Unit Vectors Vector Length Vector components can be used to determine the magnitude of a vector. The square of the length of the vector is the sum of the squares of the components. d d x2 d y2 4.6 km 2.1 km 4.1 km Unit Length A vector with magnitude of exactly 1 has unit length. • This is vector does not measure units like meters • Unit vectors have no units! • The important feature of a unit vector is its direction A vector can be made by multiplying a scalar magnitude times a unit vector in the proper direction. A = 4.6 km u=1 A Auˆ Cartesian Coordinates A special set of unit vectors are those that point in the direction of the coordinate axes. • iˆ points in the x-direction. • ĵ points in the y-direction • k̂ points in the z-direction y ĵ x iˆ Unit Vectors or Components A vector can be listed in components. A ( Ax , Ay , Az ) A vector’s components can be used with unit vectors. A Axiˆ Ay ˆj Az kˆ Projection A vector is projected onto each coordinate axis. The magnitude of the projection is multiplied times a unit vector. y A Axiˆ Ay ˆj Ay ˆj q x Ax iˆ Projection and Trigonometry The use of trigonometry can be combined with the projections onto the coordinate axes. The magnitude of A and the angle q become components. The vector A is represented by the components and unit vectors. Ax A cos q Ay A sin q A ( A cos q )iˆ ( A sin q ) ˆj Unit Vector Notation Write the vector of magnitude 2.0 km at 60° up from the x-axis in unit vector notation Find the components. y y = (2.0 km) sin(60°) = 1.7 km 60° • x = r cos q = 1.0 km • y = r sin q = 1.7 km x x = (2.0 km) cos(60°) = 1.0 km Use unit vectors A (1.0 km)iˆ (1.7 km) ˆj Alternate Axes Projection works on other choices for the coordinate axes. Other axes may make more sense for the physics problem. y’ Ay ˆj A Ax iˆ Ay ˆj f x’ Ax iˆ next