SESC 2005 - Geographical Association

Teaching Exceptional
Students: a workshop for the
gifted and talented
Geographical Association Conference 2005
Secondary Education Section Committee
SESC 2005
Gary Dawson - Head of Geography, Fair
Oak Business and Enterprise College,
Melissa Gardner - Head of Geography,
Stanchester Community School
Alan Parkinson - Head of Geography,
King Edward VII School, Norfolk
Fred Martin - PGCE Tutor, Bath Spa
University College
Other contributors
SESC 2005
On holiday !
Rob Lodge - Secondary Consultant
Foundation Strand, Norfolk
Sarah Todd - AST, Stanchester
Community School, Somerset
Sarah Watts - Secondary Consultant
Foundation Strand, Hampshire
Have we got some headlines for
you !
Background image copyright Hat Trick
Productions and the BBC.
Africa continues to lag
behind the rest of the world.
Trade holds the key to
African development.
China set to overtake Britain as
the 4th richest country in the
Britain promises to cancel debt
to help the developing world.
Millions still without access to
water in poor countries.
Rich countries give aid with
one hand, but take aid
repayments with the other.
Poverty in Africa is a legacy
of European colonialism.
Corrupt officials and politicians
put off overseas investors.
Trade barriers prevent Africa’s
escape from poverty.
Africa needs to reduce its
dependence on aid.
And now the next activity !
Objectives 1
What are the differences between gifted
and talented students ?
What are the characteristics of a gifted
geographer ?
What are challenging tasks for gifted
geographers ?
How can challenging tasks be made more
accessible to the mainstream ?
SESC 2005
Objectives 2
SESC 2005
How one department manages gifted
Using ICT to support the learning of
gifted geographers
Using fieldwork to support the learning of
gifted geographers
Consider the next steps to support your
gifted geographers
Who are the Gifted and Talented?
‘Gifted' learners are those who have
abilities in one or more subjects in the
statutory school curriculum other than
art and design, music and PE
‘Talented' learners are those who
have abilities in art and design, music,
PE, or performing arts such as dance
and drama.
Adapted from Excellence in Cities
SESC 2005
Characteristics of gifted Geographers
SESC 2005
Think of a student in your school and
describe his or her characteristics
Characteristics of gifted Geographers
Training materials for the foundation
subjects. Module 9 Challenge
Chris Durbin
SESC 2005
Increasing the challenge and making the
challenge more accessible
Groups of 3/4/5
Some groups work on increasing the
TRF concept map
Design a city
Some groups work on making the challenge
more mainstream
Thanks to geography
SESC 2005
How is G and T managed in
the Geography Department?
A case study from Stanchester
School, Somerset
Our set up..
3 Geographers
2 classrooms
Both rooms data projectors and
All lessons on Ppt – interactive
Lots of playdough!
Keeping G and T happy 
Our G and T AST surveyed all G and T students
in our school ..Here’s some student thoughts…
I liked having time to think in silence
Personal talking time
really helps – where you
share your ideas
before you write down
Being involved – doing
things – helps me 
lessons fun
and how the
is put across
helps loads
The more interesting the class
is, the better the class is.
Being different, original and fun.
I don’t feel
comfortable when
the teacher seats
me next to
someone who
messes around
Department ideas.
Seating Plans – learning buddy (more able – more
Differentiation – must, should, could and VAK /
multi sensory tasks
Fieldwork opportunities e.g. weather diary winners
to RNAS Yeovilton
Coursework – differentiated guide booklets..
Hotlinks of data sources, updating website info
Exemplar material… example of an A*….
Stepped level criteria ‘an A* response is….’
Shared peer learning – cross phase projects
(teaching volcanoes to Year 6)
Weather club – geo clubs… let them run it and
update weather data / RND team 
Creativity and G and T
Make learning purposeful…
Roving reporter
Magic microphone for quiet types
Hot seating… ‘ready steady chat’
Keep their attention…. Lyrics to a song..
Mamma Mia, here I blow again, I am an active
Call my bluff.. students create questions for
Give us the question… we give you the answer
Create a rainforest …
from scrap
What do you need?
Tissue Paper
Information from
Why not visit the Scrap
Store in Yeovil…
Using the resources available, build your own
rainforest on the wall…cut out the trees…add the
You have
20 minutes to
create your
It will be assessed for accuracy of its layers and their
contents – labels should be clear and informative
The G and T students could be grouped together
for this activity, then have an extension to report
back from the rainforest about the threats….
Could be a roving reporter…..
And so….
We manage G and T with
department and school wide
initiatives, which are enhanced by
fun and engaging learning styles.
ICT: Case study
SESC 2005
The use of ICT to offer challenge and a sense
of mystery for your G&T students…
“This is your life….” – Old Harry
You were
You had a
wife, but
Thanks to Daniel Raven Ellison – “Learning through Windows”
RGS-IBG Innovative Geography Teaching Grant
How will G&T use images ?
Application: applying the same idea to
changed situations
Analysis: questions that invite pupils to
explore causes, effects and relationships
Synthesis: hypothesising or generating ideas
Evaluation: assessing validity of conclusions
RGS-IBG Innovative Geography Teaching Grant 2003-4
Set up a departmental weblog –encourage
students to post / comment
Go beyond the themes in the classroom
Students gain ‘ownership’…
Read more in ‘Teaching Geography’ October
FLICKR – photo cataloguing and tagging &
easy upload to weblog
Researching Starters
Simon Renshaw of Roundhill
Community College, Leicester asks G&T
students to research images for
forthcoming lessons / starters
They research images which provoke
300 topics
Location : Bawdsey Suffolk
Artist: Bettina Furnee
Produce a powerpoint with a sequence from
the Archive of images.
“Picture Pile”
Picture by Edwin Chew: courtesy
Picture Reveal Exercise
Please note that some parts of this presentation have
been removed due to copyrighted material.
These included ideas for using video and images with
G&T students.
For further information go to:
Click the link below, and set an
Copyright: Scott Blake
Field Work for G and T
SESC 2005
Two stars and a wish
Turn to the person next to you and:
• tell them two things that you are
currently doing to support G and T
in your lessons
• identify one thing that you are
going to trial in your lessons
SESC 2005
Good practice
SESC 2005
The ability to think independently
and in depth should be developed in
all students.
Pupils need to reflect on the
processes of their own thinking and
learning so that they can build on their
own skills and intellectual strengths
Next steps: whole school
In your school, is there a G and T
 policy
 register
 co-ordinator
 separate funds
 special programme?
What is your department’s contribution?
SESC 2005
Next steps; department
Do G and T students go beyond Level
Do G and T students progress best in sets?
What teaching strategies are most suitable?
What learning activities best develop the
abilities of G and T students?
How can you assess the achievement of G
and T students?