Chapter #8 American Government Review Sheet Why are previous

Chapter #8 American Government Review Sheet
Why are previous court rulings important?
What is the concept that a judge should interpret the Constitution according to the
Framers intention?
What kid of cases are handled in civil trials?
Know the different types of jurisdictions?
Why were federal judgeships permanent?
How can Congress check the judiciary?
What is the U.S. Attorney’s job?
What do U.S. Marshals do in the legal process?
Written arguments do what?
Military courts differences>
Hamadam v. Rumsfield and what did it do?
What was the effect of the most liberal Supreme Court and who was in charge of it?
Know the following cases and what their decisions meant
McCulloch v. Maryland
Dred Scott v. Maryland
Marbury v. Madison
Gibbons v. Ogden
Tinker v. Des Moines
Miranda v. Arizona
What are likely ways cases make their way to the Supreme Court?
What is the Federal impeachment process?
True or False Questions
Judicial Independence
Judiciary Act of 1789
Requirements of federal judges
Federal district judge’s main responsibility
Influence of Samuel Chase
Short Answer
Explain what bankruptcy is and which court hears it.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of having federal judges for life.
Responsibilities of a magistrate judge.
Explain why the appointment process is a check on the judiciary.