VIP Task Manager

Sisteme ERP
Sisteme informatice
pentru gestiunea cercetarii si dezvoltarii
BRUMARU G. Alexandru-Gabriel - MTI
MICŞĂ Gh. Georgian - MTI
Research and development
department overview
Search for new products and solutions
Improve current products
Availability of new materials and technology
Changes in consumer demand and seasonal
sales changes
Research and development
department goals/tasks
• Main goals
– Pro-active leadership
– Strong competitive advantages
• Tasks
– Increase the quality of products
– Improve current product range
Advantages of R&D departments
Products are commercialized faster
Products reach global markets
Contribution to customer confidence
Effective exploitation of technologies
Advantages over rivals
How much R&D ?
• Unfortunately, research and development are very
difficult to manage
• Why?
– the defining feature of research is that the researchers do
not know in advance exactly how to accomplish the
desired result
– as a result, higher R&D spending does not guarantee
“more creativity, higher profit or a greater market share”
R&D spending
• Apple, Google, and 3M may top Bloomberg’s list of
the world’s most innovative companies, but they’re
not the biggest research and development spenders
– not even part of the Top 20
• In top 10 R&D spenders : Microsoft, Nokia, Toyota,
Samsung and surprisingly (or not?) many
pharmaceutical companies like: Pfizer, Novartis,
Roche Holding (Top1 -$9.1 billion), GlaxoSmithKline
• Research and development is nowadays of great
importance in business as the level of competition,
production processes and methods are rapidly
• It is of special importance in the field of marketing
where companies keep an eagle eye on competitors
and customers in order to keep pace with modern
trends and analyze the needs, demands and desires
of their customers.
VIP Task Manager
VIP Task Manager - software for
planning, tracking and reporting
tasks, steps and events within
projects, processes & schedules inside
research and development departments
VIP Task Manager lets users
assign and share to-do's among
employees, teams, departments
in real time via LAN & Internet
VIP Task Manager allows you to
organize work, meet deadlines
save time, improve performance
achieve goals & measure results
Task Management
Project Management
Schedule Management
Employee Management
Document Management
Task Management Software can be customized
for a specific department, a certain industry or
users group according to your company needs
and requirements:
• Medium & Small Business
• Industry-specific Companies
• Non-profit Organizations
• Government Agencies
• Educational Institutions
• Teams
• Workgroups
• Departments
• Office Workers
• Remote Staff
How VIP Task Manger works
Distributed application.
Employees from R&D department can simultaneous see, create, edit tasks.
TODO list
Create, edit, delete and duplicate tasks
Change tasks status, priority and order
Group tasks by columns (with drag and drop)
Sort tasks within columns
Create, edit and delete projects
Set hierarchy of tasks and task groups
Change tasks priority and order
Sort tasks within columns
Create, edit and delete employees schedules
Schedule tasks, events, appointments etc.
Display assigned and unassigned tasks
Display tasks for a certain period of time
Create, edit and delete human resources
Group resources
Sort resources
Find resources by different criteria
Assign human resources to roles
Automatically send and receive notifications
Show notifications of highlighted task
Mark selected notifications as read/unread
Show/hide notification description
• Protect important
• Allow or deny
permissions to see,
edit or delete tasks
• Set permissions
inherited from
Resource assignment
• Assign tasks to human
• Edit human resources
Notes panel
• Create, Edit and Delete Notes
• Preview and Print Notes
• Set Text Alignment
• Change Font Size, Name, Style, Color
in RTF Editor
Attachment panel
• Upload Files to Database
• Attach Links to Files or WebPages
• Open and Save Attachments
• Delete Attachments
Roles panel
• Create, Edit and Delete Roles
• Assign Human Resources to Roles
Date Navigator panel
• Select Particular Date or Dates
for Display
• Highlights Dates with Scheduled
Setting Task Groups
• You can use Task Groups for
tasks associated with
departments, projects,
products, clients, etc.
Select Task Group
Click on New Group button
• Before you start setting VIP Task
Manager you should decide
which way is better to gather
logically-related tasks.
Setting Tasks
• Tasks have many default fields,
like Name, ID, Priority, Status,
Start Date, Finish Date, etc.
• If you need more fields, you can
easily add them to your Task list.
Click on New button and set parameters
Setting Workflow
• If you have different types
of Tasks, you can create
different Workflow types
and create different
Statuses within each
Click on New
Workflow button
Set parameters
Setting Roles
• A role allows you to assign
specific permissions to a user
Select Resource List tab
Click on New Role button
• For example, 'Team Leader' Role
may allow to view, create, edit
and delete all the Tasks and Task
Groups, while 'Team Member'
Role may allow only to view and
edit particular Tasks and Task
Setting Resources (1)
Click on New Resource button
• Your company resources may
include any human resources
available, ex: employees,
partners, contractors, etc. i.e. all
concerned in company activity.
• You should make a list of
resources to assign them to
Enter Resource information
Setting Resources (2)
Select Roles tab and check boxes
• When you assign a Resource to a
particular Role or Roles, this
Resource is granted permissions
of this Role, so you don't have to
set permissions for each
Resource individually.
• Notifications tab allows you to
choose the types of Notification
this Resource should receive.
Select Notifications tab and check boxes
Setting Permissions (1)
• You should grant each Role or
Resource its permissions to see,
create, edit and delete Tasks in
Task Groups.
Select Task Tree tab
Highlight a Task Group
• The permissions granted for a
Task Group are automatically
inherited by its Sub-Groups and
Setting Permissions (2)
• Permissions panel is in the right
bottom of the program window.
Select a permission cell(s)
• Above the permission grid there
is a line that tells you which Task
Group or Task is granted
permissions now.
• You can grant permissions to
each Role or Resource at once if
you select several cells, ex: view,
create, etc.
Click on Allow button