Will It Be Two Years or Twenty? - American Counseling Association

Legal & Regulatory Updates:
HITECH and Technology; Closing
a Practice; and Legislation
re/Prevention of Violence
ACA Institute for Leadership Training, July 23, 2014
The information presented, including handouts, is for educational
purposes and is not intended to be legal advice.
Attendees should seek advice from local counsel regarding
specific legal issues.
Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Subtitle D, Health Information Technology for
Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act),
enacted as part of the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009, addresses privacy and
security concerns re/ electronic transmission of
health information and encourages use of health
information technology
 Key provisions are also applicable to paper
records and oral communication
 Final “Omnibus” Rule including “Breach Notification” now in
effect (officially released Jan. 25, 2013, effective March 26,
2013, with compliance date for C.E.s and B.A.s of Sept. 23,
2013 – teeth have really grown!)
 Applies to “covered entities” and “business associates” if
protected health information is breached
 “Covered entity” determination:
 Business Associate: A person or organization that
performs a function or activity on behalf of a covered
entity, but is not part of the covered entity's workforce (xref. slide 9)
© 2007 – 2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, JD
 “Breach” defined as the “improper
acquisition, access, use or disclosure of
protected health information”
 New presumption of breach under the above
definition unless a risk assessment by C.E.
or B.A. demonstrates a low probability that
PHI has been compromised
 Prior threshold: significant risk of harm
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Breach Notification (cont’d)
 If approved encryption or destruction is utilized,
notification is not required
Risk assessment is required when breach occurs
If breach has occurred, notice to affected individuals
(e.g., clients) required; depending on size, breaches
require notice or year-end report to HHS and notice to
 May need to update workforce training, B.A.
contracts, granting clients access to EHRs, etc.
© 2007 – 2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, JD
Risk Assessment
 Four factors to consider in analyzing and deciding whether
to notify individuals:
 1) nature and extent of PHI, including types of identifiers
and likelihood of re-identification (e.g., breach involving
credit card numbers, SSNs and sensitive clinical
information likely would call for notice);
 2) who the unauthorized person was who used or
received PHI;
 3) whether PHI was actually acquired or viewed; and
 4) extent to which risk has been mitigated.
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Examples of breaches possibly requiring notice:
 Laptop or smart phone with client records is
lost/stolen (RM Service)
 Paper medical records dumped (MA example
involving hospitals, pathologists, etc.)
 Problems for counselors are real! Do you use a laptop, cell
phone, digital copier and/or flash drive with PHI? Do your
supervisees use them?
 Wall of Shame:
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Business Associates
 Covered entity may be be civilly liable for business
associates who act as CE’s agents (common law of
agency applies)
 B.A. contracts may need some revision – required by
Sept. 23, 2014
 definition of business associates also now includes
“subcontractors” who perform functions for, or provide
services, to a B.A. (other than as a member of the
business associate’s workforce)
 “conduit” exception (e.g., FedEx, USPS)
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Business Associates
 Business Associates now have direct liability (which
they did not have under the original HIPAA rules) for:
 (1) impermissible uses and disclosures of PHI
 (2) failure to provide breach notification to the
covered entity when unsecured PHI is lost or
inappropriately accessed
 (3) failure to provide access to a copy of electronic
PHI to either the covered entity, the individual, or
the individual’s designee (whichever is specified in
the business associate agreement)
© 2007 – 2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, JD
Business Associates
 (4) failure to disclose PHI where required by the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS);
 (5) failure to provide an accounting of disclosures
of PHI
 Liability of B.A. does not mean counselor, as a
C.E., will not be liable!
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 HITECH Act updates civil and criminal
penalties for C.E.s and B.A.s – fines up to
$50,000 per violation, $250,000 for “willful
neglect” and up to $1.5 million for repeated
violations of a single provision of the law!
Although criminal prosecution may not be likely,
imprisonment can be for term of up to 10 years!
 Be aware of employees’ and supervisees’
© 2007 – 2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, JD
 Four Penalty Tiers:
 Lowest tier: cases in which entity did not and reasonably
could not know of the breach;
 Intermediate tier: cases in which entity knew, or by
exercising reasonable diligence, would have known of
violation, but did not act with willful neglect; and
 Highest tier: cases in which the entity “acted with willful
neglect” and either corrected the problem within the 30day cure period, or failed to make a timely correction
 Under the new rules, a covered entity’s or business
associate’s lack of actual or constructive knowledge is no
longer a complete affirmative defense
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Willful neglect will lead to compliance review by U.S.
Dep’t. of Health and Human Services; other behavior
may lead to review
 HITECH authorizes State Attorneys General to bring
civil actions on behalf of state residents for HIPAA
violations. They may obtain damages or injunctions and
attorneys’ fees may be awarded.
 Additionally, many states (e.g., TX and CA) have
enacted their own privacy breach laws which may or
may not encompass breaches of PHI.
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Miscellaneous HITECH
 Clients have right to obtain access in electronic form (if
EHRs are used)
 GINA: Genetic information is now considered protected
health information (PHI). Additionally, under the
HIPAA Omnibus Rule, which adopts GINA’s definition
of “genetic information,” it is now clear that most health
plans are prohibited from using or disclosing genetic
information for underwriting purposes.
 When individuals pay by cash, they can instruct their
provider NOT to share Tx information with their health
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Counselor educators/supervisors:
think about how clinical audio/video
recordings are protected
 Encryption?
 Storage?
 Transmission?
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Notice of Privacy Practices:
 If you or your supervisors are CEs, do you have an updated Notice
of Privacy Practices?
 Remember to compare state law (e.g. – access). Many
counselors who are “covered entities” have HIPAA
Notice of Privacy Practice but no policies and
procedures for privacy and security!
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Private Practice Preparedness: Is This
What You Want for Your Future?
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Action plan and calendar
 Sudden death or disability
 Assessing readiness for retirement or closing
practice when counselor is able
 Critical information for records
custodian/personal representative
 Notice, records, administrative and legal details
and resources
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Dealing with Sudden Death,
Disability or Incapacity
 Problems stem from lack of planning
 Spouse, significant other, or colleague is left
with no instructions
 Psychiatrist examples
 Vulnerable clients/patients are left with grief
and confusion and often without continuity of
 Potential liability for yourself and your estate
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Dealing with Sudden Death,
Disability or Incapacity
 Plan for sudden death, disability or incapacity is
important, especially for solo practitioners
 “Records Custodian” or “Special Administrator” –
consider naming person(s) in will, with consent
 records access, forwarding and retention; notice and
referral issues
 ACA Code of Ethics
 Covering Provider(s)
 ERT and “Bridge Therapist” (A. Steiner)
 Counselor or other similarly licensed therapist
 Professional Will (Loretta Bradley)
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Dealing with Sudden Death,
Disability or Incapacity
 Clause for inclusion in informed consent document
 Advise clients who will cover practice
 If not feasible to provide names, explain how procedure
and notice will be accomplished
 Written plan re/ steps for custodian and administrator to
 Critical information for records custodian, ERT and
personal representative:
 ACA Podcast: http://bit.ly/ppppodcast
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Retirement on Your Terms
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Issues Pertinent to Emergency or
Planned Retirement: Notice
 Employees (if applicable)
 Clients – 3 months is usually recommended; consult
state law on past clients (verbal & written)
 Records Custodian
 Licensure Board, Professional Associations
 Vendors, Utility companies
 Social Security Administration (SSA) (if death or
 Colleagues
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Issues Pertinent to Emergency or
Planned Retirement: Records
 Client access
 Release to third party/ another provider
 HIPAA, state law and ethics
 Storage
 HIPAA, state law and ethics
 Possible corruption of electronic media
 Consider efficacy of technology in 5 years
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Retention and Destruction
State law and statutes of limitation
Medicare/Medicaid false claims
HIPAA documents: min. 6 years
Electronic records: special concerns
 Keep list of records which have been
destroyed, including client identities, dates of
treatment and dates of destruction
 Business record retention: consult attorney/
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Professional Liability Insurance
 Premises or Renter’s Insurance, Life and Disability
 Health Insurance
 Other (Umbrella, etc.)
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Other Issues
 Administrative
 Sale of practice
 Legal Dissolution of Practice
 Personal Issues (advance directives, etc.)
 www.privatepracticepreparedness.com
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
General Resources
 American Health Lawyers Association, A Guide to
Legal Issues in Life-Limiting Conditions (2005).
 ACA Code of Ethics (2014)
 Caregiver Information: Eldercare Locator, available at
 www.privatepracticepreparedness.com
 Wheeler, A.M. and Bertram, B. (2012). The Counselor
and the Law: A Guide to Legal and Ethical Practice (6th
ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Violence Prediction,
Prevention and Liability
 Duty to Warn and/or Protect
 Case law and statutes (latter often provides immunity to
mental health provider)
 Statute example (Maryland):
 Make sure your supervisees are familiar with state case
law and statutes
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
 Mass shootings account for <1% of gun deaths
 Suicide accounts for 61% of gun fatalities in U.S.
 Majority of people with MI never act violently
 If MI were eliminated entirely as a risk factor in gun
violence, the incidence of gun violence would only go
down by 4%!
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Statistics (cont’d)
 Establishing national database on MI would only
discourage people from Tx
 P. Appelbaum: risk of violence among MI with psychotic
illnesses appears to be worse in early stages, often
before they obtain Tx
 Media’s impact – e.g., “Watch our exclusive coverage
of the massacre at XYZ HS tonight at 11”
 Above summarized from Joel Dvoskin, Ph.D., U Ariz.
College of Medicine, in APA/ABA Joint Conference:
Confronting Community and Family Violence (May 1-3,
2014) © 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Counselor Leaders: Be aware of
emerging legislation
 http://smartgunlaws.org/gun-policy/
 Impact of gun laws on the mentally ill?
 School safety?
 Specific interactive map to keep track of legislation in
your state: http://smartgunlaws.org/tracking-state-gunlaws-2014-developments/
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Gun Legislation
 A study on firearm storage counseling by family
physicians found that 64% of participants who rec’d
verbal firearms storage counseling improved their gun
 However, FL Stat. § 790.338 prohibited physicians
from documenting gun ownership in record; mandated
that physicians refrain from asking questions about gun
ownership (unless imminent threat to self/others); and
prohibited discrimination and harassment of pt. during
exam (teeth: discip. Action including revocation or
suspension and fines up to $10,000 per offense)
© 2007-2013 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
Gun Legislation and Case
 Wollschlaeger v. Farmer: Federal District Court granted
injunction on basis of First Amendmenet and
interference with doctor-patient; on appeal to 11th
Circuit Court of Appeals
 Not advocating a particular stance but that counselors
be aware of growing gun legislation and possible effect
on mentally ill population
 Presidential Executive Action to close loopholes
 Need to balance safety (including school safety) with
rights of MI and possible deterrence if they’re reported
to state or
federal database
© 2007-2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, J.D.
CEU & Insurance Discount
CE credit and a 10% discount on ACA-sponsored
professional liability insurance is available by reading
Wheeler and Bertram’s The Counselor and the Law (6th
Ed.), and passing a test.
For more information and registration
Successful completion of the exam entitles you to a
10% discount on your ACA-sponsored professional
liability insurance renewal for 3 consecutive years. The
10% discount is available for individual policies only and
is subject to a $100 minimum premium.
© 2007 – 2014 Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, JD