AP Psychology

AP Psychology 2013-2014
Chapters 1,2, & Appendix B
9/9 (A/B)- Introductions
9/10 (A) & 9/11(B)- Expectations, Pretest and collect summer work (outlines and projects)
9/12(A) & 9/13(B)- Opening Skinner’s Box and Discussion
HW Due: Bring Opening Skinner’s Box book & parent signature on expectation sheet
9/16(A) & 9/17(B)- Quiz (CH 1, 2 and Opening Skinners Box), Chapter 1- Schools of Thought
9/18(A) & 9/19(B) Chapter 2- Research Methods
9/20(A) & 9/23(B)- Chapter 2 continued
HW Due: Article “Think-Drink Effect”
9/24(A) & 9/25(B) - Appendix B- Statistics
HW Due: Flashcards for Chapter1, 2 and Appendix B
9/26(A)& 9/27(B)- Catch-up & going over skills for the test
HW Due: Schools of thought project due
9/30(A) & 10/1(B)-TEST
Make sure when you do your note cards, that you number the cards. When they are handed in, they must be in
order with the word on one side and the definition on the other. Use ½ of a 3 X 5 file card please (2 terms on
each card).
Vocabulary to Know
People to Know
1. Psychology
59. Wilhelm Wundt
2. Structuralism
60. Edward Titchner
3. Functionalism
61. Stanley Hall
4. APA
62. William James
5. Introspection
63. Mary Whiton Calkins
6. Natural selection
64. Charles Darwin
7. Behaviorism
65. Margaret Floy Washburn
8. Psychoanalysis/psychoanalytic theory
66. Leta Stetter Hollingworth
9. Applied psychology
67. John Watson
10. Behavior
68. Ivan Pavlov
11. Stimulus
69. Sigmund Freud
12. Gestalt psychology
70. BF Skinner
13. Nature v. Nurture
71. Carl Rogers
14. Unconscious & conscious
72. Abraham Maslow
15. Humanism
73. Noam Chomsky
16. Clinical psychology
74. Jean Piaget
17. Cognition
75. Herbert Simon
18. Cognitive psychology/perspective
76. James Olds
19. Biological/Physiological psychology/perspective 77. Roger Sperry
20. Evolutionary psychology
78. David Buss
21. Ethnocentrism
79. Martin Seligman
22. Developmental psychology
23. Social psychology
24. Experimental psychology
25. Personality psychology
26. Health Psychology
80. Participants/subjects
27. Forensic Psychology
81. Data collection techniques
28. Psychometrics
82. Journal
29. Counseling psychology
83. Experiment
30. Educational/School psychology
84. Independent variable
31. Industrial & Organizational psychology
85. Dependent variable
32. Empiricism
33. Psychiatry
34. Positive Psychology
35. Culture
36. Hypothesis
37. Variables
38. Steps of Scientific Investigation
39. Operational definition
40. Naturalistic observation
41. Survey
42. Single & Double blind procedure
43. Sample
44. Sampling Bias
45. Social desirability bias
46. Ethical guidelines
47. Frequency distribution
48. Median, mean, mode
49. Histogram
50. Negative & positive skewed distribution
51. Standard deviation
52. Correlation coefficient
53. Scatter diagram
54. Statistical significance
55. Meta-Analysis
56. Null hypothesis
57. Reactivity
58. Descriptive Statistics
86. Experimental group
87. Control group
88. Extraneous variables
89. Confounding variables
90. Random assignment
91. Random sample
92. Descriptive/Correlational Research
93. Case study
94. Self-fulfilling prophecy
95. Replication
96. Population
97. Placebo & Placebo effect
98. Experimenter bias
99. Statistics
100. Central tendency
101. Variability
102. Frequency polygon
103. Normal distribution (bell-curve)
104. Correlation
105. Positive & negative correlations
106. Coefficient of determination
107. Inferential statistics
108. Response Set
109. Halo Effect
Please take note: Research, homework, tests and written work must ultimately be done INDEPENDENTLY
and work put in your own words unless otherwise instructed by your teacher. To avoid plagiarism, you must
employ practices such as paraphrasing, citing other people’s words and concepts, and interpreting websites to
draw NEW conclusions. DO NOT CUT AND PASTE material onto written work, PowerPoint presentations,
posters, and handouts. Plagiarism is not something I take lightly and would not like to have to write you up
according to the rules outlined in the student handbook. Any speculation of academic misconduct will be
brought to the attention of administration immediately