
Defining the
Status Quo
Definition of Status Quo
The “Status Quo” describes existing or
anticipated conditions of a water resources
system if policies, system
configurations, regulations,
and management strategies
remain unchanged.
Defining the Status Quo Requires
A shared understanding of the physical,
technical, regulatory, management, and policy
attributes of the system
A statement of important problems facing the
Identification of uncertainties and
discrepancies in information and policies
A common vocabulary for future discussion
When the Status Quo is Defined
Managers and stakeholders develop a shared
understanding of system attributes and
management concerns.
Once the status quo is established it is used to
Confirm the appropriateness of planning
Identify constraints to planning alternatives
Establish a baseline for comparison with
proposed alternatives
Status Quo for
and Strategic Plans
Tactical Plans define the status quo in terms
of existing conditions
Strategic Plans use long-term forecasts to
describe future conditions
The Process of Defining the Status Quo
Activities in Defining the Status Quo
Perform a facility inventory, a resource inventory, a
legal, policy, economics, management and demand
Resolve conflicting information and data gaps
Develop a Shared Vision Model to develop an
integrated expression of your system’s performance
Examine system performance under different
hydrologic scenarios
Components of a
Facilities Inventory
Distribution facilities
Treatment plants
Water-related structures such
as boat ramps, locks
Pumping facilities
Components of a
Resources Inventory
Fish and Wildlife
Water Quality
Unregulated streamflow Important species Existing water quality
Endangered species Fish and wildlife needs
Gauging station locations
(at different life stages)
Local inflows
Sedimentation and
scour areas
Types of effluent
Groundwater resources
Components of a Legal Inventory
Authorized project purposes
Existing water rights and priorities
Instream flow requirements
Water quality regulations
Components of a
Management Inventory
Operating policies
Rule curves
Triggering mechanisms
Components of a Policy Inventory
Management preferences
Societal preferences
Political concerns
Components of an
Economic Inventory
Facility costs
Recreational benefits
Marginal cost pricing
Benefit/Cost analysis
Components of a Demand Inventory
Water uses (instream, offstream, consumptive,
 Demand levels
 Forecasted demand levels
 Demand patterns
 Driving factors
 Cost of water
 Conservation strategies
 Curtailment measures
 Revenue generated
Choice of Hydrological Data in
Status Quo Analysis
Evaluation of the status quo requires
understanding of the average performance of a
system as well as its performance under
extreme conditions
Good hydrologic data is
essential for these
Options for
Short Hydrologic Records
If hydrologic records are short
Accept historic data set and acknowledge
Use data set from a
region with similar
Develop “synthetic” data
Pros and Cons of
Design Droughts and Floods
Use of a Design Drought
Represents a sequence of events that has
actually occurred
Impacts may be tangible to managers
and stakeholders
Pros and Cons of
Design Droughts and Floods
Will not reoccur in the future
A more severe drought may be possible
May provide region with a false sense
of security
Does not provide information on
overall system performance
Managers and stakeholders must work to
establish a collectively endorsed vision of the
status quo.
The status quo acts as a baseline for the
comparison of alternatives.
Shared vision models are used to assess
cumulative impacts of the status quo.
Hydrologic data sets should be carefully chosen
when defining the status quo.