GIS RS Habitat Modeling Approaches to Identify Riparian Communities on the Pine Ridge Reservation * Charles Jason Tinant Don Belile Helene Gaddie Devon Wilford * Corresponding Author, Oglala Lakota College 490 Piya Wiconi Road – Kyle, South Dakota 605-721-1435 (USA) Overview • Populus deltoides are an • early successional species colonizing point bars; • Recruitment is correlated with floods. Damming and river alteration effects depend on channel type: • For meandering wash load streams (Missouri River) become hardwood forests; • For braided gravel streams (Platte River) cottonwoods woodlands extent increases. White River Group Medicine Root Creek Arikaree Group Porcupine Creek Great Plains Riparian Protection Project (GRIPP) Research Objectives 1) Understand PRR woodlands distribution and demography; 3) Predict woodlands community type using GIS remote sensing techniques. Methodology – Using RS to Identify Sites Figures are courtesy of Jim Sanovia 1. Unsupervised classification of 2-m DOQ; 2. Pull out remotely sensed “tree” layer; 3. Buffer streams 50-m from center of stream; 4. Buffer roads 250-m from roads; 5. Intersect and use output to clip “tree” layer; 6. Draped 100-m grid and randomly selected points. Methodology - Fieldwork Sampled 22 plots in 2007 and 26 plots in 2008; • Estimated canopy cover at 4 community levels; • Enumerated trees to species at 5 age classes. - Measured stream morphology (2007 only) • 13 cross-sections by Rosgen Method. White River Group Medicine Root Creek Analytical Approaches Remotely Sensed Landsat – 7 Geology Physiographic Regions SSURGO + DEM Multivariate Approaches (DA + Clustering) • Distinguishes juniper from cottonwoods • Identifies invasive Russian olive • Cloud cover!! • Doesn’t distinguish cottonwoods from hardwoods • Correctly identifies woodlands > 70% • Scale of mapping overlooks features below about 1:50,000 scale • Correctly Identifies Woodlands > 80% • Needs Additional Information (underlying geology) • Computationally complex process • Misclassified watersheds • Provides a context for understanding the underlying abiotic and ecologic processes • Lacks spatial context Final Habitat Model MaxEnt Remotely Sensed Approach -Final Classified Landsat - 7 Image • Distinguishes juniper from cottonwoods • Identifies invasive Russian olive • Cloud cover!! • Doesn’t distinguish cottonwoods from hardwoods • Computationally simple process • Geology for Pine Ridge Reservation has a need for stratigraphic revision • Correctly Identifies Woodlands ~ 70% Physiographic Regions Logic Model - ArcGIS Pourpoint shapefile 10-m DEM Shannon 10-m DEM Jackson Mosaic DEM 10-m DEM Bennett Project to UTM Zone 13 Mosiac Rasters SSURGO database MUKEY Flat file database Select Hydrologic Properties Tie to MUKEY Depressionless DEM Streamflow Model Strahler Model Apply Sink and Fill Flow Direction Functions Flow Accumulation Set Null Functions SSURGO shapefiles Join database to SSURGO shapefile by MUKEY Strahler Model Add pourpoints and Iterate Hydrologic Hydrologic Properties Hydrologic Properties Hydrologic shapefile Properties 31 - Hydrologic shapefile Properties shapefile Properties shapefile Rasters Hydrologic Properties Select Hydrologic Properties Tie to MUKEY Mosaic DEM Apply Zonal Statistics (Mean, Std. Dev, Max, Min) Rasters Spatial Analyst (Slope, Curvature) Watershed Model Terrain Rasters Physiographic Regions Logic Model - Erdas Imagine Hydrologic Hydrologic Properties Hydrologic Properties Hydrologic shapefile Properties 31 - Hydrologic shapefile Properties shapefile Properties shapefile Rasters Hydrologic Properties Stack - 31 Layers PCA Stack 15 Layers Import into Imagine Layer Stack PCA to reduce dimensionality Physiographic Regions Model – Based on USGS Nomenclature (when possible) •Sand Hills •Eolian Sands •Fertile Lands •Tablelands •Foothills •Escarpment •Badlands •Alluvial •River Breaks Intermediate Classification 9 - 14 classes Initial Classification 20 classes Recode Results Overlay Geology Shapefile DOQ DEM Isomeans Clustering Mask Mixed Classes • Correctly Identifies Woodlands > 80% • Aa class needs additional information on bedrock geology • Computationally complex process • Misclassified watersheds Multivariate Approach – Clustering Dendrogram Cottonwood Willow Woodlands Active Point Bars Russian Olive Woodlands Boxelder Green Ash American Elm Unconfined Channels High Peak Flows Juniper Woodlands Foot slopes Confined Channels Narrow Flood Plains Microhabitat Niches by Geologic Unit White River Group and Pierre Shale – Plains cottonwoods and willows species: erodible sediments with sparse vegetation, unconfined flood plains, high peak flows, frequent channel migration Arikaree Formation - Green Ash, Boxelder, American Elm: cohesive sediments, mixedgrass prairie uplands, confined flood plains, attenuated peak flows, stable channels Maximum Entropy Model • Uses ascii rasters and sample locations in csv format as model inputs; – Used 30m ascii rasters in UTM14 prepared using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst; • Model calculates omission rate, sensitivity, marginal and correlated response curves, model variable contributions and a jackknife test of model variable importance; • The following slides are results from MaxEnt model runs analyzing 28 variables from SSURGO soils data; – SSURGO quality for Shannan, Jackson, and Bennett counties (last updated in 1960s) has an effect on the quality of the model results; • The final model will incorporate SSURGO data, geology data, gridded precipitation data, classified Landsat imagery, and NVDI data. Cottonwood/Willow Prediction using SSURGO Soils Variables Variable Percent Contribution dem ec kw grass slope gypsum water silt albedo sar om caco3 shrub ksat hardwood conifer 29.3 23 17.3 9.9 7.4 3.9 2.8 1.8 1.3 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 Cottonwood/Willow Prediction using SSURGO Soils Variables Conclusions • Cottonwoods and hardwoods species on the Pine Ridge reservation are end-members distributed along a disturbance gradient; • The disturbance gradient corresponds with geomorphic response to precipitation events, which can be predicted by bedrock geology; • Landscape level variables accurately predict riparian community type on the Pine Ridge Reservation; • MaxEnt software predicts riparian community occurrence at a finer level of spatial detail than other landscape or watershed level analyses. Acknowledgements • Funded by: • National Geospatial Agency • NSF Tribal College and University Program (TCUP) • Project is supported by: • OLC Math and Science Department: – Hannan LaGarry, Al Eastman, Chris Lee, Kyle White, Elvin Returns, Michael DuBray, Dylan Brave, Michael Thompson, Beau White, Jeremy Phelps, Landon Lupe (SDSU), Jim Sanovia (SDSMT) • MaxEnt reference: – Maximum Entropy Modeling of Species Geographic Distributions – Phillips, Anderson, and Shapire, Ecological Modeling ,Vol 190, 2006.