A case for Funding Large Scale Simulations in Australian Healthcare Marcus Watson PhD Senior Director Queensland Health Skills Development Centre School of Medicine, The University of Queensland Does size matter? Does size matter? California Area Queensland 163,696 sq mi 668,207 sq mi Population 36,500,000+ 4,100,000+ (234.4/sq mi) (6.3 /sq mi) QH SDC Cairns Townsville Mackay Rockhampton Bundaberg Hervey Bay Roma Toowoomba (not an official centre) Skills Development Centre Skills Development Centre Courses Delivered by the SDC Faculty Training 1. 2. 3. 4. Simulation With Integrated Mannequins Crisis Resource Management Train the Trainer Difficult Debriefing Training Grad Dip Health Simulations 5. 6. Communication Skills Frontline Communications Friday Night in the ER Emergency and Rural 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Intensive Care and Anaesthetics 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Intensive Care Crisis Event Management Anaesthetic Crisis Resource Management Anaesthetic Crisis Resource Management for GPs Paediatric Anaesthetic Crisis Resource Management Recovery Room Crisis Resource Management Basic Assessment & Support in Intensive Care Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises Advanced Paediatric Intensive Care Critical Skills Physiotherapy and Critical Care Management Introduction to Physiotherapy Cardiorespiratory Management Maternity and Newborn 17. Maternity Crisis Resource Management 18. Newborn Crisis Recourse Management Advanced Life Support – Interns Advanced Cardiac Life Support Clinical Rural Skills Enhancement Emergency Events Management Emergency Crisis Resource Management Emergency Technical Skills Course for Doctors Acute and Critical Medical Emergencies Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support Paediatric Emergency Crisis Resource Management Surgical and Psychomotor Skills 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques Introduction to Laparoscopic Surgery National Endoscopic Training Initiative Operative Laparoscopy Workshop for O&Gs Perioperative Advanced Laparoscopic Skills Disaster Medicine 34. Emergo Train Medical Radiations 35. Introduction to Vascular Ultrasound 36. Basic Skills in O&G Ultrasound 37. Practitioner Initiated X-ray Changing the face of healthcare What healthcare needs is clinical training on an industrial scale with simulation efficiently integrated into clinical practice along with other educational methods. Identifying the Critical Motivation Training Systems Interdisciplinary learning Technology integration Human Factors Non-Technical skills Safety Performance assessment Competency assessment Quality Specialty skills Quantity Workload assessment Organisations design Workplace orientation Technical skills Efficiency Equipment design Pre-employment skills Process design Identifying the Critical Motivation Training Systems Interdisciplinary learning Technology integration Human Factors Non-Technical skills Safety Performance assessment Competency assessment Quality Workload assessment Specialty skills Quantity Organisations design Workplace orientation Technical skills Efficiency Equipment design Pre-employment skills Process design Identifying the Critical Motivation Training Safety Quality Quantity Efficiency Quantity of Quality argument • We have a clinical skills shortage • Increasing the number of students increase the burden on already overs stretched clinical mentor • We can provide more simulation experience but we cannot guarantee more experience on clinical placements • We can control the quality of simulations experience Quantity of Quality argument • The opportunity for clinicians to develop clinical skills is often haphazard and there are examples of clinicians graduating without having been assessed or in some cases performing crucial clinical skills. Wall, Bolshaw, & Carolan, 2006, Medical Teacher Fox, Ingham Clark, Scotland, & Dacre, 2000, Medical Education Remmen, et. al., 2001, Medical Education • In the 1960s medical students received 75% of their teaching at the bedside, in the late 1970s this dropped to 16% and since then it has decreased further. Ahmed, & El Bagir, 2002, Medical Education • The acquisition of basic clinical skills suffered when there is limited supervised hands-on experience, skill levels in health are likely to drop unless alternate training methods are used. Remmen, et. al., 2004, Medical Education Seabrook, 2004, Medical Education Learning methods Learning Method Non-Technical Skill Situation Awareness Communications Decisionmaking Teamwork Leadership Didactic learning Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Video examples Fair Fair Strong Fair Fair Discussion forum Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Decision games Fair Fair Strong Strong Strong Virtual reality Fair Fair Strong Fair Poor Immersive learning Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Debrief learning Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong How we learn now State standards National standards International standards Evaluation & research Workshops & seminars Didactic learning Strong Moderate = = Lim ited = Lectures series Video examples Discussion forum E-learning Decision games Simulations Virtual reality Immersive learning High quality, Broad scope and Readily available Limited quality or Limited scope or Limited availability Limited quality or Limited scope and Limited availability OR Limited quality and Limited scope or Limited availability Clinical practice Debrief learning How we should be learning in 2015 State standards National standards Reduced reliance on didactic learning due to the availability of stronger training methods Workshops & seminars Didactic teaching Evaluation & research Lectures Video examples International standards Discussion forum E-learning Decision games Simulations Virtual reality Immersive learning Clinical practice Debriefing Change of focus from Limited quality and Readily available to High quality and Limited availability by increasing preparing through elearning and simulations and increasing debriefing Strong Moderate = = Lim ited = High quality, Broad scope and Readily available Limited quality or Limited scope or Limited availability Limited quality or Limited scope and Limited availability OR Limited quality and Limited scope or Limited availability How we should be learning in 2025 National standards State standards Limited scope and availability due to development of more engaging methods of learning Didactic teaching Strong Moderate = = Lim ited = Evaluation & research Lectures Workshops & seminars Video examples International standards Discussion forum E-learning Decision games Simulations Virtual reality Immersive learning High quality, Broad scope and Readily available Limited quality or Limited scope or Limited availability Limited quality or Limited scope and Limited availability OR Limited quality and Limited scope or Limited availability Clinical practice Debriefing Safety and Efficiency argument • Patient error is estimated to have a direct cost in Australia of $2 billion a year • Patient are treated by ‘teams’ of clinicians not by a clinician • Patient safety reports indicated that non-technical skills are involved in the majority of adverse events reported that cause harm Wilson, Runiman, Gibberd, Harrison, Newby, & Hamilton, (1995) Medical Journal of Australia • Other industries have become safer by a combination of standards, regulations and appropriate preventative • Healthcare needs to provide the right training Team training Crisis Resource Management Tertiary Hospital 2007 • Births ~ 4,800 • Annual mandatory fire drills • Fires = 0 • Annual mandatory basic life support • Cardiac emergencies = 0 • Maternity emergencies that occurred in 2007 • Cord prolapse = 22 • Placental abruptions = 41 • Shoulder dystocia = 71 • Maternity Crisis Resource Management MaCRM • 2 day multidisciplinary workshop including scenarios and structured debriefing Training – when, where and how • Multidisciplinary training in healthcare is starting to occur in hospital systems with varied levels of success. Most issues arrive when clinicians undergo concurrent training rather than training as a team. El Ansari, Russell & Willsc (2003) Public Health • Australia has simulation centres that provide excellent immersive learning for technical and non-technical skills. • The training capacity of most centres is not limited by the number of simulators or rooms but rather by the number of instructors and the support staff available to deliver training • An analogy is cottage industries that provide high quality products to a small proportion of the population. Training – when, where and how 1. Tertiary Skills Development Centres – – – – – – – Inter-disciplinary training Specialty training Technical hub Supports University training Conducts major research Staff 10-50 FTE, 100-200 PT instructors 2. Affiliated Skills Development Centres – – – – Inter-disciplinary training Supports University training Conducts major research Staff 3-9 FTE, 10-50 PT instructors 3. Portable Simulations – – – – – Inter-disciplinary training Specialty training Opportunistic training Supports University training Staff 2-3 FTE, 2-100 PT instructors 4. Departmental ‘Pocket’ Simulations – – – – – – Department training Inter-disciplinary training Opportunistic training Rehearsals Research 1-2 FTE, 3-20 PT instructors How quickly can we grow? Based on 2007 Queensland Health clinical population - Actual training Days required will increase How many people will it take? Instructors 0.27 Simulation Coordinators 0.42 Administration and Logistics Support 0.14 0.27 0.36 0.13 30,000 training days 37-43 58-67 19-20 120,000 training days 148-172 230-265 77-80 Per participants training day in 2008- current ratio 2015- estimated economy of scale Queensland Health Six Critical Training Issues 1. The right blended learning environments, 2. Emphasis on the knowledge and skills likely to prevent harm, 3. Standardisation of curriculum and reliable assessment, 4. Training as teams not just as individuals, 5. The use of skilled instructors, 6. Dedicated support staff to provide efficient and accountable education. What Australia has to do Rank Priority Description 1 Curriculum exchange program 2 The development of immersive learning capability 3 The development of administrative hubs for simulation 4 The development of equipment and infrastructure for simulations Centrally funded core curriculum to meet graduate and new clinicians training requirements (PGY 1-3 for all disciplines) with a focus on non-technical skills Validate and mandate one or more methods of assessing non-technical skills Curriculum that supports a continuity throughout a clinician’s career across disciplines and facilities The rapid development of skilled simulation coordinators and instructors Formal training and recognition of their educational and technical skills Significant administration and logistic support to minimise clinicians’ time away from clinical service Dedicated management and governance to ensure quality and appropriate coverage of simulations training integrated into clinical placements Dedicated staff to provide the coordination and logistic support for course delivery in each state to ensure a continuum of interdisciplinary training across facilities for all clinical staff A review of existing simulation equipment to increase use through better access, regular maintenance by skilled instructors and simulation coordinators The development of affordable portable audio visual systems to improve learning through effective debriefing The expansion of simulation equipment to meet the needs of the expanding training capacity Questions 1. We can do things in simulation we cannot or should not do with ‘real’ patients 2. We can apply simulation systematically and opportunistically to develop a leaner and safer healthcare system 3. We can develop more simulation-based training but we cannot rely on more quality clinical training opportunities