Annual report 2013 Option Trading Company N.V. Brussel Table of contents Page 4 1. Report of the Board 2. Financial overview and company information 2.1 Core figures 5 2.2 Balance headlines 5 2.3 Profit & Loss headlines 6 2.4 Other 7 3. Annual accounts 3.1 Balance sheet at 31 December 2013 10 3.2 Statement of income and expenses for the year 2013 11 3.3 Notes to the financial statements 12 3.4 Notes to the balance sheet 15 3.5 Notes to the statement of income and expenses 17 4. Other information 3.1 Audit statement 19 3.2 Statutory provision regarding appropriation of Proposal 19 3.3 Proposal result 19 2 1. Report of the Board 3 1.1 Report of the Board Business Developments during the year The year 2013 was in several ways a quiet year for OTC. For the whole year there has been one trader active and the results have been encouraging given the quiet market circumstances. The financial markets have stabilized further during the year and in general this is not beneficial for our trading revenues. Our business consists of keeping prices from different products in line with each other and this is more difficult in volatile markets. Eventually the net result for 2013 is 48,576 euro positive. Given the market circumstances we are happy with this result. On the general shareholders meeting we propose to add the results to the general reserves and plan not to pay out a dividend. At this point we are convinced that we have a nice small stable basis for the business of OTC and are happy with the current situation. Especially if we look from where we came. That was a situation where there was nothing. We had no traders and no strategies in the office. In fact it was an empty shelf. Outlook On the macro front the most important threat still comes from the introduction of the "Financial Transaction Tax" (FTT). Although it looks like that the political atmosphere is getting less hostile towards financial markets and participants. A lot of research has shown that imposing a FTT will be very harmful for the economy and that the estimated revenues are extremely overestimated. So we hope that realism will prevail and that the ghost of the FTT disappears. At least for the coming year we don’t expect any threat from this area. On the company side we mentioned last year that we were looking for a second trader to create a more redundant and sustainable situation. This is a very delicate process given the experience we had and the importance of the job. In the ideal world the new trader should know the existing trader and should have a proven track record as well. At this moment it looks like we have found this person. The new trader is supposed to start working with OTC in the second half of 2014. To further optimize our cost structure we decided to share the Clearing agreement, we and our sister company have, with our General Clearing Member. In practice this means that OTC as from January 2014 can trade with lower fees and less administrative systems. On the operational front the first three months of 2014 have been reasonable. Especially given the very quiet markets at this moment. In line with our policy we don’t give any outlook for the whole year but expect the markets to remain stable and quiet. I want to conclude the report by thanking our one and only trader for the excellent work done and hope to continue our relationship for a long time. 4 Maurizio Scrocca Chairman of the Board Option Trading Company N.V. 5 2. Financial overview and company information 2.1 Core figures Option Trading Company N.V. Comparative figures INCOME in 000's Euro 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 Company result 49 1 272 (268) (193) Result from ordinary activities before tax 49 1 272 (238) 407 Result for the period before taxes 49 1 272 (238) 407 Result of the year 49 1 272 (238) 407 0.02 0.00 0.088 (0.077) 0.132 EPS 31.12.2010 31.12.2009 2.2 Balance headlines Option Trading Company N.V. Comparative balance sheet figures ASSETS in EUR 000's 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 31.12.2010 31.12.2009 2 7 15 55 FIXED ASSETS - ACQUISITION EXPENSES - TANGIBLE ASSETS - FINANCIAL ASSETS - - - 10,163 9,622 466 - - 7 4 4 8,269 4,105 1,308 571 516 3,997 4 9,696 9,051 7,696 91 104 CASH - - 57 17 1,200 ACCRUALS - - 10,163 9,624 8,276 4,120 1,363 RECEIVABLES DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR INVESTMENTS TOTAL ASSETS 7 44 12 CURRENT ASSETS 2 - 6 Option Trading Company N.V. Comparative balance sheet figures LIABILITIES in EUR 000's 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 31.12.2010 31.12.2009 EQUITY 1,477 1,383 1,382 1,109 1,347 CAPITAL Issued shares 1,906 1,906 1,906 1,906 1,906 1,906 1,906 1,906 1,906 1,906 SHARE PREMIUM RESERVES legal reserve RESULT 383 383 383 383 383 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 (895) (1,035) (1,036) (1,309) (1,071) LIABILITIES 8,686 8,241 6,894 3,011 16 AMOUNTS PAYABLE WITHIN ONE YEAR 8,732 8,241 6,895 3,001 16 - - - 10,163 9,624 8,276 4,120 1,363 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 31.12.2010 31.12.2009 ACCRUALS TOTAL LIABILITIES 10 2.3 Profit & Loss headlines Option Trading Company N.V. Comparative income statement figures Statement of income and expenses in 000's Euro 31.12.2013 Operating income and expeses Gross margin Remuneration, social security costs and pensions 207 (62) (47) (47) (108) (123) (174) (248) (165) (17) Depreciation and amounts written off acquisition expenses, intangible and tangible fixed assets Other operating expenses (2) (5) (5) (53) (67) (55) (2) (3) (3) (1) Operating Income 27 (243) (303) (268) (193) Financial income Financial expenses 21 593 790 205 718 (1) 349 215 175 118 Result from ordinary activities before tax 49 1 272 (238) 407 Result for the period before taxes 49 1 272 (238) 407 Result of the year 49 1 272 (238) 407 Profit for the year 49 1 272 (238) 407 7 2.4 Other Share information ISIN BE0003834513 Mnemo OTCB Introduction 24 May 2006 Market Euronext Brussel – Vrije Markt No. issued shares 3.088.091 Free float on 31/12/2013 380.000 shares Closing 0.70 € High 0.70 € Market capitalization 2.161.664 € Shareholders’ and company address Scrocca Trading Group B.V. holds 91% of the shares; 9% of the shares are traded on the Brusselse Vrije Markt. Option Trading Company N.V. has its offices at Regentschapstraat 43, 1000 Brussel. We can be contacted on phone no. +32.2.503.45.54 Option Trading Company N.V has no branch offices in Belgium or any other country. 8 Trade information Further information can be found on the website of NYSE Euronext: 9 3. Annual accounts 10 3.1 Balance sheet Company balance sheet as of December 31, 2013 (after appropriation of result) 12.31.2013 EUR 12.31.2012 EUR Assets Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Computers 1 0 1,863 - 1,863 Current assets Receivables group companies Other accounts receivable 2 3 380,578 75,622 494,797 1,368,293 456,200 1,863,090 Securities 4 9,696,527 7,735,431 Cash at bank and in hand 5 9,840 23,625 10,162,567 9,624,009 12.31.2013 EUR 12.31.2012 EUR Liabilities Shareholders' equity Issued share capital Share premium Other reserves Retained earnings reserves 6 1,905,572 382,929 128,850 -986,794 1,905,572 382,929 128,850 -1,035,370 1,430,557 Short-term-liabilities Amounts owed to credit institutions Wage tax & social securities Other payables 7 8,668,652 5,341 58,017 1,381,981 8,223,973 2,015 16,040 8,732,010 8,242,028 10,162,567 9,624,009 11 3.2 Statement of income and expenses for the year 2013 Statement of income and expenses for the year 2013 2013 EUR Trading income Personnel expenses Depreciaton of tangible fixed assets Other operating expenses Total operating expenses 207,338 8 9 10 122,844 1,863 55,186 Result from operational activities before taxation Taxation Net result after taxation 304,448 171,484 4,877 134,521 179,893 Operating result Other income and similar income Other expenses and similar costs Financial income and expense 2012 EUR 11 - 310,882 27,445 - 6,434 21,150 19 21,131 - 8,118 399 7,719 48,576 1,285 - - 48,576 1,285 12 3.3 Notes to the financial statements General The activities of Option Trading Company N.V. having its legal seat in Brussel, primarly consist of executing and processing trades in securities, futures and options on electronic exchanges and trading venues. Changes in accounting policies Compared with previous year, there have been no changes in the accounting policies applied. Translation of foreign currency Receivables, liabilities and obligations denominated in foreign currency are translated at the exchange rates prevailing at balance sheet date. Transactions in foreign currency during the financial year are recognised in the financial statements at the exchange rates prevailing at transaction date. The exchange differences resulting from the translation as of balance sheet date, taking into account possible hedge transactions, are recorded in the profit and loss account. Financial instruments Financial instruments be both primary financial instruments, such as receivables and payables, and financial derivatives. For the principles of primary financial instruments, reference is made to the treatment per balance sheet item. Financial derivatives are valued at fair value: Upon first recognition, financial derivatives are recognised at fair value and then revalued at fair value as at balance sheet date. Risk management Option Trading Company N.V. has taken a risk- based approach in monitoring and controlling market, credit and operational risks. Important risks that are recognised and for which control measures have been implemented are: - Market risk The risk of the value of a financial instrument fluctuating because of changes in market prices caused by specific factors related to the individual instrument or by general factors related to all the instruments in a market. - Credit risk The risk of an issuer of a financial instrument or counterparty failing to meet its obligations: credit risk is mainly limited to settlement of over the counter transactions. - Operational risk Operational risk is the risk of business operations failing due to human error. 13 Accounting policies in respect of the valuation of assets and liabilities General The company financial statements have been prepared according with "koninklijk besluit van 30 januari 2001 tot uitvoering van het Wetboek van vennootschappen". The financial statements are prepared in euro. Unless presented otherwise at the relevant principle for the specific balance sheet item, assets and liabilities are presented at face value. Tangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets are presented at cost less accumulated depreciation and, if applicable, less impairments in value. Depreciation is based on the estimated useful life and calculated as a fixed percentage of cost, taking into account any residual value. Depreciation is provided from the date an asset comes into use. Land is not depreciated. Accounts receivable Upon initial recognition the receivables are included at fair value and then valued at amortised cost. The fair value and amortised cost equal the face value. Any provision for doubtful accounts deemed necessary is deducted. These provisions are determined by individual assessment of the receivables. Securities The listed shares and bonds are valued at quoted market value at balance sheet date. Realised and unrealized value changes are directly recognised in the profit and loss account. Bonds held to maturity are valued at amortised cost. Provisions Provisions are formed in respect of concrete or specific risks and liabilities existing on the balance sheet date, which extent is uncertain, but can reasonably be estimated. For amounts of taxation payable in the future, due to differences between the valuation principles in the annual report and the valuation for taxation purposes of the appropriate balance sheet items, a provision has been formed for the aggregate of these differences multiplied by the current rate of taxation. These provisions are reduced by amounts of taxation recoverable in the future in respect of the carry-forward of unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that future tax profits will be available for settlement. 14 Accounting policies in respect of result determination General Income and expenses are accounted for on accrual basis. Profit is only included when realized on the balance sheet date. Losses originating before the end of the financial year are taken into account if they have become known before preparation of the financial statements. Depreciation and amortization The calculation of depreciation on fixed assets is based on the purchase price or cost of manufacture. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets. Realized capital gains and losses on the disposal of fixed assets are included under depreciation and amortization expenses. Realized capital gains and losses on the disposal of fixed assets which are not used in the operation are included under extraordinary income and expense. Other operating expenses Expenses are based on the historical cost convention and attributed to the financial year to which they pertain. Net financial result Interest income and expenses is the interest received, respectively paid to third parties. Taxation Corporate income tax is calculated at the applicable rate on the result for the financial year, taking into account permanent differences between profit calculated according to the financial statements and profit calculated for taxation purposes, and with which deferred tax assets (if applicable) are only valued insofar as their realisation is likely. 15 3.4 Notes to the balance sheet Fixed Assets 1. Tangible fixed assets Originally invested Accumulated depreciation Balance as at 31 December 2012 Changes in 2013 Investments Depreciation Software Hardware EUR 13,442 (13,442) - 14,632 (12,769) 1,863 28,074 (26,211) 1,863 - (1,863) (1,863) (1,863) (1,863) Balance as at 31 December 2013 - Originally invested Accumulated depreciation Balance as at 31 December 2013 13,442 (13,442) - Depreciation rates 50% 0 14,632 (14,632) 0 Total EUR 0 28,074 (28,074) 0 33,33% 16 Current assets 31-12-2013 EUR 31-12-2012 EUR 2. Receivables from group companies Scrocca Trading Group B.V. Scrocca Option Trading B.V. Balance as at December 308,147 72,431 380,578 31-12-2013 EUR 397,347 97,450 494,797 31-12-2012 EUR 3. Other accounts receivables Amounts receivable from credit institutions Receivable withholding taxes Taxes and social security premiums Other receiveables Balance as at December 74,577 1,045 75,622 31-12-2013 EUR 1,295,041 73,252 1,368,293 31-12-2012 EUR 4. Securities Long positions Balance as at December Current assets 5. Cash at bank and in hand 2. Receivables from group companies ABN AMRO Bank Scrocca Group B.V. BalanceTrading as at December Scrocca Option Trading B.V. Balance as at December 9,696,527 9,696,527 31-12-2013 EUR 31-12-2012 EUR 9,840 397,347 9,840 97,450 494,797 7,735,431 7,735,431 31-12-2012 EUR 31-12-2011 EUR 23,625 247,671 23,625 224,031 471,702 17 Balance as at 1 January 2013 Changes: Issue of ordinary shares Appropriation of result Result for the year Dividend paid Liabilities Balance as at 31 December 2013 1,905,572 382,929 128,850 (1,036,656) 1,286 1,905,572 382,929 128,850 (1,035,370) 1,286 (1,286) 48,576 48,576 1,381,981 48,576 1,430,557 Liabilities 6. Shareholder's equity (in EUR) Share Issued share premium Legal capital reserve reserve Balance as at 1 January 2013 Changes: Issue of ordinary shares Appropriation of result Result for the year Dividend paid 1,905,572 Balance as at 31 December 2013 1,905,572 382,929 128,850 Other reserves Retained earnings (1,036,656) 1,286 382,929 128,850 (1,035,370) 1,286 (1,286) 48,576 48,576 Total 2013 1,381,981 48,576 1,430,557 Issued share capital The issued share capital is 3.088.091 shares, of which 380.000 is free float on the ‘Vrije Markt’ Brussel. Short-term liabilities 31-12-2013 EUR 31-12-2012 EUR 7. Amounts owed to credit institutions Securities Clearing Member Total current liabilities 7,052,820 1,615,955 8,211,747 12,226 8,668,775 8,223,973 Events after balance sheet and off balance sheet commitments and rights Rental obligations The company has a contractual obligation for the payment of rent terms for a total amount of € 20.800. The term of the contract ends in September 2019. . Warranties/ guarantees As of year end the company is provided an amount of € 7.426 to warranties and guarantees. There are no evenst after balance sheet with material influence regarding the presented balance sheet and statement of income and expenses. 18 3.5 Notes to the statement of income and expenses 31-12-2013 EUR 31-12-2012 EUR 106,318 16,526 122,844 141,753 29,731 171,484 1,863 1,863 4,877 4,877 31-12-2013 EUR 31-12-2012 EUR 7,684 26,539 8,113 12,850 55,186 7,583 21,848 26,240 78,850 134,521 31-12-2013 EUR 31-12-2012 EUR (17,000) (4,150) (21,150) (2,304) (5,814) (8,118) 8. Personnel expenses Wages & Salaries Social security and other personnel expenses Average number of employees In the company the average no. of employees is 1. 9. Depreciation of tangible fixed assets Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 10. Other operating expenses Cost of Listing Housing Office expenses General Expenses 11. Interest and similar income Applied interest Scrocca Trading Group B.V. Applied interest Scrocca Option Trading B.V. Brussels, 24 April 2014 M. Scrocca Chief Executive Officer 19 4. Other information 20 4.1 Audit statement No audit has been performed in accordance with the statutory size exemption. 4.2 Statutory provision regarding appropriation of Proposal The company statutory regulations concerning the appropriation of result: 1. The profit shall be at the disposal of the general meeting of shareholders. 2. Distribution of profits takes place after establishment of the annual report that indicates that distribution is permitted. A loss may only be offset against the reserves which are prescribed by law to the extent that it is permitted by law. 3. Distribution of profits to shareholders and other entitled persons can only take place as far as equity exceeds capital paid and called increased by legal reserves. 4. At calculation of distribution of profit, shares that are kept in company's capital are left aside, unless those shares are charged with usufruct or certificates of those shares have been issued with cooperation of the company. 4.3 Proposal result The management of the company proposes to appropriate the profit as follows: The profit for the year 2013 in the amount of € 48,576 will be attributed in full from the other reserves. This proposal needs to be approved by the General Shareholders Meeting. 21