
ESS meeting, March 1, 2012
6:03 meeting song
6:04 Steph calls meeting to start
President – Austin sick, Steph filling in for Austin
 Endowment fund applications closed. There are a lot of applications.
 Iron ring ceremony – helping: Kail, Jackie, possibly others
 Order of Pi
o We have a car sponsor
o Going to get posters stamped etc
o Have $25 Thrifty’s smile card for pies, need more than that
 Tiffany will be talking to Safeway tomorrow
 Kail will also contact grocery stores
o Schedule is made, will be posted – but not until practice night
o Practice night for everyone who will be involved
o Want outreach to high schools
 Talk to Jackie, then to your former high school
o Tom: we’re going to CEC
 Pieing will be Friday evening
 Might arrange separate meeting
o Costumes
 Steph & Nicholas’ moms are helping and are awesome
 Should give them some sort of gift
o Could maybe pie Fred Penner?
o Get Order of Pi advertised to rest of campus? – Lewis from UVSS
o Order of Pi website?
o Business cards – no progress yet
 Academic meeting – it may be possible to fail co-ops for not fulfilling
o Could put you on academic probation
o This is very preliminary; there will be another meeting in a month
 ECE meeting
o Lots of people dropping 320 & 340
o Phys 216 is now only offered in the same semesters as Elec 216
due to Physics dept money issues
 Peter Hawker – ECE curriculum meeting
o Bad Math 100 & 101 marks/failing Math 200 & 201
o Elec 200
 change it to a new Elec 299 course?
 “graphical communication”?
o Elec 340 too hard
 Add tutorial (but maybe not due to budget problems)
 310 & 320 could also be issues
o Phys 216 discussed briefly
 2 possibly quick solutions:
 Remove pre-rec from 220 & 250?
 Take equivalent at Camosun with bridge students?
(Phys 210)
o Quarter system could be a problem
o Biomed option
 Can’t easily switch from old option into new biomed program
 Accreditation problems because it needs to be accredited
when the first person graduates, and we don’t want to get
accredited when we’re not ready
 Order of Pi
o Meeting to practice can’t be Thursday due to CEC
o Move to Tues or Weds
o Moved to, tentatively, Tuesday at 7:30
o Kail will contact The Zone and Chek 6
o Mock trials
 Thursday morning in Buckham’s class?
 Coordinate with Lewis about doing them by the SUB or at
the fountain
 Pie Tara or Emily?
o Now running WinXP 64
o Will open it up for other people to work on Monday
o Will put details up on Facebook page
Peter Hawker
 Public speaking workshop
o Monday night?
 Meeting Monday with Jenn Bowie and (Dale?) to talk about student fee
issues (also Austin & Kail going)
 Travel funding
o Claim bus ride to WEC?
o Claim both streams at same time (easier to transfer between
streams then to claim twice)
 Bank meeting
o Jake & Austin to meet with guy at bank so we can view online
banking info (balance)
o Get debit card?
 Would have 8-digit pin, and each person with signing
authority would only know half of it.
 This may not be possible.
WEC reimbursement coming soon!
Special guests – Lewis Rhodes & Emily Rogers from UVSS (newly elected)
 Lewis: faculty representation
o Looked at faculty rep models from various universities
o May try and work on it in summer
o AGM in September
 Jake: we would possibly like a meeting to talk about certain issues
o Emily can try and arrange something, possibly mediate meeting
Dir Comm – Doug & Alex both absent (writing midterm)
 Possibly advertising UVSS events in Fishwrap?
Dir Events
 EEE tomorrow
o Sold out
o All 3 venues confirmed
 Theme days
o Changed superhero day from 29th to March 9th, but now we might
can it entirely due to lack of time and maybe interest
o All-day graffiti party on last day?
o “Fluids” & Dodge probably not going to happen
 problems contacting the right people
 takes a lot of time to plan, which we don’t have anymore
o Mayhem
 Rent out larger outdoor area
 Olympics-themed
 March 30
Dir Corp – nothing to say
Dir student relations – Tyler absent (writing midterm)
Dir sport – Brett absent (writing midterm)
Dir IT
 Computer problems
o Don’t use this computer for unimportant stuff
 Wiki access for some people – talk to Mike Anderson
o Check if there’s a generic account
 Steph: execs, make sure you update the wiki
o Jake: we have to write term summaries according to constitution
 Rita (Mike Anderson’s former roommate, currently on campus) – helped
with pi website, talk to her
 Fruit punch tomorrow
 Postcards need to be mailed out
Secretary – absent due to midterm
7:01 Dir. Comm (both) showed up after midterm
 Fishwrap next Thursday
 Brandon will contact for Order of Pi info
Other EEE stuff
 Kail: sober people should bring guitars
 Steph: be sensitive on pubcrawl
o no songs except Godiva & Random Topic
Motion to adjourn at 7:01