Clinical Teaching Semester Handbook

The Clinical Teaching Semester Handbook has been designed to offer teacher candidates (TC), mentor
teachers, university supervisors, and building administrators a structure that will clearly define roles,
responsibilities, and expectations. This handbook should be read carefully and used throughout the Clinical
Teaching Semester and should serve as the syllabus for your Clinical Teaching Semester. While the handbook
is prepared to serve as a general guide for TCs in all licensure areas, some programs may have special
requirements that differ slightly from those given in this handbook. If this is the case, the additional
requirements will be supplied by the program faculty. If there are conflicts between what is given by the
program and what is written in this handbook, the program requirements should be followed. Please note,
however, that there are some requirements in this handbook that are required of ALL teacher candidates and are
so noted on the Clinical Teaching Semester Checklist found in the appendices. If a program has no special
requirements, teacher candidates are to follow all guidelines included in this handbook. Teacher candidates will
also adhere to the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences norms:
I take 100% responsibility.
I neither make excuses nor cast blame.
I seek equity of voice.
I participate, I support, I listen and I perform and contribute in a manner that encourages others to do
the same.
I am willing to talk about sensitive issues.
I encourage dialogue and am prepared to discuss sensitive issues.
I listen for understanding.
I neither interrupt nor participate in secondary conversations. I will go directly to the source for
information and problem resolution.
I appreciate the strengths and contributions of others.
I need, I want and I value the strengths and contributions of others.
I bring positive energy and encouragement to the team.
I contribute positively; I have high expectations of others and I contribute synergy to the team.
I implement the mission of the college.
I commit, I support and I actively encourage others to implement the mission.
Note that prior to Clinical Teaching Semester, teacher candidates must meet the following eligibility
Have an overall 3.25 graduate grade point average.
Successfully complete all approved pre-clinical teaching semester experiences in conjunction with class
Must take and pass all required Praxis II exams prior to the clinical teaching semester.
Must submit passing scores to the Office of Clinical Based Practice 30 days prior to the first day of the
clinical teaching semester.
Must have positive evaluations from all clinical experiences.
Be fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program one semester before the clinical teaching semester.
All course work required for initial licensure must be finished prior to the clinical teaching semester.
Must have passed the TBI Background Check.
Must have Professional Liability Insurance on file with the Office of School Based Clinical Practice.
Tennessee Standards and Pillars of Practice
Tennessee Standards
Pillars of Practice
Standard I. Discipline Taught.
Candidates know, understand, and use the central concepts,
tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) they
teach and can create learning experiences that develop
student competence in the subject matter.
Pillar of Practice 1. Content Knowledge and Skills
Successful teacher candidates will understand and be able
to use and address the in-depth information and skills
within their discipline.
Standard II. Student Learning and Development.
Candidates understand how students learn and develop and
provide learning opportunities that support student
intellectual, social, and personal development.
Pillar of Practice 2. Knowledge of the Learner
Successful teacher candidates will understand and address
the uniqueness of the learners they encounter.
---They design instruction and employ learning
technologies that address different and specific
developmental learning needs.
---They adapt instruction to meet the needs of individual
---They consider the impact of socio-cultural experiences
and SES on student preparedness and perspective.
---They respond appropriately to the unique issues faced in
urban educational settings.
Standard III. Diverse Learners.
Candidates understand how students differ in their
approaches to learning and create instructional
opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
Pillar of Practice 2. Knowledge of the Learner
Successful teacher candidates will understand and address
the uniqueness of the learners they encounter.
---They consider the impact of socio-cultural experiences
and SES on student preparedness and perspective.
---They respond appropriately to the unique issues faced in
urban educational settings.
Pillar of Practice 3. Pedagogy/Instruction
Successful teacher candidates meet the CREDE standards
for instructional practice
---They use developmentally appropriate planning.
---They contextualize teaching and curriculum in students’
existing experiences in home, community, and school.
Pillar of Practice 5. Management of Classrooms and
Successful teacher candidates will have the knowledge,
skills, and dispositions to organize the classroom so that
teaching and learning are productive, purposeful, efficient,
and effective.
Standard IV. Teaching Strategies.
Candidates understand and use a variety of instructional
strategies to encourage development of critical thinking,
problem solving, and performance skills in students.
Pillar of Practice 3. Pedagogy/Instruction
Successful teacher candidates meet the CREDE standards
for instructional practice
---They use instructional group activities in which students
and teachers work together to create a product or idea.
---They maintain challenging standards for student
performance and design activities to advance understanding
to more complex levels.
---They instruct through teacher-student dialogue,
especially academic, goal-directed small group
conversations and activities rather than lecture.
---They apply literacy strategies and develop language
competence in all subject areas.
Pillar of Practice 4 – Assessment and Responsive
Successful teacher candidates are able to gather formative
and summative evidence of student learning, and use that
evidence to monitor and adjust instructional content,
strategies, and resources as needed for individual and
groups of students
Pillar of Practice 2 – Knowledge of Learner
Successful teacher candidates understand and address the
uniqueness of the learners they encounter.
Standard V. Learning Environment.
Candidates use an understanding of individual and group
motivation and behavior to create a learning environment
that encourages positive social interaction, active
engagement in learning and self-motivation.
Pillar of Practice 5. Management of Classrooms and
Successful teacher candidates will have the knowledge,
skills, and dispositions to organize the classroom so that
teaching and learning are productive, purposeful, efficient,
and effective.
---They create a safe learning environment.
---They manage individual student behavior.
---They provide for active engagement in learning
Standard VI. Communication.
Candidates use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal
and media communication techniques to foster active
inquiry, collaboration and supportive interaction in the
Pillar of Practice 3 - Pedagogy/Instruction
Successful candidates instruct through teacher-student
dialogue, especially academic, goal-directed, and smallgroup conversations (known as instructional conversations),
rather than through lecture.
Pillar of Practice 4 – Assessment and Responsive
Successful candidates communicate effectively with
students and with their families.
Pillar of Practice 6– Personal and Professional Growth
and Development
Successful candidates use professional and appropriate
language in all written and verbal communication.
Standard VII. Planning.
Candidates plan instruction based upon knowledge of
subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum
Pillar of Practice 3. Pedagogy/Instruction
Successful teacher candidates meet the CREDE standards
for instructional practice
--- They use developmentally appropriate planning.
---They use effective and comprehensive lesson planning
processes/structures to ensure effective instructional
---They create and/or use curriculum tools to plan
Pillar of Practice 1. Content Knowledge and Skills
Successful teacher candidates understand and are able to
use and address the in-depth information and skills within
the academic disciplines.
Standard VIII. Assessment and Evaluation.
Candidates know, understand and use formal and informal
assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuing
intellectual, social and physical development of the learner.
Pillar of Practice 4. Assessment/Responsive Practice
Successful teacher candidates will be able to gather and
assess formative and summative evidence of student
learning through formal, informal, individual, and group
---They select appropriate assessment tools.
---They use assessment tools/processes/technologies to
gather evidence of student learning during instruction and
respond to that evidence immediately by modifying
instruction including use of instructional technologies.
---They administer formal assessments.
---They analyze evidence (formal/informal;
formative/summative) and use the results of these modes of
assessment to monitor and adjust instructional content,
strategies, resources, and expectations for individuals and
groups of students, and to communicate with students and
their families about progress and needs.
Standard IX. Reflective Practitioner.
Candidates are reflective practitioners who continually
evaluate the effects of their choices and actions on others
(students, parents and other professionals in the learning
community) and who actively seek out opportunities to
grow professionally.
Pillar of Practice 4. Assessment/Responsive Practice
Successful teacher candidates will be able to gather and
assess formative and summative evidence of student
learning through formal, informal, individual, and group
---They use assessment tools/processes/technologies to
gather evidence of student learning during instruction and
respond to that evidence immediately by modifying
instruction including use of instructional technologies.
---They analyze evidence (formal/informal;
formative/summative) and use the results of these modes of
assessment to monitor and adjust instructional content,
strategies, resources, and expectations for individuals and
groups of students, and to communicate with students and
their families about progress and needs.
Pillar of Practice 6.
Personal and Professional Growth and Development
Successful teacher candidates are reflective about their
work and their emerging practice, and affirmatively seek
out opportunities to participate in, learn from, and
contribute to wider communities of professional educators.
Standard X. Colleagues, Parents, and Community.
Candidates foster relationships with school colleagues,
parents and agencies in the larger community to support
students’ learning and well-being.
Pillar of Practice 2. Knowledge of the Learner
Successful teacher candidates will understand and address
the uniqueness of the learners they encounter.
---They communicate effectively with students and their
Standard XI. Technology.
Pillar of Practice 4. Assessment/Responsive Practice
Successful teacher candidates will be able to gather and
assess formative and summative evidence of student
learning through formal, informal, individual, and group
--- They use assessment tools/processes/technologies to
gather evidence of student learning during instruction and
respond to that evidence immediately by modifying
instruction including use of instructional technologies.
Pillar of Practice 2. Knowledge of the Learner
Successful teacher candidates will understand and address
the uniqueness of the learners they encounter.
---They design instruction and employ learning
technologies that address different and specific
developmental learning needs.
11. a. Candidates use technology and technology based
resources to facilitate developmentally appropriate student
Pillars of Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
11. b. Candidates use technology to enhance their
professional growth and productivity.
Pillar of Practice 6. Personal and Professional Growth
and Development
11. c. Candidates effectively use and manage all technology
available to them and explore uses of emerging resources.
They promote the equitable, ethical and legal use of
technology resources.
Pillar of Practice 6. Personal and Professional Growth
and Development
The Clinical Teaching Semester
Welcome and congratulations on reaching the capstone experience in your Teacher Education Program
at the University of Memphis. During this semester, you will be afforded the opportunity to demonstrate what
you have learned about teaching in a real classroom setting under the guidance of a veteran teacher. The
Clinical Teaching Semester is an all day experience that requires you to be in your assigned school full-time and
assume all the duties and responsibilities of a regular teacher. Your mentor teachers, university supervisors,
seminar instructors, and the Office of School Based Clinical Practice staff are all available to support you, but it
is up to YOU, the teacher candidate, to assume responsibility for your growth as a teacher.
You should expect this semester to be challenging and rewarding as you grow professionally towards becoming
a licensed teacher in the State of Tennessee. The Office of School Based Clinical Practice encourages you and
your support team to read this handbook carefully to prevent issues and problems from arising. We hope this
semester results in you confirming some of the reasons why you chose to become a professional educator. We
wish you the greatest success this semester.
Roles and Responsibilities
Teacher candidates (TC)
While TCs are asked to consider themselves as pre-service teachers, they are also to remember that they are
guests in the school. As pre-service teachers, TCs are expected to be afforded the opportunity to work as
colleagues with the MT and other faculty and staff. As guests, TCs should remember that they are working in
the MT’s classroom and the administrator’s building. They are expected to follow all of the building and
classroom rules and regulations. TCs are expected to have the same responsibilities as their MTs with regard to
meetings, duties, etc. They should be treated as regular teachers by the school’s students and should not be
viewed as aides or assistants.
1. Complete all Clinical Teaching Semester requirements and abide by all polices described in this
handbook and the teacher handbook of their assigned school.
2. Be punctual and dependable.
3. Accept the MT’s decisions regarding the material to be covered and the method of presentation.
4. Plan for all activities for which they are responsible and have plans approved by the MT at least 2 school
days prior to implementation.
5. Endeavor to establish and maintain effective professional working relationships.
6. Handle confidential information (student records, etc.) in a professional manner.
7. Attend all professional seminar and Clinical Teaching Semester sessions.
8. Maintain the same school hours and attend the same school activities as the MT.
Please refer to the appendices for the Teacher Candidates Checklist
Mentor Teacher (MT)
The MT provides mentoring relationship with the teacher candidates while giving the teacher candidates the
opportunity to learn by observing, collaboration, and co-teaching. The MT is aware that the teacher candidates
is a beginning teacher and should be evaluated at the pre-professional level. The MT also works with the US to
provide specific suggestions for improvement. The MT reports the TC’s progress to the US and ensures the
TC’s timely completion of responsibilities.
Guidelines of the Tennessee State Board of Education state the following criteria for selection of Mentor
 At least 4 years of professional teaching experience in their area of licensure
 Regular teacher licensure in the appropriate content area/grades
 Evaluation as a highly competent teacher through local assessment and/or state evaluation procedures
 Willingness to assume the roles expected of a mentor
 Ability to work as a team member and facilitate learning experiences including pedagogical instruction
Please refer to appendices for Mentor Teacher Expectations and Checklist
University Supervisors (US)
The university supervisor serves as a liaison between the Office of School Based Clinical Practice and the
school. The US assists the teacher candidates by orienting him/her to the program requirements, providing
him/her periodic observations, suggestions for improvement, continuous assessment of performance, and
recognizing success. The US also assists the MT by orienting MT to the program and requirements, providing
timely response to professional problems, including performance and inappropriate behaviors by the TC, and by
recognizing the TC’s success.
1. Conduct comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the TC on a periodic basis through the placement.
2. Complete a minimum of 3 formal observations and 1 summative evaluation during the 1st placement and
3 formal observations and 1 summative evaluation during the 2nd placement.
3. Review the TC’s binder and sign off on the attendance log and updated reflective journal during each
4. Observe and counsel the TCs and allow him/her time to improve teaching performance.
5. Document and discuss with the TC and MT the results and recommendations of each observation on the
Lesson Feedback Form.
6. Inform the TC of less than satisfactory teaching performance no later than mid-way through the
placement. In such cases, guidelines and expectations for the remainder of the program must be clearly
identified at that time by both the US and MT. Also, the Office of School Based Clinical Practice should
be aware of the situation. For more specific information about procedures for use with TCs experiencing
difficulties, see Procedures to Follow if Problems Arise.
Please refer to the appendices for University Supervisor Expectations
School Administrators (SA)
As instructional leader of the school, the School Administrator plays a very important role in the Clinical
Teaching Semester. The School Administrator’s role is to help the school community understand and support
the Clinical Teaching Semester, and to help the TC adjust to the school.
1. Create a positive attitude among school staff, student body, and community.
2. Coordinating the school’s responsibility in the Clinical Teaching Semester program.
3. Providing orientation for all TCs explaining school policies and procedures.
4. Assisting with the evaluation of the TC’s instruction competence and professional potential.*
5. Assisting team member with the assessment of TC performance.
6. Communication with the Office of School Bases Clinical Practice if and when problems arise.
*While we understand that the responsibilities of the School Administrator are intense and time
consuming, we strongly encourage him/ her to observe each TC at least once during the Clinical Teaching
placement. Evaluation may be formal or information as preferred; however, we strongly suggest having a
conference after the observation period to share perceptions about performance.
Teacher Education Staff and Contact Information
Director, Teacher Education
Dr. Sutton Flynt (901) 678-2728
Associate Director, Teacher Education
Dr. Jennifer Nelson (901) 678-4731
Assistant Coordinator, Office of School Based Clinical Practice
Shelley Hand (901) 678-3548 (O), (901) 678-1523 (F)
Administrative Assistant, Office of School Based Clinical Practice (901) 678-4731 (O), (901) 678-1523 (F)
Coordinator, Teacher Licensure
Mary Lanier (901) 678-2728
Coordinator, TEP & ICL Graduate Advising
LaRuth Lofties (901) 678-2728
Policies and Procedures
During the Clinical Teaching Semester, TCs should consider themselves pre-service teachers and should
conduct themselves in a professional manner. Upon entering Clinical Teaching Semester, the TCs agree to
follow the rules of each school system as well as the University’s policies. Students should view the Clinical
Teaching Semester experience as an opportunity to demonstrate what they can do as a teacher. Actions and
words during Clinical Teaching Semester should be carefully considered, as they will affect both the Clinical
Teaching Semester evaluation and the written and verbal recommendations given for the TC by the MT, School
Administrators, and Office of School Based Clinical Practice. TCs demonstrating behaviors and dispositions
unbefitting a teacher may be subject to termination of Clinical Teaching Semester and the Teacher Education
Program at the University of Memphis.
Professional Requirements for Clinical Teaching Semester:
 Complete all tasks, assignments, and lessons in a timely manner.
 Collaborate with MT on all lessons/activities.
 Initiate conversations with MT and US about your successes and issues that arise. Solicit advice
needed to be successful.
 Handle ALL confidential information (student records, etc.) in a professional manner. Do NOT
share information about the school, students, MT, etc. privately or publicly with others.
 Adhere to all deadlines related to Clinical Teaching Semester.
 Attend all scheduled meetings.
 Refrain from posting materials, information, photos or personal commentary about your assigned
school and Clinical Teaching Semester on social networking sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter). Other
postings on social networking sites deemed inappropriate and unprofessional can also lead to a
disqualification hearing.
 Abstain from communicating with students through social networking sites, texts, email, etc.
 When using information or materials whose sources are from published text, the Internet, or
other educators, appropriate citations must be included in your lesson plans or other written
materials. Failure to include citations will result in a referral to the Office of Judicial and Ethical
Affairs and the referral could delay Clinical Teaching Semester completion or result in dismissal
from the program.
The Office of School Based Clinical Practice partners with area school districts to place TCs. Because school
districts are responsible for assigning TCs to their placement sites, regional preference and special
circumstances are considered but are not guaranteed. TCs are not allowed to be in the same school where they
work and/or where their family members, close friends and/or significant others go to school, work, volunteer,
TCs are expected to be at their assigned school every day of the placement for the entire teacher workday,
including faculty meetings, in-service, open-house, parent-teacher conferences and other assigned duties.
Attendance should be recorded on the Attendance Log and school records, if required. There are no excused
absences during Clinical Teaching Semester and any days missed due to illness, inclement weather,
bereavement and other special situations must be made up. If illness or emergency should require a TC to
be absent for any period of time, the TC must notify the school, the MT, and the US as well as provide the day’s
lesson plans. Should the TC miss more than 2 days, the Office of School Based Clinical Practice must be
notified as well. In cases of prolonged or repeated absence, the US and the Office of School Based Clinical
Practice will, after consulting with the MT and School Administrator, determine whether the TC’s experience
will be terminated or extended.
Tardiness and early departures are not permitted. You are expected to arrive early and depart beyond
established dismissal times. It is possible, depending on the practice of the MT, TCs will be expected to arrive
at least 30 minutes early and leave at least 30 minutes beyond the dismissal time for MTs. TCs cannot avail
themselves of the MT’s expertise and assistance unless extra time is spent at the school. Please discuss with
your MT her/his expectations about arrival and dismissal times.
TCs are expected to follow the calendar of the schools to which they are assigned and attend U of M classes
(seminar) when in session. Therefore, university days off (example: spring break, fall break, etc.) are received
only if your placement location is also off those days.
Snow days or other unexpected school closing days must be made up unless the Office of School Based Clinical
Practice declares an exception.
Note: An orientation and two feedback sessions are held each semester. Attendance at these sessions is
mandatory. Important information such as licensure forms, job interview, roles and responsibilities will be
Please refer to the appendices for the Attendance Log.
Make-Up Days
If a TC misses a day in their 1st and/or 2nd placement school, the TC must make up that day at the end of their
2nd placement (and at the 2nd placement school). If an opportunity arises to make up the time before or after
school and/or weekends, a request must be sent to the Office of School Based Clinical Practice and approval
must be granted before the time is made up. Requests sent to University Supervisors or requests sent after
completed hours will not be granted.
Schedule for Clinical Teaching Semester
Clinical Teaching Semester is divided into two placements. Depending on the licensure area, most TCs will
have one upper grade and one lower grade Clinical Teaching Semester placement. As mentioned above, TCs are
expected to be at their assigned placement for the entire teacher workday, including faculty meeting, PTA
meeting, parent teacher conferences and other assigned duties.
During each placement, TCs are expected to phase in with gradually increasing responsibilities including 4
weeks of full responsibility. See the Co-teaching section for more information on what full responsibility
includes. TCs and MTs can use the provided Clinical Teaching Semester Timeline as a guideline for
transitioning to and from full responsibility.
Please remember, no other courses other than Clinical Teaching Semester and the seminar may be taken during
the Clinical Teaching Semester, unless the Director and Associate Director of Teacher Education have given
prior approval for an extenuating circumstance.
Please refer to the appendices for the Clinical Teaching Semester Timeline.
Prior to the first day Teacher candidates should:
1. View the school’s website.
2. Locate the school and determine at least 2 driving routes.
3. Get notebook ready with the appropriate tabs and documents.
4. Provide a copy or URL of the Clinical Teaching Semester handbook to the MT.
5. If possible (depending on when placement was received), visit the school and the MT to:
 Deliver handbook
 Meet the MT
 Provide contact data
 Ask about teacher report time, parking, and check in procedures
 Meet the school administrator(s)
TCs may have in-service included in their placement dates. TCs are required to attend all in-service days with
their MT and participate to the fullest extent possible. TCs should use this time to get to know their MT and
other school staff. They should also gather resources and focus on preparation for the school year.
The First Day:
1. Be sure to arrive on time, park in the appropriate place, and sign in as directed.
2. Introduce themselves to the office staff.
3. Observe: This does not mean sitting in the back of the room all day. Circulate and watch the students,
begin to learn their names, and see how they interact with the teacher and each other.
4. Pay attention to the MT’s lessons and how they are delivered.
5. Learn the rules and procedures established by the MT and school.
6. When it is appropriate, talk to your MT about what you have observed and ask questions. Establishing
positive communication with your MT is vital.
7. Volunteer to assist in routines like handing out papers, etc.
8. At the end of the day, review the day’s events and find out what is planned for the remainder of the
The First Week:
1. Continue to observe their MT’s class. Focus on instructional strategies, management techniques,
procedures, and routines.
2. Each day, reflect on the observations they have made of the students and lessons with the MT.
3. Learn the students’ names.
4. Tutor a student or a small group; teach part or all of a lesson, etc.
5. Assist the MT with routine activities.
6. Develop plans with the MT for the next week’s lessons.
Subsequent Weeks:
1. Assume co-responsibility for classroom routines; co-teaching is expected.
2. Increase responsibility for co-teaching more classes, adding more each day, so that a full teaching
schedule is possible for at least 4 weeks.
3. Each day set aside some time to reflect over the day’s events with your MT.
Final Week:
1. Gradually return classroom responsibility to the MT.
2. Observe in a minimum of 4 other classrooms for at least one full lesson each. These observations should
be of different teachers in a variety of grades within your school. Complete the Observation of Teaching
form for each observation. The observation forms you turn in at the feedback sessions must be typed.
3. Write a thank you letter to the MT, US, and administrator(s).
4. The last day of the placement should be spent in the MT’s classroom.
Please refer to the appendices for the Observation of Teaching form
Professional Dress
TCs are required to dress in professional attire and must adhere to the dress code at the assigned school. It is
acceptable to wear school spirit shirts on appropriate days given the administration’s approval. For additional
information see the district and school’s dress code policy.
Outside Commitments
Work or family/personal commitments cannot be excuses for failing to meet the commitments of Clinical
Teaching Semester and professional seminar. If such interference occurs, the teacher candidates will be given
the choice of withdrawing from Clinical Teaching Semester or making the personal adjustments necessary to
give full attention to the program. It is highly recommended that TCs do not work during the Clinical Teaching
Substitute Teaching
TCs may not serve as substitute teachers. A substitute teacher must be provided by the school should the MT be
absent. TCs may teach in their assigned classroom in the presence of a substitute teacher.
Corporal Punishment
TCs may not administer corporal punishment, nor may they serve as a witness if or when licensed school
personnel administer corporal punishment.
Job Interviews/Job Fairs:
TCs are permitted one full day or two ½ days for the purpose of job interviewing or attending job fairs. Leave
from the school must be approved in advance by both the MT and US.
School Day Commitment
TCs are assigned a classroom to get the hands on experience needed to become an effective teacher. The TC’s
role is to co-teach, assist, work in groups, etc. The experience is not observational and requires constant
participation at all time. TCs are not allowed to complete schoolwork or be on the Internet during the school
Cell/ Smart Phones
TCs must follow the cell phone policy for the teachers in the assigned school and should never use them while
class is in session. If cell phone use is prohibited by school policy, TCs may be terminated if seen using a
cell phone for talking or for applications.
TCs should only bring their laptop/tablet to school when it is approved by the MT and it is being incorporated
into a lesson. TCs are not allowed to bring devices for personal use or to work on coursework, pay bills, etc.
Please note that TCs are not allowed to work on lesson plans except for during planning periods, or
before or after school.
Field Trips:
TCs may assist with the planning and chaperoning of field trips for his/her assigned class in conjunction with
the MT. TCs may not drive his/her personal vehicle to carry students on a field trip.
Professional Liability Insurance:
TCs have status under the law in Tennessee (TCA 49-5-201). They are accorded the same protection as licensed
teachers and are given the same responsibilities. Therefore, TCs may be subject to lawsuits, as are licensed
teachers. TCs at the University of Memphis are required to have professional liability insurance ($1million
coverage) in place for the duration of the Clinical Teaching Semester.
Injury Policy:
TCs are strongly encouraged to maintain a current health insurance policy. In the event of an injury sustained at
a school site, TCs should notify the building administrator and the Office of School Based Clinical Practice.
Please be sure to complete an injury report with the school system and seek medical attention if necessary.
Clinical Teaching Semester Notebook
TCs must keep a three-ring binder in the classroom at all times. The binder must have the appropriate dividers
and tabs and the paperwork must be kept up to date. It is the TCs’ responsibility to make copies of all of the
evaluation documents the first week of their placement and have them ready for the MT and the US. Failure to
have an up-to-date notebook can result in removal from Clinical Teaching Semester.
The Clinical Teaching Semester Notebook should contain:
 Attendance log (US will sign off on every visit, MT will sign off after each visit)
 Updated reflective journal entries. Each entry must be inserted by Friday of each week and signed off by
the US on every visit
 Lesson plans in chronological order with the most recent on top
 Evaluation of Teaching and documented feedback (TC provides 3 copes for the MT and 3 copies for the
 Reflective Conference forms (TC provides 3 copies for the US)
 Summative Evaluation (TC provides 1 copy for the MT and 1 copy for the US)
The TC is viewed as a novice and the Clinical Teaching Semester experience is designed to provide the
opportunity to phase in with gradually increasing responsibilities. The TC should have at least 4 weeks of full
responsibility in each of his/her two placements.
Full responsibility does not mean that the TC is left completely alone all day with the classroom. The MT
should always be in the school building and accessible while the TC is teaching. During this period, the TC will
have co-responsibility for academic planning and execution of lesson plans, classroom management, and record
keeping. The MT is not expected to relinquish all responsibility to the TC; rather the University of Memphis
embraces the co-teaching model. This model allows the MT and the TC an opportunity to work collaboratively
with groups of students sharing the planning, organization, implementation and assessment of instruction, and
classroom. The MT has an extra adult in the classroom that arrives with content and pedagogical knowledge. It
is not expected for the MT to give up all responsibilities but to work side-by-side with the TCs and allow
opportunities for solo teaching. As a result the student has the opportunity to learn and implement effective
teaching strategies from an expert classroom teacher. Together this should be an opportunity to engage in a
partnership that allows the sharing of resources and mutual support and learning whereas, the students benefit
by being able to work in small groups, receive more individualized attention, less classroom disruptions, and
fast response time.
There are a variety of co-teaching strategies that have shown to be effective when both the MT and teacher
candidates co-plan and co-teach. Studies have shown that implementing the variety of different strategies have
a benefit for the MT, TC, and students.
One Teach, One Observe – Either the MT or teacher candidates has the primary instructional responsibility
while the other collects specific information on the students or focuses on the one who has the primary
instructional responsibility.
One Teach, One Assist – Either the MT or TC has primary instructional responsibility while the other
assists students, monitors student behaviors, or corrects assignments.
Station Teaching – Both MT and TC split the instructional content into sections and students are divided
into groups. Each instructs one of the groups and then rotates so that the students have the opportunity to
participate in both groups.
Parallel Teaching – Both MT and TC instruct half of the students. Both address the same instructional
content and use the same teaching strategies while reducing the student to teacher ratio.
Supplemental Teaching – Either the MT or TC work with students at their expected grade level, while the
other works with students who need extension or remediation.
Alternative or Differentiated Teaching – Both MT and TC teach the same content with the same learning
outcome, however both use a different approach of teaching.
Team Teaching – Both MT and TC are active participants in teaching the lesson with no clear leader. Both
share the teaching, interject information, assist the students and answer questions.
*Copyright 2012, The Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration at St. Cloud State University
Original Research Funded by a US Department of Education, Teacher Quality Enhancement Partnership Grant
Lesson Plans
TCs will follow the lesson plan format provided and they must be given to the MT two teaching days prior to
teaching the lesson (before the start of school). If the TC is responsible for teaching the lesson on the day
he/she is absent, the TC must provide a copy of the lesson plan and all related materials to the MT. Please note
that most districts have pacing guides and their own lesson plan format. TCs must use the University of
Memphis format.
For the first and second Clinical Teaching Semester placements, TCs should start out writing full, detailed
lesson plans for each lesson taught using the format located in the appendices. When the MT and US decide it is
appropriate, TCs will be permitted to write shorter plans. However, any lesson which is to be evaluated formally
should have a long lesson plan. When weekly lesson plans are required, they should be submitted to the MT for
review two school days prior to teaching the lesson. The MT has the right to request lesson plans earlier than
two school days. Failure to turn in lesson plans in the appropriate time may be a cause for removal.
Please refer to the appendices for lesson plan formats
edTPA - Teacher Performance Assessment
TCs will complete the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) in accordance with the timeline and protocol
provided. Candidates are required to send home a consent form titled, “Notification of Teacher Candidate
Assessment” to all P-12 students involved in the learning segment. If a parent/guardian does not want their
child in the video, the student should participate in the lesson but out of camera view. All consent forms should
be kept in the Clinical teaching notebook. Additional information about the edTPA and consent forms will be
addressed in the seminar.
edTPA Video Equipment
Video equipment will be distributed before taping the edTPA learning segments. Candidates are responsible
for checking out the equipment, keeping it safe, and returning it in the same condition. Lost or damaged
equipment costs will be the responsibility of the candidate.
The process of reflection on practice is an important step in professional growth. In depth reflection requires
that you closely examine an action as well as its result and to honestly analyze areas in which improvement
needs to be made. Further, an in-depth reflection involves a plan of action for improvement.
All TCs are required to keep and submit a reflective journal in which weekly (or more often) reflections are
made. The reflective journal should be word-processed. It is important for TCs to keep their journal up-to-date
and available during formal evaluations. Reflective journal entries should be numbered and dated. Failure to
keep up with entries may be a cause for removal.
Please refer to appendices for “How to Write a Reflection: A Guide”
Clinical Teaching Semester is graded on a pass/fail basis. TCs will have two placements during the course of
their Clinical Teaching Semester. Each placement will include a separate, complete evaluation cycle by both the
MT and the US. A grade of pass or fail will be assigned at the end of each placement. TCs must pass both
placements in order to pass Clinical Teaching Semester.
The MT and the US will independently evaluate the TC three times each during the placement and encouraged
to share their evaluations and each should review their evaluation with the TC in a reflective conference. TC’s
will be evaluated using TEAM Evaluation. It is the responsibility of the TC to print off the appropriate
evaluation forms. The US and TC will complete the reflective conference form after each formal evaluation and
both the US and MT will complete a summative evaluation.
The US will make four visits in each placement (one informal visit and three formal observations). The TC is
required to submit a complete, detailed lesson plan to the US when being formally observed. During the visit,
the US will verify attendance, read the journal entries, check over lesson plans, and ensure everything is up to
date. It is vital that the notebooks are kept up to date and in the classroom at all times.
Please refer to the appendices for the appropriate evaluation forms
Procedure to Follow if Problems Should Arise
The TC has a contract of implied promise with the university when he or she accepts a Clinical Teaching
Semester placement. The university, with its admissions standards and procedures, attempts to place only those
persons whom they feel have at least a reasonable chance of successfully completing Clinical Teaching
Semester. To that end, the university agrees to support the TC and serve as a resource. The TC must recognize
the placement does not guarantee completion. Successful completion of Clinical Teaching Semester is the
responsibility of the student.
A. Teacher Candidate’s Responsibilities
 Discuss any concerns with the MT and the US.
 Communicate with the Office of School Based Clinical Practice when needed.
 If remediation is necessary, work to overcome any weakness.
B. Mentor Teacher’s Responsibilities
 Communicate any concerns with the TC and the US immediately.
 Communicate with the Office of School Based Clinical Practice when needed.
 Develop a remediation plan with the US and the TC.
 Provide feedback to the TC.
Document any concerns, remediation, and progress of the TC.
C. University Supervisor’s Responsibilities
 Communicate with the MT about any concerns.
 Develop a remediation plan with the MT and the TC.
 Notify the Office of School Based Clinical Practice no later than midway through the placement
if there are difficulties with the TC’s progress.
 Provide written documentation about any concerns, remediation, and progress of the TC to the
Office of School Based Clinical Practice.
D. School Administrator’s Responsibilities
 Report any problems to the US.
 Communicate with the Office of School Based Clinical Practice if any problems are not resolved
by the US.
 Provide written documentation and/or recommendation of removal.
E. Office of School Based Clinical Practice’s Responsibilities
 Collaborate with the US, MT, School Administration, and the TC to develop a remediation plan.
 Observe TCs when necessary.
 Follow up with the US and the School Administrator with the progress of the TC.
 When necessary, remove TC from placement.
If a teacher candidate is not progressing in the expected manner during a placement, remediation may be
recommended by the US in conjunction with the MT and the Office of School Based Clinical Practice.
Remediation is highly individualized to meet the specific need of the TC. Depending upon the identified areas
and level of weakness, a remediation plan may be developed which may require the TC to do additional work,
or extension of the placement.
Note: The Office of School Based Clinical Practice should be notified if a TC receives more than half 1’s in an
indicator, repeat of 1 in the same indicator, and/or preponderance of 1’s across the indicators. A remediation
conference and/or remediation plan will be necessary when the TC continues to score 1’s (below expectations).
It is also possible that the teacher candidates could be removed from the placement and asked to repeat in the
following semester. Removal of a teacher candidate will only be done for compelling reasons. Any person
directly involved in the arrangement can make initial discussions for a withdrawal. Ideally, the US will be
consulted before contact is made with the Office of School Based Clinical Practice. The US, Mentor Teacher,
Principal, Associate Director, and the Director of Teacher Education will consult about the request for removal
and determine the best course of action for the teacher candidates. One of several options maybe decided upon,
depending on the cause for removal.
The Office of School Based Clinical Practice will consider removal of a teacher candidate when any of the
following situations occur:
1) The appropriate school authority, for just and explained reasons, requests that the candidate be removed.
2) The MT or US believe circumstances are such to prevent either the development or maintenance of a
satisfactory learning environment.
3) Unethical behavior has been exhibited by either the MT or US (e.g., sexual harassment, use of alcohol or
4) Any evidence of a lack of sensitivity to multicultural situations is portrayed by the candidate (e.g., use of
inappropriate terminology in reference to a particular ethnic group).
5) A decision has been reached and documented with appropriate paperwork that the candidate cannot receive
a satisfactory grade due to lack of professional growth and/or performance.
6) Excessive absenteeism, tardiness, and/or failure to comply with established rules and policies on part of the
candidate are evident.
7) Failure to submit lesson plans at least 2 days in advance, as indicated by the MT or US.
8) Failure to adhere to the Handbook Agreement
9) Candidate’s scores on the TEAM evaluations reflect low evaluations.
Upon successful completion of Clinical Teaching Semester, candidates will be eligible to submit all required
documentation to the University of Memphis licensure coordinator. Required documentation includes an
official transcript, passing score reports for all required Praxis II licensure exams, and appropriate licensure
application forms. It is the TC’s responsibility to register and take the correct Praxis II exams for his/her
licensure area. TCs can look up what exams are required on the ETS website under Tennessee Test
Requirements. Procedures for obtaining a teaching license will be discussed at the end of Clinical Teaching
Semester. For general licensure information, please visit
Failure to Recommend
All TCs who receive a “satisfactory” grade for Clinical Teaching Semester become eligible for a teaching
license if all other requirements are fulfilled. The Office of School Based Clinical Practice also reports the final
grade – satisfactory or unsatisfactory – to the Records office. Therefore, a TC whose performance is such that
she/he cannot fulfill the duties normally expected of teachers will receive a grade of “unsatisfactory.”
The Director and Associate Director of Teacher Education will support an unsatisfactory grade if:
 The TC has been given a fair opportunity to remediate the prescribed weaknesses.
 The TC fails to remove a preponderance of “Significantly below expectations.”
 The evaluation form reflects ratings that justify their evaluations.
 There is evidence that the TC has received sufficient supervision from the MT and US to justify their
Before the unsatisfactory grade has been issued, The Associate Director and Director of Teacher Education will
have been informed and consulted about the situation. Should a disagreement result over the final
recommendation, they will mediate the decision making process.
Words of Wisdom
Four personal traits will assist immensely in the achievement of teaching success: hard work, flexibility,
patience and self-renewal. Teaching is a difficult task involving many hours of effort, both inside and outside of
the classroom. A teacher must be willing to develop written plans, do research, read extensively, critically
reflect on his/her classroom performance, critique student performance in an unbiased fashion, and work as part
of a team. With regard to patience, a successful teacher must remember that progress takes time and that success
must be measured in small units. Self-renewal allows the successful teacher to seek new goals, utilize new
strategies and keep a fresh perspective -- all of which rejuvenate teachers so that they do not have to rely on
survival techniques to simply make it through the school day.
As you can see from the guidelines you have just reviewed, much is required of the teacher candidates
while he/she is assigned to a school. For this reason, the University of Memphis’ Office of School Based
Clinical Practice strongly discourages TCs from working at another job during their Clinical Teaching
Remember the three key words to the Clinical Teaching
Teacher Candidates Checklist
Date: _________________________
Prior to Clinical Teaching Semester:
Visit School & deliver handbook – 1st placement
Visit School & deliver handbook – 2nd placement
Attend Orientation (submit the handbook agreement)
Obtain a three-ring binder and label each divided
section as follows:
 Attendance log (will need 2 copies)
 Reflections
 Lesson plans
 6 copies of the Evaluation of Teaching
 2 copies of the Summative Evaluations
 Reflective Conference (will need 3 copies)
First Friday of 1st and 2nd placements:
Fax the Mentor Teacher Data Form to the
Office of School Based Clinical Practice at 901-678-1523
Or email to
Please fax/email the data forms no later than the
1st week of both placements
End of 1st Placement:
_____ Submit 1st placement packet during 1st feedback
Items must be in order, in a 10x13 envelope:
 2 Summative Evaluations (1 from the MT and 1 from the US)
 6 Evaluation of Teaching (3 from the MT and 3 from the US)
 Time record (signed off by the US from each visit)
 Reflective Journals (some will be signed off by the US)
 4 typed observations of other teachers
 3 Reflective Conference forms completed with the US
End of 2nd Placement:
Attend 2nd feedback session
Submit 2nd packet
Items must be in order, in a 10x13 envelope
 2 Summative Evaluations (1 from the MT and 1 from the US)
 6 Evaluation of Teaching (3 from the MT and 3 from the US)
 Time record (signed off by the US from each visit)
 Reflective journal (signed off by your US from each visit)
 4 typed observations of other teachers
 3 Reflective Conference forms completed with the US
Mentor Teacher Expectations
Selection as a MT is tacit endorsement of your competence as a teacher, commitment to students, and skill in
human relations. TCs consistently rank Clinical Teaching Semester among the most valuable components of
their teacher education programs. In large part, this is a tribute to the dedication and quality of you, the MT.
Guidelines of the Tennessee State Board of Education state the following criteria for selection of MTs:
 At least 4 years of professional teaching experience in their area of licensure
 Regular teacher licensure in the appropriate content area/grades
 Evaluation as a highly competent teacher through local assessment and/or state evaluation procedures
 Willingness to assume the roles expected of a mentor
 Ability to work as a team member and facilitate learning experiences including pedagogical instruction
This section is intended to review your responsibilities. Your TC and his/her US have the following
expectations of you:
The TC expects:
The opportunity to learn by observing your teaching.
Assistance in learning to plan for instruction.
Provision of specific suggestions for improvement.
Recognition of demonstrated improvement and strengths.
Opportunity to collaborate and co-teach.
A gradual induction into primary teaching responsibilities.
Awareness that he or she is a beginning teacher and should be evaluated at the pre-professional level.
A minimum of 3 formal evaluations and 1 summative evaluation.
A willingness to listen.
The US expects:
A positive attitude in working for the benefit of the TC.
A commitment to follow University and departmental guidelines in structuring the TC’s experience.
Regular reporting of the TC’s progress.
Early alert about any problems.
Mutual confidence and open communication regarding the TC’s progress.
6. Support in ensuring the TC’s timely completion of responsibilities.
Mentor Teacher Responsibilities
Planning for the Arrival of the Teacher candidates
The TC is accorded the same status as fully certified teachers. The MT should assemble materials and
equipment, which might include:
Instructional materials including textbooks, manuals, and curriculum guides.
Desk or table for individual use.
Name of TC on classroom door and chalkboard along with that of the teacher.
Copy of the faculty handbook, pupil handbook, school policies, plan book, and other useful information.
Sources of information on the background of the pupils to identify ability, program of study,
achievement, socioeconomic status, and individual problems.
 Parking permits or lunch pass if required.
The Mentor Teacher Welcomes the Teacher candidates
The initial days of Clinical Teaching Semester are crucial for the TC. Each MT should make every effort to
ensure that the TC feels welcome. Introductions to teachers, staff members, and other school personnel are
important. The TC should know about the building and grounds, daily routine of the school, and appropriate
working relationships with other members of the school staff.
The Mentor Teacher Introduces the Teacher candidates into the Classroom
A desk or table is always useful for the TC. The TC should be introduced to the students in a way that
encourages them to respond to the TC as a classroom teacher.
The Mentor Teacher Evaluates the Teacher candidates and Provides Feedback
MT completes three formal evaluations (Evaluation of Teaching) and one summative (Summative Evaluation)
of the teacher candidates.
Mentor Teacher Checklist
Preparing for your Teacher candidates
I Have:
_____ 1. Familiarized myself with all the available background information on my TC.
_____ 2. Worked with my Principal and with other staff and faculty to make my TC feel
welcome and accepted.
_____ 3. Prepared my class (or classes) for the arrival of “another teacher” who will
have the same authority as I.
_____ 4. Arranged for a desk or table, mailbox, parking space, roll and plan book,
computer access and other basic necessities for my TC.
_____ 5. Contacted my TC prior to his or her arrival and have shared instructional
information and material.
_____ 6. Prepared a collection of pertinent information and material that my TC will be
working with early in the program. (Examples may include: county and school
policy statements, class routines, school wide forms, manuals and texts, report
card, long-range and short-range plans, etc.)
_____ 7. Made tentative plans for my TC’s observation of other teachers, initial teaching
and participatory experiences, and orientation to the school building.
I Have:
_____ 1. Helped my TC identify specific competencies to strive for throughout all
observations of teaching.
_____ 2. Provided my TC with time, during the first week of the program, to examine
data from the academic records of the students he or she will be working with
and to become familiar with the various services the school provides, such as
administrative, guidance, ESL, EDE, library, technology, health, etc.
_____ 3. Observed my TC very closely during his or her first participatory and teaching
experiences, attempting to identify any difficulties.
_____ 4. Observed my TC consistently throughout the entire experience to provide
continuing, specific feedback and evaluation.
Planning for Teaching
I Have:
_____ 1. Provided my TC with the opportunity to study my own long-range and daily
_____ 2. Helped my TC develop plans for his or her early teaching experiences.
_____ 3. Followed the practice of cooperative development of lesson plans for each new
phase or class as my TC assumes additional responsibility.
_____ 4. Examined my TC’s lesson plans daily throughout the program and have given
my TC feedback about them.
_____ 5. Encouraged my TC, throughout the program, to evaluate his or her own plans
immediately after using them with a particular focus on student learning
aligned with curriculum standards.
I Have:
_____ 1. Set a definite time daily to confer with my TC.
_____ 2. Made conferences both reinforcing and corrective.
_____ 3. Encouraged my TC to ask questions and to discuss all observed teaching.
I Have:
_____ 1. Provided a gradual induction into teaching for my TC.
_____ 2. Planned early teaching experiences for my TC that ensures opportunities for success.
_____ 3. Considered the demonstrated readiness of my TC in determining the amount of
responsibility he or she assumes throughout the program.
_____ 4. Allowed my TC the flexibility to choose his or her own teaching methods, so
long as those methods did not impede student learning.
_____ 5. Encouraged initiative and creativity on the part of my TC.
I Have:
_____ 1. Provided for on-going evaluation making sure my TC knows exactly where he
or she stands in relation to strengths and weaknesses at every stage of the
experience and made appropriate notations and comments on the Framework
for Evaluation and Professional Growth for TCs.
_____ 2. Given my TC both specific suggestions for improvement and specific praise for
his or her successes.
_____ 3. Given my TC much opportunity to reflect on and evaluate his or her own
teaching in relation to Clinical Teaching Semester.
_____ 4. Completed the summative evaluation and given it to the US.
Personal and Professional Relations with my Teacher candidates
I Have:
_____ 1. Instructed my TC in methods of classroom management.
_____ 2. Given my TC my full support when it was necessary for him or her to take
disciplinary action.
_____ 3. Encouraged my TC to try his or her own ideas for maintaining discipline.
_____ 4. Assisted my TC in such a way that he or she will not “lose face” when
classroom problems occur
Classroom Management and Discipline
I Have:
_____ 1. Encouraged my TC to observe and participate in extracurricular and
community/parent activities.
_____ 2. Helped my TC learn to manage the routine tasks of a teacher, keeping a
register, recording grades, carrying out special duties, securing resource
materials, and using technology for instruction and classroom management.
_____ 3. Arranged, early in the program, a conference with the principal, so that my TC
may learn about the school’s philosophy of education and what is expected of
its teachers.
_____ 4. Helped my TC become familiar with the characteristics and resources of the
school and of the community from which the pupils are drawn.
_____ 5. Helped my TC learn about the school’s curriculum and how it is organized for
University Supervisor Expectations
Your TCs and MTs have the following expectations of you:
TCs expect:
1. An orientation to the program and its requirements.
2. Timely and periodic observation, feedback, and specific suggestions for improvement.
3. Identification of specific weakness early enough to allow for improvement during Clinical Teaching
4. Fair and continuing assessment of performance.
5. Support during times of personal and professional concern.
6. Recognition of success.
7. Provision of final evaluative references.
MTs expect:
1. Appropriate information about the program and its requirements.
2. Timely response to professional problems, including inadequate performance and inappropriate behavior
by the TC.
3. Professional courtesy in working together.
4. Recognition of success.
During the Teacher candidates Experience:
To ensure that the necessary elements of due process are provided each TC, the US is expected to monitor the
Clinical Teaching Semester experience in the following ways:
1. The TC’s progress must be observed and documented by the US on a periodic basis throughout the
program. A minimum of 3 formal observations are required during the 1st placement and 3 during the 2nd
placement. An initial informal visit is expected prior to the 1st formal visit. If a TC is experiencing
difficulty, increased contact is expected.
2. During each visit, the US should review the TC’s binder and sign off on the attendance log and updated
reflective journal.
3. The US should observe and counsel the TCs early enough in the semester to allow him/her time to
improve teaching performance.
4. Comprehensive, systematic evaluation of TCs should occur during the experience. The US should
document and discuss with the TC and MT the results and recommendations of each observation
(Lesson Feedback Form).
5. The US should inform the TC of less than satisfactory teaching performance no later than mid-way
through the Clinical Teaching Semester experience. In such cases, guidelines and expectations for the
remainder of the program must be clearly identified at that time by both the US and MT. Also, the
Office of School Based Clinical Practice should be aware of the situation. For more specific information
about procedures for use with TCs experiencing difficulties, see Procedures to Follow if Problems
6. At the end of the semester, the US and MT will complete a summative evaluation.
Evaluation of the Teacher candidates by the University Supervisor:
It is extremely important that evaluations be done fairly and accurately. It is also important that the US has
significant input from the MT. All formal evaluations should be made in regularly scheduled sessions
throughout the placement and should last for an entire instructional session.
All evaluations should include specific comments and be reviewed with the TC following the observation. If a
TC is not progressing normally by the mid-point of the placement, check to see that all meetings, evaluations
and notes are complete and report the concern to the Office of School Based Clinical Practice. A determination
will be made as to how best to proceed. Options include the development of a remediation plan, repetition of
the placement, or removal from the program.
General suggestions for University Supervisors:
1. Meet the principals of the schools they are visiting.
2. Communicate with the MT and TC to determine supervisory visits in advance, so that schedule changes
will not preclude observation.
3. Review carefully the periodic performance evaluations of the MT. Early identification of weaknesses
should lead to early remediation, and lack of steady progress should be addressed. Notify the Office of
School Based Clinical Practice of any concerns immediately.
4. Submit evaluative references for TCs who request them.
Attendance Log Placement #1
Teacher candidates:
UUID: ________________________________
4 hours
Grade: _____
US Check
2 hours
1 hour
ABSENT – Sick (list the reason for your absence)
US Check
US Check
Total # of completed Clinical Teaching Semester days
Total # of days that you were absent that must be made up after this placement
US long lesson plan sign off date and initials:
MT long lesson plan sign off date and initials:
Attendance Log Placement #2
Teacher candidates:
UUID: ________________________________
4 hours
Grade: _____
US Check
2 hours
1 hour
ABSENT – Sick (list the reason for your absence)
Total # of completed Clinical Teaching Semester days
Total # of days that you were absent that must be made up after this placement
US long lesson plan sign off date and initials:
MT long lesson plan sign off date and initials:
Make-Up Days Schedule
Teacher Candidate:
UUID: ________________________________
Grade: _____
Make-Up Day Notice: If you have make-up days (this would be the combination of any days from first and/or
second placement), you will need to include this document in your 2nd placement packet detailing your
remaining days and the schedule. Please note that you must start your make-up days immediately and they must
be consecutive (that means returning to your 2nd placement school on 5/4 and going each day until the make-up
days are completed). When you finish your make-up days, your MT can either email the Office of School Based
Clinical Practice directly at or you can email or fax a note (with your MT’s signature
verifying you made up the days) to 678-1523. Do not send or get your MT to sign the document until you
complete your make-up days.
Please write the dates you plan to make-up your days of absence.
Date Absent
Planned Make-Up Date
Clinical Teaching Semester Timeline
The following is a sample schedule for TCs. Individual situations may cause variations to this schedule.
Placement 1
TC will participate in all in-service activities
4-and beyond
Last week of
Assist MT
Assist building administrators and other teachers where appropriate
Attend all meetings
Observe in assigned classroom
Assume helping role as appropriate
Begin to help with routine tasks such as taking role
Assist individual students who need help or monitoring
Collaborate and plan for following week’s lessons with MT
Begin co-teaching.
Begin assuming responsibility for teaching one class/subject and adding as
Continue assisting students that need assistance.
Assume responsibility of routine tasks.
Plan for following week’s lesson with MT.
Continue co-teaching, gradually taking on more responsibility for
approximately half of the classes.
Plan for full responsibility.
MT to review lesson plans at least 2 school days prior to teaching.
TC has primary responsibility for planning, teaching, assessment, and
management of the classroom.
Co-teaching and collaboration is expected.
MT will review plans for the following week at least 2 schools days prior
to the end of the week.
Gradually return responsibility to MT throughout the week.
Observe four other teachers within the school.
Placement 2
TC will participate in all in-service activities
3-and beyond
Last week of
Assist MT
Assist building administrators and other teachers where appropriate
Attend all meetings
Same as week 1 in Placement 1.
By the end of the week, assume responsibility for routine tasks.
Collaborate and plan with MT for the next week’s classes.
Assume responsibility for approximately ½ of the classes and all routine
Plan for full responsibility.
MT will review plans at least 2 days prior to teaching.
Full responsibility for planning, assessing, teaching, and classroom
management. Collaboration and co-teaching is expected.
MT to review plans at least 2 days prior to the end of the week.
Gradually return responsibility to MT.
Observe four other teachers in the school.
Observation of Teaching
Teacher Candidate’s Name:
_________ Date: __________________
Grade Level/Subject Observed:
Directions: You will be sent this form electronically and the entire form must be typed. Please make your
responses thorough and thoughtful. Obviously your written responses will be longer that the space between the
1. What was the focus of the lesson?
2. How did the teacher introduce the lesson? Did the teacher specifically let the students know what they would
know or be able to do by the end of the lesson?
3. How did the teacher relate the lesson to previous learning? How did the teacher relate the lesson to the
backgrounds of the students (e.g. ethnicity, socioeconomic, etc.)?
4. What instructional methods were used to teach the lesson? What instructional media/materials were used for the
lesson? Did the teacher differentiate instruction? If so, how?
5. How did the teacher make the transition from one activity/topic to another?
6. How did the teacher monitor the students' understanding of the material being taught? Did the teacher engage
student’s in higher order thinking?
7. Describe the students' responses to the lesson.
8. Did the teacher use formative assessment? How?
9. What specific methods did the teacher use to control inappropriate behaviors or reinforce appropriate behaviors?
10. Was the lesson successful? Explain why you say yes or say no.
Long Lesson Plan Format
Teacher Candidate:
Grade and Topic:
Length of Lesson:
 List the unit objective for which this lesson is part.
 List the specific content learning goals and objectives for the lesson.
 Note any goals or expectations related to student participation in the lesson.
 List the State/District and/or Common Core standards addressed in the lesson.
 List of all materials you will use as part of the lesson.
 Identify how and why technology will be integrated.
 What are the key concepts for the lesson?
 What is the critical academic language (general and technical) that must be addressed in this lesson?
 How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lesson(s)?
 How do you expect to build on this lesson in subsequent lessons?
 Why will you need to plan differentiated activities or assessments?
 Introduction: What will you do to help the students become focused or motivated to learn in this
teaching segment?
 Procedures: Provide a sequential (step by step) description of the procedures and activities for the
Include approximate times with each step of the lesson.
For each activity, include directions you may need to give or key questions you intend to ask,
possible alternatives to the activity, or examples.
Describe how you will differentiate for students with different learning needs or
 Closure: What do you have planned to close the lesson?
 Provide the formative and /or summative assessments that are part of this lesson.
 Make sure there is a clear link between the Goals and Objectives and the Assessments.
 List specific modifications for students who did not master the objectives.
 List specific modifications for students who are ready for enrichment activities.
Short Lesson Plan Format
Teacher Candidate:_________________________________________ Grade/Subject_____________________ Date(s):___________________
Unit/Chapter Objective/Generalization/Big Idea:
Lesson Objectives:
Standards Addressed:
Materials/Resources/Technology :
Background &
Note: Elementary may use this form each day/ Secondary may be able to use this to plan for the week
“How to Write a Reflection: A Guide”
The description should emphasize the following: who, what, where, how and what next? This portion provides the
foundation for the rest of the reflection and provides important information for the audience. The description is simply
accurate information, with no editorial comments, opinions, or conclusions included.
The developer analyzes the evidence by breaking the whole apart to find patterns. In this stage, the developer identifies
strengths within the evidence and areas on which to improve. Thoughtful reflections are honest analyses of one’s own
strengths and weaknesses. Ask yourself “why did this happen” and attempt to explain the underlying causes.
In this section, you refer to what is learned and used for analysis. For example, cite textbook sources, journal articles,
or classes where you learned about best practice. This cited information illustrates why what you are seeing or doing
does, or does not, align with what you know.
Initial Planning
This component is the most important part of the reflection. The developer must address how he or she will use the
information to improve practice. This component emphasizes positive change in teachers’ behavior and provides the
intrigue for reading portfolios.
This component takes the initial planning stage and describes the developer’s plan of action in more detail. This
component becomes an articulation of the way that the teacher chooses to change, learn, and grow in understanding the
complexity of teaching.
Weekly Teacher candidates Reflection Suggested Topics:
A list of questions is presented with the intent of guiding your reflection on activities with which you are involved. As
mentioned earlier, these questions are only examples. In the departmental packet, you will learn whether you are to
utilize this list or if another method will be expected for your reflection responsibilities.
Directions: Select an item from the list that follows and develop your response.
Close each entry with a paragraph explaining what you have learned from the experience. Include
how you plan to apply this learning for the remainder of Clinical Teaching Semester and as a new
1. Complete the sentence. Then, offer support and detail for your response: This week in the classroom for me
2. What was your biggest project of the week? Comment on its success.
3. Discuss the high point(s) of the week.
4. Who was your most rewarding student during the week? Discuss your answer; include a description of your
interaction with the student.
5. Which student presented the biggest challenge for you this week? Discuss your answer; include a description of
your interaction with the student.
6. Consider the expectations of teaching that you had prior to Clinical Teaching Semester.
What has been revealed to you about teaching that you had not envisioned
before the beginning of this experience?
What confirmations about teaching have been made for you during this
7. Talk about specific steps that you have taken during the experience to improve your skills as a developing
8. Describe an experience in Clinical Teaching Semester that has positively contributed to your development as a
9. Discuss effective methods of managing student behavior that you have observed or used.
10. In what ways do teachers sometimes contribute to the development of behavior problems?
11. Your MT and US have worked closely with you during this experience. Discuss their contributions to your
growth. Note suggestions that you may have for them in their work with future TCs.
12. Anticipate your first year of teaching. Discuss features of teaching about which you feel most confident.
13. Identify paperwork responsibilities of teaching. Describe your plan for efficient management of these
14. Identify instructional expectancies that the school system has. Discuss your plan for meeting these expectancies.
15. Identify non-instructional responsibilities that you have assumed. How do these contribute to the total education
16. Offer specific examples of your use of technology in:
a. Planning for instruction
b. Implementing instruction
c. Developing and maintaining records
17. Discuss steps you have taken in meeting needs of a culturally diverse student population.
Sample of a Reflective Journal Entry
Journal Entry 4
September 1
Today I fumbled around on the science lesson. We discussed some questions in the students’ activity log and the first
section went fine. But on the last two my MT had to jump in and explain the answer to question #3 because the results
didn’t really turn out perfectly and I didn’t know how to make sense of it.
I realize some important things about this experience. I needed to re-consider the questions that I developed. I didn’t set
them up in appropriate format or according to the scientific method we learned in science methods class. I am checking
my notes later and future questioning formats will be improved. I also needed to remember what Dr. B. said concerning
lab experiments. I panicked because the results were different. I needed to throw the question back to the students as
my MT did with some “leading questions” rather than always having the answer ready. I also assumed the students
would make connections to the content covered in the book. Again, I needed to clarify those references in my
directions. We certainly have discussed clarity in directions given often enough in methods class activities.
However, I felt awful that the MT had to speak up and clarify things. Afterward I didn’t know if she would talk about it
with me or if she was disappointed in me or angry or what! I need to use those conflict resolution strategies we talked
about in Dr. D’s class sooner than I thought! I decided to plan my approach carefully. I discovered that my MT
understood. She was just great when she lead the discussion concerning my lesson. She didn’t berate me, but asked
simply, “How did the lesson go for you?” (As if she didn’t know that I was near tears and total frustration!) But she
allowed me to identify the problem and the solutions I had to offer. I told her I felt like such an incompetent and should
have anticipated that the results might not turn out exactly perfectly. I just drew a blank right in the middle of the
lesson, and then talked in circles until she helped me out! The MT made me feel better about the experience. That it
was actually good to experience this because this happens to experienced teachers too. She said that she was proud of
my ability to identify the positive and negative parts of the lessons. Most importantly, I could identify what to do next
time and I knew where to get the information.
I also did not plan the timing of the lesson very well. Students this age need more time. I was rushing them and did not
“think on my feet” to adjust the lesson. Today I learned what it was to have a really bad lesson and a really supportive
MT. I learned from my mistakes and will not make assumptions about what the students will already know or be able to
do. I will not let this get me down. I will fix the lesson for tomorrow and will go on with determination.
Formal Evaluation - TEAM
Teacher Candidate:
Grade and Topic:
Evaluation #
Please evaluate the candidate a minimum of three times: at the beginning, middle and end of placement. At the end of the semester you will summarize
your professional judgment of the candidate across all observations on each main heading.
Scoring Key: 1=Below Expectations 2=At Expectations 3=Above Expectations
Instructional Plans
_____ Goals are aligned to state content standards
_____ Activities, materials, and assessments build on prior student
learning, cultural background and proper sequencing
_____ Plan provides opportunities to accommodate individual student
_____ Allows appropriate time intervals for student work, lesson and
closure, etc.
_____ Plan was designed for the age, background knowledge, cultures
and interests of most learners
Student Work
_____ Assignments require students to interpret information rather than
reproduce it
_____ Assignments have students draw conclusions and support them through
discussion or writing
_____ All assessments have clear measurement criteria
_____ Formative assessments are utilized
_____ Assessments measure performance in more than two ways
_____ Assessments are aligned to State/Common Core standards
_____ Written tasks are included in assessments
Standards & Objectives
_____ Objective(s) and standards are communicated
_____ Expectations for student performance are clear
Teacher candidate relates objective(s) to prior knowledge
_____ Proof that a majority has mastered the daily objective and there
is progression of the mastery of a standard
Motivating Students
_____ Content is personally meaningful and relevant to students
_____ Teacher candidate reinforces and rewards effort
Utilization of inquiry, curiosity and exploration are evident
Presenting Instructional Content
_____ Includes examples, illustrations, analogies and/or labels for new
concepts and ideas
_____ Modeling to demonstrate performance expectations
_____ Logical sequencing and segmenting across the lesson
_____ No irrelevant, confusing, or nonessential information
Lesson Structure and Pacing
_____ Starts promptly
_____ Coherent with a beginning, middle and end
_____ Pacing is appropriate and varied when needed
_____ Efficient distribution of all materials
_____ Transitions are smooth with little lost time
Activities and Materials
_____ Support the lesson’s objectives
_____ Sustain students’ attention
_____ Provides for student to student interaction
_____ Provides students with authentic choices
_____ Encourage student curiosity and are stimulating
_____ Incorporates technology when available
_____ Incorporates resources outside the school’s curriculum (e.g.
teacher candidate made materials, manipulatives, resources from
museums, etc.)
_____ Activities and materials include tasks that are rich with text and
Academic Feedback
_____ Is high-quality, focused and done frequently throughout all components
of the lesson
_____ Candidate circulates during instructional activities to support
engagement and monitor student work
Grouping Students (whole, small, pairs, or individually)
Group adequately enhances student understanding and learning
_____ Most students know their roles and responsibilities
_____ Individuals are held accountable for individual and/or group work
_____ Group composition is varied (e.g. race, gender, ability, etc.)
Teacher Candidate Content Knowledge
_____ Displays accurate content knowledge of what he/she teaches
_____ Implements subject-specific content strategies to enhance student
content knowledge
Teacher Candidate Knowledge of Students
_____ Displays understandings of student’s anticipated learning difficulties
_____ Incorporates student interests and cultural heritage
_____ Provides differentiated instructional methods and content to ensure
children have the opportunity to master what is being taught
Teacher candidate thoroughly teaches one or more types of thinking:
 Analytical Thinking: students analyze, compare and contrast, and
evaluate and explain information
 Practical Thinking: students use, apply, and implement what they
learn in real-life scenarios
 Creative Thinking: students create, design, imagine, and suppose
 Research-Based Thinking: students explore and review a variety of
ideas, models, and solutions to problems
_____ Teacher candidate provides opportunities to generate a variety of ideas
and alternatives
_____ Teacher candidate provides opportunities to analyze problems from
multiple perspectives and viewpoints
_____ Varied and high quality providing a balanced mix of question
_____ Are purposeful and coherent
_____ Require active responses (e.g. whole-class signaling, choral
responses, or group and individual answers)
_____ Wait time is appropriate
_____ Calls on volunteers and non-volunteers
Problem Solving
_____ The teacher candidate implements activities that teach at least two of
the following problem-solving types (circle the types):
Abstraction, categorization, drawing conclusions/justifying
solution, predicting outcomes, observing and experimenting,
improving solutions, identifying relevant/irrelevant information,
generating ideas, and creating and designing
_____ Sets high expectations
_____ Encourages students to learn from mistakes
_____ Create learning opportunities where students can experience
_____ Students complete work according to teacher candidate’s
Managing Student Behavior
_____ Students are well behaved and on task with minor learning
_____ Teacher candidate follows mentor teacher’s rules for learning
and behavior
_____ Teacher candidate overlooks some inconsequential behavior, but
other times addresses it, stopping the lesson
Managing Student Behavior cont.
_____ Teacher candidate deals with students who have caused disruptions, yet
he or she addresses the entire class
Respectful Culture
_____ Teacher candidate-student interactions are friendly and caring
_____ Students exhibit respect for the teacher candidate and to each other
_____ Teacher candidate is receptive to interests and opinions of students
Candidate incorporates all suggestions and critiques made in
collaboration with their MT and US regarding planning, teaching and
assessing students.
Candidate communicates/collaborates with professionals & parents in
concert with their MT. Candidates seek additional ideas & suggestions
with colleagues to improve their instruction and performance.
Mentor Teacher or University Supervisor Follow-Up with Candidate:
Please identify the candidate’s strongest performance elements (reinforcements) and the candidate’s lowest
performance elements (refinements).
Evaluator’s comments regarding any suggestions for focusing on refinements (attach additional comments):
Summative Evaluation - TEAM
Teacher Candidate:
Grade (subject if applicable):
Use this rubric at the end of the Clinical Teaching placement to make your overall assessment of the teacher candidate’s performance.
Scoring Key: 1=Below Expectations
2=At Expectations
3=Above Expectations
Unacceptable (1)
Below Expectations
Instructional Candidate’s goals rarely aligned to state
content standards. Activities, materials, and
assessments unconnected to student prior
learning or background. Appropriate
pacing was not addressed. Individual
students’ needs neglected.
Candidate’s assignments required students
to reproduce information. Assignments
rarely had students draw conclusions
and/or offer support for them.
Acceptable (2)
At Expectations
Candidate’s goals were aligned to state
content standards. Activities, materials, and
assessments built on prior student learning
and backgrounds. Many lesson components
(student work periods, instruction times,
closures, etc.) were given appropriate
pacing times. Plans included
differentiation for learners with needs
but accommodations were not observed.
Candidate’s assignments required students
to interpret information rather than
reproduce it. Assignments had students
draw conclusions.
Quality of
Some assessments had clear measurement
criteria. Some formative assessments were
used. Assessments used single measures
of performance.
Most assessments had clear measurement
criteria. Formative assessments were
utilized frequently. Assessments measured
performance in more than one way.
Target (3)
Above Expectations
Candidate’s goals were always clearly aligned
to state content standards. Creative activities,
materials, and nontraditional assessments built
deep student knowledge. All lesson components
(student work periods, instruction times,
closures, etc.) were given appropriate pacing
times. Plans provided multiple opportunities
for students to have their needs met.
Candidate’s assignments required students to
interpret information at a high level of thought.
Assignments nearly always required students to
draw conclusions and support them orally or in
All assessments provided clear measurement
criteria. Formative and summative assessments
were used frequently. Assessments measured
performance in varied and unique ways.
of standards
& objectives
Skill at
in Lesson
and Pacing
Qualities of
Unacceptable (1)
Below Expectations
Some objectives and standards were
communicated. Expectations for student
performances were unclear. Some
objectives are connected to what students
have learned.
Acceptable (2)
At Expectations
Most objectives and standards were
communicated. Most expectations for
student performances were clear. Most
objectives are connected to what students
have learned.
Target (3)
Above Expectations
All objectives and standard were consistently
communicated. All expectations for student
performances were clearly communicated to
students. All objectives are connected to what
students have learned.
Content was meaningful to some students.
Candidate did not consistently reinforce
and reward student efforts. Candidate did
not develop learning experiences where
inquiry, curiosity, and exploration were
Candidate failed to use examples,
illustrations and/or labels for new concepts
or ideas on a regular basis. Didn’t always
model performance expectations.
Sequencing across lesson was lacking.
Presentation included confusing or
nonessential information.
Lessons did not always start promptly.
The lessons lacked structure and did not
clearly contain a beginning, middle and
end. Pacing was non-existent or did not
provide for different learning rates.
Routines and/or transitions were
unorganized and inefficient.
Materials and activities did not always
support lessons’ objectives. Student
interaction was limited. Technology was
not used but was available. No outside
resources were included. Tasks that were
included in activities and materials lacked
complexity and text.
Content was made personally meaningful
and relevant to most students. Candidate
reinforced and rewarded efforts. Candidate
developed learning experiences where
inquiry, curiosity, and exploration were
Candidate used examples, illustrations,
and/or labels for new concepts and ideas
most of the time. Modeled performance
expectations. Logical sequencing and
segmenting across the lesson was apparent
most of the time.
Content was consistently personally meaningful
and relevant to students. Candidate consistently
reinforced and rewarded efforts. Candidate
developed ample learning experiences where
inquiry, curiosity, and exploration were valued.
Lessons started promptly most of the time.
The lessons contained a beginning, middle
and end. Pacing was adequate and
provided some opportunities for different
learning rates. Routines and/or transitions
were mostly organized and efficient.
All lessons started promptly. The lessons
clearly contained a beginning, middle and end.
Pacing was clearly present and provided
multiple opportunities for different learning
rates. All routines and/or transitions were
organized and efficient with minor interruptions.
Materials and activities supported lesson
objectives and sustained most students’
attention. Student to student interaction and
choices were part of most lessons.
Incorporated technology when available.
Lessons relied mainly on adopted textbook.
Most activities and materials included
tasks that were rich with complexity and
All materials and activities clearly supported
lesson objectives and consistently sustained
student attention throughout all lessons.
Students had multiple opportunities interaction
and choices. Creative use of technology, when
available. Multiple resources were used. All
activities and materials included tasks that were
rich with complexity and text.
Candidate used meaningful illustrations and
labels for new concepts or ideas. Always
modeled performance expectations. Lessons
were always clearly logically sequenced and
segmented across the lessons. Information was
relevant to the students’ lives.
Use of a
variety of
Unacceptable (1)
Below Expectations
Candidate’s questions were primarily of
one type or are without purpose or sense.
Questions were primarily asked of
individuals. Wait time was not evident.
Candidate did not spread the questioning
across all students.
Acceptable (2)
At Expectations
Candidate’s questions were varied and
balanced. Required active responses (e.g.
whole-class signaling, choral responses, or
group and individual answers)
Wait time was appropriate most of the
time. Called on volunteers and nonvolunteers.
Candidate’s academic feedback was
focused and frequent. Most of the time the
candidate circulated during instructional
activities to support engagement and
monitor student work. Feed
Target (3)
Above Expectations
Candidate’s questions were varied, creative, and
high quality providing a balanced mix of
question types that are purposeful and coherent.
Require active responses as well as student-tostudent interaction. Wait time was consistently
used appropriately. Consistently calls on
volunteers and non-volunteers.
Candidate’s academic feedback was authentic
and frequently given. Candidate consistently
circulated offering genuine support and
documentation for student engagement and
monitoring of student work.
Use and
quality of
Candidate rarely offered academic
feedback. Candidate did not do enough
to support student engagement and monitor
their work.
Using and
grouping of
small, pairs,
of content
Candidate rarely grouped students for clear
instructional purposes.
Candidate’s group activities adequately
enhanced student understanding and
learning. Most students knew their roles
and responsibilities. Individuals were held
accountable for individual and/or group
work. Instructional group composition was
not varied consistently (e.g. race, gender,
ability, and age).
Candidate’s group activities clearly enhanced
student understanding and learning effectively.
All students knew their roles & responsibilities.
Individuals were consistently held accountable
for individual and/or group work. Instructional
group composition varied (e.g. race, gender,
ability, and age).
Candidate did not display accurate
content knowledge across lessons taught.
Candidate displayed accurate content
knowledge of what was taught. Usually
implemented subject-specific content
strategies to enhance student content
of students
Candidate was indifferent to students’
learning needs and difficulties.
Differentiation was rarely evident.
Candidate displayed understandings of
students’ anticipated learning difficulties.
Sometimes the candidate incorporated
student interests and cultural heritage.
Provided limited differentiated
instructional methods and content to ensure
students had the opportunity to master what
was being taught.
Candidate displays accurate content knowledge
of what he/she teaches and researched to add
to the content being taught when needed.
Consistently implemented subject-specific
content strategies to enhance student content
Candidate clearly anticipated students’ needs
and differentiated seamlessly so all students
could master the concepts. Incorporated
student interests and cultural heritage in
respectful and meaningful ways.
Unacceptable (1)
Below Expectations
Candidate did not teach any (Analytical
Thinking, Practical Thinking, Creative
Thinking, or Research-Based Thinking)
thinking skills. Candidate provided
minimal opportunities to generate ideas and
alternatives. Candidate provided minimal
opportunities to analyze problems from
perspectives and viewpoints.
Candidate rarely provided opportunities for
student problem solving or provided
opportunities that are artificial and
Acceptable (2)
At Expectations
Candidate thoroughly taught one type
(Analytical Thinking, Practical Thinking,
Creative Thinking, or Research-Based
Thinking) thinking skill. Candidate
provided some opportunities to generate
ideas and alternatives. Candidate provided
some opportunities to analyze problems
from different perspectives and viewpoints.
Candidate implements activities that teach
at least one of the following problemsolving types (abstraction, categorization,
drawing conclusions or justifying solution,
predicting outcomes, observing and
experimenting, improving solutions,
identifying relevant/irrelevant information,
generating ideas, and creating and
Target (3)
Above Expectations
Candidate thoroughly taught one or more
types (Analytical Thinking, Practical Thinking,
Creative Thinking, or Research-Based
Thinking). Candidate provided numerous
opportunities to generate a variety of ideas and
alternatives. Candidate provided ample
opportunities to analyze problems from
multiple perspectives and viewpoints.
Candidate teaches by modeling problem
solving and actively encouraged students to
practice problem solving through two or more
of the following problem-solving types
(abstraction, categorization, drawing
conclusions or justification, predicting,
observing and experimenting, improving
solutions, identifying relevant/irrelevant
information, generating ideas, and creating and
designing). Candidate modeled and
consistently provided opportunities for
students to generate a variety of ideas and
Setting clear
and high
Candidate did not set high expectations for
students. Students were not encouraged to
learn from mistakes. Learning experiences
did not promote student success.
Students were not well behaved.
Candidate did not handle minor learning
disruptions easily during Clinical Teaching
Semester. Candidate did not follow
mentor’s classroom rules and procedures.
Candidate treated all behavior issues as
major issues or all as trivial; does not
distinguish between them.
Candidate sets high expectations.
Encouraged students to learn from
mistakes. Most of the time learning
opportunities allowed most students to
experience success. Students complete
work according to candidate’s
Students were well-behaved and on task
with minor learning disruptions.
Candidate followed mentor’s classroom
rules. Candidate overlooked some minor
behavior issues, but other times he/she
addresses it, pausing the lesson.
Candidate consistently set high expectations for
all students. Candidate created learning
experiences where mistakes were helpful and
where success is built in. All Students met or
exceeded candidate’s expectations.
Students were always well behaved and on task.
Candidate consistently handled minor learning
disruptions easily. Candidate consistently
followed mentor’s classroom rules and
procedures. Disruptions were handled
appropriately and professionally.
Unacceptable (1)
Below Expectations
Collaboration Candidate does not incorporate suggestions
and critiques made in collaboration with
their Mentor Teacher or University
Acceptable (2)
At Expectations
Candidate incorporates some of the
suggestions and critiques made in
collaboration with Mentor Teachers and
University Supervisors regarding planning,
teaching, and assessing children.
Target (3)
Above Expectations
Candidate incorporates all suggestions and
critiques made in collaboration with their
Mentor Teacher and University supervisory
personnel regarding planning, teaching, and
assessing children.
Parents, and
Candidate fails to communicate and/or
collaborate with professionals, parents, and
others in a meaningful way to meet the
needs of all children in the classroom.
Candidate collaborates & communicates
with professionals, others and with parents
under the guidance of their MT to meet the
specific needs of all children in the
Promoting a
Candidate-student interactions were stiff.
Candidate-student and student-student
rapport was disrespectful. Candidate
expressed no interest in students’ interests
or opinions.
Most candidate-student interactions were
friendly and caring. Candidate-student and
student-student rapport was respectful.
Candidate was receptive to interests and
opinions of students.
Candidates communicates/ &collaborates with
professionals & parents in meaningful ways in
concert with their MT. Candidates further seek
additional ideas and suggestions in collaboration
with fellow candidates, University faculty and
others to improve their instruction and to assist
students in their learning.
Candidate-student interactions were consistently
professional, friendly, and caring. Candidatestudent and student-student rapport was
consistently respectful. Candidate was
consistently receptive to interests and opinions
of students.
Comments on areas of reinforcement (strongest performance elements):
Comments of areas of refinement (lowest performance elements):
US/TC Reflecting Conference
This form is used to encourage and document reflective dialogue between the TC/US and feedback related to the observed lesson. US
completes the form while conferencing with the TC. The TC should place all completed copies of this form in the TC notebook.
Teacher candidates: _______________________________________
University Supervisor: __________________________________
Placement: I or II (circle one)
Lesson: ______________________________________________
As you reflect on the lesson, what are your initial impressions?
How did the lesson actually unfold in comparison to what you anticipated during your planning?
Reflect on the goals/objectives for the lesson. Did your students meet the criteria for success? What did you see your
students do or hear them say that support your impressions?
If you were to teach this lesson again to these students, how would the lesson differ?
In thinking about future observations and reflections, what are some areas upon which you would like to reinforce and
areas you can refine?
What have you learned from previous observations, reflections and/or feedback from your MT and/or US that you
have applied to this lesson?
Additional Comments:
Mentor Teacher Data Form
Name of TC:
Semester: Fall or Spring 20
Placement: 1 or 2 (Circle one)
School Name:
School Address:
City: _________________
School Number: (
State: ________________ Zip: ________
School Fax:
Email address:
What is your highest degree:
List the College or University you graduated from:
What was your major:
Licensure area:
Years of Teaching Experience:
Attention Student Teachers
Fax to the Office of School Based Clinical Practice by the end of the first week of
each placement (901) 678-1523.
Clinical Teaching Semester Handbook Agreement
I understand that I am a representative of the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences at The University of
Memphis, a guest in the classroom and, as such, am expected to act in a reasonable and professional manner at all times.
Materials I submit as a part of my Clinical Teaching Semester requirements may be anonymously used for research
I hereby grant the Teacher Education Department at the University of Memphis the right to use my photograph taken
during Clinical Teaching Semester. I understand that the photograph(s) may, at the decision of the Office of School
Based Clinical Practice, be copied and shown to such persons as deemed appropriate, including, but not limited to, local,
state and national stakeholders, other students, and the staff and faculty of The University of Memphis. I understand that
the photographs will become the property of the Teacher Education Department.
I have read the Clinical Teaching Semester Handbook and agree to all teacher candidates requirements identified
Print Name