DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPROACH TO ASSESS, IDENTIFY AND SHARE CAREER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BEST PRACTICES CDSWG Report: 2009 Outline 2 • Background and Importance of the project • Issues to Address • Methodology • The Results: Findings & Recommendations • Additional Findings • Impact on Career Development Background and Importance 3 Purpose of the study To identify and promote best practices in career development services - Examine the best way of determining best practices then use that information to provide a framework/approach to identify best practices in the area of career development ISSUES TO ADDRESS 4 1.How has “best practice” been variously defined? 2. What distinguishes regular practice from best/exemplary practice? 3. What are the criteria used in determining best practice? What is the rationale for each? 4. What governance structures are used for deciding upon best practices? 5.What decision rules are used to select best practices? ISSUES TO ADDRESS, con’t 5 6. What resources are typically required to run a best practice program? 7.What events are typically used to acknowledge best practices? 8.What categories of best practices have been utilized? METHODOLOGY 6 Literature Review Peer-Reviewed Journals Grey Literature Internet-based Documents Key Informant Interviews Organizations (6) Experts (10) 7 THE RESULTS: KEY FINDINGS BY ISSUE & RECOMMENDATIONS ISSUE 1: HOW HAS “BEST PRACTICE” BEEN VARIOUSLY DEFINED 8 Findings Definitions for the term “best practice” vary widely, ranging from a low-evidenced approach to a more highly-evidenced approach. Some experts and organizations prefer alternate terms to “best practice”, to reflect the ongoing nature of identifying best practices and/or the importance of context. ISSUE 2: WHAT DISTINGUISHES REGULAR PRACTICE FROM BEST/EXEMPLARY PRACTICE? 9 Finding Best practice can be distinguished from regular practice in that best practices are judged to produce superior results ISSUE 3: WHAT ARE THE CRITERIA USED IN DETERMINING BEST PRACTICE? 10 Findings • Specific criteria utilized in determining best practices are somewhat shaky and are highly variable depending on the sector. • Five key criteria used in determining best practices emerged from the interviews, including: supported, evidence-based, sustainable, replicable, and relevant ISSUE 4: WHAT GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES ARE USED FOR DECIDING UPON BEST PRACTICES 11 Findings • Governance structures used for deciding upon best practices within an organization tend to be loosely defined. ISSUE 5: WHAT DECISION RULES ARE USED TO SELECT BEST PRACTICES? Findings 12 • Decision rules used to select best practices were not explicitly identified by respondents. • However, organizational guiding principles and business practices may help to identify implicit decision rules employed by organizations that would inform the selection of future best practices. ISSUE 6: WHAT RESOURCES ARE TYPICALLY REQUIRED TO RUN A BEST PRACTICE PROGRAM? 13 Findings Pursuing best practices is an ongoing process that requires a significant commitment of time and effort, along with capacitybuilding. For certain organizations, adopting an integrated approach is most suitable. High level of organizational commitment Time Significant effort Capacity-building Integrate Not viewed as an "extra" ISSUE 7: WHAT EVENTS ARE TYPICALLY USED TO ACKNOWLEDGE BEST PRACTICES? 14 Findings Events to acknowledge best practices are rare – at least “events” in the traditional sense of the word. However, many other communication modes are used to acknowledge best practices. ISSUE 8: WHAT CATEGORIES OF BEST PRACTICES HAVE BEEN UTILIZED? 15 Finding The categories of best practices vary widely, depending on the organization’s profile. Examples gathered included: business excellence, healthy workplace, range of consulting areas, programming, operations, public works, gaming, career development, and levels of achievement. Recommendations 16 Consider using an alternate term for “best practice” that reflects the focus on continuous quality improvement and the reality/importance of different contexts (e.g. “promising practices”) Criteria used by the Working Group (and associated stakeholders) should be: replicable, supported, relevant to career evidence-based, development services in Canada. sustainable, Recommendations con’t 17 Include all relevant stakeholders, or at least representatives of each stakeholder group expected to engage in and utilize the best practice, when discussing and deciding upon best practices. Encourage integration of a best-practice approach into government planning and reporting processes. Identify at least one champion at each level of government — federal, provincial, territorial — to create enthusiasm for pursuing best practices. Work towards instilling the belief that identifying, pursuing and sharing best practices are integral duties of staff. Such a belief is especially important for key personnel and stakeholders directly involved in career-development services. Recommendations con’t 18 Develop best-practice training sessions, and deliver this training to key personnel and stakeholders. Explore various communication modes for acknowledging best practices in career development services: Databases Policy & Procedures Newsletter Annual Compendiums Virtual Communities Posters Meetings & Training Events ADDITIONAL FINDINGS 19 • Interconnectedness of best practices • Best practices are essentially human practices • What really matters is the outcome • There are many sources for generating ideas • Pursue best practices in an interconnected fashion, rather than a silo approach. IMPACT ON CAREER DEVELOPMENT Enthusiasm for excellence Pride in achievement and organizations More disciplined approach Financial and company growth Employee engagement/buy in 20 Better communication Greater understanding of interconnectedness of various departments and organizations Superior decisionmaking Greater focus on organizational culture Contact Information 21 For full report and additional questions: Forum of Labour Market Ministers Heather Collier Carol Forster Director Ph. 780-427-3975 Fax. 780-427-0354 Email. Senior Policy Analyst Ph. 780-427-4741 Fax. 780-427-0354 Email.