1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan hara tanaman ? 2. Mengapa perlu dikelola secara terpadu ? 3. Apa tujuan dari pengelolaan hara tanaman terpadu ? 4. Hara tanaman apa saja yang dapat dikelola secara terpadu ? 5. Bagaimana cara pengelolaannya ? UNSUR YANG ADA DALAM JARINGAN TANAMAN UNSUR HARA YANG DIBUTUHKAN TANAMAN Agroecology: science & sustainability Enhanced Soil Fertility Interactions (+; -) Healthy Agroecosystem Synergisme Enhanced Pest Regulation Healthy Crop Use of Chemical fertilisers including secondary and micro-nutrients, Bio-fertilisers, Organic manures, green manures, press mud etc. 6 Dikelola jumlah (takaran)nya 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Deficiency Growth (% of maximum) 10% Reduction in Growth Luxury Consumption Critical Nutrient Range (no symptoms) Toxicity Visual Symptoms Visual Symptoms 0 5 Concentration 10 15 20 25 35 40 45 50(dry 55 basis) 60 65 of 30 Nutrient in Tissue Critical Concentration Dikelola jenis (macam) hara-nya 1. N berlebihan meningkatkan kekahatan tembaga (Cu) & boron (B), tingkatkan kerentanan thd serangan hama & penyakit, 2. P berlebihan mengganggu serapan tembaga (Cu), besi (Fe) dan seng (Zn), 3. K berlebihan menimbulkan kekahatan boron & menurunkan rasio minyak terhadap tandan pada sawit, 4. Tembaga (Cu) & sulfat berlebihan hambat serapan Mo, 5. Tembaga, seng & mangan berlebihan hambat serapan Fe, 6. K atau Na berlebihan turunkan serapan mangan & boron, 7. N & Mg berlebihan sebabkan kekahatan tembaga, 8. Pengapuran (Ca) berlebihan turunkan serapan boron & kekahatan Mg, 9. Kelebihan besi, tembaga atau seng hambat serapan Mn. How the pH of Soil Affects the Availability of Nutrients Different types of plants have different soil pH requirements Dikelola jenis (macam) sumber hara-nya Plant roots – the primary route for mineral nutrient acquisition • Meristematic zone – Cells divide both in direction of root base to form cells that will become the functional root and in the direction of the root apex to form the root cap • Elongation zone – Cells elongate rapidly, undergo final round of divisions to form the endodermis. Some cells thicken to form casparian strip • Maturation zone – Fully formed root with xylem and phloem – root hairs first appear here ROOT ABSORBS DIFFERENT MINERAL IONS IN DIFFERENT AREAS • Calcium – Apical region • Iron – Apical region (barley) – Or entire root (corn) • Potassium, nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate – All locations of root surface • In corn, elongation zone has max K accumulation and nitrate absorption – In corn and rice, root apex absorbs ammonium faster than the elongation zone does – In several species, root hairs are the most active phosphate absorbers WHY SHOULD ROOT TIPS BE THE PRIMARY SITE OF NUTRIENT UPTAKE? Tissues with greatest need for nutrients Cell elongation requires Potassium, nitrate, and chlorine to increase osmotic pressure within the wall, Ammonium is a good nitrogen source for cell division in meristem, Apex grows into fresh soil and finds fresh supplies of nutrients. Nutrients are carried via bulk flow with water, and water enters near tips, Maintain concentration gradients for mineral nutrient transport and uptake. ROOT UPTAKE SOON DEPLETES NUTRIENTS NEAR THE ROOTS • Formation of a nutrient depletion zone in the region of the soil near the plant root – Forms when rate of nutrient uptake exceeds rate of replacement in soil by diffusion in the water column – Root associations with Mycorrhizal fungi help the plant overcome this problem Dasar Penetapan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Musim potensi fotosintesis, Potensi produksi tanaman, Interaksi hara (nol, sinergisme, antagonisme), Hara total vs tersedia tanah & faktor penjerapnya,, Reaksi pupuk (kemasaman akibat 100 kg Za diatasi dg 107 kg kaptan; 100 kg Urea dg 36 kg kaptan), Jumlah & perbandingan hara terbawa panen, Kandungan hara dlm daun (efektivitas serapan), Aktivitas Biota tanah, Cara & waktu pemberian pupuk. 1. Pemberian Zn tingkatkan serapan K, perbaiki status N, P & Ca didalam tanaman, tingkatkan produksi kelapa sawit sampai 12 – 78%, 2. Pemberian Zn melalui daun (larutan 1000 ppm Zn) lebih efektif drpd pemberian lewat tanah atau injeksi C N H 16 Essential Elements P K B Cl Mn O Ca Mg S Cu Fe Mo Zn Non-Mineral Nutrients Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O) Used in photosynthesis MINERAL NUTRIENTS Muatan Negatif fenolik O- karboksil COO- hidroksil OCOO- O- Kation2 teradsorbsi Ca2+ H+ Kation2 dalam larutan tanah H+ K+ K+ Mg2+ COOO- H+ karboksil COO- NH4+ fenolik O- H+ karboksil COO- Na+ Mg2+ H+ NH4+ H+ Na+ ADSORPSI (JERAPAN) KATION OLEH KOLOID HUMUS & SEL-SEL MIKROBA DALAM TANAH NEGATIVELY CHARGED IONS ARE CALLED ANIONS NUTRIENT Chlorine Nitrate Sulfate Borate Phosphate CHEMICAL SYMBOL Cl N S B P IONIC FORM ClNO3SO4= BO4= H2PO4- + - - + + - + - Negatively Charged Colloids Attract Cations K+ -- - -Ca++ Na+ Soil Colloid - Ca++ + H - - Mg++ UNSUR DISERAP TANAMAN DALAM BENTUK Nitrogen (N) Fosfor (P) Kalium (K) Magnesium (Mg) Belerang (S) Kalsium (Ca) NH4+; NO3PO43-; HPO42-; H2PO4K+ Mg2+ SO42Ca2+ KONSENTRASI (%) BOBOT KERING 4,0 0,5 4,0 0,5 0,5 1,0 UNSUR Besi (Fe) Mangan (Mn) Seng (Zn) Tembaga (Cu) Boron (B) Molibden (Mo) Klor (Cr) DISERAP TANAMAN DALAM BENTUK Fe 2+; Fe3+ Mn2+ Zn2+ Cu2+ BO32-; B4O72MoO42Cl- KONSENTRASI BOBOT KERING 200 ppm 200 ppm 30 ppm 10 ppm 60 ppm 2 ppm 3000 ppm CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (CEC) The total number of exchangeable cations a soil can hold (amount of its negative charge) “Conventional” CEC determination by displacement of cations with ammonium acetate extraction H+ Ca++ S O I L Mg++ K+ Al 3+ NH4+ + 9 NH4OAc S O I L NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ H+ Ca++ Mg++ + K+ + 9 OAc Al 3+ NH4+ Solution Displacement of ammonium ions with KCl solution S O I L NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ + 9 KCl S O I L K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ + 9 NH4+ + 9 Cl- Solution Filter and measure ammonium by steam distillation of ammonia • Cations determined by: – extraction using ammonium acetate, Mehlich 1, or Mehlich 3 extractants – analysis using atomic absorption spectrometry or ICP equipment • Sum of extractable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na), with some adjustment for H+ and Al3+(using pH), gives estimate of “true” CEC Generally ….the higher the CEC The more fertile the soil tends to be The more clay the soil tends to have The more organic matter a soil tends to have (especially for weathered, sandy, soils in the South) CLAY AND ORGANIC MATTER HAVE GREATEST INFLUENCE ON CEC ORGANIC MATTER HAS A HIGHER CEC