Annual Report 2013 2014 - St. Marys Secondary School Mallow

Annual Report 2013/2014
Telephone: 022-21998
Fax: 022-21829
1. Mission Statement
2. School Development Planning
3. Special Needs Education
4. Educational Supports
5. Faith Development
6. Continuous Professional Development
7. School and Extra-Curricular Activities
8. Parental Involvement
9. Report from the Chairperson of the Board of Management
10.Student Council Report
12.Pastoral Care
13.School Awards Ceremony
Photo Gallery
School Self Evaluation Report
1. Mission Statement
St. Mary’s Secondary School, Mallow is a voluntary Catholic secondary school under the
trusteeship of CEIST.
In co-operation with the Department of Education, with parental and community support and
within the available resources our mission is:
To develop a community of learning which is geared towards the holistic development of
each student;
To foster the pursuit of academic excellence, respecting the specific potential and talents of
each student;
To promote within the school community the values of a Christian, caring society;
To value, within the total school community, self-respect, respect for others and for the
To recognise and affirm the unique value and contribution of each individual.
2. School Development and School Improvement Planning
The SDP Team for 2013/2014 were Jennifer Hickey, Mairead Lucey, Una Griffin, Valerie O
Regan, Kathy McGlade. School Planning is integral to the development of teaching and
learning in St Mary’s and has been an ongoing process for a number of years. School
planning takes a collaborative approach in St Mary’s and allows for policies to be embedded
in school practice. This team developed an Action Plan for the 2013/2014 year by reviewing
the previous year’s planning developments and areas for development as highlighted by staff.
The areas of priority for the 2013/2014 year were:
 Policy on use of Edmodo as Learning Tool– Information sheet and permission slip for
parents finalized
 Uniform survey presented to BOM as per DES circular and ratified for use in school –
information gathered and presented to BOM.
 Planning for School Open Night/Day
 School Self Evaluation in the area of Literacy with SSE report
 Literacy Strategies – presented at staff meeting, implemented for a targeted period,
evidence gathered and analyses. Strategies used : 1. focus on Capital Letters and Full
Stops 2. Use of Graphic Organisers to assist student learning and notetaking.
(Booklet issued to all staff and also available on school network0
 Planning for Subject Department Meetings with Literacy items on Agenda
 Anti-Bullying Policy in line with the Anti-Bullying Procedures issued by the DES in
Sept 2013 – development of survey to gather student views. Development of Anti –
Bullying Charter for display throughout the school.
 Senior Courses and Options Parent and Student Information Night
 School Awards Ceremony
 School Planning team met with PDST advisor Cornelius Young on compiling SSE
 School Planning team attendance at Network of School Planners Annual Conference
– Kathy McGlade
3. Special Needs Education
Number of Special Education teachers in the school - 1.5
Number of Learning Support Teachers – 2
Special Needs Assistants – 3.5
Number of students in receipt of learning support education – 33
These students were supported with a reduced curriculum in 2nd and 3rd year. German classes
in First Year were co timetabled to allow for withdrawal of individual students. Those with
an exemption in Irish or for whom English is a second language were given extra learning
support in English and Maths at Irish time.
Number of students with Special Needs – 24 (low incidence)
The provision made for these students included the placement of 7 in Special Class full time
and the remainder are integrated into mainstream classes to enable them to take some subjects
at Junior Cert. The students for whom resource hours were allocated were on reduced
curriculum. Others who in previous years came under High Incidence came within the
general allocation and were catered for in Learning Support or in non-Irish classes (if they
had an exemption from Irish)
4. Educational Supports
Number of Travellers - 6
Number of Foreign Nationals- 54
Number of students assessed by psychologists as having Emotional/Behavioural Difficulties 6
Newcomer students -2
Disadvantaged students - 55
St Mary's supports students from an economically disadvantaged background in a number of
ways to ensure a positive school experience and student access to all elements of the learning
experience including external facilitators/subject related excursions.
The support is extended to these students in the following ways:
 The administration of the DES Book Grant
 The financial assistance of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (4,000 euro was donated
to the school in the 2013-2014 year and this was used to pay for school related
activities for students in need of support to attend retreats, games, concerts, TY
activities, bus trips, and for lunches, supervised study, counselling etc where it was
most needed by students.)
The school carefully examines the curricular provision for disadvantaged students and their
needs are catered through areas as necessary:
 Learning Support
Resource hours when approved
Banding in 2nd and 3rd year for English, Irish and Maths
Lower numbers in classes where possible
Supervised Study financed by St Vincent de Paul
Liaising with NEWB Officer re attendance
Contact with Medical Personnel
Meeting Social Workers
Attendance at Case/Family Conferences
Leaving Cert Applied Programme provided in the school
Homework Club 2 evenings a week
Maths Club – 1 evening a week, established 2013-2014
Weekly timetable Pastoral Care meeting
5. Faith Development
All classes have 3 RE periods per week and the teachers of Senior RE meet for one
timetabled class period for subject planning.
Liturgical year
St Mary’s observes the events of the liturgical year within the academic year in a variety of
reflective ways.
 Mass to celebrate the beginning of the school year and the Mercy Feast Day on
September 24th
 Remembrance Mass for the deceased members of our school community and the
deceased family members of those in our school community in November
 Year group and class group masses as required – 12th May 2014 (Leaving Cert
Graduation Mass)
 Advent Reconciliation Services – Junior and Senior 6th December 2013
 Carol Services and Carol singing fundraising for St Vincent de Paul – 12th December
 Attendance at Parish mass (Junior and Senior) to observe the Feast of the Epiphany on
6th January 2014
 Lenten observance and distribution of Ashes
 Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent
Culture of prayer and sacramental life in the school
St. Mary’s recognises the importance the role of prayer has in the lives of young people and
takes the responsibility of creating an atmosphere of prayer and spirituality very seriously. As
a Catholic school we are proud of the prominent displays throughout the school. We have a
unique sacred space in our Tearmann. Icons and statues remind the students and teachers of
our ethos. Displays for Autumn, November, Thanksgiving, Christmas, St Patrick, Catherine
McAuley, Lent are developed by the RE Department in a central space in the building that
students pass regularly during the school day. Classes also visit the chapel in the convent
adjacent to the school.
All students have an opportunity to spend time and meditate in the Tearmann for one RE
period a week. Students continue to indicate how much they enjoy meditation and teachers
are encouraged to train in this area, with many of our RE teachers already trained.
On special occasions our intercom is used to allow our students lead their fellow students in
prayer such as Catholic Schools Week.
Retreats are provided for all year groups. The students attend retreats as a year group and it is
a time for reflection, meditation and communication with their peers. Depending on the year
group a different retreat is provided:
Visiting Retreat leaders – Gerry Keegan/Declan Browne
Mir Centre – Lombardstown
Nano Nagle Centre – Killavullen
Knock Pilgrimmage
4th October 2013 – 5th year
10th October 2013 – 1st year
11th October 2013 – 3rd year
15th Octoboer 2013 – 6th year
13th February 2014 – 2nd year
Student feedback on the retreats for 2013-2014 was very positive with over 95%
participation. Students of different faiths use the opportunity for reflection in their own faith
under parental guidance.
St Mary’s does not have a full time chaplain but we are supported by Fr Micheál Leader for
the celebration of Mass, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Lenten and Advent Services.
Ongoing Professional Development
The RE team and Acting Principal met with the Diocesan Advisor on his visit to the school to
share resources and experiences. Three RE teachers attended the Diocesan Inservice and the
RE team is in the contact list for ongoing information and up to date resources from Fr
Gerard Condon Diocesan Advisor. The school management facilitates the opportunity for
Senior RE teachers to attend the pilgrimage to Knock.
6. Continuous Professional Development
Continuous Professional Development is a central component of teaching and learning in St
Mary’s Secondary School. CPD allows teachers to remain up to date with syllabi changes. It
also presents teachers with the opportunity to share good practice and develop their
understanding and awareness of methodologies in their subject areas. Subject Departments
are also affiliated with Subject Teacher Associations to ensure links with other teachers.
Project Maths
Richard Bohane
Rory Coote
Mary Higgins
Donna Lyons
Dolores Meade
Ann Nyhan
Sr Ann Maria O Carroll
Mary O Keefe
Kathleen McGuane
Denise O Driscoll
Workshop 9
Junior Cert Teachers of English
Denise Galvin
Christian O Connor
Louise Heavin
Kim Walsh
Niamh Murphy
Donna Lyons
Mary Brosnan
Eilish Coughlan
Connie Curtin
June Dillane
Rosemary Flanagan
Maria Foley
Una Griffin/Mary Higgins
CPD title
Anti Bullying Procedures
Mental Health Promoter
Training Workshops
‘Student Mental Health:
Whose Business is it
Anyway’ (HSE)
JCT – Implementation of
Framework for Junior Cycle
Data Gathering (PDST)
Workshop 10
Subject Specification workshop
Una Griffin
Mary Higgins/Kathy
McGlade/Una Griffin
December 2013
Una Griffin
Valerie O Regan
CPD Title
RE Teacher Inservice
(Cloyne Diocese)
Mallow Second Level
Schools Project – Maths –
NCE-MSTL (Year 3)
Mallow Second Level
Schools Project – ScienceNCE – MSTL (Year 3)
CAO Conference for
Guidance Counsellors (CAO)
Home Ec Inservice – Junior
Cert Projects
Apple Education Seminar –
‘How technology is changing
School Self Evaluation –
Child Protection Seminar
Advising Examiner
Conference – SEC
LC Music Marking
Conference – SEC
Music Marking Conference –
Irish Orals Examiners
Conference – SEC
German Orals Examiners
Confernce – SEC
Assistive Technology
Information Session – UCC
LCA Marking Conference –
DES - Athlone
Dolores Meade/Colette Carr
Maths Department
Sept 2013 – May 2014
Science Department
Sept 2013 – May 2014
Pauline Cudmore/Jennifer
Mairead Lucey
Jennifer Hickey/Colette O
Una Griffin
Jennifer Hickey
Maura McAulife
JoAnn O Connor
4/3/2014 and 5/3/2014
Maura McAuliffe
Connie Curtin
Valerie O Regan
12/3/2014 and 23/5/2014
Colette O Shea
Colette Carr
7. School and Extra Curricular Activities:
Students are encouraged and supported to be involved in a broad variety of extra-curricular
activities. These opportunities provide the student with new learning situations and the
chance to further develop skills to ensure each student reaches their potential.
During the academic year 2013-2014 these included (this list is not exhaustive):
29/8/2013 – LCA 1 Outdoor Pursuits – Ballyhass Lakes
- LCA 2 excursion – Cobh Co Cork
3/9/2013 – 6th year Geography Field trip
19/9/2013 – 6th year Biology Field trip
20/9/2013 – 6th year and staff Coffee morning
27/9/2013 – 5th year trip to staging of Othello
10/10/2013 to 13/10/2013 – Physics trip to CERN in Switzerland
13/10/2013 – UL Maths and Science Fair in Carrigoon, Mallow – Smart Careers winning
posters on display
16/10/2013 – Senior students attend Careers exhibition at the Rochestown Park Hotel
18/10/2013 – School Open Day for prospective students
5/11/2013 – LCA 2 excursion to Killarney
8/11/2013 – Cork Pops Orchestra – 2nd Year Music
14/11/2013 – LC view stage production of Macbeth at the Everyman
29/11/2013, 28/2/2014, 28/3/2014 and 9/4/2014 – Apprentice Chef Competition, IT Tralee,
St Mary’s win first place
5/3/2014 – 5th year History trip to Dublin
6/3/2014 – St Mary’s marks World Book Day with Guess the author, most interesting
opening lines, and ‘Whose favourite book?’ competitions
-Márta 2013 – Seachtain na Gaeilge
12/5/2014 – 5th year History Field Trips
16/5/2014 – School Awards Ceremony
Trocaire Fundraiser for Syria
Christmas Shoeboxes
Visit of the Deutschmobil
Cake Sale in aid of the Donal Walsh Foundation
German Christmas Card making – Language Club
Halloween Dance
French Quiz
Visit to Crawford Gallery Cork
Visit to National Concert Hall
Lá Gaelach
Young Mercy Leaders
Pink Day – in aid of Cancer Research
Transition Year :
Outdoor Pursuits
Mini Company for Life
Rotary Leadership
YSI – STOP Campaign
Hope – Calcutta
Self Help Africa – Uganda
TY Musical – Hello Dolly
Work Experience
Community Placement
St Vincent de Paul fundraising
Film making
Mental Health Awareness
Basketball – All Ireland u 16B schools Cup 2014 winners
Gaelic Football
Horse riding
1st year Choir
Junior Choir
Senior Choir
Trad Group
8. Parental Involvement
Report from Chair of Parents’ Association
The AGM of the Parents Association was held on the 19th September 2013. The committee
members from 2012-2013 were nominated and elected to continue in their roles.
Rena O Leary – Chairperson
Audrey Smyth – Treasurer
Aifric O Grada – Secretary
19th September 2013: Presentation for parents of all students – Healthy Lunches – Verette O
Sullivan – Abbey Cookery School, Limerick
18th October 2013: Open Day – Parents Association provided refreshments for Parents of
prospective students.
7th November 2013: Annual Fundraising Flag Day
Parents Association meetings were held on the third Thursday of every month and were
facilitated in the school. The secretary of the Parents Association compiled a mailing list to
inform parents of upcoming meetings and this list was updated throughout the year. First year
parents were encouraged at the AGM to become involved in the Parents Association as their
daughter would be part of the St Mary’s Community for 5-6 years ahead.
Two new parent representatives were elected to the Board of Management for the 2013-2016
term. Gerard Smyth and Carrie Casey. At each Parents Association meeting a parent
representative from the BOM gave the agreed report.
The Treasurer, Secretary and Chairperson had links with Una Griffin (Acting Principal) and
Yvonne Bane (Principal) regarding issues/concerns/questions arising from the Parents
Association meetings.
9. Report from Chair of BOM
Chairpersons Report for School Year 2013/ 2014
The Board of Management consisted of Philip Comyn, Chairperson (Trustee Representative,
Bernie Preissner (Trustee Representative), Ronan Garvey (Trustee Representative), Kevin
Myers (Trustee Representative), Gerard Smith (Parents’ Representative), Carrie Casey
(Parents’ Representative), Claire O’Farrell (Teachers’ Representative), Mairead Lucey
(Teachers’ Representative).
Acting Principal- Una Griffin attended as Secretary to the Board and was subsequently
replaced as secretary following the appointment of Yvonne Bane as Principal.
The Board met on 10 occasions during the year and each meeting lasted for up to 2 hours.
The priority areas identified at the first meeting of the current Board in October 2013
continued to form the agenda for meetings held throughout the year. The areas covered
included the following.
1. Finance- Finance subcommittee was appointed to review the finances of the school on
an ongoing basis. The subcommittee reported to the board on a regular basis. A Rep
from Messrs. O’Brien Cahill & Co Chartered accountants attended one of the
meetings at which the annual accounts were discussed at length and approved.
2. School Maintenance and Upkeep- The new floor on the gym was completed in the
summer 2014 at the Board’s expense. The new floor has proved success with all
those using the gym facilities.
3. Board of Management Training- The new members of the board went to the JMB/
FSSU training re: Financial obligations imposed on a Board of Management. The
new members also attended JMB Training re: Child protection guidelines. The
chairman attended the seminars on finance, interview techniques and represented the
school at the forum on the future of Catholic Voluntary Secondary Schools.
4. School Awards Ceremony- Members of the Board of Management attended and
presented awards to both present and past students and supported the work of staff
students and parents at the various ceremonies. Contact was maintained with the
Parents’ Association throughout the year with an approved report from each meeting
of the Board being brought back by the Parent Association members to the
association. In addition the chairperson of the board and other members (non parent
representative) attended the Parents Association meeting as did the Acting principal
and latterly the Principal.
5. School self-evaluation process- The Board of Management was kept updated and
involved in the school self-evaluation process and literacy strategy.
6. Staff issues- The Board of Management approved and welcomed the appointment of
the new principal Yvonne Bane and thanked the Acting Principal Úna Griffin for the
tremendous work and the assistance she gave to the board in the inter regum period
between the retirement of Sr. Brid Biggane and appointment of the new principal
Yvonne Bane.
7. Retirements-The Board marked the retirements of Catherine Hourihan and Anne
Nyhan both of whom have given sterling service to the school.
8. Fundraising- Substantial funds were again raised by the school (students, teachers and
other staff members) and by the Friends of St Mary’s Secondary School fundraising
committee. Fundraising activities included a golf classic, Christmas fayre, Christmas
Concert, TY Fashion show, TY musical, Table Quiz, Sponsored walk and cake sales.
9. As chairperson I would also like to acknowledge the hard work and assistance given
to me by both the Board members, Principal Yvonne Bane and Acting Principal Úna
Dated this 12th day of December, 2014
Signed: Philip Comyn (Chairperson)
10.Student Council Report 2013-2014
Each year a student is elected from each class to represent their class on Student Council.
This year we had an excellent, hardworking and dedicated group of students working on
Student Council. The Chairperson for the year was Lisa Buckley 6th year and Vice
Chairperson was Hannah O’ Sullivan.
We had an extremely busy year and we are very happy with the progress that was made.
 In October we ran a very successful ‘Pink Day’. Students were allowed to wear pink
accessories with their uniform which ranged from pink socks/tights, shoes and hair
accessories. We also provided hot chocolate and marshmallows at snack time. All
money raised went to the Irish Breast Cancer Awareness charity.
 We were successful in obtaining a ‘Common Room’ for 6th year students. This is a
classroom which the 6th year students can use at lunch time. There is a fridge and
kettle provided in the room. It gives the 6th years an opportunity to meet together and
 For the first time in St Mary’s Student Council history we set up a Student Council
blog. This is an opportunity for any student to provide articles or pictures in relation
to student life here in St Mary’s. This is a working progress and we are hopeful that
next year’s student council will carry on the hard work.
 We also continued raising awareness for various different activities that was
happening throughout the school. We helped the YSI Transition Year class to raise
awareness for their Colour Run for their STOP campaign.
 We worked also with Darkness into Light Committee, in creating awareness amongst
the student body about the walk that took place in May.
 We also took part in both the Opening Night for incoming first years and the end of
the year Gradation Cermony. We made speeches on both occasions highlighting what
the Student Council do in St Mary’s.
 We liaised with both the Principal and Deputy Principal of the School in relation to
various problems which arose in the school term e.g canteen prices
 We campaigned for coat hooks and succeeded in achieving this for all year groups.
 We created awareness about the possibility of a green schools committee,
unfortunately due to time constraints it was not possible.
Enrolment for the 2013-2014 year was 577.
The following enrolment criteria is followed as per the school’s enrolment policy:
We enrol up to 4 classes of not more than 30 pupils in each in First Year. In the case of
oversubscription the Board of Management will take cognizance of the following criteria for
admission (which are not in order of priority):
 Religion
 Feeder Primary Schools – Killavullen, Dromahane,Glantane, Ballyclough,
Baltydaniel, Scoil Ghobnatan, Gaelscoil Thomais Daibhis, Rathan, Mallow No.1,
Burnfort, Analeentha
 Sisters of present students
 Children of BOM employees
 Children whose mothers are past pupils
 Random selection in the case of exceeding 120 applicants in First Year or of the
overall enrolment exceeding 590.
Application Procedure:
In October 2013 the Acting Deputy Principal (Jennifer Hickey) and the Acting Principal (Úna
Griffin) visited the feeder Primary schools accompanied by current students from different
year groups. These visits were arranged in collaboration with the Primary School Principals
so as to cause as little disruption to the teaching day for 6th class girls as possible. A short
presentation was made to the 6th class girls and each student was given an enrolment form as
well as a letter of information outlining the details of the upcoming Open Day.
The Open Day was held on 18th October 2013 for 6th class girls and provided the prospective
students with the opportunity to experience school life in St Mary’s and participate in a
plethora of activities. A presentation to parents was made in the Aemilian Theatre by Jennifer
Hickey and Úna Griffin.
The Entrance Assessment took place on 8th March 2014.
The parents of each student were met individually in May 2014 by a member of a team
comprising the Principal (Yvonne Bane), Deputy Principal (Úna Griffin), First Year Year
Head (Noirin O Leary) Learning Support Teacher (Colette O Shea). Each parent received a
copy of the Parent Handbook (including our Code of Discipline).
Enrolment Challenges
St Mary’s endeavours to meet the challenges regarding enrolment positively. Christian O
Connor (RPT Teacher) acts as PRO to the school and promotes the school very effectively in
the local papers. There are a number of schools in the locality providing 2nd level education to
girls but St Mary’s is the only all-girls school and prides itself on this. St Mary’s is
undertaking the necessary renovations to support teaching and learning through fundraising
initiatives. In the summer of 2014 the Sports Hall floor had to be replaced and this was done
at a cost to the BOM despite various submissions to the DES. In accommodating students our
canteen area has been highlighted as not being big enough to cater for the number of students
eating in the school at lunchtime. We have no suitable space/room for oral exams/taping and
have had to outsource these to the Mercy Centre in the past but we are looking to the facilities
we have and upgrading these to meet SEC requirements.
12.Pastoral Care
Students of St Mary’s are members of a school community where pastoral care is at the
forefront. Ensuring our students are managing well is extremely important to us. This begins
from the moment the student enrolls in First Year with individual meetings organised with
First Year induction was held on the 26th August 2013. The First Years were the only
students present on that day. The programme of induction is led by Emer Hallihan who
coordinates a core group of teachers to deliver this programme. Year group assembly is one
hour and this is followed by half hour structured sessions (four in total) covering timetables,
school diary and lockers, school building layout, getting to know one another activities. Fifth
year students take on a leadership role in this process through our Mentor Programme. For
the 2013-2014 year 20 students received training from La Scala, Cork (30th August 2013) to
undertake this leadership programme. The mentors meet with the First Years on a weekly
basis throughout the year.
Each Junior class is assigned a Class Tutor who meets them as a class group for a subject.
Each Year Group has a Year Head. For 2013-2014 these were:
1st Year : Pauline Cudmore
2nd Year: Ann Cronin
3rd Year: Noirin O Leary
TY: Mary Higgins
5th Year: Jill Mullins
6th Year: Mary O Keefe
Class Tutors and Year Heads pay a pivotal role in the pastoral care of our students. They
liaise with subject teachers/management/parents where the need arises. This is supported by a
weekly Pastoral Care meeting timetabled to allow students of concern to be supported and
what areas of support to be provided. This meeting was held on Wednesdays at 9.30-10.10
for the 2013-2014 year.
The pastoral care of staff is paramount to the positive teaching and learning environment that
permeates St Mary’s. Staff members are presented with the CPD opportunities that arise
throughout the year and are facilitated to attend as is evident from the long list of inservice
undertaken by staff in 2013-2014. Support for each other is very strong in St Mary’s and is
evident in the collaborative nature of work within subject departments and cross curricular
through the TY programme, LCA programme, LCVP programme and the various sporting
activities etc.
13.School Awards Ceremony
The annual School Awards Ceremony was held on Friday 16th May 2014 with guest speaker
Mr. Seán Sherlock. The Board of Management and the Students Council were represented on
the day and addressed the school community gathered for the celebration of student
achievement in the academic year 2013-2014
Attendance –
The Award for Outstanding Attendance went to Noreen Burke for completing 6 years in St
Mary’s with full attendance and Minister Sherlock presented Noreen with her Certificate of
Economics –
Outstanding student of Economics over the past two years. Aisling developed an in depth
understanding of how Economics applies to every day life..
Junior Certificate Business Students –
In Junior Cycle there were a large number of highly skilled Business minds. They showed
their expertise when they participated in the Regional BSTAI Competition showing their
excellent skills in the world of business
Evelyn O Keefe, Laura Owens, Sophie Caplice, Sarah Aherne, Elaine O Hanlon, Aisling
Finn, Aine Murphy, Emily Mannas.
Art – for creativity and diligence
First Year Art
Isabelle Zaruba
Michelle Forde
Ciara Barry
Second Year Art
Beverly Hayes
Third Year Art
Roisin Neenan
Mickela Roche
LCA1 Art
Ruby Dawson
Fifth Year Art
Claudia McCabe
Sixth Year Art
Lisa Buckley
Junior History –
Aine Hennessy, Niamh Buckley, Elaine O Hanlon, Clara Murphy
Senior History
Sarah O Neill
German Awards
Third year German
For their work in maintaining the 3rd year German blog ensuring 3rd years were
communicating through German in our modern world of technology. Megan Thornhill and
Mickela Roche.
Leaving Cert German
Sinead Aherne Forde
Home Economics
In the 2013-2014 academic year the students of Home Economics excelled, winning two
prestigious competitions including the Apprentice Chef and the Macroom Food Festival. But
it is not only on the competitive stage that the students of Home Economics excel, in school
the students showed the same excellence.
Senior Home Economics
For consistent hard work over the two years in Senior Home Economics showing a flair for
the subject as well as a positive attitude to the subject and in class
Maria Stanton and Sarah Buckley
Junior Home Economics
These students displayed dedication to the subject, outstanding practical work in both
cookery and craft work.
Aoife Browne
Eden Debebe
The following students excelled in Senior French, most notably representing St Mary’s in the
Cork City and County French Teachers’ Association quiz where they scooped 1st prize from a
large number of schools
Aisling O Connor
Noreen Burke
Aisling Walsh
Clodagh O Callaghan
Coiste Gaelach
Rinne daltaí on dara bliain gaisce mór i mbliana ar son na Gaeilge. D’oibrigh siad ar an
gcoiste Gaelach chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn ar fud na scoile. Ghlac siad páirt i
ndramaí, Seachtain na Gaeilge agus leathan mór eachtraí
Rachel Wharton
Laura Wilson
Sarah Corbett
Edel Doolan
Lauren Hadden
Eibhlin Lee
1st Year Gaeilge
D’oibrigh an cailín seo go dian i rith na bliana. Léiríonn sí grá don teangan i ngach rang
Gaeilge. Tá feabhsú tagtha ar a cuid Gaeilge agus leanann an feabhsú seo ar aghaidh gach
Aisling Sheehan
Catherine McAuley Cup
The Catherine McAuley award honouring the memory of the founder of the Mercy Order.
This award seeks to recognise the qualities of character which Catherine McAuley promoted
in the very first Mercy schools and which form a huge part of student development here in St
Mary’s, these include kindness, generosity, courtesy, self-motivation, punctuality,
participation in extra-curricular activities and community involvement.
This year’s award went to two students who demonstrated these characteristics as well as
faithfulness, commitment and a willingness to help others. The two girls gave of their own
time all year and were reliable, obliging and helpful in their involvement in the Homework
club. The perpetual Catherine McCauley cup goes to Gina Dunne and Leanne Relihan
The yearbook committee were acknowledged as An enthusiastic hardworking group of girls
took on a mammoth task this year – the development of St Mary’s first Yearbook. These
girls took a great deal, from taking photographs, writing articles, marketing and looking for
advertising the girls completed the entire publication with the support of their mentor Ms
Maria Foley.
World Book Day
On the 6th March 2014 the students of St Mary’s embraced World Book Day, most
particularly a second year English class who organised a well planned and fun table quiz for
1st years
Laura Hadden accepted the prize on behalf of the class.
Aoife McEntee
1st Year Music Award – Ali Fitzpatrick
2nd year Music Award – Katie Attridge
3rd Year Music Award – Niamh Walsh
5th Year Music Award – Rachel Moore
6th year Music Award – Ciara Doherty
Our musical groups showed great dedication throughout the year ensuring that each school
activity is made extra special with the inclusion of music and the awards ceremony was no
Representing our Junior Choir – Nicole Mannix
Representing our Senior Choir – Emily Fitzpatrick
Representing our trad Group – Emily Brosnan
Representing our Orchestra – Laura Crowley
Junior PE Award:
Michelle Forde.
Senior PE Award:
The Senior PE Award went to Clodagh O'Sullivan Caoimhe O'Hanlon who share a great
passion for sport and took part in all of their PE lessons with much enthusiasm.
This award is being given to acknowledge the time and dedication given to this sport by this
Student. She may one day follow in the footsteps of Rob Heffernan as her chosen discipline
is Race Walking.
This award went to Sarah Tarrant.
The Junior Basketball Award went to Chloe Ferris.
The Senior Basketball Award went to Maria Stanton.
At the awards ceremony a National Boxing Champion was recognised. -Michelle Thomas.
Laura Willis
The four students who represented Ireland in the Celtic Cup, an International gymnastics
competition which was held in Scotland were acknowledged.
1. Michelle Nagle
2. Niamh O Connell
3. Emma Fitzpatrick
4. Sinead Looney
Horse riding:
Delia Duffy
Mountain biking:
U14 mountain biking national champion title - Leah Maunsell.
We had another very successful year in the schools orienteering schools and championships.
Our second year /third year team took the honours and hold the national title.
1. Tara O Reilly
2. Geri Cairns
3. Emily Birchall
4. Ashling O Shea
Aisling Healy.
Ella Fouhy.
Leah Cunningham.
A St Mary’s student who would represent Ireland in Australia in an International Tethrathlon
competition was acknowledged. This sport involves swimming, horse riding, running and
shooting. -Faye Mansfield.
Overall sports award:
The overall sports award went to a student who is talented yet modest. She represented our
school on the pitch, on the court and on the track.
Hannah O Sullivan.
A group of 12 girls in 5th year are received their Gaisce Bronze Award at the Awards
Ceremony. The Gaisce award involved completing challenges in Community Involvement, a
Personal Skill, a Physical Activity and an Adventure Challenge. It required commitment and
dedication throughout the year. The students involved were:
Eileen Cronin
Clair Long
Eimear Meaney
Clodagh O Sullivan
Alison Healy
Orla Radford
Aoife O Shea
Elaine Ryan
Aoife Walsh
Eimear Hennessy
Sinead O Reilly
Joanne Moloney
Student of the Year Awards
1st year
Shauna Murphy
2nd Year
Edel Doolan
3rd year
Cait O Mahony
Lisa Sheehan
5th Year
Helina Debebe
Michelle Hickey
Becky Relihan
The Student of the Year
Described as a helpful person and a good listener this year’s student of the Year represents all
the characteristics that place someone in the category of Student of the Year. Her courteous
manner, her willingness to participate and her appreciation of her classmates and teachers are
traits that are much admired in this student.
She is always smiling and happy. She gets on with everyone – and often goes out of her way
to help others. She is conscientious and hardworking always giving of her best.
Nell O Sullivan.
Photographs can capture the essence of a school and the engagement of students in a
wide range of activities that cannot be expressed in words. These photos are just a
selection that indicate the breadth of opportunities that students experience in St
The victorious Under 16 team pictured with coach and teacher Louise Heavin
Excitement at the National Basketball Arena
Senior Physics students visit
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
with teachers Dolores Meade
and Denise O Driscoll
Apprentice Chef competition 2013-2014 in conjunction with Tralee IT. Ann
Marie Buckley (Home Economics) pictured with finalists Aoife Walsh and
Rebecca Graham (left) and with overall winner Aoife Walsh (right)
Transition Year students pictured with Sr Brid Biggane and
Christmas shoeboxes campaign, December 2013
Students Aisling Smith, Adebola Ayodesele and
Emma Murphy enjoying the visit of the
Deutschmobil to St Mary’s.
Jennifer Hickey – Acting Deputy Principal
pictured with LCA 2 students at Coffee Morning
for Leaving Certs and staff.
TY FASHION SHOW – 14th May 2014
Donna Lyons pictured with MCs for the TY Fashion Show Rachel O Connell
and Sarah Walsh
Young Social Innovators reach National Finals and appear on PrimeTime with Miriam O
TRÓCAIRE fundraiser for SYRIA
LCA 2 students pictured with Minister for State Mr Seán Sherlock
and and
Transition Year
Year Mini
being presented with prize cheque from AIB and North Cork Enterprise Board pictured
Kathy (Acting
Úna Griffin
Pauline Lucey Leaving
Certificate 2013 recipient of
NUI Maynooth Entrance
Scholarship October 2013
High Achievers in Maths and Science in the Junior Certificate 2013
pictured with Michelle Starr (NCE-MSTL) , Minister for State Seán
Sherlock and Acting Principal Úna Griffin
Yvonne Bane Principal and Una Griffin Deputy Principal – December 16th 2013
School Self-Evaluation Report
Literacy for September 2012 to June 2014
Focus of the Evaluation:
School self-evaluation of teaching and learning is part of the ongoing work in St. Mary’s Secondary
School. The focus of school self-evaluation for 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 was literacy. Literacy in L1
English and how the teaching and learning in all other subjects support the acquisition of literacy
skills were reviewed in 1st and 2nd year.
School Context:
St. Mary’s Secondary School is the only all girls secondary school in Mallow and is under the
trusteeship of CEIST with an enrolment of 577. Seven pupils have low incidence special
education needs and work on a reduced curriculum in the Special Class. A team of four
SNAs, two full time and two part time support the needs of students where required.
There is a strong tradition of Literacy development in all subject areas in the school as commented on
in recent English inspection report:
“A wide range of co-curricular, cross-curricular and extracurricular activities is organised to enrich
students’ experience of English.” (DES Inspectorate April 2012)
This is done in conjunction with parental support for teaching and learning, a factor that is
acknowledged as having a positive effect on pupil attainment levels and on pupils’ attitudes
to learning.
TY, LCA and LCVP are well established within the school curriculum. There is a strong
culture of school planning and evaluation and a school planning team has been long
established with representatives from a variety of subjects and disciplines. At the outset of the
Literacy review an English/Irish teacher volunteered to take on the role of Literacy Link
teacher attending CPD as necessary. This was then followed up by establishing a core team in
2012/2013 with volunteers from a number of subject areas extending in 2013/2014 to widen
the implementation of the strategies. It was acknowledged that a variety of good practices
existed in the school to enhance Literacy and in addition to this a number of methodologies
were trialled in further enhancing student attainment in Literacy. These included: Reading
Project (Report May 2013), Graphic Organisers in notetaking (Year 1 and extended in Year
2), Capital Letters and Full Stops (Year 2).
Summary of school self-evaluation findings:
Our school has strengths in the following areas:
All parents of incoming students are met by member of team (Principal/Deputy
Principal/Year Head/Learning Support Coordinator) prior to the commencement of the
academic year. Any literacy issues that arise out of entrance assessment or reports from
primary school are discussed with parents at this meeting in order to put a plan in place where
possible to assist the student with literacy difficulties.
Attainment in subjects at both JC and LC is above the national norms.
Attainment levels in literacy are above national norms.
Pupils display very positive attitudes towards all aspects of literacy.
Reading comprehension skills and a variety of writing genre are explicitly taught at all class
Pupils use their literacy skills competently in their learning of all curriculum areas.
Pupils are exposed to a wide variety of reading texts.
Pupils read with fluency.
The following areas are prioritised for improvement:
Pupils need access to more challenging core texts-as appropriate.
Entrance Assessment review to include standardised testing with a view to supporting all
students including those with entitlements/need for reasonable accommodations on entry to
2nd level.
Outcomes for writing need to be further explored and agreed at whole school level and used
to facilitate progression.
The teaching of the writing process needs to be further developed throughout the school.
Teaching of grammar, spelling and punctuation needs attention.
Need for greater use of digital media.
The following legislative and regulatory requirements need to be addressed:
Data Protection of Information particularly in the area of SEN and its use in SSE. Data
Protection Amendment Act 2003