the Student Handbook. - The Medical Missionary Training

Medical Missionary Training Institute
T/A Acacia Life College
Student Handbook
v. 8 2014
1 Fryers Road
Hervey Range
Queensland 4817
M: 0458 536 115
Medical Missionary Training Institute
Acacia Life College
Code of Practice
Legislative Requirements
Access and Equity
Quality Management
Student Services
External Review
Training and Assessment Standards
Complaints and Appeals
Refund Policy
Direct Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning
Language, Literacy and Numeracy
Library and Web Resources
Fee Schedule
Medical Missionary Training Institute Inc.
The Medical Missionary Training Institute Inc. (MMTI) is a Registered Training
Organisation (RTO), registered with the Department of Education, Science and
Training and has fulfilled all the Australian Skills Quality Authority Standards.
The Institute is a not-for-profit organisation with a CEO, Principal and 7 member
Board of Management. It is registered with the ATO as a Health Promotion
Charity and has DGR status.
The MMTI manages its subsidiaries, Acacia Grove Health Education Centre and
Acacia Life College (ALC).
Acacia Life College
Acacia Life College campus is situated at 1 Fryers Road, Hervey Range, North
Queensland, Australia.
When you enroll in this College, you will enhance your personal and professional
knowledge and skills in health. When you graduate you will be qualified to set up
and manage a residential Health Education Centre (Sanitarium) and deliver
natural, holistic, health education and health promotion, programs to the public.
The graduate will also be qualified to work in a casual, part-time or full-time paid
job as a Lifestyle educator or Health Promotion Officer.
In 2015 and 2016, only distance education, delivered by eLearning or postage of
hard copy of units will be available
Practical experience will be gained by assisting with the residential health
education programs operating at Acacia Grove Health Education Centre, or other
similar Centre approved by the MMTI Board of Management.
Accreditation of courses has a number of benefits for students:
An assurance the educational principles and standards of the organisation and
the courses it delivers are sound and of a national standard.
An assurance of recognition by industry, public and private organisations and
therefore, the ability to gain paid employment.
Promotion of recognition of courses between RTO’s, allowing for credit transfer
and recognition of prior learning.
Austudy and Abstudy approval.
This Handbook is designed to give you information about the course we offer
and the requirements of enrolment. Please do not hesitate to contact us about
any specific requirements you may have. We look forward to a mutually
enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Code of Practice
The MMTI and its subsidiary, Acacia Life College recognises God as Creator and
sustainer of life and the supreme provider for human need, spiritually,
emotionally, mentally and physically.
As a Registered Training Organisation, the MMTI and ALC are committed to the
delivery of quality training through the adherence to the principles and
standards of the Australian Skills Quality Authority.
The MMTI has a moral commitment to support staff and care for students to a
standard governed by its Christian belief system.
In the operation of Acacia Life College, the MMTI is resolved to provide excellent
health education based on the laws of physiology and to deliver that education
with knowledge, skill, love and boundaries.
The organisation is committed to promotion of natural, holistic, health education
for the public good, to provide a public benefit and support the social fabric of
the community.
Legislative Requirements
The MMTI will meet all legislative requirements of State and Federal
Access – Equity
All students will be recruited in an ethical and responsible manner consistent
with the requirements of the NVR Standards. Specific client groups, such as
Indigenous people, people from culturally diverse backgrounds, women and
people with disabilities are encouraged to apply and access the support
mechanisms the Institute has in place.
Students with special needs will be furnished with information about support
and the policies and procedures will be reviewed, if necessary, so as to provide
reasonable support within the material and financial confines of the Institute.
Relevant professional development of staff will be addressed. Feedback from
clients will be used in the process of continuous improvement.
Quality Management
The MMTI is committed to delivering quality service. There are structures in
place for internal auditing and continuous improvement. Feedback from
students, staff and employers is used to improve future programs.
Student Services
The MMTI has comprehensive management practices to ensure effective student
services. In particular, there are standards to ensure timely issue of student
assessments, results and qualifications. The results issued will be in accordance
with national guidelines. The quality control includes a recognition procedure, a
fair and equitable refund policy, a grievance and appeal procedure, an access and
equity policy and student guidance service.
When necessary, advice will be given to those students requiring language and
literacy support. This information is given in a manner that is easily understood
by students and staff.
This handbook ensures that all fees and charges are known by students before
enrolment, course content and assessment procedures are explained and
vocational outcomes outlined.
Students have free access to their own records and assessment materials and
External Review
The MMTI has agreed to participate in external monitoring and audit processes
by the Australian Skills Quality Authority. As the MMTI is an Incorporated
Association, the finances are audited annually by an independent, qualified
auditor and submitted to the Department of Free Trading.
Advertising of the course is carried out with integrity, accuracy, professionalism
and in accordance with the NVR Standards.
Training and Assessment Standards
The MMTI has personnel with appropriate qualifications and experience to
deliver training and assessment. Assessment is in accordance with national
assessment principles (including recognition), adequate facilities, equipment and
training materials to ensure the learning environment is conducive to the
success of the students. Training is delivered by workbooks, written assignments
and practical demonstration.
Assessments will be carried out on assignments lodged electronically, at the
College campus, Acacia Grove Health Education Centre and during public health
education programs.
Students will be required to undertake a range of assessment tasks, including,
written short answer questions, written reports, case studies, design of tools or
templates, third party evidence, observation and other methods of assessment.
Alternative assessment modes are available for students with particular needs
and any form of disability.
Results of assessment may be appealed using appropriate forms.
Complaints and Appeals
If a complaint or appeal needs to be addressed, there is a procedure to follow:
1. Complete a client complaint or appeal form
2. Approach the Principle to try to resolve the issue
3. If unresolved, a written report may be sent to the MMTI Board. All
complaints will be dealt with in a timely and constructive manner in
4. Academic appeals are to be addressed to the Board. This process may
include a re-assessment. The appeal outcome will be issued in writing.
Refund Policy
All fees received prior to the implementation of a study course or prior to the
commencement of a training session will be retained by the Institute in a
separate fund until course delivery
A full refund of enrolment fees will be made if a course is cancelled by Acacia Life
College for any reason.
Where cancellation is made by an applicant, more than 10 working days prior to
the commencement of a course, the applicant will be eligible for eighty percent
(80%) refund on tuition fees. However, participants will be provided with an
option to transfer to a course being offered at an alternate time.
Where cancellation occurs less than 10 business days prior to the
commencement of a training program, no refund applies. However, participants
will be provided with an option to transfer to a course being offered at an
alternate time.
Once training has commenced in the course, no refund is available to
participants who leave before the completion of the course unless the participant
can provide a medical certificate or show extreme personal hardship.
Refunds will be considered on a pro-rata basis for students who fall ill or are
injured to the extent that they can no longer undertake the course providing a
supporting Medical Certificate is supplied to Acacia Life College. However, should
participants wish to finalise incomplete units of competency in a future course,
the original fee can be used as a credit towards that course. This offer is available
within a 12 month period from the time the initial payment is made.
In the event of cancellation of the enrolment by a participant in the course, after
receipt of initial study materials, the participant will be considered to have used
all learning materials provided. 80% of the value of textbooks returned in ‘mint’
condition will be refunded.
Initial enrolment and administration fees paid to the MMTI are non refundable.
Full and part-time applications should be made to the Institute on the Institute’s
application form. Application forms are available from the Institute.
A letter will be sent advising the outcome of the application.
If successful, an enrolment form will be issued and needs to be returned with
payment by cheque, money order or direct deposit into the MMTI bank account.
An acceptance letter of enrolment, receipt of fees paid and a unique student
identifier will be issued.
Credit Transfer (CT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Credit Transfer is a process whereby recognition of Australian Qualifications
Framework (AQF) qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other
RTO’s enables individuals to receive national recognition of their achievements.
Recognition of Prior Learning is a recognition, based on evidence presented,
which fulfills current competence against endorsed industry or enterprise
competency standards specified in ASQA accredited courses, of knowledge and
skills gained by experience in a specified field of work.
The evidence may take a variety of forms and could include certification,
references from past employers, third party evidence, testimonials from clients
and work samples. The assessor must ensure the evidence is authentic, valid,
reliable, current and sufficient.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LL&N)
A LL&N indicator may be sent to you to complete. This is not a test, but allows
the Institute to make a decision as to the most appropriate support needed to
help students reach their goals.
If there are requirements for LL&N support, this will be arranged by the Institute
in the best interests of the student. This may involve support from another
organisation and any costs incurred in this process would be the responsibility
of the student.
If you think you may require this support, please indicate such on your
application form.
Library and Web Resources
Required and recommended reading may be accessed at the College, local
community Library, the Australian National Library and/or online.
Registration at a local community Library and borrowing, is free. Proof of
identity and a permanent residential address is required.
Registration with the Australian National Library and borrowing is free and is
through the local community Library.
Access to the Web requires access to the Internet. This is available on the College
The course offered by the MMTI and delivered by Acacia Life College is the
Diploma of Residential Health Education and Management.
The MMTI is committed to establish Acacia Life College based on the ancient
schools of the prophets. This establishes God and His Word as the foundational
principles of all true education. The learning materials guide the application of
these principles. (“To the Law and to the testimony: if they speak not according
to this Word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20)
This Diploma course is delivered face to face, over one year or by distance
education over 2.5 years. Training is provided on the College campus. Students
are expected to attend the full year of training. Training will be offered through
a combination of teacher led theory sessions and practical tasks.
If a student chooses to complete the course part time, the length of the course
will depend upon when the student achieves competency in each unit of study.
Austudy and Abstudy are approved for 2.5 years.
The Diploma of Residential Health Education and Management trains the student
to design, deliver and evaluate residential and public health education and health
promotion programs effectively and professionally. This is a nationally
recognised qualification by Government and Industry and the graduate may
obtain employment in these and other private organisations involved in health
education and promotion.
The course covers Anatomy and Physiology, Nutrition, Exercise, Fundraising,
Networking, Financial Management, Personal Health, Counseling, WHS
Management, Herbal medicine, short and long term Health Management,
Hydrotherapy and Residential Health Education Management.
While studying, the student will have opportunity to apply their knowledge and
learn practical skills by assisting with the residential programs delivered at
Acacia Grove Health Education Centre. They will apply practical work skills on
the farm, thereby gaining experience of how to establish and manage organic
orchard and vegetable gardens and help in the office to gain experience in the
administration of a residential Health Centre and educational Institute. They will
also gain practical experience delivering health education programs to the local
The students will have active roles in local Churches. Upon graduation, there will
be an endeavor to place interested graduates in missionary programs in
Australia or overseas.
10385 Diploma of Residential Health Education and
13 units must be selected for this qualification. All units are compulsory
SISFFIT527A Undertake health promotion activities to decrease risk factors and
prevent chronic disease
BSBPUB503A Manage fundraising and sponsorship activities
BSBREL402A Build client relationships and business networks
BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans
HLTAP401A Confirm physical health status
HLTSHU509C Maintain personal health awareness as a professional
CHCCSL501A Work within a structured counseling framework
HLTWHS501A Manage workplace WHS processes
RHEHER501A Research safe use of herbs
RHEHOL502A Design and deliver a personalised, daily holistic health program
RHEHYD503A Promote hydrotherapy in a residential health education context
RHELED504A Design, deliver and review long term lifestyle education programs
RHERES505A Design, deliver and evaluate a comprehensive residential health
education program
As a financial help for participants, the MMTI Board of Management offers
applicants the opportunity to initially purchase 3 units and when completed,
they may purchase one unit at a time.
The qualification, Diploma of Residential Health Education and Management
applies to community work delivered through residential and community
programs which provide health education support to individuals and groups,
enabling them to apply positive health principles. At the completion of this
qualification, the graduate will have the competency to design, deliver and
evaluate comprehensive, natural, holistic, health education in a residential or
public setting, to enhance the health and wellbeing of people.
This qualification defines the knowledge and skills for workers who work
autonomously under the broad guidance of others. It refers to specific
knowledge of a client group and appropriate educational processes applied in
community settings.
This qualification must be completed in two years, full-time or 2.5 years parttime. Graduates who exhibit teaching ability will be supported to gain other
necessary qualifications to teach the course. The MMTI Board has a vision to
train Medical Missionary educators who are capable of administering combined
residential Health Education Centres and educational institutes in other
Fee Schedule
10385 Diploma of Residential Health Education and Management
Cost: $9,200 for face-to-face learning on campus
Board and lodging on Campus for 1 year
(Arrangement of payment with Acacia Grove Health Centre)
Payment Schedule
Administration fee payment with application (not refundable)
Enrollment fee, due 30 days before commencement of course
Tuition fees due at 30 day intervals from commencement
of course in 3 payments of $1,500 and one payment of $700
Distance Education – eLearning: Total cost: $6,600
Administration fee, payment with application (non refundable)
Enrolment into a minimum of 3 units
Learning Materials for each unit thereafter
$300 each
Assessment for each unit thereafter
$200 each