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Why use Income/Outcome business simulation?
They're fun
Financial lectures are boring. Simulation-based training is dynamic
and engaging. Games hook into the competitive nature of the
participants, giving them the motivation to learn - to win! In our
simulation, winning is only possible through understanding the rules
and the language of the game - the rules of business and the
language of finance!
They're experiential
"Learning by doing" is the way that humans are naturally “designed”
to learn. Participants confront the abstract view of business in a
tangible manner - they see and touch the way business operates.
This experiential learning leaves the participant with a mental matrix
for retaining information and applying it in the future.
They're team-based
The simulations are interactive, creating constant dialogue as participants internalize the different
points of view generated by the game. In addition to learning the rules of business and the language
of finance, the participants enhance their communication skills and learn to operate as a team.
In what ways is Andromeda’s table-top simulation superior to a computer
based simulation?
Absolute transparency
There is no hidden dynamics in our board-game simulation. In a good simulation, every action is
visible, every decision can be tracked and every effect has a demonstrable cause.
More physical
Even the best computer-based simulations operate solely on an intellectual level; but learning that
sticks is learning that is both intellectual and physical. The participants make a decision, physically
perform the steps to implement the decision, receive a physical result, and intellectually understand
the cause and effect relationship!
Focus on Foundations
A table-top simulation deals with the concepts rather than the details. It acts this way because it is
dealing with whole physical objects as opposed to fractions and decimals. There is a natural
emphasis on simple modelling of fundamental dynamics, not on complex modelling of relative
This Programme is Brought to you by:
Spark Asia Leadership Practice
Tel: +65 9322 3833
The Unique Aspects of Income/Outcome Business Simulations
Greater accountability
No random factors, no dice, no chance cards. Each team
generates unique results as a consequence of their
decisions. They recognize that they own those results good or bad.
Real-World business drivers
Income/Outcome simulation models a real-world business
with real-world drivers, including a very competitive
marketplace. But you can only succeed by managing the
whole business, not just by positioning yourself in the
Managing the whole business includes profitability, cash
flow, working capital, on-going improvements, quality issues, and more.
Real-world applicability
Each concept of financial planning and analysis used in the simulation is a valuable tool which is used,
in exactly the same way, in the real world.
A family of simulations
Income/Outcome is a family of simulations with a common language, common dynamics, and
common imagery; but each program is distinct in that its level of decision-making reflects the realworld activity of its target audience.
Includes the view of all the major stakeholders
Income/Outcome business simulations provide the view of all the stakeholders in the business:
Investors who are prepared to accept risk in order to gain ‘shareholder value’: short-term
reward (dividends, share price) and long term stability and growth
Bankers who want to minimize risk
Suppliers who have their own businesses and want to be paid in a timely manner
Customers who want value: low price, high quality, extended payment terms, and more
Employees and individual departments, with individual needs
Managers who are responsible for holding it all together
Full representation of financial statements
Our models represent all elements of the income statement and balance sheet. It gives these
financial statements a physical structure that clarifies the primary relationships that are inherent in
After-classroom follow-through with The Company Board
The Company Board is a 3D visual representation of your current corporate financial position. This
module transitions the learning from the classroom to the real world – your real world.
This Programme is Brought to you by:
Spark Asia Leadership Practice
Tel: +65 9322 3833