Open - The Scottish Government

General Stationery and Office Paper Framework
Scottish Procurement
General Stationery and Office Paper
Framework for the Scottish Public
Buyer’s Guide
V5 Feb 2014
Section Description
Foreword & Acknowledgements
Framework Overview
Framework Model
Framework Pricing
Framework Specification
Framework Contract Management
Framework Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
1. Foreword and Acknowledgements
Scottish Procurement aims to deliver benefits to the people of Scotland through
improved value for money for taxpayers, improved goods and services for all our
citizens and economic opportunities for Scotland. This is achievable through
effective collaboration throughout the procurement cycle.
Scottish Procurement would like to acknowledge the on-going work, support and
contribution from all sector representatives.
2. Introduction
This guide aims to provide Scottish public sector bodies with an overview of the
General Stationery and Office Paper framework.
3. Framework Overview
Scottish Procurement, supported by the Office Supplies National Category Forum
(NCF), sector Centres of Expertise (CoE’s), public sector organisations and key
stakeholders, has awarded a sole supply national framework for General Stationery
& Office Paper. This framework replaced the frameworks General Stationery (PS07-002-1) and Paper (PS-07-002-3) which were supplied by Lyreco and ended on 31
August 2011.
Start Date
The framework agreement commenced on 1 September 2011 for a 3 year duration
with the option to extend for a further year.
The framework agreement is available to Scottish public bodies (e.g. Central
Government, Local Authorities, Higher and Further Education, NHS, Police and Fire
and Rescue) and Scottish 3rd sector bodies (e.g. registered charities and voluntary
The scope of the agreement covers General Stationery and Office Paper products.
The framework agreement has been awarded to Office Depot UK Limited
The supplier was selected after a robust procurement process in line with EU
procurement regulations. The supplier met all the required minimum requirements
and represents best sustainable value for money.
4. Framework Model
The framework has been built on a ‘cost to serve’ model. Whilst a relatively new
model to the public sector, this approach has been successfully used for a number of
years by the private sector. It is now being adopted across the public sector. The
model uses a flat pricing structure, which is applied across all contracted items.
There is no longer a core and non-core list of products. All products within the scope
of the agreement are priced in the same manner.
The price of a product is comprised of 3 elements: cost price of the product, fixed
supplier margin and the ‘cost to serve’. The ‘cost to serve’ is made up of all the
costs the supplier incurs as a result of supplying the customer. This is a key variable
which organisations can work with the supplier to reduce.
Office Depot will throughout the life of the framework work with organisations to
identify opportunities for organisations to reduce their cost to serve. They will
demonstrate to organisations the potential cost benefit of doing so.
The following is a list of common activities which organisations can undertake to
reduce their cost to serve. Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Your Office
Depot account manager will work with you to identify those opportunities which are
relevant to your organisation:
Introduce minimum order values;
Reduce the number of orders placed;
Rationalise the range of products being ordered;
Place orders electronically – either via cXML or through the supplier’s secure
Move from next day to set delivery days;
Use standard as opposed to desktop delivery;
Receive invoices electronically – either via cXML or by email.
Every organisation using the framework is different. Office Depot will work with each
individual organisation to identify the opportunities which are most appropriate for
5. Framework Pricing
The pricing for the framework is fixed for 6 months at a time. Pricing is reviewed by
Scottish Procurement and Office Depot every 6 months. All customer organisations
are charged the same price. However, where organisations are able to reduce their
individual ‘cost to serve’ over a 6 month period, they will receive this reduction back
in the form of a rebate. If there is a reduction to the ‘cost to serve’ across the whole
framework this will allow product prices across the agreement to be reduced for the
next 6 month period.
The cost to serve on 1 September 2011 was based upon the collective behaviour of
organisations using the current framework over the period from July to December
2010. The cost to serve has subsequently been revised every six months, based on
the buying behaviour of organisations in the preceding period.
All pricing communications will be issued by Scottish Procurement to sector Centres
of Expertise, for onward communication.
Rebates earned by an organisation will be paid retrospectively to them during the
following 6 month period.
Pricing can be obtained from Scottish Procurement.
Office Depot’s account management team contacted organisations after the initial 3
month period of the agreement to advise them of opportunities to reduce their cost to
serve, and will work with them on an on-going basis.
From 1 April 2013, a charge of £5 was implemented for all orders under £10. This
was introduced because prior to this a large volume of low value orders were having
a significant impact on the overall Cost to Serve and therefore negatively impacting
on the pricing for all organisations using the framework.
It was decided that the best way to tackle this would be to strongly encourage
customers to place orders at least above £10 (although larger orders than this are
preferable, as orders just above £10 in value still impact negatively on the Cost to
Organisations may continue to place orders below £10 if they wish, although these
orders will incur a £5 charge.
6. Framework Specification
The framework specification was developed based upon the requirements of
organisations using the previous frameworks and developments within the
marketplace. The framework offers organisations greater flexibility to identify a
service which both meets their requirements and allows them to reduce their cost to
serve. A summary of the key elements:
The following methods are available: cXML ordering, punch-out, supplier’s secure
website, email, fax and phone.
Scheduled delivery (organisation identifies set days of the week for delivery);
Bulk delivery;
Next day delivery (up to 3 w.d Highlands and Islands);
Deliveries will be made by the supplier’s own fleet, supported where required by
3rd party carriers;
Drivers will be Disclosure Scotland certified.
Payment and Invoicing
cXML invoicing;
electronic invoicing;
Government Procurement Card (GPC);
Consolidated invoicing;
Invoicing per delivery.
Items returned must be in a condition fit for resale (this does not apply to
damaged or faulty items);
Items must be returned within 1 calendar month of purchase;
Returns will be collected on the next scheduled delivery day.
All organisations are strongly encouraged to consider their requirements and to
discuss with Office Depot opportunities for them to reduce their ‘cost to serve’.
All e-Platforms currently used by the Scottish public sector are supported by the
cXML ordering, punch-out and cXML invoicing are available
Non e-Platform customers can access Office Depot Online, a secure ordering
A full range of general stationery and office paper products;
Organisations may rationalise the range of products which appears on their
catalogue/punch-out site/secure website;
Out of scope products will not appear within the catalogue/punch-out site/secure
website (Organisations may if they require request the addition of additional
products to their catalogue – this will be a local agreement);
Stamps can be ordered via the template below, the form should be sent to the
order contact details specified in section 11.
Office Depot stamp order form
Environmental products
A full range of environmental general stationery and office paper products;
Environmental products are clearly identifiable;
Additional information regarding the product’s environmental make-up and
credentials is available, this includes the percentage of recycled content.
The supplier is accredited to ISO 14001 and provides management information
which supports the counting of CO2 emissions associated with the framework.
Paper products sourced for the agreement are sourced from sustainable sources.
The primary paper on the agreement is a 100% recycled non bleached paper.
7. Framework Contract Management
Strategic aspects of the framework are managed by Scottish Procurement, who are
responsible for regular supplier review meetings covering areas such as the cost to
serve, pricing, key performance indicators (KPIs), innovation and escalated issues.
Organisations are required to manage the day-to-day operational aspects of their
contract with the supplier.
Scottish Procurement is committed to managing, monitoring and developing supplier
performance and understanding whether our contracts are delivering and meeting
the needs of our customers, and customer feedback is an essential part of the
The majority of problems relating to purchase orders, deliveries and invoice
payments should be managed by the organisation. However, there may be
occasions where an issue should be escalated to Scottish Procurement.
Scottish Procurement operate a contract and supplier review programme.
Organisations using the framework will be invited to participate and to complete a
balanced scorecard. The balanced scorecards provide organisations with an
opportunity to inform Scottish Procurement as to how the supplier and framework
agreement is performing.
8. Framework Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Office Depot Uk Limited
Price Duration
Ordering and Invoicing
Office Operating Hours &
Help Desk
Ordering Methods
Minimum Order Values
Line Fulfilment
Back Orders
Delivery Frequency
General Stationery & Office Paper – 6 Months
The help desk will operate between 09.00 and
17.00 Monday to Friday. Please contact 0844
8730455 if you have any queries
cXML, Office Depot on-line ordering website
In the event the organisation is unable to use the
afore mentioned options orders may be placed by
email, phone or fax
To be agreed with Office Depot account
Manager, these will be set on an organisation by
organisation basis
cXML, email
Minimum line fulfilment service level of 97%
100% of lines to be fulfilled within 5 working days
Delivery shall take place at a frequency agreed
between the buying organisation and their Office
Depot account manager.
No deliveries will be made outside of the hours of
08.00 to 17.00 unless otherwise agreed.
Organisations are able to make their own delivery
arrangements where required.
Out of Stock Lines
Delivery Locations
Returns & Collections
Contract Management
All out of stock lines will be delivered in full within
five working days from receipt of order.
Delivery will be made to the agreed locations
specified by the buying organisation.
Returns or collections will be organised for the
next scheduled delivery. All items must be
returned in a re-saleable condition.
Service Provider to provide Management
Information in electronic format. Management
Information will be available 10 working days after
the end of the reporting period
Service Provider to provide KPI in electronic
format. KPIs will be available 10 working days
after the end of the reporting period
Annual customer satisfaction reviews to be
undertaken, 90% of responses should be Good or
Complaints to be escalated and resolved as per
agreed procedure. No complaint left unresolved
for more than 5 days from date of complaint
Payment of Sub-contractors
100% payment within 30 days.
Provision of Management
Provision of KPIs
Customer Satisfaction
9. Contacts
Supplier Contacts:
The preferred methods of ordering are via cXML or via Office Depot’s online
website. If you are unable to place orders by either of these methods then please
place your order via either:
Email -
Fax - 0844 8730456
Phone - 0844 8730455
Account Management
Key Account Manager* – Samantha Campbell - 07768 475 844 Key Account Manager* - Russell Easton - 07764 958 968 –Telephone Account
Manager* – Mark Leversedge - 0844 4123356 (ext. 1087327) –
Key Account Manager* – Jim OHara - 07802 491 524 A breakdown of the organisations they cover
Stephen Stubbs – eBusiness Services Manager - 07771 652 029
Scottish Procurement Contacts
Darren Russell - Senior Portfolio Specialist - 0131 244 3645
Tom Waring - Portfolio Specialist - 0131 244 5485