Animal Testing - stopthepresses

Yurry Buckler & Alyssa Coleman
Purpose of Animal Testing
 To gain basic biological knowledge
 Fundamental component of medical research
 Aids in the discovery and development of drugs,
vaccines and medical devices
 To aid in the manufacturing of cosmetics
Arguments Against Animal
 It is morally wrong to kill animals for educational
Arguments Against Animal
 Animals are not an accurate model of humans
 Humans anatomy differs from that of laboratory animals
 Humans mature differently than laboratory animals
Arguments Against Animal
 Animal testing is barbaric
 7% of experiments are classified as causing significant
pain that was not relieved.
 Many of these animals receive tests for substances that
will never see approval for public consumption or
use…therefore many animals die in vain because no
direct benefit to humans occurred.
Arguments Against Animal
 Too many animals are killed
 According to PETA “more than 100 million animals every
year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, food, and
cosmetic tests, biology lesson, medical training
exercises and curiosity-driven medical experiments…”
 Animal testing is expensive and public money should
not be used for it
 Costs include: feeding, housing, caring and treating
animals sometimes over the course of months
Arguments in Favor Of Animal
 Medical professionals support animal research
 2006 survey found 96% of general practitioners
surveyed agreed animal testing has made important
contributions to medical advances11
 Same survey found 88% of general practitioners
surveyed felt that recently developed medicines should
be tested on animals before human consumption or
Arguments in Favor Of Animal
 Animal testing is greatly regulated
 IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)
supervises the scientific use of animals
Declares regulation
Accepts or denies scientific usage proposals
Inspects lab animal facilities
Strives to save animals from unnecessary testing and use,
requiring quick and effective pain relief
 IACUC’s regulations must be complied with for all
laboratory animal use in America
Arguments in Favor Of Animal
 Animal testing is greatly regulated
 Also regulating animal testing are:
 The Public Health Service
 Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
 The Animal Welfare Act (as amended in 1985)
Arguments in Favor Of Animal Testing
 Animal testing has contributed to important gains in
human medicine and biomedical research
 Contributed to advances in psychotherapy,
neuromuscular disorders, Parkinson’s disease, open
heart surgery, organ transplants, effective insulin, and
vaccines for deadly diseases.
Questions to Ponder
 If Con Animal Testing
 What is your proposed alternative?
Human testing? No testing? Computer simulations and
models are not always accurate.
 Has the medical field progressed to a point where it can
stop developing medicines, medical devices and new
Questions to Ponder
 If Pro Animal Testing
 Are humans morally superior to all other beings?
 Should we be able to cause pain, maim and kill other
beings for the betterment of our society?
 Do we have the right to end the life of animals to
improve and save the lives of our own species?