Fashion Show - Learning With Larry

Dr. Stapelton
Camille Benoit
Project Management
Caroline Le Corre
Spring 2010
Aurelie Luszezyszyn
Morgane Rousseau
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Project Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 4
What? ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
When? ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
How Much? ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Deliverables............................................................................................................................................... 5
Limits and Exclusion: ................................................................................................................................. 9
Reviews and customers: ........................................................................................................................... 9
Work Breakdown Structure ........................................................................................................................ 10
OBS .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Resource Allocation Matrix (RAM) ............................................................................................................. 13
Work packages ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Funds ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
WBS# 1.1.1 .......................................................................................................................................... 14
WBS# 1.1.2 .......................................................................................................................................... 15
WBS# 1.1.3 .......................................................................................................................................... 16
WBS# 1.1.4 .......................................................................................................................................... 17
WBS# 1.1.5 .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Show........................................................................................................................................................ 19
WBS #1.2.1: ......................................................................................................................................... 19
WBS # 1.2.2: ........................................................................................................................................ 20
WBS #: 1.2.3 ........................................................................................................................................ 21
WBS # : 1.2.4 ....................................................................................................................................... 22
WBS #: 1.2.5 ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Catering ................................................................................................................................................... 24
WBS #: 1.3.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 24
WBS #: 1.3.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Equipment ............................................................................................................................................... 26
WBS #: 1.4.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 26
WBS #: 1.4.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 27
WBS #: 1.4.3 ........................................................................................................................................ 28
WBS #: 1.4.4 ........................................................................................................................................ 29
WBS #: 1.4.5 ........................................................................................................................................ 30
WBS #: 1.4.6 ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Staff ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
WBS #: 1.5.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 32
WBS #: 1.5.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 33
WBS #: 1.5.3 ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Attached...................................................................................................................................................... 37
Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Gantt Chart After Partial Completion ..................................................................................................... 38
Resource Sheet ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Resource Usage ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 41
Project Scope
Camille Benoit, Caroline Le Corre, Aurelie Luszesyszyn and Morgane Rousseau are the members of the
team that organize that event. We want to organize a humanitarian fashion show for Haiti at Los
Angeles. At the end of the show there will be a cocktail party. There will be a singer performing during
the cocktail party. Moreover, during the entire show, we will organize a special space so that people can
We expect that the models and clothes will be volunteers (exchange of their participation against
advertising for their brands during the show). The Humanitarian association with which we are
associated for the particular event will help us to manage the funds once they will be raised. They will
also provide volunteers to help us during the event. For example they will be in charge of the special
donation space.
To raise more funds we plan to sell the T-Shirts we would have created for the event.
We planned to do it on July, 24th 2010. At 7pm, the show will begin.
How Much?
The project estimated cost is 26,600$
We have a lot of activities that don’t cost anything because as it is a humanitarian event we planned on
voluntaries participation. For instance, we count that the Hairdressers, models and clothes will be
volunteers. In compensation, we will provide advertising for their brands during the show and their
names will be showed in the advertising we are doing to promote the event.
For the funds, our deliverables are Sponsors, TV, Magazines, Brand Drinks and Fashion Brand.
Our project consists in create an event, get back money and send it for Haiti. Our beginning starts
without any funds, that why our first activity is to find some. According to our previsions we think we
will need around 25,000.00$. We will base our research on Sponsors, T.V, Drinking Brands, Fashion
Brands favors.
For Sponsors
We will meet companies which might be interesting in acting in our project like banks for example, if
they give us money they could be present with stand on the event and advertise. We plan to create a
file, with how much we need, why we are doing this event and of course accent on the fact, it is a
humanitarian event, we don’t want to make money for ourselves and this could give a good image for
the company.
It will be almost the same, we will meet fashion channel like, Bravo. Argue on the opportunity to film the
show, and advertise swapping money to help the cause.
We will go for fashion magazines like Vogue, Elle, Allure, asking them if they want to be involved in a
cause mixing fashion and humanitarian. We will find unknown designers, so that could be opportunities
for them, writing paper on new designers, add pictures advertise with huge posters or stand to sign up
for subscriptions.
For Drinking Brand
We would prefer asking them free drinks like Coca, Sprite, Nestle Water, and Champagne House; of
course if they just want to give us money we won’t take it. Swapping free drinks we could advertise
during the entire event.
Fashion Brands
We will need clothes for the show, we will contact unknown designers who would be happy to be in an
event where T.V, Magazines will be there. We will advertise those swapping free clothes. We will meet
known fashion brands too and ask them if we advertise them they could give us money or clothes.
For the Show, we have:
We need models because it is the principal elements of the show, in fact it is they who represent the
brands and designers by wearing their clothes and marching on with the music. We intend to work
with ten supermodels minimum (and maximum of fifteen).
T-shirts :
We decided to make more money to organize a sale of t-shirt to mark the évent. it represents a
souvenir of the event, but also a tribute to the memory of solidarity, and victims of the event.
The t-shirts will be white with cotton and short sleeves, with an inscription in black including a pun
"Be fashion for Haiti ». It is a way of saying "buy this t-shirt in solidarity with the victims. In addition
you will be in fashion ».we intend to order five hundred, at a cost of four dollars and selling tendollars.
We want to make the show more enjoyable for the spectators. The models will be parading on the
music, making it a very important element of the show. The choice of music will depend on the
theme of the parade (from the creators) and the type of music is pop / rock. We will make calls to
musicians and sound engineers (and light) we will pay them $ 25 per hour.
Singer(s)/Musicians :
We also need singers and musicians known, we will not pay because the hours will be their
participation in the event and their way of showing their solidarity by making a lot of publicity.
They will play during the show, between different parts of fashion show and at the end. Because
this will be celebrities, we pass over the local radio stations and we will need boxes for them. They
will have their own staff.
Clothes :
We need designer clothes to ensure the fashion show.
We will take clothing designers and volunteers known, what they will also make a huge publicity.
Clothing will be adjusted to each models and we do not will pay. The designers will also have their
own staff.
For the Catering we have two deliverables
During our project we planned to host a cocktail party. Consequently we will have to organize a
buffet providing food and drinks.
We first have to determine the kind of food we want to provide. We will focus our buffet on high
quality appetizers and hors d’oeuvres. So we need to interview and taste several caterers.
Once we choose a caterer we will have to define the practical details of the contract (price, quantity,
time and date of the delivery) and then sign the contract.
During the show we will have 15 waiters to serve the appetizers (they will be walking all around
the room and serving food on plates) to the hosts. They will be paid $10/hour.
Concerning the drinks, we would have the drinks provided by the brands which sponsor our event.
As we choose to provide cocktail we will hire 2 barmen so that he can blend the different drinks we
have in order to make cocktails. Waiters will also distribute drinks to the hosts during the entire
They will be paid $12/hour.
For the equipment, we have different deliverables :
Stage :
We need a special stage made for the fashion parade. It must be T-shaped and have 4 meters wide, 1
meter high and 15 meters in length. It will be draped in white by the designers, and will be mounted
outside by the company at which we are ordering. It will cost for one day one thousand dollars.
Music/light equipment :
We need to ensure this show many facilities for light and music. We need cables, loudspeakers,
subwoofers, the fly box, spots of different colors and equipment to fix them. For the lights, we need five
hundred dollars and for the sound we need five hundred dollars.
Tables and Chairs
We also need some tables and chairs for the buffet after the show. Thus, people can sit while they are
eating. Moreover, we need chairs during the show. People will need to sit in order to enjoy more the
We need to decorate the location. The decorations will be about Haiti and what happens over there.
There will be pictures, stories of inhabitants, etc. Thanks to the designer, we want to do something very
Widescreen/ counter
We will need a designer to create the Widescreen. The goal is to have some specific to our event. Thus,
people can identify our event more easily. The counter will let people know of how much money is
donated in real time. Thus, they can see the evolution during the event.
We will need a catering to keep the food and the drinks during the show.
For the Staff we have:
In order to provide a good service to our hosts, we will hire waiters, cashiers, security guards and
barmen for the party.
We will have:
15 Waiters. Paid $10/hour.
5 Cashiers. Paid $9/hour.
30 Security guards. Paid $20/hour.
2 Barmen. Paid $12/hour.
We will sign the hiring contracts with those details.
The security guards will be here for the security of the hosts but also for the security of the models
during the show. Once the show is over, they will only provide security for the hosts (watching that
everything is going well for the cashiers and the T-shirt selling. Same for the buffet…)
For the waiters: we will have first to interview them before hiring. Then we will provide them a quick
training so that they know what they have to do, how they will be positioned in the room.
For the barmen: we will have to interview them before hiring.
For the cashiers: we will have first to interview them before hiring. Then we will provide them a quick
training so that they know what they have to do and how to use the materiel for selling the T-shirt (cash
For the security guards: we will hire them via a security agency (as an outsourcing contract, so that we
are sure that we hire professional guards who have experience and good references).
We will only provide a quick training for the waiters and the cashiers. We will just show them the place
and how to use the material they will need during the show (cash register…). Just show and explain
people their tasks.
We consider that the barmen and security guards are professionals and consequently they know
what they will have to do and therefore, don’t need any training.
People in charge of donations
We will not hire or train these people. They are here to help us to raise funds. They will be in charge of
the donations, explaining and answering questions people may have while donating.
Limits and Exclusion:
We want local brands and local singer so that they can be available for our event. The target
audience will be the hosts of the show.
The local brands will be needed for the show (they will provide us with clothes while we promote them
by an advertising campaign during our show and before during the promotion of the event).
The local singer will perform just after the show during the cocktail party.
We choose local brands and singer because of availability constraints. As these brands and singer will be
famous only in Los Angeles for now, there are more chances that they will be available and willing to
come and that they will attract people to our event.
Reviews and customers:
We have to review weekly with the members of the team in order to see if everything goes well. If
someone has an issue it will be the best moment because we will be all together and it will be easier and
more efficient to find a solution.
Work Breakdown Structure
Camille will be in charge of the financial side of the project. She has connections in California, she loves
travel and is good at public/social relations. Indeed, we are in major in business for three years and we
have learned to develop our address book, to make contacts through our internships ... more we
learned how to use our relationships, how to contact the professional manner and how their present
our project to convince them to participate. In addition, Camille is the best person to deal with this part
of the project because she is very at ease has spoken, she has an easy contact and likes to meet new
people… and know how to do it well.
Morgane will be in charge of the show. She is our expert in fashion as she is very interested by this
sector. Like any girl, she loves fashion, and specially the haute couture. She knows all the different
brands, different designers, and has already attended a fashion show. As a result, she knows exactly
how to organize the show and knows a few errors do not reproduce. In addition, it has a very good
sense of organization and detail, which is essential for this kind of event. Moreover she is very creative,
knows how to manage a team and has a lot of ideas for the show.
Caroline will be in charge of the food, because she knows how to organize a reception and cocktail. She
knows to cater. Moreover she has been a good manager before so she will have some knowledge to do
that. She is in the middle of the restaurant business since his childhood, because many people in her
family are related to the restaurant business. So she has many connections, she knows how does it
work, and she knows who are the best suppliers for the best quality with the best price. This part of the
project needs some specific knowledge for some details, so Caroline will be the right person for that.
Aurelie will be in charge of the technology. She is fond of that, she has a major of audiovisual and IT
informational technology, she worked a couple of years she deals with the governance and sound at
theatrical performances in France… so she knows a lot about it. She is well organized, careful, very
patient, very efficient (she practice Kobudo for 10 years) and she is very accurate in her job. Moreover,
she knows exactly which material is better than other, so she will correctly choose the material perfectly
suited for this show.
The staff will be divided by department (food, engineer, volunteers). For this show we need barman,
waiters for the buffet, security agents, sellers for the t-shirt, staff equipment (to install and uninstall the
equipment, and take care of it during the show), musicians for the music, models for the show…
People of the association will be there, but we just install them and prepare a place for them to collect
donations, but they are independent.
Resource Allocation Matrix (RAM)
Brand Drinks
Singer/ Musicians
Music/ Light
People in charge of the
Fashion Brands
Work packages
WBS# 1.1.1
Work Package Title: Sponsors
Package Owner: Camille
Owner Organization: Finance
Participants: Camille
Description: Without founds so without sponsors we cannot organize our project, this is the foundation
of it. We absolutely need to convince sponsors to give us money or help us in another way. To convince
them, we will have a fill explaining what we will do and in what it is interesting to them to help us.
1. Identify potential sponsors
2. Identify contact information
3. Contact potential sponsor
4. Sign contract
Completion State: It will be after signature of the contract, when we will receive founds
Reference Documents: pre-contract, contract
WBS# 1.1.2
Work Package Title: T.V
Package Owner: Camille
Owner Organization: Finance
Participants: Camille
Description: Almost the same as the Sponsors, we need to convince T.V, Channels to give us money
swapping they could film the show. We will try all kinds of channel, but we might be luckier with fashion
1. Identify Potential T.V production
2. Identify contact information
3. Contact potential T.V production
4. sign contract
Completion State: After signature of the contract, when we will receive money.
Reference Documents: Pre-contract, contract
WBS# 1.1.3
Work Package Title: Magazines
Package Owner: Camille
Owner Organization: Finance
Participants: Camille
Description: Convince magazines to give us money or help us in another way swapping, they could make
article on us and always insisted on the fact that this is for a humanitarian cause. First we will go to meet
fashion magazines like, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle.
1. Identify potential Magazines
2. Identify contact information
3. Contact potential Magazines
4. Sign contract
Completion State: After signature of the contract and when we will receive founds.
Reference Documents: Pre-contract, contract
WBS# 1.1.4
Work Package Title: Brand drinking
Package Owner: Camille
Owner Organization: Finance
Participants: Camille
Description: Convince Brand Drinking to give us money or free drinks for the cocktail after. Doing that,
we will give them the opportunity to make advertising.
1. Identify potential brand drinking
2. Identify contact information
3. Contact potential brand drinking
4. Sign contract
Completion State: After signature of the contract, when we will receive either money, either drinks
Reference Documents: Pre-contract, contract
WBS# 1.1.5
Work Package Title: Fashion Brands
Package Owner: Camille
Owner Organization: Finance
Participants: Camille
Description: Convince fashion brands to give us money, clothes or presents for people who bought
tickets. Some unknown designers would be happy to do that for free because this is a good way for us to
make them known.
1. Identify potential fashion brand
2. Identify contact information
3. Contact potential fashion brand
4. Sign contract
Completion State: After signature of the contract, when we will receive clothes
Reference Documents: Pre-contract, contract
WBS #1.2.1:
Work Package Title: Models
Package Owner: Morgane
Owner Organization: Marketing
Participants: Morgane
The models are the main piece of the show so we have to choose them correctly and do all we can for
organize the show with them.
 Contact Agencies and Casting Call
 Cast models
 Establish and sign the contracts
Completion State:
Models ready for the fashion show
Documents: none
WBS # 1.2.2:
Work Package Title: T-shirts
Package Owner: Morgane
Owner Organization: Marketing
Participants: Morgane
We want to make t-shirt in order to sell and raise funds for charities in Haiti. We want to make t-shirt
simple black and white with the inscription "Be fashion for Haiti".
 We need to design the t-shirt
 Sell them before, during and after the show.
 Find a place where we can stock them
 Find a price
 Promote them before, during and after the show.
Completion State:
When the t-shirt are at the event.
Design approval
Receive shirts
Reference documents:
No documents created or used in the work package
WBS #: 1.2.3
Work Package Title: Music
Package Owner: Morgane
Owner Organization: Marketing
Participants: Morgane
We want to make the show enjoyable and spectacular. Music is one of the key elements of a fashion
show. We therefore intend to have sound technicians, people who will choose the songs based on the
different moments and musicians and singers.
 Choose the songs
 select each song for each moment
 make a casting for the musicians and the singers
 Approval designers
Completion State:
Choose the music for each part of the fashion show.
Reference documents:
Discographies of singers around the world and all kinds of music
WBS # : 1.2.4
Work Package Title: Singer(s)/Musicians
Package Owner: Morgane
Owner Organization: Marketing
Participants: Morgane, Camille
To make the show enjoyable and spectacular we need singers and musicians, so we want to ask to
famous singer to be part of this show for the charity (moreover the show can promote them).
 Decide on music we will play
 Contact singers/ Agencies
 Cast Singers/ Musicians
 Make contracts and sign them
 Provide boxes for the personality and their staff
Kind of music: Pop/Rock
Completion State:
Selection of singer
Choose the musicians and the singers and their moments during the fashion show.
Reference documents:
No documents
WBS #: 1.2.5
Work Package Title: Clothes
Package Owner: Morgane
Owner Organization: Marketing
Participants: Morgane
It cannot be a fashion parade without clothes. And for this event we decided to request the participation
of several local designers and haute couture designers.
 Discuss option with designers
 choose the clothe and the collection
 make contracts and sigh them
Completion State:
Selection of clothes
Choose clothes for each model and classify the collection.
Reference documents:
No documents
WBS #: 1.3.1
Work Package Title: Food
Package Owner: Caroline
Owner Organization: People
Participants: Camille, Caroline, Morgane, Aurelie
I have to find the food for the cocktail of the fashion show.
First we have to find a list of potential caterers, then taste their food in order to choose the right one
and finally purchase the food for the cocktail.
Determine type of food
Interview caterers
Sign contract
Define menu
Completion State:
Signed contract
WBS #: 1.3.2
Work Package Title: Drink
Package Owner: Caroline
Owner Organization: People
Participants: Camille, Caroline, Morgane, Aurelie
I have to find the drink for the cocktail of the fashion show.
First we have to find a list of potential caterers or find by myself a list of possible drinks, then taste the
caterer’s drinks if we choose that option and finally purchase the drinks for the cocktail.
Find caterer
Completion State:
Drinks are in the cold storage, ready to be eaten.
WBS #: 1.4.1
Work Package Title: Stage
Package Owner: Aurelie
Owner Organization: Operation
Participants: Aurelie, Camille, Staff Equipment
We have to look for a stage. See on the market which we need and like. After we have to see if we
purchase it, borrow it, or rent it. After the delivery, we have to install it and after the show, we have to
uninstall it.
 Search
 Purchase/borrow/ rent
 Install
 Uninstall
Completion State:
When stage is installed
Reference documents:
Instructions for use maybe
WBS #: 1.4.2
Work Package Title: Music/ light equipment
Package Owner: Aurelie
Owner Organization: Operation
Participants: Aurelie, Camille, Staff Equipment
We have to look for the light and music equipment we need.. See on the market which we need and
like. After we have to see if we purchase it, borrow it, or rent it. After the delivery, we have to install it
and after the show, we have to uninstall it.
 Search
 Purchase/borrow/ rent
 Install
 Uninstall
Completion State:
When the light and music equipments are installed
Reference documents:
Instructions for use maybe
WBS #: 1.4.3
Work Package Title: Tables and chairs
Package Owner: Aurelie
Owner Organization: Operation
Participants: Aurelie, Camille, Staff Equipment
We have to look for the tables and chairs we need. See on the market which we need and like. After we
have to see if we purchase them, borrow them, or rent them. After the delivery, we have to install them
and after the show, we have to uninstall them.
 Search
 Purchase/borrow/ rent
 Install
 Uninstall
Completion State:
When the tables and chairs are installed
Reference documents:
No documents
WBS #: 1.4.4
Work Package Title: Decoration
Package Owner: Aurelie
Owner Organization: Operation
Participants: Aurelie, Camille, Staff Equipment
We have to look for a design we want. And after search for the materials we need. After we have to see
if we purchase them, borrow them, or rent them. After the delivery, we have to install them and after
the show, we have to uninstall them.
 Design
 Search materials we need
 Purchase/ borrow/ rent materials
 Install
 Uninstall
Completion State:
When the decoration is installed
Reference documents:
Instructions for use maybe
WBS #: 1.4.5
Work Package Title: Widescreen/ counter
Package Owner: Aurelie
Owner Organization: Operation
Participants: Aurelie, Staff Equipment
We have to look for a designer for the widescreen. After finding the designer, he has to design the
We have to look for a counter. See on the market which we need and like. After we have to see if we
purchase it, borrow it, or rent it. After the delivery, we have to install it and after the show, we have to
uninstall it.
 Search a Designer
 Design
 Search materials we need
Purchase/ borrow/ rent
Completion State:
When the widescreen is done and the counter is installed
Reference documents:
Instructions for use maybe
WBS #: 1.4.6
Work Package Title: Catering food and drinks
Package Owner: Aurelie
Owner Organization: Operation
Participants: Aurelie, Camille, Staff Equipment
We have to look for a cold storage. See on the market which we need and like. After we have to see if
we purchase it, borrow it, or rent it. After the delivery, we have to install it and after the show, we have
to uninstall it.
 Search
 Purchase/ borrow/ rent
 Install
 Uninstall
Completion State:
When the cold storage is installed
Reference documents:
Instructions for use maybe
WBS #: 1.5.1
Work Package Title: Hiring Staff
Package Owner: Caroline
Owner Organization: People
Participants: Camille, Caroline, Morgane, Aurelie
Hire the staff. The staff will be composed of waiters, cashiers…
Sign Contracts
Completion State:
Employees are hired
WBS #: 1.5.2
Work Package Title: Training Staff
Package Owner: Caroline
Owner Organization: People
Participants: Caroline
Train the staff. Show and explain people their tasks
Completion State:
Employees are trained are ready to work
WBS #: 1.5.3
Work Package Title: Staff. People in charge of donations
Package Owner: Caroline
Owner Organization: People
Participants: Caroline
Work in collaboration with the volunteers and people of the humanitarian organization. Explain them
what they should do (collect donations)
Welcome them
Implementation (explanation of the work)
Completion State:
Work with people in charge of the donations (persons of the organization)
Our project is to create a humanitarian event to send money for Haiti, according our forecast it
will take, before the leveling, baseline and time phasing, 57 days and will be completed the 19th of July
of 2010. It is estimated to $44,771.00. The critical path is Equipment, Uninstall, Cater food and drinks.
Concerning the available time if we are late, our activity with the greatest amount of slack is:
cast Clothes and cast Models at 268.5 hours.
The network is sensitive about 1.31%
(6 /57*8)*100= 1.31% smaller is the network
Caroline Le Corre, Morgane Rousseau, Aurelie Luszezyszyn and Staff equipment were over
allocated so we leveled the resources and it solved the issue. We didn’t level within the slack. The
project increases of 5 days. We time phased some of our activities such as meeting forecast for the
funds. We time phasing almost all Camille’s activities linked to the funds because she won’t spend
8hours/day on phone to find the same kind of funds: she will do a little bit of that every day. We time
phased almost every meetings.
After base lining, time phasing and leveling, we have a project of 62 days plus the day of the
show, we estimate that our project will be completed the 07/24/2010 and it is estimated to $46,322.33.
If we want to reduce time in the project, we will have to change our critical path which is right now
Fashion Show, Equipment, Uninstall, Cater food and drinks. Concerning the available time if we are late,
our activity with the greatest amount of slack is: determine type of food. We also have two sensible
milestones, the entire approval and the installation of the entire equipment; both are activities the most
important. Moreover, the activity estimated to cost the most to complete is hiring people ($11,606.00),
the resource which command the greatest total cost is food and drinks provided by the caterer and the
highest cost is expected to occur in June, it will cost $8,500.00.
The network is sensitive about 1.21%
(6 /62*8)*100= 1.21% smaller is the network
sensitivity, smaller the critical path probability will change.
As the project is real, we cannot afford having over allocated people.
Some costs are not contained in the budget such as the advertisings for example.
Then, we made the partial project completion.
In term of schedule, this activities: Discuss Design Clothes with Designer, Cast Singer/musicians, Design
T-Shirt, Approval, Purchase Food and drinks have negative costs. Meaning we are late in our schedule
for them.
Regarding Cost Value, we spend more money that we forecast for these following activities: Meeting
forecast budget, Fashion Brands, Cast Clothes, Cast Models, Approval Show, and Approval. For some
activities we win money: Contact Agencies and Casting Call, Choose a Song for each moment, Approval
T-Shirt, Determine type of food.
Concerning, the cost performance index, for some activities we make money for each dollar spend,
these activities are: Contact Agencies and Casting Call, Choose a Song for each moment, Determine type
of food, Interview caterer food/drinks. Of course the contrary happens for some others which are:
Meeting forecast budget, Fashion Brands, Cast Models, Approval Show, Taste Food and Drink.
Then, for the schedule performance index, when it is under 1 that mean we are late on our schedule for
this activity, Discuss Design Clothes with Designer, Cast Singer/musicians, Design T-Shirt, Approval.
To complete performance index, if we are not in the budget we forecast, we will need no more than one
dollar to go back in the right budget.
The PCIB for now is 0.31. This means that we accomplished 31% of the total forecasted work at our
current date.
Our PCIC is 0.32. Meaning we use 32% of the total forecasted cost to complete the tasks. We are not
surprised by these results.
The VAC (Cost Variance at Completion) for our project is -$225.00. It means that it is the variation of cost
at the end of the project. We see that we lose $225.00 from the beginning to the end.
The EAC (Estimate Cost Completion) is what we think the project will cost us at the end of the project.
The estimated cost is $44,977.33.
The estimated date of completion doesn’t change. It is still the 23rd of July 2010.
Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart After Partial Completion
Resource Sheet
Resource Usage