FACILITATING AND DOCUMENTING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Chantal Levesque-Bristol Associate Professor of Psychology Director, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) What do you Want Students to Learn? Define Learning Outcomes (Nutt, 2010) What students should KNOW (cognitive)? What students should DO (behavior)? What students should VALUE (affect)? What do you Want Students to Learn? Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) www.aacu.org LEAP outcomes Knowledge of Human Cultures and Physical World Intellectual and Practical Skills Personal and Social Responsibility Integrative Learning VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education What do you Want Students to Learn? Teaching Goals Inventory Cluster I: Higher Order Thinking Skills Cluster II: Basic Academic Skills Cluster III: Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills Cluster IV: Liberal Arts and Academic Values Cluster V: Work and Career Preparation Cluster VI: Personal Development How can I help Students Achieve the Learning Objectives I set for each class Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) Find CATs that fit your teaching goals Most Common CATs Minute paper (CAT 6) Muddiest point (CAT 7) Approximate Analogies (CAT 15) The One-Sentence Summary (CAT 13) Application Cards (CAT 24) Strategies to Ensure Students Learn George Kuh (2005). Student Success in College The best predictors of student learning (and success) are: Prior Academic Performance Motivation Strategies to Ensure Students Learn Motivation (Self-Determination Theory: Deci & Ryan, 1985) www.psych.rochester.edu/SDT Creating an environment that supports the basic needs of: Autonomy Competence Relatedness Satisfaction of basic needs fosters self-determined motivation Self-determined motivation fosters student learning outcomes Practices to Foster Students Learning George Kuh (2008). High Impact Educational Practices High Impact Educational Practices Undergraduate Research Learning Communities First-Year Seminar and Experiences Service-Learning and Community Based Learning Diversity/Global Learning What Kind of Evidence can be Used to Ensure that Learning has Taken Place? How would you articulate what you want students to Know Do Value What Kind of Evidence can be Used to Ensure that Learning has Taken Place? Know: Do: Grades and Standardized tests Learning through the curriculum National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Value Student motivation and satisfaction Public Affairs Mission (www.missouristate.edu/fctl) Community Engagement Cultural competence Ethical Leadership What Kind of Evidence can be Used to Ensure that Learning has Taken Place? VALUE: Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (www.aacu.org) Intellectual and Practical skills Critical Thinking Problem Solving Written communication Personal Ethical and Social Responsibility Reasoning Civic Knowledge and Engagement Feedback to Help me Modify my Teaching Strategies Feedback you receive from students Their perceptions of the learning climate Their level of engagement in class Their basic need satisfaction Feedback you received from course assessment Data from CATs VALUE Public Affairs Scale Feedback you receive from peers Self-Evaluative feedback