Report of the Future Vision Committee April 2008

Pilot D1911
Club qualifications:
34 clubs of 44 in 2010-11
34 clubs of 45 in 2011-12
37 clubs of 47 in 2012-13
are qualified
SHARE and DDF of D1911
DDF in 2012 - 13
Starting DDF
USD 26.865
Transfer from 2010-2011.
USD 11.432
Global Grants 50%
District Grants 50%
USD 13.432,5
USD 13.432,5
Transfer from 2010-2011.
USD 11.432
Total: USD 24.914,5
SHARE and DDF of D1911
SHARE and DDF of D1911
Expected amount in DDF
in July 2013
24.007,5 USD
Transfer from 2012-13
District Grants 50%
12.003,75 USD
Global Grants 50%
12.003,75 USD
Transfer form 2012-2013
Projects – District Grants
- 6 projects in 2010-11: USD 8.020
- 8 projects in 2011-12 : USD 8.182
- 12 projects in 2012-13 : USD 13.432
Project – District Grants
RC Eger
objectives of project in 2010 - 11
The RC Eger hopes to support 20 students in getting State languae certification who
have the linguistic talents but not the financial possibilities. The fee for exams is 120220 USD. A lot of students’ families cannot afford that amount of money.
Budapest- Gardening project, Childrens Home Budapest, Cseppkő street; permanent home for
orphans. However state subsidy declined, the garden is deteriorated. Together with
children we organize a common work in renewing their garden. We would purchase
new plants and gardening tools.
1 200
1 000
RC Budapest-Sasad
Purchasing of portable laptop for pre-screening of children with congenital heart
defects. The Helping Right Foundation works in less developed areas and helps in prescrening of children and in selection for surgeries. In case of timely detection the
surgical intervention could be avoided.
1 000
RC Budapest-Duna
Four participating clubs in Budapest patronise four students with inadequate financial
background by financing their one year study costs in Bethlen Gábor College,
Romania/Transsylvania. Students will get qualification and state licence for basic
education in underdeveloped areas.
2 020
RC Mátészalka
Skateboard park for healthy youngs in Mátészalka. This project provides a safety place
for skateboarding recreation opportunities in a place that is designed, constructed, and
managed to accommodate the skateboarding sport.
1 800
RC Nyíregyháza
Ability development instruments for children. We are planning a special playhouse for
children have some kind of learning disability. The project provides a fund of new
appliances, toys and games which could be used in our activities at the playhouse.
1 000
Project – District Grants
Budapest Duna
The village Somlóvásárhely (western Hungary) distressed by the red sludge, an industry disaster in
oct. 2010. Local community facilities devastated. The project helps the youth of the village to
recreate and the twitting to the area of the youth and strenghtens the cohesion in the community
An Early Act club works in a school in Nyírmeggyes, an underdeveloped area, East Hungary. The
project makes an indoor bulletin board, where pupils can be informed on community events,
progress and achievements. This installation facilitates the communication among different ethnic
The project aims to provide a special method for music education (notation with colours) for
mentally handicapped young people. The project funds music instruments and other necessary
equipment for the education facility.
The project targets people in the area, are hitted by the red sludge (industrial disaster in oct. 2010),
who have empty homes, because government reconstruction projects does not cover equipment of
Szent-Györgyi For Hungarian, Rumanian and Serbian nationalities living in the border area of these countries it is
favourable to strengthen the friendship and trust (historical events of the last century, etc.). In an
international summer youth camp children have possibilities for common cultural and sport events
Szeged Tisza
objectives of project in 2011 - 12
2 500,00
1 700,00
Women without family background, leaving 730 mother care facility have elementary needs to start
a new life with their baby. The project funds household equipment for beginning mothers. It helps
their life in the mother care facility and after release from there.
The project gives funds to the reconstruction (change of doors, windows, floor change, thermal
isolation for better energy balance, etc.) of a community facility for children and young adults
suffering authism. The facility will be operated by local municipality.
The project funds a prize winning system for children in secondary school in school year 2011/2012.
Prize conditions extend to activities, done for the community and to corresponding to moral values
of Rotary. Prize helps starting studies in universities. Winners will be examples to be follower
Project – Global Grants
D1911: GG 25074; Gift of Life Hungary
Project budget:
Host sponsor D 1911:
USD 92.216
USD 6.500
Districts (DDF):
Rotarians cash
TRF grant:
USD 20.000
USD 35.000
USD 37.500
Project – Global Grants
RC Kecskemét: Global Grant #25605 Water Quality Project Ladanybene
Project budget:
Host club part:
International partners and DDF:
TRF grant:
172.216 USD
14.900 USD
15.100 USD
21.993 USD
Planned projects – Global Grants
Gift Of Life 2.
-RC Budapest – Tabán as host sponsor
-Starts in this Rotary year
-International cooperation
„Provide life-saving treatments to children suffering from congenital heart
defects. Provide equipment and training to physicians to support
improvements in their ability to treat such children in the future. Gift of Life
Hungary’s program is organised as a club project under the auspices of the
Rotary District of Hungary. Up to now 10 children from neighbouring
countries have benn successfully treated under the Gift of Life program in
Planned projects – Global Grants
Scholarship collaboration
-D 1911 and an international sponsor
-Principals - as was Ambassadorial
-2 scholarship for 2 students:
USD 15000 – 15000
-District parts from DDF :
USD 7500 – 7500