Electrons, ions, heat, and fluids: The complex interplay of properties in porous electrodes and the porous transport layer Brant Peppley Director Queen’s-RMC Fuel Cell Research Centre CANADIAN TEAM Queen’s-RMC Fuel Cell Research Centre Kunal Karan Jon Pharoah Brant Peppley NRC-IFCI, Vancouver Group Michael Eikerling John Stockie University of Victoria Ned Djilali Marc Secanell Univ of Waterloo Michael Fowler Sumit Kundu Univ British Columbia Fariborz Taghipour NRC-ICPET, Ottawa Group Steven Beale Electrons, ions, heat, and fluids: The complex interplay of properties in porous electrodes and the porous transport layer Brant Peppley Director Queen’s-RMC Fuel Cell Research Centre Macro-water management in PEM fuel cell Flooded e e e e + + + Hydrogen + Water Water + + Oxygen Oxygen water content + + e e membrane catalyst porous transport layer + + + + Dry Processes, Operating Parameters and Effects Catalyst Layer PEFC Key Sub-Components Flow-Field Gas Diffusion Media Interface Properties Species Transport Composition & Microstructure Electrochemical Kinetics Bulk Properties Overall Performance • • Operating Conditions P, T, PO2, PH2, RH, Stoich Ratio Configuration V-I Curves Water Transport Need for Gas Diffusion Media Optimisation + Considerations of 2-D and 3-D Effects Current Density (A/m 2) 2-D Effects: Current Density Distributions 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 1150 0.0 7000 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 6800 Channel 6600 Land 6400 GDL 6200 6000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Catalyst Layer 11500 10500 9500 8500 7500 0.0 Sun, W., Peppley, B.A.P. and Karan, K. (2005) Electrochimica Acta, 50 (16-17), 3359-3374. S. A. Freunberger et al. Electrochem. Comm. 8, (9), 2006, 1435-1438 Carbon Paper is Inherently Anisotropic !! Current Density (A/cm2) Influence of GDL Conductivity A 4000 3900 3800 orthotropic 3700 A 3600 3500 h=0.4V 3400 3300 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Current Density (A/cm2) B 7400 7200 h=0.5V 7000 6800 orthotropic 6600 B 6400 6200 6000 5800 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Channel 0.8 1.0 Land Isotropic In-plane conductivity = Through-plane conductivity Orthotropic GDL In-plane conductivity = 10 (Through-plane conductivity)isotropic Catalyst Layer J.G. Pharoah, K. Karan, and W. Sun. (2006) J. Power Sources 161 (1), 214-224, 2006. 3D Effects: Straight Versus Serpentine Flow Fields 3D Effects – Influence of GDM Permeability Maximum current under the channel Location of maximum current varies with PTL permeability 3D Effects: Mass Transport/Convection in Channel and GDM •The flow in the channel is greatly reduced due to convection in the PTL •The secondary flow structures are greatly altered due to this mechanism •Very significant for •Transition to unsteady flow • Liquid transport 3D Effects: Water Accumulation in Serpentine Flow Channels Water is most often found in the bends! Neutron Imaging Data Courtesy of David Jacobsen, NIST FCRC Expertise/Capabilities • 2D and 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Calculations • Numerical Effective Transport Property Estimation Permeability Estimation (Lattice Boltzmann Method) Effective Conductivity Estimation T 1 T q” 2 Mark Vandoormal, MSc Thesis, Queen’s University Dan Hamilton, MSc Thesis, Queen’s University GDM Characterisation - FCRC Expertise/Capabilities (cont.) • Experimental Characterisation of GDM – Permeameter (Gas and Liquid Permeability) – Porometer (Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Pores) – In-Situ Effective Permeability Measurement Brian Tysoe, MSc Thesis, Queen’s University CONCLUSION-1: GDM Can Strongly Affect FC Performance !! RECOMMENDATION-1: Proper Characterisation of GDM Transport and Physical Properties is Essential Catalyst Layer FC Sub-Components (geometry/material) Flow-Field Gas Diffusion Media Interface Properties Species Transport Composition & Microstructure Electrochemical Kinetics Bulk Properties Overall Performance • • Operating Conditions P, T, PO2, PH2, RH, Stoich Ratio Configuration V-I Curves Water Transport Need for Catalyst Layer Optimisation Cathode Agglomerate Model: Effectiveness Factor Channel Land GDL z Catalyst Layer x Underutilized core of catalyst agglomerate O2 diffusion path Sun, W., Peppley, B.A.P. and Karan, K. (2005) Electrochimica Acta, 50 (16-17), 3359-3374. Anode Agglomerate Model: Transport Limitations at Two-Scales 100000 1.0 0.1 mV 0.8 0.01 mV CH2/CH2,s 0.1 mV 0.6 0.5 mV 1 mV 0.4 5 mV 10 mV 0.2 0.0 Rate of H2 Consumption (mol/cm2-s) 90000 0.5 mV 80000 1.0 mV 70000 5.0 mV 60000 10 mV 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0 r/ragg 2 4 6 8 10 Distance along catalyst layer (mm) Underutilized core of catalyst agglomerate ragg Only 40% of the outer core of the agglomerate is active Only 30% of the catalyst layer is utilized K. Karan (2007) Electrochem Comm. 9, 747-753; K. Karan Structural Modeling of PEMFC Anodes. 211th ECS Meeting - Chicago, Illinois, May 6-11, 2007 Catalyst Layer Optimisation M. Secanell, K. Karan, A. Suleman and N. Djilali (2007) Electrochimica Acta, 52, 22, 6318-6337. 3D Catalyst Layer Modeling Slide Water title in Catalyst Layer Other Effects of Liquid Porous Transport Layer Catalyst Layer Membrane ionomer platinum particle (2-3 nm) carbon particle (~40 nm) secondary pore agglomerate (~ ?? nm, ~ particles) primary pore Ionically insulated agglomerate due to ionomer contraction (drying) Poor ionic conductivity due to imbalanced water drag and water back diffusion (anode) water back diffusion water drag Electronically insulated agglomerate due to ionomer expansion (water intake) Detection: decrease in ESA* decrease in electronic conductivity Detection: decrease in ESA* decrease in ionic conductivity *ESA – electrochemically active surface area Detection: little to none decrease in ESA* decrease in ionic conductivity FCRC-NRC Capabilities • Microstructural Modeling – NRC-IFC – FCRC • CCL Optimisation – U. Victoria • Catalyst Layer Properties – FCRC • Catalyst Preparation – FCRC – NRC-IFCI Catalyst Layer Preparation Dimatix DMP2800 material printer Nafion-112 membrane 1 mm printed catalyst layer Fabrication of Catalyst Layer of Controlled Composition and Microstructure (?) Carbon paper with microporous layer 1 mm Slide(ESA) title measurement: cyclic voltammetry Electrochemically active surface area Potentiostat counter&reference electrode Nitrogen - -SO3 + PtH -1e- -2ePt + H2O PtO + 2H+ -SO3H + Pt 1.0 0.5 working electrode 0.0 I/A Hydrogen 1.5 -0.5 -1.0 -SO3H + Pt -1.5 2(-SO3H) -2.0 0.0 0.1 +2e- 0.2 +1e- -SO3- + PtH 2(-SO3-) + H2 0.3 0.4 E/V 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 title Electronic conductivitySlide of catalyst layer in PEM fuel cell platinum wires Teflon mesh porous transport layer catalyst layer membrane platinum wire *d ln 2 * R AB ,CD RBC , DA RAB,CD f 2 RBC , DA title layer in PEM fuel cell Ionic conductivity ofSlide catalyst Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of PEM fuel cell oxygen gas phase diffusion Z'' ohmic resistance anode cathode charge transfer porous transport layers 0 Rohm membranes RpA RpC Z' Catalyst layers CPEC CPEA = WC CONCLUSION-2 Transport and kinetics in catalyst layer strongly influence FC performance and water transport RECOMMENDATION-2 Proper characterisation (microstructural and transport properties) and modeling of catalyst layer is key to optimising FC performance and water transport Micro-Porous Layer (MPL) as a Catalyst Layer-Gas Diffusion Media Interface: Need for MPL Optimisation PEMFC with Microporous Layers (MPLs) Porous Transport Layer (PTL) (gas diffusion layer) Catalyst Coated Membrane (CCM) Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Not to scale 200mm porous carbon backing 200mm microporous layer 1mm catalyst layer Role of MPL on Water Transport: Two Schools of Thoughts Anode CL Membrane Cathode MPL Porous CL Carbon Backing water drag with proton + + + + + + Water water back diffusion MPL retains liquid water in Cathode CL and aids back diffusion MPL helps remove water from Cathode CL to Cathode GDM • J.H. Nam, M. Kaviany, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 46 (2003) 4595-4611. • U. Pasaogullari, C.-Y. Wang, Electrochim. Acta, 49 (2004) 4359-4369. • A.Z. Weber, J. Newman, J. Electrochem. Soc., 152 (2005) A677-A688. • G. Lin, T.V. Nguyen, J. Electrochem. Soc., 153 (2006) A372-A382. Effect of MPL on Water Drag H. K. Atiyeh, K. Karan, B. Peppley, A. Phoenix, E. Halliop and J. Pharoah (2007) J. of Power Sources, 170, 1, 111-K. Karan, H. Atiyeh, E. Halliop, A. Phoenix, B. Peppley, J. Pharoah, (2007) Electrochem Solid State Lett. 10, 2, B34-B38. Effect of MPL on Electrochemical Perfomance & Durability Cells with no MPLs Cells with MPL on at least one side H. K. Atiyeh, K. Karan, B. Peppley, A. Phoenix, E. Halliop and J. Pharoah (2007) J. of Power Sources, 170, 1, 111 K. Karan, H. Atiyeh, E. Halliop, A. Phoenix, B. Peppley, J. Pharoah, (2007) Electrochem Solid State Lett. 10, 2, B34 MPL Reduces Fluoride Release Rate !! 5.0 Fluoride Release Rate (umol h-1) Anode Cathode 4.0 Total 3.0 Thinned Membrane !! MPL on anode only 2.0 1.0 0.0 Total Fluoride Release Rate (umol h-1) 250 350 450 550 Current Density (mA cm-2) 650 750 Anode Cathdoe 0.10 Total 0.05 MPL on cathode and anode 0.00 250 350 450 550 Current Density (mA cm-2) 650 750 S. Kundu, K. Karan, M. Fowler, L C Simon, B A Peppley, and E. Halliop, (Accepted Nov 2007). Influence of Micro-porous Layer and Operating Conditions on the Fluoride Release Rate and Degradation of PEMFC Membrane Electrode Assemblies, Journal of Power Sources. Single Cell Impedance Response – With and Without MPL -0.2 12 Hz 2 Z'' ( cm ) 600 Hz -0.1 3 Hz 1 Hz 60000 Hz 3 0.0 2 1 0.1 Hz 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Z' ( cm2) 0.5 0.6 Impedance diagrams for PEMFC with (2,3) and without (1) MPL fed with H2/Air (1,2) and H2/(20%O2 in He) (3). Current density – 0.21 A cm-2. Impedance Modeling Example: Porous SOFC Cathode (LSM/YSZ) Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. dCO2 dt D eff d 2CO2 dx 2 Rads Rads kads PO2 Cs2 kdesCO2ads 2 d COads dCOads eff DOads R dt dx 2 dCOads k f COa d sCVO kbCOo Cs dt Impedance Model – Comparison with Experimental Data |Z| (ohm cm2) 1.4 -0.50 Experimental -0.40 Faradaic impedance 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 Model Z" (ohm cm2) 1.2 10 -0.30 1000 100000 Freq (Hz) -0.20 0.00 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 Z' (ohm cm2) 1.20 1.30 Phase (Hz) -0.10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 0.1 10 1000 100000 Freq (Hz) DOeff2 N 2 2.7 10 5 m 2 /s k ads 1.9 108 m 2 /atm - mol - s eff DOads 9.3 10 9 m 2 /s k des 7.8 108 m 2 /atm - mol - s k f 5.7 102 m4 /mol - s kb 2.8 1/s Zf - DO2-N2/10 Zf - DO2-N2/100 Phase (deg) Z" (ohm cm2) Gas Diffusivity Effect -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 Zf - DO2-N2 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Z' (ohm cm2) -0.60 Zf - DOads/10 -14 Zf - DOads/100 -12 Zf - DOads -10 -0.20 1 1.2 -1.00 1.4 1.6 Z' (ohm cm2) 1.8 Zf - DO2-N2 10 1000 100000 Zf - DOads/10 Zf - DOads/100 Zf - DOads -8 -6 -4 -0.60 -0.40 -0.20 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Z' (ohm cm2) Freq (Hz) 1000 100000 Zf - kads/kdes/10 Zf - kads/kdes/100 Zf - kads/kdes -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 0.1 0.00 1 10 -12 Zf - kads/kdes/10 Zf - kads/kdes/100 Zf - kads/kdes -0.80 0 0.1 2 Phase (deg) Z" (ohm cm2) Zf - DO2-N2/100 -2 0.20 Absorption/Desorption Rate Constant Effect Zf - DO2-N2/10 Freq (Hz) Phase (deg) Surface Diffusivity Effect Z" (ohm cm2) -1.00 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 0.1 10 1000 2 Freq (Hz) 100000 CONCLUSION-3 Interfaces and interfacial layers (MPL) play a crucial role in water transport MPL can reduce membrane degradation !! Impedance modeling can help identify MPL’s role in water transport RECOMMENDATION-3 Proper characterisation (microstructural and transport properties) and modeling of MPL effects is important Optimisation of MPL is required for – improved water management – reduced membrane degradation Project partners & their tasks • Novel GDL,MPL • Surface properties (ESEM) • Application to stacks • Free surface flow in GDL/BPP • Robust design optimization • Microfluidic ex-situ experiments • Modeling at cell level • Mixed wettability characterization (exp.) • Structure property relation CL, MPL • Neutron imaging • Two-phase catalyst layer modeling, Interface conditions • • Microstructural Catalyst Layer Modeling • 2D and 3D CFD Modeling of Half and Unit Cells • Numerical & Experimental Characterization of GDL and CL Properties • Impedance Characterizarion – Experimental & Simulation • MPL Characterisation • Mathematical Optimisation (Collaboration with UVic) Network of collaboration • Surface data (ESEM) • Modified GDLs, MPLs • Optimized design (GDL,BPP) • Surface modified BPPs (plasma etching) Interface conditions NI analysis • stacks incl. novel GDL&BPP • re-structured GDLs GDL wettability data Interface conditions NI analysis MPL/CL properties • GDL/MPL/CL Property Characterisation (Numerical & Simulation) • CL Modeling • Impedance Characterisation and Modeling • Mathematical Optimisation Free surface model GDL/channel GDL wettability data