AKD 2010 GUIA DE ESTUDOS PARA PROVA ORAL DVDR CONTROL FUEL APU CONTROL FIRE PROTECTION HYDRAULIC ICE PROTECTION E L E C T R I C A L E C S / P N E U M A T I C COCKPIT LIGHTS PASSENGER SIGNS WINDSHIELD WIPERS EXTERNAL LIGHTING PRESSURIZATION PASSENGER OXYGEN DVDR CONTROL Selector Swicht : Enable to test the tone of the DVDR 1 (FWD) or DVDR 2 (AFT) to be heard when a headset in plugged in to the jack. HEADPHONE Jack : Allows a headset to be insert to monitor the composite audio output of the DVDR unit during tests and normal operations. DVDR TEST: Commands a self test of DVDR 1 and 2 . EICAS advisory message CVR AFT (FWD) FAIL 1- What are you checking for when you press the test button? Verify no fail displayed on EICAS. DVDR ERASE : Allows CVR data to be erase when the aircrafts is ON THE GROUND with the PARKING BRAKE SET ELECTRICAL (AC) IDG 1 and 2 Selector Knob: GROUND POWER UNIT (GPU) BUTTON : PUSHED IN – Conects the AC GPU to the AC BUS TIE , according to the source priority PUSHED OUT – Isolates the AC GPU from the AC BUS TIE AVAIL light illuminates when the AC GPU is properly connected and the AC power requirements are satisfied. IN USE light – pushed in / AC GPU is powering AC BUS TIE PUSH IN - Allows automatic operatio of the electrical system. This position connects the APU generator to the AC BUS TIE according to the source priority. PUSH OUT - Opens the APU generator conector and isolates the APU generator from the AC BUS TIE. The APU generator is tripped off and de-excited. ELECTRICAL (DC) TRU ESS Toggle Switch: AUTO – Allows automatic operation of the electrical system. This position connects the TRU ESS to the ESS BUS 3. OFF – Isolates the TRU ESS from the ESS BUS 3. TRU 1 and TRU 2 Toggle Switch: AUTO – Allows automatic operation of the electrical system. This position connects the TRU to the respective DC BUS. OFF – Isolates the TRU from the respective DC BUS. BATT 1 Selector Knob: ON- Batt connected to DC ESS BUS 1. OFF- Batt supply HOT BATT BUS. Supplies the FADEC. 1 - Why is there an AUTO position on BATT 2? BATT 2 supplies the APU START BUS during APU starting. BATT 2 Selector Knob: AUTO – Allows automatic operation of the electrical system. Connects Batt 2 to the DC ESS BUS 2. OFF – The battery supplies power to the HOT BATT BUS 2 only. 2- What is the minimum voltage? 22.5 VDC. DC BUS TIE Toggle Switch: AUTO – Allows automatic operation of the electrical system. This position controls the operation of the DC Tie Contactors (ETCs/DCTC). According to the system logic. OFF – Opens all tie contactors. COCKPIT LIGHTS Panel PEDESTAL Knob: Turns ON/OFF and sets pedestal lighting brightness. MAIN PNL Knob: Turns ON/OFF and sets the lighting brightness Of the Guidance Panel (GP) and instrument Panel Background lighting. DOME Light Switch: Batteries must be ON/AUTO to have DOME lights ON. ANNUNCIATORS TEST Button: OVHD PNL Knob: Turns ON/OFF and sets the brightness of The Overhead Panel’s background lighting. Rotating the knob to the OFF position will Illuminate all annunciator lights to full bright. The stripe bars and caption indications in all main panel, overhead panel and control pedestal pushbuttons Illuminate when pressed, allowing verification of lamp integrity. Olnly the EMRG/PRKG BRAKE light, GPU pushbutton light, and fire test lights are not illuminated. 1 - What are you checking for when you push the ANNUNCIATOR PANEL TEST Button? The lamp integrity of all striped bars and caption indication of all main panel, overhead panel, and control pedestal. FUEL Panel XFEED Selector Knob: LOW 1 – Opens the xfeed valve, and activates AC PUMP 2 to supply fuel to both engines from the right wing tank. OFF – Closes the xfeed valve. LOW 2 – Opens the xfeed valve , and activates AC PUMP 1 to supply fuel to both engines from the left wing tank. DC PUMP: OFF – Deactivates the DC fuel pump AUTO – Allows automatic operation of the DC PUMP in accordance with S.L. ON – Activates the DC fuel pump. If the APU is inoperative and no AC ground power is avbl, the DC FUEL PUMP will be used for initial fuel supply. The DC PUMP is not a backup for the AC pump. LIMITATION AC PUMP 1 and AC PUMP 2: OFF – Deactivates the associated AC PUMP AUTO – Allows automatic operation of the associated AC PUMP in accordance with S.L. (system logic) ON – Activates the associated AC PUMP The AC PUMP will activate automatically when fuel pressure Is demanded and ejector output is insufficient (engine start or Ejector pump failure), and for xfeed operation. PASSENGER SIGNS Panel EMER LT Selector Knob: OFF – Disables automatic operation of the emergency lights. The lights can still be turned on from the FWD or AFT ATTENDANT panel. ARMED – Automatically illuminates all emergency lights if DC BUS 1 loses power or if the airplane electrical power is turned off. ON – Turns on all emergency lights regardless of the position of the EMERGENCY LIGHT switch on the FWD and AFT ATTENDANT panels. ATTND CALL Button: Pressing this button sounds a chime in passenger cabin and illuminates the GREEN light on the Flt Attnd rainbow NO SMKG FSTN SEAT BELTS Toggle Switch: ON – Illuminates the FASTEN SEAT BELTS signs. Turning the switch ON sounds a single low tone chime in the cabin, lavatories and galleys. OFF – Turns off the FASTEN SEAT BELTS signs. Turning the switch off sounds a single low chime in the cabin NO SMKG Toggle Switch: ON – Illuminates the NO SMOKING signs. Turning the switch ON a single low tone chime in the cabin. OFF - Turns off the NO SMOKING signs. Turning the switch OFF sounds a single low chime in the cabin. NOTE: The both signs (NO SMKG and FSTN BELTS) will automatically illuminate when the Oxygen Masks are commanded to deploy. STERILE Toggle Switch: ON – Illuminates the AMBER sterile light on the Flt Attnd rainbow. Turning the switch ON sounds a single high tone chime in the cabin OFF – Turns off the AMBER sterile light on the Flt Attnd rainbow. 1 - How long will the batteries supply emergency power? (ELPU’s) Approximately 10 minutes. FIRE EXTINGUISHER Panel CARGO SMOKE FWD and AFT Buttons (GUARDED): Momentary action pushbutton. Illuminates when the high rate bottle is armed. #1 and #2 Engine Fire EXTG Handle: Illuminates when fire is detected. PULL – Closes the associated engine bleed air, fuel and hydraulic shutoff valves. The under speed logic will eventually open the generator line contactor as the engine deacelerates. ROTATE (left (A) or right (B)) – Discharges the associated fire extinguisher bottle into the associated engine. Fire Detection System TEST Button – Test the engines and APU fire detection systems, and the FWD / AFT cargo compartment smoke detection system. Check there no EICAS MSG’s before do the test: FIRE DET FAIL, FIREX FAIL, FIREX ARM, BTL DISCH. A valid test is indicated by: 6 overhead panel lights, 5 EICAS messages and 4 lights (MASTER WARNING and ITT FIRE icon on engine 1 and 2. APU (GUARDED): Momentary action pushbutton. Closes the APU fuel shutoff valve and discharges the APU fire extinguisher bottle. The light will illuminate when the APU EMER STOP button has been pushed in when an APU fire has been detected, or 60 seconds after an APU fire has been detected and no pilot action has occurred. If no fire is detected, one push will arm and discharge the fire bottle. What indications are you looking for when you press & hold the Fire Detection TEST? Aural Warnings: Continuous bell – Triple chime (silence by pressing either master Warn Light) Overhead Panel Engine1 Fire Extinguishing handle, Engine 2 Fire Extinguishing handle, Lights: (6) Fire Extinguisher Cargo Smoke FWD pushbutton, Fire Extinguisher Cargo Smoke AFT pushbutton, Fire Extinguisher APU pushbutton, APU Control EMER STOP pushbutton (upper half) EICAS MESSAGE: ENG 1 FIRE, (5) ENG 2 FIRE, APU FIRE, CARGO FWD SMOKE, CARGO AFT SMOKE. Warning lights: MASTER Warning (Flashing) (2) , (4) Left and right FIRE warning icon on ITT EICAS indicators. APU CONTROL Panel EMER STOP Button: PUSH IN – Closes the APU fuel shutoff valve, shutting down the APU without one minute cool down. Selection of this button will illuminate a white stripe in the lower half of the APU EMER STOP button. PUSH OUT – Normal position, with the fuel shutoff valve open. MASTER Knob: OFF – Normal position when the APU is not running. ON - Normal position when the APU is running. START – (Momentary action) Iniciates the APU starts cycle. NOTES: 1 – Moving the knob from ON to OFF starts the APU shutdown process. The process involves a one minute cool down. During the cool down APU pneumatics are removed as soon as the MASTER rotatory knob is positioned to OFF. If the APU generator is the only source of AC power during the cool down, the APU electrical power will still be available during the one minute cool down period. If there is other source of AC power on the aircraft when the MASTER rotatory knob is moved to OFF, then APU electrical power is removed right away. 2 – During any portion of the one minute cool down, the MASTER rotatory knob can be moved from OFF back to ON and the APU will continue running. LIMITATION !!! WINDSHIELD WIPER Panel 1 - What is the maximum windshield operation speed if the windshield is failed in the park position? 253 Kt. #1 and #2 WINDSHIELD WIPER Control: TIMER – Provides eight-second intermittent operation. OFF – Stops windshield wipers on the stowed position. LOW – Windshield wipers operate at low speed. HI – Windshield wipers operate at high speed. NOTE – if both windshield wiper knobs are selected to LOW/HI they will be sync to the captains (#1) controller. Windshield wipers will not operates on a dry windshield. LIMITATION !!! 2 - What happens when you select the WINDSHIELD WIPER selector knob to timer? The windshield wipers operate on a 8 seconds intermittent operation. Low (80 cycles per min) High (120 cycles per min). EXTERNAL LIGHT Panel NAV, STROBE and RED BCN Switches: Turns ON/OFF the associates light. INSP Light Switch : Turns ON/OFF the inspection lights. LOGO Light Switch : Turns ON/OFF the logo lights. TAXI Light Switches: Turns ON/OFF the taxi lights. LANDING Light Switches: Turns ON/OFF the associated landing lights RT I-OPS 20/09 HYDRAULIC System Panel PTU Switch: OFF – Turns the PTU OFF. AUTO – During takeoff or landing, with the flaps not at zero, the PTU will active with a failure of ENG 2 Engine Driven Pump to provide normal LDG GEAR extension and retraction. ON – The PTU operates continuously. SYS 1 and SYS 2 ELEC PUMP Selector Knobs: OFF- Turns the associated electrical pump OFF. AUTO – On Ground – SYS 1 and SYS 2 will run automatically for takeoff when the flaps are not set at 0; and the thrust levers are advanced beyond 60 degrees of TLA, or the ground speed is greater than 50 Kts. Additionally, the SYS 2 HYD PUMP will run automatically for single engine taxi when ENG 1 has been started and the EMER/PRKG BRAKE Handle has been released. In Flight – SYS 1 and SYS 2 will operate automatically with the failure of its EDP, or when flaps are not at zero. ON – Operates the electrical pump continuously. SYS 3 ELEC PUMP A Selector Knob: OFF – Turns the electrical pump OFF. ON – Operates the electrical pump continuously. SYS 1 and SYS 2 ENG PUMP SHUTOFF Buttons (GUARDED): Momentary action pushbuttons PUSHED IN – Closes the Hydraulic shutoff valve (SOV), isolating the respective EDP from the associated hydraulic system. PUSHED OUT - Normal position. Hydraulic SOV open. SYS 3 ELEC PUMP B Selector Knob: OFF – Turns the electrical pump OFF. AUTO – In flight the pump will turn ON when SYS 3A ELEC PUMPfails. ON – Operates the SYS 3 B pump continuously. 1- What happens when you push the SYS 1 and SYS 2 ENGINE PUMP SHUTOFF guarded buttons? Closes the hydraulic SOV, isolating the respective engine driven pump (EDP). 2 - What is the Purpose of the PTU? The PTU uses system 1 hydraulic pressure and the system 2 hydraulic fluid to provide additional power to retract or extend the Landing Gear. 3 - When will the PTU operate automatically? With the PTU control knob in auto, and the flaps not set to zero if the Engine or EDP 2 fails. 4 - What is the purpose of ELEC PUMP A and ELEC PUMP B? Elec pump A is used to pressurize Hydraulic 3 System A ( primary source). AC ESS BUS powers it. Elec pump B is a backup of the electrical pump A. AC BUS 2 powers it. 5 - What happens when the SYS 1(2) ELEC Pump selector knob is in AUTO? Activates the electric pump whenever the EDP pump fails or when the flaps are selected to any position greater than zero. For takeoffs and landings the pumps are automatically activated when the flaps are not to zero and one of the following conditions occurs: • Thrust Levers set to takeoff thrust; • Weight on Wheels switch activated in flight; • Groundspeed is greater than 50 kt. 6 - What causes SYS 2 ELEC PUMP to operate during single engine taxi? On the ground, after starting engine number 1, releasing the parking brake will automatically activate electric pump 2 to allow single engine taxi. 7 - What is the primary hydraulic source for hydraulic system 3? SYS 3 ELEC PUMP A. 8 - What is the purpose of SYS 3 ELEC PUMP B and what happens when the selector switch is in AUTO? Backs up SYS 3 ELEC PUMP A. In AUTO, SYS ELEC PUMP B will come on when SYS ELEC PUMP A fails. 9 - How would you be alerted to a hydraulic low quantity or over temperature? On the MFD synoptic page and EICAS display. LIMITATION !!! PRESSURIZATION Panel CAB ALT Selector Knob: Rotary Knob is only active when the pressurization MODE knob is selected to MANUAL.. DOWN – Manually closes the Outflow valve. 1 -What does the cyan “M” indicated on the EICAS? STOP (spring loaded) – Normal operation position A cyan “M” in front of the altitude readout indicates manual input of UP – Manually opens the Outflow valve. the landing field elevation. 2 - How can you determine the position of the outflow valve? There is a pointer on the outflow valve position indicator on the environmental synoptic page. Pressurization MODE Selector Knob: MAN – Allows manual control of the Outflow Valve. LFE CTRL – Allows manual input of landing field elevation. This funtion is usedwhen the FMS is inoperative, or when landing at na airport is not in the FMS database. Other automatic funtions of the pressurization system remain opertive. DUMP Button (GUARDED): When pushed in, a white striped bar wil illuminate in the button. With the pressurization mode in MAN or AUTO pushing this button in, will turn off both sets of air conditioning packs and recirculation fans. Additionally, in AUTO only, the outflow valve will modulate to raise the cabin to 12.400 ft at 2.000 FPM. once the cabin has been dumped to 12.400 ft natural leak will raise the cabin higher. If the cabin dump has been commenced, it can be cancelled by reselecting the button to its normal (OUT) position. LFE Knob: Manual input of the LFE is only possible when the pressurization MODE Knob is selected to LFE. DOWN – Decreases of the LFE in 100’ increments. If held longer than 5 seconds, the LFE will increase in 500’ increments. STOP (spring loaded) – Normal operation position UP – Raises the LFE in 100’ increments. If held longer than 5 seconds the LFE wil increase in 500’ increments 3 - WHAT ARE THE MEMORY ITEMS FOR CABIN ALTITUDE HI? OXYGEN MASKS CREW COMMUNICATION ON, 100% ESTABLISH LIMITATION !!! ICE PROTECTION Panel WINDSHIELD HEATING BUTTON 1 and 2: PUSH IN – Allows automatic operation of the associated windshiel heating system. PUSH OUT – Deactivates the associated windshield heating system. Notes: On the ground with one sorce of AC power, power to both windshield heaters is shed. In flight with one souce of AC power, power to the F/O’s windshield is shed. In case of failure of the Captain’s windshield power will be supplied to the F/O’s windshield. ENGINE ICE PROTECTION Button (1 and 2): PUSH IN – Allows automatic operation of the associated engine anti-ice system. Ground: Engine anti-ice is selected ON from the MCDU, TRS INDEX, TO DATA SET MENU, REF A/I LSK. In flight: Operation is automatic through the AMS. ICE PROTECTION MODE Selector Knob: AUTO – Allows automatic operarion of the wing and engine anti-ice systems. ON – Overrides the system logic in flight, activating the anti-ice system regardless of ice condition. 1 - When the ice detectors automatically active the engine and wing. How long will the ice detectors remain activated? For 5 minutes after the detector is no longer sensing an icing condition. WING ICE PROTECTION Button: Push in – Allows automatic operation of the wing anti-ice system. Ground: Wing anti-ice is selected ON from the MCDU, TRS INDEX, TO DATA SET MENU, REF A/I LSK. In flight: Operation is automatic through the AMS. PUSH OUT – Deactivates the wing anti-ice system. ICE PROTECTION TEST Knob: (Maintenance procedure) ENG – Provides test for the engine anti-ice sys. OFF – Spring-loaded position. WING – Provides a test for the wing anti-ice sys. 2 - How many Ice Detectors is the airplane equipped with? 2 (Two) 3 - What would happen with the failure of one Ice Detector? If the remaining detector senses an icing condition, the system automatically activates the ENGINE and WING anti-ice system. 4 - What happens in the event of a bleed air source failure? The system automatically opens the cross feed valve supplying airflow from one engine bleed to the opposite wing anti-ice. AIRCOND/PNEUMATIC Panel RECIRC Button: PUSH IN – Allows the automatic operation of the RECIRC fans through the AMS. PUSH OUT – Turns OFF both RECIRC fans Note: The RECIRC fans will automatically be commanded OFF when the DUMP Button is selected IN, smoke is detected in the recirculation bay or when its associated pack is OFF. PAX CABIN Temperature Control Knob: Controls passenger cabin temperature according to the knob position. Rotating the knob to the ATTND position allows cabin temperature control via flight attendant control panel. CKPT Temperature Control Knob: Controls cockpit temperature according to the knob position. XBLEED Button: PUSH IN – Allows the AMS to control automatic operation of the crossbleed valve. PUSH OUT – Manually closes the crossbleed valve. PACK 1 and PACK 2 Buttons: PUSH IN – Allows for automatic operation by AMS. This position opens the associated pack valve, according to system logic. PUSH OUT - Manually closes the associated pack valve. Note: PACK 1 and PACK 2 will be automatically commanded OFF when the DUMP button is selected IN, smoke is detected in the recirculation bay, the thrust levers are set to MAX, or during take off with REF ECS OFF and APU BLEED unavailable. APU BLEED Button: PUSH IN – Allows the AMS to automatically configure the position of the APU bleed valve. PUSH OUT – Manually closes the APU bleed valve. Note: An APU bleed leak will cause the illumination of an AMBER striped bar in the upper half of APU BLEED Button. Pneumatic bleed source priority is: on side bleed, off side bleed and APU bleed. When the engine and APU bleed are available simultaneously, the AMS gives priority to APU to supply bleed requirements when the following conditions are simultaneously met: the airplane is on the ground, the opposite engine bleed pressure is below the minimum for engine start, the ground speed is below 50 Kts and the crossbleed valve is operating normally. 1- When is the DUMP pushbutton used for? The DUMP function is used for emergency evacuation, smoke removel, and fast cabin depressurization. 2 - Can the APU bleed be used for the anti ice system? No. BLEED 1 and BLEED 2 Buttons: PUSH IN - Allows the AMS to automatically configure the position of the associated engine bleed valve. PUSH OUT – Manually closes the associated engine bleed valve. Note: An engine bleed bleed leak will cause the illumination of an AMBER striped bar in the upper half of the associated engine bleed button. LIMITATION !!! 3 - What protects the bleed system from an overheat condition? The overheat detection system. 4 - When is the Emergency Ram Air Valve commanded to open? Anytime the airplane is in flight and both air conditioning packs commanded OFF or failed OFF and the airplane altitude is less than 25000 feet. 5 -How many channels does the Cabin Pressure Controller have? The CPC has 2 fully independent automatic channel that alternate after each flight. 6 - What prevents the cabin from negative pressure? The negative pressure relief valve – NPRV. Open with -0.5 PSI overpressure 7 - Does the positive pressure relief valve require electrical power to operate? No. 8 - What happens to the Landing Field Elevation (LFE) in the ABORT mode? During the ABORT mode the cabin pressure is scheduled back to the takeoff altitude. Is not possible if: Cruise mode has already entered; airplane is above 10000ft or airplane is 5000ft above takeoff field PASSENGER OXYGEN Panel MASKS DEPLOYED Indicator: An ON light illuminates, indicating that the passenger and flight attendant oxygen masks have been commanded deploy. 1 - Where would you find the oxygen system parameters and indication? On the MFD synoptic pages and the EICAS displays. MASKS DEPLOY Knob: OFF – Disables automatic deployment of passenger oxygen masks. AUTO – Enables automatic deployment of passenger oxygen masks when cabin altitude is above 14.000 ft. OVRD – Deploys the passenger oxygen masks regardless of cabin altitude. Note: The NO SMKG and FSTN BELTS will automatically illuminates when the oxygen masks are command to deploy. Main Instrument Panel Press To Talk (PTT) Autobrake Integrated Electronic Standby System (IESS) Glareshield Lights Guidance Panel Master Warning/ Caution Reversionary Panel Primary Flight Display (PFD) Landing Gear Controls Multi Function Display (MFD) Clock / Chronometer Ground Proximity Terrain Inhibit Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System Display (EICAS) Emergency Parking Brake ELT Landing Gear Warning Inhibition Button Ground Proximity / Glideslope GP AFCS Controls AP Button: Commands autopilot engagement or disengagement Note: The AP disconnect warning can olny be cancelled by pushing the yoke AP/TRIM DISC Button FD Button: YD Button: Engages or disengages the Yaw Damper/ Turn Coordination funtion. YD defauts ON at system power up. Tured ON when the AP is engaged. AT Button: GROUND - Arms the autothrottle system. IN FLIGHT – Engages or disengages the AT system. Note: The AT disconnect warning can only be cancelled by pushing one of the thrust lever mounted AT DISC buttons. SRC Button: Selects the CPT or FO AFCS side as data source. A GREEN arrowhead on the FMA indicates the selected side. Vertical Guidance Controls ALT Button: Activates or deactivates the altitude HOLD funtion. VNAV Button: Activates or deactivates vertical navegation. VNAV vertical modes will appear magenta in the FMA. FLCH Button: Initiate a climb or descent basead on the current FL (altitude) X altitude selected. With AT engaged: CLB in thrust levers in TOGA, Descent T.L in IDDLE. Altitudes CHG > 2000’ modulates between them. TRS will always be CLB. In FLCH pitch is commanded to mantain airspeed. FPA Button: Activates or deactivates the Flight Path Angle mode. This is the BASIC VERTICAL MODE. VS Button : Activates or deactivates the VS mode. VS Thumb Wheel: Manually selects the desired vertical speed if VS is the active vertical mode. FPA SEL Knob: Manually selects the desired Flight Path Angle if FPA is the active vertical mode. IF FPA is not the active mode and FPR is selected on the Display Control Panel, this knob adjusts the position of the flight path reference line. This fllight path angle is limited 9,9 degrees nose up or down. ALT SEL KNOB: Selects the desired altitude in 100’ increments. Clockwise roation – increases the altitude target. Counterclockwise – decreases the altitude target. Note: Pressing the center button on the knob will active or deactive the metric presentation of current altitude on the PDF. Lateral Guidance Controls SPEED and MODE Controls NAV Button: Selects or deselects VOR/LOC or LNAV as the lateral navigation mode. HDG Button: Selects or deselects HDG as the lateral navegation mode. HDG SEL Knob: Manually selects the desired heading. Pressing the center of the knob will center the heading bug to the current heading. BANK Button: Selects or deselects the bank limiting funtion of the AFCS. A withe arc will appear on the bank indicator of the PFD when bank limiting is engaged. Bank limiting is available in HDG mode only. APP Button: Activates or deactivates the appraoch mode of the AFCS for intercept an ILS or BC. For an ILS, the autopilot approach status annunciator displays the following: •APPR 2 – CAT II ILS Capable; •APPR 1 – CAT I ILS Capable; •APPR 1 ONLY – System logicis requesting CAT II guidance but only CAT I is capable. SPEED Selector Knob: OUTER – FMS : The desired speed is controlled by the FMS. Changes can be entered through the MCDU. FMS speed is displayed in MAGENTAon the PFD. MAN: The desired speed is controlled manually, displayed in CYAN on the PFD. INNER – Manually selects the desired airspeed. Manual speeds are displayed in CYAN on the PFD. PUSH IAS - MACH: Toggles the speed selected on the PFD between IAS and MaACH. Display Controller Panel HSI Button: Toggles the HSI view on the PFD between full compass rose, arc and arc with map. BARO SET Knob: INNER - Sets barometric altimeter correction. Pushing this control Knob sets barometric correction to standard. OUTER – IN – sets altimeter in inches of mercury. HPA – Sets the altitude in Hectopascals. BRG Buttons: CIRCLE – Displays #1 RMI bearing pointer information on PFD. (VOR 1, FMS 1 or OFF). DIAMOND – Displays #2 RMI bearing pointer information on PFD. (VOR 2, FMS 2 or OFF). PREV Button: Selects or deselects the display of lateral and vertical deviation information from the tuned VOR/ILS/LOC frequency while FMS is the active navigation source. A blue needle depicts the PREV information. Toggling the PREV button alternates the display of on side or cross side navigation information. For a LOC/BC or ILS, if APPR mode is armed, the previewed navigation source will become the primary navigation source when cacptured. The PREV needle won’t change to amber when cross side information is displayed. WX Button: When the HSI button has been toggled to display arc with map on th PFD, the WX button turn ON/OFF the display of WX RADAR information on the PFD map. WX RADAR information can be only displayed on the PFD map when MAGENTAneedles are selected. FMS Button: Selects FMS as the navigation source, and displays a MAGENTA needle on the PFD HSI. Can be toggle between side and cross side navigation information. V/L Button: Selects VOR or LOC as the navigation source, and displays a GREEN needle on the PFD HSI. The needle can be toggled between ON SIDE and CROSS SIDE navigation information. MINIMUMS Knob: OUTER - Sets the appoach minimuns for all nonprecision and precision approaches. RA – Allows for autocallouts based on the RADAR altimeter. This position is used only for CAT II ILS approaches. BARO – Allows for autocallouts based on the barometric altimeter. This position is used for all CAT I ILS and nonprecision approaches. INNER – Adjusts up or down the selected approach minimuns. The value will be displayed on the PFD. Rotation counterclockwise beyond 0 will turn the display and auto callouts OFF. FPR Button: Selects or deselects the display of a cyan flight path reference line on the PFD. The FPA SEL Knob can be rotated to change the value of this line +/- 9,9 degrees Glareshield Lights Control Panel Turns ON/OFF and sets the brightness of the flood/storm panel lighting. Provides maximum brightness for storm conditions at BRT position. REVERSIONARY Panel DISPLAYS Knob: PFD - Forces the associated MFD to displays as PFD. AUTO – Allows automatic reversion of the MFD in case of display failure. MFD – Forces the associated MFD to displays as an MFD. EICAS – Forces the associated MFD to displays as an EICAS. 1 - What happens with the DISPLAYS selector in AUTO? Automatically reverts the MFD 2 or 4 in case of display failure. (AOM 14-01-3) EDS AUTO REVERSION LOGIC: IRS Button: Momentary action pushbutton; reverts the IRS source. When pushed in, a withe stripe illuminates on the button. Notes: IRS source flag is displayed on the PFD. IRS reversion must be performed manually. ADS Button: Momentary action pushbutton; reverts the ADS source. When pushed in, a withe stripe illuminates on the button. Notes: ADS source flag is displayed on the PDF. ADS reversion is automatic. Primary Flight Display (PFD) AVIATE: The PFD displays information such as airspeed indicator, altitude indicator, ADI, HSI, vertical speed indicator, radio aids, autopilot, flight director and radio altitude data. In the event of display failure, information will be automatically presented in the PFD. The display controller portion of the guidance panel allows the selection of PFD HSI formats, navigation sources, weather display and bearing pointer selection. •AUTOPILOT APPROACH STATUS •ANNUNCIATOR •FLIGHT MODE ANNUNCIATOR •ATTITUDE AND SIDESLIP •ALTITUDE •AIRSPEED MACH •AIRSPEED TREND VECTOR •VERTICAL SPEED •FLIGHT PATH ANGLE •FLIGHT PATH VECTOR •TOTAL ENERGY •FLIGHT DIRECTOR •TCAS RESOLUTION ADVISORY •WINDSHEAR •RADIO ALTIMETER NAVIGATE AND COMMUNICATE: •HEADING •WEATHER RADAR •ILS/VOR/DME •RADIO COMMUNICATIO •TUNNING •RADIO NAVIGATION TUNNING •FMS ANNUNCIATION/INDICATION •WIND •ELAPSE TIME Multi Function Display (MFD) The MFD presents map and plan navigation formats and various systems synoptic formats selected by the flight crew. The MFD provides redundancy to display both the PFD and EICAS formats based upon reversion. It also has the ability to display maintenance information. The MFD consists of menu softkeys, on the top and bottom of the screen, which are used to select formats and control various systems. NAVIGATE: •MAP •PLAN •SYSTEM SYNOPTIC PAGES •TCAS •WEATHER RADAR •EGPWS (TERRAIN) NAVIGATE (VNAV): •TCAS ZOOM • WEATHER RADAR CONTROLLER •TCAS CONTROLLER Integrated Electronic Standby System (IESS) ILS Button: Selects or deselects the display of ILS 1 LOC and GS deviation indications on the IESS. ILS 1 will be annunciated in the upper left corner of the IESS. Ins case of failure, a red cross replaces the annunciation. STD Button: Sets the barometric pressure to standard atmospheric pressure Brightness cell: Automatically adjusts the instrument brightness according to the ambient lighting. Brightness Adjustment Buttons BARO Knob: Allows manual setting of the altimeter. 1 -What does the IESS do? Displays Attitude (pitch and roll), altitude and indicated airspeed. CAGE Button Resets altitude to zero, eliminating accumulated drift when the button is pressed for more than 2 seconds. Not operational during the inicialization mode and must be used with wing leveled on stabilized flight conditions. When pressed, an AMBER CAGE flag is displayed on the upper right corner of the IESS. 2 - When is the IESS powered? When batteries are switched to AUTO. 3 - How is the IESS powered in an emergency? The EISS is powered by the RAT or by the batteries. AUTOBRAKE Panel There are 2 modes of autobrake control: 1. LANDING MODE (LO, MED or HI) 2. REGECTED TAKEOFF MODE (RTO) LIMITATION !!! Clock / Chronometer Display GND PROX TERR INHIB Pushbutton / PRKGBRAKE Light Clock/Chronometer Display: If no GPS signal is detected, the clock will display dashes and only the positions INT and SET will be avbl. The CHR display is blanked in the non-operating mode. RST Button The word ON illuminates when the EMERG/PRKGBRAKE is actuated. Illumination of the light indicates that sufficient hydraulic pressure is available to main brake pressure When pressed, inhibtis EGPWS and thus avoid unwanted terrain alerts in airports not covered by EGPWS database DATA/SET Button: Allows time setting when the GPS/INT/SET selector is in SET position. Repeated pressing of the SET button causes the selector to cycle between minutes, hour, year, month and day. The desired digits flash and the setting is obteined by rotating the DATA/SET button. Allows the date to be displayed on the associated indicator when the GPS/INT/SET selector is set to GPS or INT. 1 - What is indicated when the clock displays dashes (----)? No GPS signal is detected. CHR Button: starts/stops the chronometer. GPS/INT/SET Button: GPS – synchronizes with UTC and DATE from GPS. INT – displays information from the internal clock. SET – sets the clock modes. ELAPSED TIME SELECTOR: AUTO – (sprieng loaded neutral) automatically starts the chronometer on liftoff. RST – resets the elapsed time if WOW is present. Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System Display (EICAS) The EICAS displays engine and system parameters such as flap, gear, spoiler and trim positions, total fuel quantity, APU and environmental information. The EICAS also displays warning, caution, advisory and status messages. In case of failure in the EICAS display, its information may be presented in the MFD by appropriately setting the reversionary panel. An automatic mode decluters the EICAS after takeoff. (occurs 30 seconds after landing gear and flap/slat retraction. The following items are decluttered from EICAS: •Oil Pressure; •Oil Temperarure; •Engine Vibration; •Flap position; •Speed brake position; •Pitch trim green band; •Slat position; •Landing gear position (if Autobrakes are OFF). IN normal conditions, de-clutter wil be desabled when one of the above parameters is no longer in a normal indicating range, not stowed, or not up and loked. Additionally, arming the Autobrake for landing will desable the de-clutter funtion of the EICAS. MANEGEMENT ENGINE GEAR FLAPS TRIM Landing Gear Panel ELT Panel LANDING GEAR Lever: UP – Retracts the landing gear. Down – Extends the landing gear. ON – Activates the ELT. ARM - Arms the ELT. DN LOCK REL Button: Mechanically releases the landing gear lever lock. 1 - What does a red icon indicate on the landing gear position indicator? A discrepancy between the landing gear lever position, and the respective landing gear position. 2 - What are the 3 landing gear extension modes? Normal extension (electrically-controlled by the PSEM). Electrical override extension (electrically-controlled by the override switch). Alternate gear extension (mechanically-controlled, by the freefall system) GND PROX GS INHIBIT and WRN INHIBIT Panel Momentary pushbutton annunciator to manually cancels GS alerts. Illuminates when pressed any time below 2000 ft RADAR altitude and will automatically reset (light off) by climbing above 2000 ft RADAR or descending below 30 ft RADAR altitude. Pressing the button will inhibit the landing gear warning in the event of a dual radio altimeter failure. When pressed a white bar will illuminate inside the button and will extingish allowing a new warning when the Thrust Levers are advanced. IF flap 5 or FULL is selected with the gear up the warning cannot be cancelled. MASTER CAUT and WAR Pushbuttons A RED light blinks inside the button when a new warning message is displayed on the EICAS. Pressing the button extinguishes the light and silences the associated aural alert (triple chime). An AMBER light blinks inside the button when a new caution message is displayes on the EICAS. Pressing the button extinguishes the light and silences the associated aural alert (single chime). Control Pedestal Flight Control Mode / Stall Warning Panels Multifuntion Control Display Unit (MCDU) Engine Control Panel Takeoff Config Check Button Speedbrake Lever Thrust Control EICAS Full Panel Cursor Control Device (CCD) RAT Manual Deploy Flap Override Switch Emergency / Parking Brake Handle Flap / Slat Selector Lever Trim Panel IFE / CSS Power Panel Elevator Disconnect Reinforced Cockpit Door Passenger Address PTT Aileron Disconnect Handle Impressora FLIGHT CONTROLS MODE and STALL WARNING Panel FLIGHT CONTROLS MODE Buttons (GUARDED): PUSH IN – Selects DIRECT MODE for the associated flight control. A white bar will illuminate in the push button. PUSH OUT – Returns the associated flight control to NORMAL MODE. SHAKER CUTOUT Button: PUSH IN – Cuts out the associated yoke shaker channel. PUSH OUT – Allows normal operation of the shaker. POWERPLANT and IGNITION Panel START / STOP Selector Knob: STOP – Commands the FADEC to shut down the engine, provided the associated thrust lever is in IDLE Position. RUN – Normal condition for engine operation. START (momentary action) – Iniciates the start sequence. IGNITION Selector Knob : OFF – Deactivates the ignition system on the ground. The FADEC disregars the OFF position in flight. AUTO – FADEC automatically controls the ignition system, depending on engine requirements. OVRD – Directs FADEC to continuously activate both igniters. 1 - What happens when the stick shaker is activated? Control column authority is limited in the nose up direction. 2 -How would you be alerted to an AOA limit failure? An EICAS message. LIMITATION!!! Multifunction Control Display Unit (MCDU) The MCDU allows the FMS control, radio tuning, PFD radio tuning, display setup, manual engine rating selection, engine takeoff data set and avionics display setup and test. 1 Line Select Keys (LSK) : Data is selectedto a line from the scratchpad or viceversa. On the radio pages only, if a single white triangle is displayed, a sub-menu 1 will be available to view when the LSK is pushed twice. The first push will bring the cursor box to the LSK selected, and the second push will open the sub-menu. SCRATCHPAD: The working area, located on the button line of the display. The pilot can enter data and / or verify data before line selecting the data into the proper position. Data is retained on the scratchpad throughout all modes and provides advisory and alerting messages. BRT / DIM Switch Tuning Knob LIMITATION!!! PERF – Displays the performance page. NAV – Displays the navigation page. FPL – Displays the flight plan page. PROG – Displays the progress page. RTE – Displays the route page. CB – Displays the circuit breaker page. MENU – Displays the menu page. DLK – ACARS functions TRS – Thrust rating select. RADIO –Displays the radio page. T/O CONFIG Button and EICAS FULL Button T/O CONFIG Button: Checks the Takeoff configuration : EMERG/PRKG BRAKE OFF, takeoff flaps set, spoilers retracted and pitch trim in the green band. 1 -What is the indication of a suitable takeoff configuration? A voice message “TAKE OFF OK” is generated. 2 - What happens if the airplane is not set to the take off configuration? An aural warning is generated that will refer to the associated take off configuration deviation. EICAS FULL Button: PUSH IN – Full EICAS information is presented and auto declutter is inhibited. A white striped bar illuminates in the button. PUSH OUT – Enables the automatic EICAS de-clutter logic. Note: Automatic de-clutter of the EICAS occurs 30 seconds after landing gear snd slat/plap retraction if all parameters are displaying normal indications. The following items are de-cluttered from the EICAS: •Oil temperature •Speed brake position •Oil pressure •Pitch trim green band •Engine vibration •Slat position •Flap position •Landing gear position (if AUTOBRAKES are OFF) Cursor Control Device (CCD) CPT Side Tuning Knob; Outer and Inner knobs select values or modes in the data field enclosed by the cursor. RAT MANUAL DEPLOY Handle Ram Air Turbine Deployment Handle: Manually deploys the ram air turbine. GND PROX FLAP OVRD Switch (GUARDED) EICAS MFD Inhibits triggering of flap alerts in case of landings where flap configuration is other than 5 or FULL. PFD EMERG/PARKN Brake Handle Touch Pad Enter Key Actuates the emrgency / parking brake. The handle will lock when pulled up to the fully actuated position. To release the handle from the fully actuated position, the button must be pressed. Note: If an GPU were connected to the airplane, when EMERG/PRKN BRAKE become release a message will be displayed on the EICAS – GPU CONNECTED. Speedbrake Lever In flight, symmetrically deploys the multi-function spoilers in proportion to the speedbrake lever position. The speedbrakes will automatically retract when the thrust lever angle exceeds 60 degrees, greater than FLAP 1 is selected, or the speed drops below 180 KIAS. Notes: The speedbrake lever does not move for autoretraction , or for ground spoiler deployment. The speedbrake lever is inhibited on the ground. 1 - When does full Multi-function spoiler extension occur? Weight on Wheel on ground, Wheel speed is above 45 knots on airspeed is above 60 kt and Thrust Lever Angle (TLA) below 26 degrees. 2 - What will happen if the speed brakes are extended during approach? The speed brakes will automatically retract upon selection of Flap/Slat 2, speed less than 180 kt or TLA beyond 70°. 3 - When will the speed brakes automatically retract during a go-around maneuver? When the Thrust Lever Angle (TLA) is advanced beyond 70 degrees. 4 - Are speed brakes available in the direct mode? No. 5 - What indication on the EICAS would indicate the speed brakes are open? A white SPDBRK annunciation. Thrust Levers MAX – Provides the maximum thrust avbl. TOGA – Selects takeoff, go around and maximum continuos thrust ratings. IDLE – Selects idle thrust settings. MIN REV – Provides minimum reverse thrust. MAX REV – Provides maximum reverse thrust. The lever must be pulled against a spring to achieve the MAX REV position. If it is released goes back to MIN REV position. Thrust Reverser Trigger: Pulling the thrust reverser trigger allows movement of the thrust levers aft of the IDLE stop (on the ground only). AT DISC Button: Disconnects the autothrottles and cancels the AT aural alert. LIMITATION!!! 1 - How is the FADEC powered? The FADEC is primarily powered by the Permanent Magnet Alternator (PMA) above approximately 50% N2. Below this value or in case the PMA becomes inoperative, the airplane’s electrical system provides the required backup power. 2 - How many channels does the FADEC computer have? 2 identical isolated channels. During operation with 2 capable FADEC channel, the software logic will alternate the channel in control of each eng start. 3 - What controls engine starting and provides hung star, hot start and no light off protection? The FADEC. 4 - How is the ATTCS system controlled? The FADEC. 5 - If the ATTCS is selected off for take-off, will it be available for go-around? Yes, it will be armed automatically during the go-around mode. 6 - What is a Flexible Thrust take-off? A reduced take-off thrust based on an assumed temperature. 7 - How is engine thrust ratings controlled? By the FADEC. 8 -How long is the Go Around mode limited to in the go-around phase? 5 minutes. 9 - The FADEC has four idle modes, what are they? Flight idle, Approach idle (Weight off wheels, flap 1 or greater or landing gear down), Final Approach idle (at 1200ft and considers anti-ice off regardless of antiice system) and Ground idle. 10 - Where would you set the TO thrust rate mode and TO temperature? In the T/O DATASET MENU key, on the MCDU. 11 - The application of maximum thrust is not permitted below what airspeed? 60 Kts. Audio Control Panel (ACP) SLAT / FLAP Lever Selects slat / flap position. The lever must be unlaached by and lifting the trigger below the head.Intermediate position are not enable. Position 4 is gated. Allowable takeoff position are 1, 2, 3 or 4. Normal landing positions are 5 or FULL TRIM Panel Pitch trim priority is: backup trim, CPT trim, FO trim and AP trim. To prevent trim runaway situations all trim actuation is limited to 3 seconds of movement. The switch on both pilot yokes, the PITCH BACKUP SW trim switch and the ROLL trim switch are split rocker type switches. If one half of a switch is actuated for more than 5 seconds that particular switch will be deactivated. PITCH BACKUP SW: Actuates the pitch trim ROLL trim Switch: through the backup channel. Operation of Actuates the roll trim L or R. this SW when the AP is engaged causes the AP to desengage. YAW Trim Switch: Actuates the yaw trim to L or R. LIMITATION !!! SYS 1 (2) CUTOUT Switch (GUARDED): PUSH IN – Disables pitch trim channel 1 (2). PUSH OUT – Enables pitch trim channel 1 (2). 1 - How do you accomplish the trim Check? Push and hold for 3 seconds to verify automatic stop. COCKPIT DOOR CONTROL Panel TEST Button: Continually tests the buzzer while the test button is pressed, regardless of audio selection. LOCK Pushbutton (GUARDED): UNLOCKED Indicator: Locks and unlocks the door. A white bar in the Illuminates ON when the door is unlocked. When access is switch illuminates when unlock button is requested an intermittent chime will sound in the cockpit selected (push in). Deactivates the inhibition and the ON light will flashe on and off. control. Resets the buzzer alarm and EMERG CALL commanded. Resets the GREEN LED on the flight attnd access panel. INHIB Pushbutton (MOMENTARY ACTION): Pushing this button will lock the door for 500 seconds if emergency access is requested. When pushed a white bar will illuminate in the button. If emergency access is requested and INHIB is not selected whitin 30 seconds the door will unlock. PA Button: Allows voice communications to the customers regardless of the MIC selection on the ACP. IFE / CCS POWER Panel CABIN IFE Button (GUARDED): Controls the power supply to the Live TV system and the XM Satellite Digital Radio. A stiped bar illuminates in the button when selected OFF. CCS Button (GUARDED): Controls power to the Cabin Surveillance System. A striped bar illuminates in the button when selected OFF. IFE RACK Button (GUARDED): Controls power to the Live TV System, the CCS, XM Satellite Radio System and Wireless Aircraft Data Link (WADL). Controls power to the PA buffer, rack fan and flow switch. Power to smoke detection and ventilation system is not turned off by pressing this switch. A striped bar illuminates in the button when selected OFF. PRINTER Disconnect Handles 1 – ELEVATOR DISCONNECT Handle: PULL – Disconnects the elevator control system. Each pilot will control their on-side elevator. The system can not be reset in flight. Disconnection can be confirmed by a ELEVATOR DISC EICAS message. 2 – AILERON DISCONNECT Handle: PULL – Disconnects the aileron control system. The CPT will control his/her on-side aileron, MFS panel 5L/R with artificial feel. The FO will control his/her on-side aileron, MFS 4L/R with artificial feel. MFS panel 3L/R is locked out for both pilots. The system can not be reset in flight. Disconnection can be confirmed by a AILERON DISC EICAS message. Alternate Gear Extension Compartment LIMITATION !!! YOKE (Control Wheel) CONTROL WHEEL COMMUNICATION SWITCH: PTT (momentary) – Allows VHF transmissions as well as PA announcements. HOT – Allows INPH communications over the HOT mic. OFF – Allows only audio reception. Tiller CHRONO: It has three functions: START-STOP-RESET. The timer appears on the upper right corner of the PFD HSI. Trigger behind the yoke: TOUCH CONTROL STEERING BUTTON (TCS): Allows adjustment/syncrhronization of certain FGCS modes, and manual maneuvering of the aircraft if the AP is engaged. Pressing and hold the button causes: •(If AP is engaged) – disengagement of the AP servos, allowing manual aircraft maneuvering, •Synchronization of the FD guidance cue to the FPV. Release of the button causes: •AP servos to reengage, if AP was engaged prior to TCS selection, •FD cues to resume movement to guide toward active lateral and vertical modes, •FGCS lateral mode: control returns to previosly selected lateral mode, •FGCS vertical mode. VS or FPA – synchronize with (VS/FPA) exiting button release. ALT – synchronizes to the altitude exiting button release . FLCH or GS – control returns to that mode.