Sound of life

Sound of life
The Sound of Life building serves two purposes – protect the earth and the generations to come that will
inhibit it. The Sound of Life building got its name from its Aum symbol shape. The letters ‘A’, ‘U’ and ‘M’ symbolize
speech, the mind and the breath of life. Most religions indicate that creation began with sound - In the beginning
was the word... For Hindus & Buddhists, Aum is the primordial sound, the first breath of creation, the vibration
that ensures existence. Aum also signifies God, Creation, & the Oneness of all creation. Thus the sound mystically
embodies the essence of the entire universe. One of Aum’s many other threefold symbolic equivalents are the
colors red, white, and black; which can be seen numerous times throughout the building along with the eyepopping, recycled bronze exterior.
Before walking through the red doors of the entrance, guests are greeted with a plaque in front,
explaining the meaning of Aum. On the first floor, youth can pick take part in multiple workshops ranging from
dance, martial arts, and even art. The sound of life also has a daycare program for children of young parents,
assault victims, and whoever else may need the extra help. In the main building, there is a magnificent library that
holds a seemingly never ending supply of books and when you want to take a break, there’s an arcade for that as
well! Just outside of the main building can be found the Crescent building, where performances are showcased
and dances are throws. The dot above the Crescent building is a gazebo, meant to be a quiet place to do yoga or
simply enjoy the surroundings.
The second floor is home to the cafeteria, dining hall, living area, and offices belonging to the proud
owners, who are licensed psychologists. These psychologists counsel the youth who partake in the Sound of Life
program as well as women and/or men who are survivors of assault. The Sound of Life is a nonprofit organization
that aims to lend a hand and motivate those who have lost their way.