m University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Microsensor Structures and Electronics Silicon Micromachining for Microstructures Fabrication in LMSE 1 Laboratory of Microsensor Structures and Electronics (LMSE) is involved in research and development of microstructures such as silicon devices, sensors, actuators and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Internal properties and external characteristics of these structures are studied using analytical and computer modelling. Technologies available in LMSE allow investigations of new processes in the fields of mask design and fabrication, photolithography, diffusion, metallization, depositions, cleaning, thin film processing, etching, micromachining etc. Based on these activities, research and development of various new microstructures such as photo sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, radiation sensors, sensors for nuclear physics, actuators, nanostructures, various 3D micromechanical structures and similar, is going on. Research is supported by advanced measurement equipment and characterisation techniques, aided by process and device modelling. A part of research activities is involved in the field of electronic circuit theory, simulations and applications. Harmonic balance is used as a powerful method of analysis for nonlinear dynamic circuits. The team is also engaged with practical solutions in the field of microprocessor aided electronics. It encompasses development of appropriate hardware and software for automatic measurements of electronic and telecommunication equipment. Cooperation with manufacturers of professional electronic equipment is well established. Members of LMSE are collaborating with European universities under the framework of international projects sponsored by the EU commission. LMSE is a free university lab, open for any kind of cooperation with other laboratories and industry. LMSE has a well established cooperation with leading institutions all over the world. LMSE offers complete research and development services in the field of microstructures and electronics, from theoretical analysis to fabrication of test structures, devices and circuits, their characterisation and optimisation. 2 Micromachining in LMS - Overview •Main activities are listed below: Compensation of convex corners Bossed diaphragms Microtips for AFM and field emitters Multilevel microstructures Cantilevers Accelerometer microstructures Optical fibre aligning Micromachined reflecting optical mirrors Wafer bonding Pressure sensor (low and medium range) Smart pressure sensor approach 3 Micromachining in LMS Compensation of convex corners It is well known that in anisotropic wet micromachining of silicon microstructures, fast etching of high-index crystal planes ((411),(212), (323),..) inevitably occurs at convex corners (2-3 times faster etch rate). By utilising different shapes and/or size of compensation structures, we have been able to mitigat this effect to a great extend. This is very important when precise and deep etched microstructures are required (e.g. mesa structures, ridges, ..) The degree of convex corner undercutting depends also strongly on the wet etchants. Additives like isopropyl alcohol reduces underetching of convex corners. Proposed compensation structures 4 Micromachining in LMS Compensation of convex corners and its applications In case of bossed diaphragm, such as used in low-pressure measurement devices or inertial mass there is the need for proper design of compensation structures that will occupy small footprint and effectively compensate convex corner undercutting to depths beyond 300µm. 5 Micromachining in LMS Microtips for atomic force microscopy (AFM) 30 apex point Underetching U [µm] In AFM , topography, mechanical, chemical and electromagnetic properties of materials are investigated with the highest spatial resolution. A microprobe with extremely sharp microtip as the most vital part is scanned over the surface and the force is detected via different methods. 25 20 15 10 TMAH 25% T=800C T=700C 5 0 0 In our microtip realization, phenomenon of undercutting the convex corners is fully exploited for achieving sharp microtips. Mask is laterally underetched, falls off and microtip remain with specific aspect ratio. Further sharpening is obtained via oxidation method. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Etching time [min] 6 Micromachining in LMS Microtips for field emitter displays Another application of microtip application is for cold cathode emitter tips serving as light sources for displays . For effective light source the angle and sharpness of microtip are important factors affecting the electric field distribution and thus the operating voltage of flat panel displays (FPD). 7 Micromachining in LMS Microtips by isotropic etching and hillocks Isotropic etching spontaneous hillock Summarised results of etched microtips TMAH 25% KOH-33% KOH-IPA TMAH-IPA Isotropic Rlat [µm/min] 0.85 1.6 0.94 0.35 0.6 Tip angle [º] <40 <40 80 90 30-60 Tip Aspect ratio [h/l] 0.9-1.2 0.8-1.2 0.6 0.5-0.6 0.5 8 Micromachining in LMS Multilevel microstructures The design of microelectromechanical structures (MEMS) in bulk micromachining is in most cases limited by mask shape and etching anisotropy of single crystal silicon planes. To extend the variety of planes that can be obtained by wet micromachining, much effort in LMS has been directed toward utilising several height levels with minimum set of masks and a combination of mask and maskless etching. (100) (11 1) Si3N4 SiO2 a) d1 d2 d3 d4 (11 1) b) c) (100) 1) ( 31 9 Micromachining in LMS Cantilever and bridge microstructures These structures have many applications in sensing and in actuating devices. When thermopiles are integrated on the cantilever (or bridge), they can detect heat transfer, airflow, etc. When a piezoelectric layer is deposited on the top of a cantilever or they have integrated piezoresistors, they can sense applied force or vice-versa, they can perform as actuators Resonant frequency of cantilever fR 1.03 t 2 L2 15µm thick Si cantilevers E t-beam thickness L-beam length E-young modul -beamdensity 10 Micromachining in LMS Cantilever and bridge microstructures 70nm thick Si3N4 stress-free cantilevers When residual stress is present in thin free-standing structures such as bridges or membranes, they bend upward or downward, depending on material and/or combination of layers . From the bending curvature and known dimensions of the structure, internal stress S can be determined: S 2 E ts 1 6 t f 1 R1 R12 where E is Young module, Poisson ratio, ts substrate thickness and tf thickness of thin film producing stress on silicon, R1 curvature under stress and R2 is curvature after removing the stress-inducing film. 11 Micromachining in LMS Aluminum cantilevers Aluminum can play an important role as a masking material in anisotropic etching (usually 5% TMAH-water+1.5% dissolved Si+0,6% ammonium peroxodisulfate). By underetching method, cantilevers are obtained. Aluminum cantilevers were fabricated by above procedure (100µm long, 10µm wide,0.45µm thick): 12 Micromachining in LMS Micromachined accelerometer structure with piezoresisitive sensing Inertial mass is suspended on three hinges. Central one has integrated sensing piezoresistor, while other two make the device more robust against accelerations in other directions. Under the acceleration inertial mass is displaced with respect to the fixed part of microstructure, causing thereby stress in the piezoresistor located in the central hinge. This results in proportional resistance change, which is detected by the outer electric circuitry. The accelerometer microstructure was realised entirely by wet etching processes. Cross-section Top view Bottom view 13 Micromachining in LMS Telecommunications and optical applications Microstructures found various applications also in these fields as single optical components for interconnections between fibres and other active devices, optical benches, passive or active reflecting mirrors, active switches, beam splitters, etc. <110> <110> <100> Optical fibre aligning grooves For precise alignment of optical fibres in case of positioning or interconnections on microoptical benches, where light sources or detection systems can be realised monolithically, microstructures such as grooves are useful. By aid of wet or/and dry etching techniques, different groove structures can be obtained. 14 Micromachining in LMS Silicon crystal planes as reflecting optical mirrors Optical light beam reflectors were realised on different crystal planes, micromachined out of silicon monolithic wafer. Some important planes of interest were: (111) with an angle of 54,74º and very smooth surface (110) with an angle of 45º with respect to (100) surface, (311) crystal planes, with an angle of 25º toward (100) surface. Single mode fibre guiding 632nm beam in V groove with 45º mirror 15 Micromachining in LMS Reflected beam angles depending on micromachined crystal planes: Measurements of reflected angles and dispersion of reflected light were performed by photodiode response. Average surface roughness Ra is in the range of 25nm and the lowest scattering was obtained with (111) crystal planes (cca. 3º) y Isc x 600 photodiode {110} 20º {111} 17º {212} 40º Isc [µA] slit {311} 400 200 0 Single mode fibre-NA=0.1 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 X direction [µm] 16 35 Micromachining in LMS Characterisation setup of reflecting mirror planes by beam image dispersion reflected image on semitransparent screen collimator light source =632nm, =1,33µm single mode fibre sample xyz stage xyz stage xyz stage Results: Beam reflecting images from crystal planes prepared with different etchants: KOH-IPA(100)<110> KOH (100)<110> Al KOH-IPA (100)<100> Al KOH-IPA(100)<100> Image shape is proportional to the crystal plane roughness TMAH (100)<110> TMAH (100)<110>Al TMAH-IPA(100)<110>Al TMAH (110)<010> 17 Micromachining in LMS Low temperature bonding of silicon wafers (<400ºC) In order to bond wafers successfully attention was paid to the following steps: surface preparation - to obtain particle- free and hydrophilic surface. Cleaning of silicon surface has a great impact on surface chemistry and topography. After RCA cleaning dry wafers were immersed into hot nitric acid (HNO3), allowing growth of a few monolayers of fresh hydrous chemical oxide, increasing roughness to Ra=10-12nm. AFM after RCA Ra=10-12nm hydrophobic surface a >50º after RCA cleaning hydrophilic surface a <10º after forming hydrous chemical oxide 18 Micromachining in LMS prebonding at room temperature - two wafers were put into intimate contact in cleanroom ambient at room temperature. We initiate bonding by locally pressing the centre region from the top, thus enabling bonding phenomenon to propagate radially. By doing this, we actually help to accommodate the two surfaces that suffer from nonflatness, through elastic deformation process via attractive Van der Waals forces. Mating of rough surfaces via elastic deformation (zip) Bond interface chemistry active wafer Si 14 H Si a) interface between two wafers H H 2 15 2.10 O/cm 2 OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 2-3.1015H2O/cm2 15 2 1-2.10 OH/cm H 5.10 H/cm H b) 1.10 H/cm H H H 13 2 support wafer c) 19 Micromachining in LMS bond annealing (strengthening) - transformation of silanol to strong siloxane bonds takes place at elevated temperature. Bond strengthening was performed in the range from 80C to 400C, in different ambients. Bonding efficiency was characterised by quantitative analysis of tensile strength of bond. 16 14 Tensile strength [MPa] Overall reaction across two hydrophilic surfaces: (100) / (111) pairs Anneal time 60 min 12 Si-OH + OH-Si Si-O-Si +H2O 10 8 covalent bonds 6 N2 4 O2 2 vac 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 o Annealing temperature [ C] 20 Micromachining in LMS Bond quality characterisation Voids at the bonding interface reduce the bond strength. Their origin could be trapped ambient gas, particle or gaseous by-product from interface reaction. Cross-section of bonded interface IR transmission investigation is performed by IR camera, model PTC-10A. By this method only larger area defects can be recognised. Void Bonding interface Voids Voids 21 Micromachining in LMS Differential pressure sensor Four p-type resistors are diffused into the silicon membrane and connected in the Wheatstone bridge configuration. Membrane is realised by bulk micromachining in 33% KOH etchant at 80ºC and has thickness of 232µm. Silicon thin membrane (25µm) Diffused piezoresistors 22 Micromachining in LMS Differential pressure sensor characteristics CHARACTERISTICS Operating Pressure Range ..................................................... 0 .. 1 Bar Overpressure (min) ...................................................................... 5 Bar Supply Current ....................................................................... 1 .. 5 mA Operating Temperature Range ....................................... - 40 .. +120°C Storage Temperature Range ........................................... - 40 .. +120°C Dimensions (W/L/H) ............................................. 1950/1950/385 µm Input Resistance .......................................................... 390 .. 430 ohms Output Resistance ....................................................... 390 .. 430 ohms Sensitivity ........................................................................ 30 mV/V/Bar Offset Voltage at Zero Pressure (max.) .................................... 5 mV/V Temperature Coeff. of Resistance ....................................... 0,5 ohm/°C Temperature Coeff. of Offset Voltage (max.) .................. 0,2 mmHg/°C Offset Repeatability ........................................................... ± 0,1 mmHg Span Repeatability .............................................................. ±0,3 mmHg Long Term Stability of Offset and Sensitivity .................... ±0,3 mmHg Aluminium Metalization Relative Pressure Sensor 23 Micromachining in LMS Advanced smart pressure sensor Smart sensors are the leading edge in advanced sensor applications. R&D activities in this field are taking place in LMS. The developed smart pressure sensor, in excess of standard features uses a special calibration algorithm which minimises the offset voltage impact and compensates temperature dependencies. The starting point of calibration is a raw pressure sensor without any offset or temperature compensation. The calibration procedure also eliminates sensor nonlinearity. Full-scale pressure range is totally adaptable to the user’s requirements Smart pressure sensor with digital temperature compensation and in-system calibration. 24 Laboratory of Microsensor Structures and Electronics (LMSE) Phone: (+386 1) 4768 303 Fax: (+386 1) 4264 630 http://paris.fe.uni-lj.si/lms/ Head: Professor Dr. Slavko Amon Staff: Professor Dr. Slavko Amon Professor Dr. Igor Medič Assistant Professor Dr. Žarko Gorup Assistant Professor Dr. Andrej Levstek Assistant Professor Dr. Drago Resnik Assistant Professor Dr. Danilo Vrtačnik Senior Lecturer Niko Basarič, M. Sc. Researcher Uroš Aljančič, M. Sc. Researcher Matej Možek, M. Sc Technical Collaborator Matjaž Cvar Technical Collaborator Marijan Žurga Phone: (+386 1) 4768 + Ext. E-mail: slavko.amon@fe.uni-lj.si igor.medic@fe.uni-lj.si zarko.gorup@fe.uni-lj.si andrej.levstek@fe.uni-lj.si drago.resnik@fe.uni-lj.si danilo.vrtacnik@fe.uni-lj.si niko.basaric@fe.uni-lj.si uros.aljancic@fe.uni-lj.si matej.mozek@fe.uni-lj.si matjaz.cvar@fe.uni-lj.si marijan.zurga@fe.uni-lj.si 25 35 32 32 84 30 30 33 30 30 30 27