58 PADDOCK WOOD TOWN COUNCIL The Podmore Building, St Andrews Road, Paddock Wood Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6HT Telephone: 01892 837373 ___________________________________________________________________ MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE ESTATES COMMITTEE held on Monday 10th October 2011, at the Day Centre, Commercial Road, at 7.45pm ___________________________________________________________________ PRESENT: Cllr B Mace, in the Chair Cllrs J Flashman, Mrs M Flashman, R. Moon, D. Sargison, R. Steward, Mrs P Taylor IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs N Reay, Clerk Mr K Butler, Estates Manager APOLOGIES: Cllr Mrs E Thomas ES37 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. ES38 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th September 2011 were APPROVED. ES39 (a) MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES The new alarm system at the Elm Tree had been installed and will be commissioned on 12th October 2011. Work on the ponds will commence week commencing 24th October 2011. The Clerk and the Estates Manager would meet with the contractors before hand to discuss the practicalities of spreading the spoil at the bottom of the Cemetery. The new benches to be installed at the Memorial Recreation Ground had been delivered. Plaques stating that they had been donated by the Sports Association have been ordered. The tree work agreed at the meeting had been carried out. (b) (c) (d) ES40 TOYOTA VAN The lease for the Toyota van expires in November. It had already been extended once and the lease company will not extend it a second time. It had been agreed during the last financial year that £6,000 should be set aside to purchase the van, as it has a low mileage and is still in good condition. The price quoted by the lease company is £7,267.88, + VAT. The price includes breakdown cover and a12 month warranty. There is still a further £1600 in the code for the ride on mower and this could be transferred across to make up the short fall. Cllr Moon proposed, Cllr Flashman seconded: That the Town Council should purchase the van outright for the sum of £7,267.88. CARRIED unanimously 59 ES41 RIDE ON MOWER Members considered the report from the Clerk for the new ride on mower. Following on from the Estates Manager’s recommendation, Cllr Mace proposed, Cllr Sargison seconded: That the Town Council should take out a five year hire purchase agreement for a John Deere 1565, with cab, and maintenance contract. The order to be placed with Kidmans. CARRIED unanimously. This is the same model machine that the Council currently uses and safety cage will be transferred from the old machine to the new one. ES42 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS The Clerk and Estates Manager had met with the lighting company and arranged the purchase of two tree top stars for the trees at the War Memorial and the Day Centre. The Paddock Wood and District Lions have offered to purchase the lights. The Hospice in the Weald Light up a Life Ceremony will take place on Friday 2nd December 2011. PW and District Lions are proposing light the tree at the War Memorial on Saturday 3rd December 2011. The ceremony last year was cancelled due to the snow. ES43 ELM TREE PAVILION The Council’s electrician had advised that the hot water tank should be kept at 60 degrees C to prevent Legionnaires Disease. From a Health and Safety point of view he had recommended that the hot water tank cupboard should be kept locked at all times to prevent the switches from being tampered with. However, the stop cock to the pavilion is in the cupboard and the football club may need access in an emergency. Members agree that signs warning users not to turn the hot water off should be put up, and a lock fitted to the door. The chairman of Paddock Wood Football Club will be given a key to gain access in an emergency. {During the discussion it emerged that additional keys may be being cut for Council premises without authorisation. The Clerk and the Estates Manager were asked to carry out a review of the security on the Council’s buildings and report back to the next meeting.} ES44 GREEN LANE The Council has been approached by another fitness company which organises outdoor exercise classes at Green Lane on Monday and Thursday mornings, at 9.30. They had requested use of the Green Lane car park during these periods to enable their clients to park off the road. Members agreed that a key could be supplied subject to a £10 deposit and the company being responsible for ensuring that the car park was kept locked during the lessons, and all cars were removed at the end of the session. 60 ES45 COMPOST BINS The Estates Manager had considered the location of compost bins and reported that there was a redundant concrete slab behind the old allotment store at Ringden Avenue. Sleepers to build the bay would cost in the region of £200. Following a discussion it was agreed that bins would be built at both Ringden Avenue allotments and Elm Tree Playing Fields, using old pallets. If the project proved to be successful then a more permanent method of building the bins would used. The project should minimize the need for burning cuttings, although some larger items would be unsuitable for composting. The Estates Manager expressed concerns about having compost bins at the Elm Tree playing fields as they may be targets for vandals. ES46 BUDGET 2012/2013 The following ideas were put forward for consideration at the next meeting: Replanting in both the East and West Car Park. Renovation of the plaques at both the Old Churchyard and the Podmore building. Additional waste bins on the recreation grounds Notice board at Foal Hurst wood Estates equipment Maintenance review of all the buildings Money for play equipment ES47 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 14th November 2011. The meeting closed at 9 pm. CHAIRMAN