WICOR Lesson Plan

WICOR Lesson Plan
Course: 9_10_11_12HIP
Date: 12/18/15
Instructor: Litman
Aim/Instructional Outcome: (The student will be able to): develop good discussion questions based on criteria; discuss and answer student
created discussion questions.
Common Core Learning Standards:
RL 1,2
SL 1
Vocabulary (for active Word Wall): NA
Instructional Materials/Resources: Independent reading books, handouts
Do Now:
1) Take out your Literature Circle books.
2) Find your book groups.
3) Take the handout and preview today’s task.
Mini-Lesson with Modeling: (“I do)
EQ: What makes a good question? How can we turn a
bad question into a good question?
1) Teacher gives announcements and reviews
previous lesson topics.
2) Teacher reviews: 9 – character transformation in
“Mr. Pirzada . . .”
10 – theme of isolation in Kafka
11-12 – poetry analysis assessment
3) Teacher guides students in a TURN AND TALK
Q: What makes a good question?
Q: What makes a bad question?
4) Teacher models the criteria for a good question.
1) Question should have more than one answer
– avoid “yes or no” answers.
2) Question requires justification or evidence to
give a sufficient answer.
3) Question requires an answer that draws on
multiple parts of a passage or text.
4) The question invites or allows follow-up
5) Teacher gives models for sample questions for
each story:
“The Rudy Elmenhurst Story” - What evidence
explains the reason why Yolanda throw out
Rudy at the end of the story?
“When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” - What
evidence in the text suggests that Lilia’s
perception of Mr. Pirzada has changed over the
course of the story?
“The Metamorphosis” – What evidence suggests
5 mins
10 i
1) Students are
their own
how Gregor’s family will react to their discovery
of his transformation?
Student Work Period/Learning Activity: Guided Practice (“We
Higher Order Questions: (Bloom/Webb)
do) and Independent Practice (“You do”)
1) Students are working with their
Literature Circle Group.
2) Students are working to develop their
questions based on the criteria
discussed in class or on the handout.
20 mins
5 mins
Discussion questions help create for more interesting
engagement. To develop good questions, you must
follow certain criteria.
5 mins
Teacher collects the handout.
“The Rudy Elmenhurst Story” What evidence explains the reason
why Yolanda throw out Rudy at the
end of the story?
“When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” What evidence in the text suggests
that Lilia’s perception of Mr. Pirzada
has changed over the course of the
“The Metamorphosis” – What
evidence suggests how Gregor’s
family will react to their discovery of
his transformation?
Reflection on Lesson
How will you change this lesson in the future?
How will your evaluation of today’s assessment inform
future instruction?