Running head: LADYLATRICE DESIGNS MARKETING PLAN TWO LadyLatrice Designs Marketing Plan Two Margret Barwick, Nicole Kayler, Shannon Maxwell and Latrice Sharp Indiana Wesleyan University Strategies in Marketing Management MGT 421 Darryl Cloud April 24, 2012 1 LADYLATRICE DESIGNS MARKETING PLAN TWO 2 LadyLatrice Designs Marketing Plan Two At LadyLatrice Designs we are dedicated to fulfilling our mission of “enhancing the lady in you”. Therefore it is vitally important that we produce a product that is appealing to women from all walks of life. Creating a product that caters to many diverse cultures requires planning strategies that will attract women to our product exclusively. In order to survive in an already highly competitive market, LadyLatrice Designs must produce an impactful product and pricing strategy that will put us above the rest. These strategies must set us apart from those competitors who have staked their claim in the market. While we believe LadyLatrice Designs offers a fantastic product to the market, we understand product strategy encompasses so much more than creating a good product. A good product strategy also includes a plan to ensure customer satisfaction in all aspects of the sale. Hence, it is important that we look beyond the product to include plans for customer service and follow-up, brand names, package design, positioning of our products in the marketplace, and new product development. Fortunately, because LadyLatrice Designs is a relatively small company, we can provide a personal touch with each sale. Furthermore, follow-up can usually be accomplished with a short phone call to let the customer know we appreciate their business and to gather valuable feedback. If we find a client is dissatisfied with their purchase, a remedy can normally be found quickly and inexpensively. As LadyLatrice Designs grows and becomes more involved in online sales, we hope to be able to increase staffing to maintain similar contact with these valued customers as well. LadyLatrice Designs also benefits from a strong and unique brand name. Therefore, despite the wide variety of products offered at LadyLatrice Designs, we feel it is important at this LADYLATRICE DESIGNS MARKETING PLAN TWO 3 time to bring all of these products under one umbrella to build the brand and create familiarity. Because of the vast array of customized products LadyLatrice Designs offers, packaging can become an issue. It is important to find a balance between an attractive package and an overly expensive package. We want to attract high-end buyers, so simple boxes and plastic bags may not be the best option. However, we want to avoid increasing costs to the consumers by investing in over-the-top packaging. Achieving this balance continues to be a primary concern at LadyLatrice Designs. Product positioning is also important at LadyLatrice Designs. Currently, our company benefits by having a close working relationship with several boutiques in the area. By placing our jewelry and other specialty items in these shops, we hope to build a loyal customer base. LadyLatrice Designs also hopes to gain a foothold in the online market by expanding its website and featuring up-to-date photographs of our online catalog. LadyLatrice Designs is always looking for new ideas and fresh ways to express individuality. Many of our unique products have been realized by listening to customer feedback and exploring the feasibility of these requests. In an environment where our products are as unique as our customers, such feedback has proven an invaluable asset. LadyLatrice Designs pricing could be based on a few different variables, such as competitive pricing so we stay current with what businesses providing the same goods are selling their products for. This also gives us a chance to be at the forefront of the consumers mind when they are looking at “ours vs. theirs.” LadyLatrice Designs will have the advantage since our line of designs is more intimate. The skimming pricing strategy is another variable by which LadyLatrice Designs could operate; due to being a more personalized designer product we do have the ability to up charge consumers for specific or specialty items. Product line pricing is a LADYLATRICE DESIGNS MARKETING PLAN TWO 4 strategy that could also be used by LadyLatrice Designs. This strategy would consist of grouping items that are similar such as hats, scarves, jewelry, and tea sets in their own categories, and depending on the basic to the more intricate designs will determine the price range in that category. There can also be price points made for special orders that will take extra time and manual labor. To further expand LadyLatrice Designs part of our focus should be towards culture influences. Culture is values, beliefs, preferences and tastes handed down from one generation to the next. Culture can be the broadest environmental determinant of consumer behavior. It will be necessary to learn the cultural differences to attract the international marketers. Each culture includes numerous subcultures which are groups with their own distinct modes of behavior. To develop an effective marketing strategy, LadyLatrice Designs will have to understand the differences among subcultures. The United States has significant subcultures that differ by ethnicity, nationality, age, rural versus urban location, religion and geographical distribution. The advantage of understanding the diversity of cultures will help our market grow. LadyLatrice Designs' focus is geared towards social classes. We want to reach the upperupper class, lower-upper class, upper-middle class, lower-middle class, along with the working class and lower class. It is our desire to accommodate everyone through our carefully planned product and pricing strategies that will offer affordable costs without compromising the quality of the product. We are determined to capture the interest of all women by providing specialized service and personalized care.