Liberty
• Without Washington we would not have won the
American Revolution.
• Due to Washington’s influence we did not set up
a monarchy or military rule.
• We would never have completed the
Constitutional Convention without Washington.
• We may never have set into motion our
constitutional form of government with limited
role of President without his example.
• Washington also set the standard for
international relations in his Farewell Address.
Washington, the Christian
Christian faith was
key to his
character and
career and
Washington’s Prayer for the Governors
“I now make it my
earnest prayer, that
God would have you,
and the State over
which you preside, in
his holy protection…
that he would most
graciously be pleased
to dispose us all to do
justice, to love mercy,
Washington’s Prayer for the Governors
“and to demean ourselves with
that charity, humility, and
pacific temper of mind, which
were the characteristics of the
Divine Author of our blessed
religion, and without an
humble imitation of whose
example in these things, we
can never hope to be a happy
Circular Letter to the Governors, 1783
Fulfilling the cultural mandate
requires us to:
Discover truth through sciences
Apply truth through technology
Interpret truth through humanities
Implement truth through commerce and
social action
Transmit truth through education and arts
Preserve truth through government & law
Patrick of Ireland
Patrick was a world figure; one of the
very great among men; “one of the
dominant personalities of world
history.” He completely transformed a
nation in his lifetime and set Ireland on
its destiny. His work in Ireland was a
world event.
Patrick transformed Ireland
Regeneration of untold
thousands through his life
He founded 700 churches
He trained and set in place
Church leadership — 700
bishops and 3000 ministers
He set up training centers to
educate thousands
He transformed civil
government, working with
kings to establish godly laws.
He wrote Liber Ex Lege Moisi.
The Irish Celtic Christian transformation of
western European culture (400-900)
Columba starts to
disciple Scotland
Columbanus starts to
disciple France,
Germany, Austria
and Italy (590)
Aiden starts to
disciple England
Ina establishes
Law code in Wessex
Fulfilling the Cultural
As we each cultivate and use the
talents and skills God has given
us and fulfill our divine purpose,
we will be taking part in
discipling the nations and
seeing His kingdom come to
earth as it is in heaven.
Building Godly Nations
For more on
“Fulfilling the
Mandate” and
discipling the
Liberating the Nations
For more on the
power and form of
free nations and
on how to bring