Fence United Newsletter Number 9 February 2013 Fence Village Raises Funds for Pendleside Hospice Judith David of Pendleside Hospice Fund-raising Committee welcomes Michael & Margaret Duerden to the Hoarstones event which included mulled wine, mince pies and music Christmas Gail Smith helped to run a raffle with many prizes. Gail is shown George & James Helliwell and holding the first prize, splendid display of chocolates, won by Helen Lauren White ran a successful Boothman. Second prize, a Christmas Hamper was won by Jenny gift stall to raise funds. Cake Yerkess. The second picture shows Pam Barton who ran the Guess stalls and tombola stalls were the Weight of the Cake Competition also available for the guests. Tree Lights and Nativity Switch-on “In the bleak mid-winter, Frosty winds may moan. Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone!” Or so I felt like on the evening of December 5th when some 200 villagers, school children and their Mums and Dads assembled outside Wheatley Lane Methodist Church to join in community singing of popular Christmas Carols and to listen to the delightful singing by the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 choirs from Wheatley Lane School. All three Churches worked together to put on this whole village occasion. Feet were stamped and hands rubbed together to keep warm as everyone joined in a joyful countdown to the switch-on of the Nativity Crib and the festive Christmas Star. Inner warmth was maintained by the enthusiasm of the singing and the conviviality of a festive whole village get-together. After the switch-on hot tea, mince pies, served by Karen Thornborrow, and an opportunity for chatting was laid on in the warm and welcoming Methodist Church. Teas were served by Sylvia Ryder, Maureen Thornborrow and Jenny Yerkess. The photographs which show some of those present and the star and crib were taken by Roy Thornborrow. Many thanks too to the police for their kind help keeping traffic away from the road near the church. End of Term Christmas Nativity at Fence Pre-School The twenty five or so children at Fence Pre-School presented their Nativity called Whoops-A-Daisy Angel in front of an audience of delighted and proud parents and grandparents. Our pictures show the children dressed as Angels, Moonbeams, Mary and Joseph, Shepherds and Kings. Clues across: 1. A road to Spen Brook. (7,4) 7. Village near Bolton by Bowland. (7) 8. River flowing through Appleby (4) 9. Oration. (6) 11. Salterforth pub. (6) 13. It’s white in Fence but has two necks in Pendleton. (4) 16. Pendleside village with the Freemasons Arms. (7) 19. A road out of Fence. (7,4) Fence United Crossword No 3 Solution to crossword 2 Know your village Where is this? Santa’s Sleigh visits Fence As part of ‘Christmas in Fence’, Santa made his annual sleigh ride through the length of the village accompanied by members of Pendle Forest Scout and Guides Group. His aim was to collect money which, this year went to Pendleside Hospice. The ‘Christmas in Fence’ tradition started back in the 1980’s when a few friends, including the much missed Roger Bancroft, Kevin Kelly and John Jackson, and Robin Yerkess met one Saturday afternoon in the Harpers Inn to look for some ways of bringing Fence villagers together. Santa’s sleigh ride was the result. After several years, responsibility was transferred to the Scouts and Guides Group who have worked hard to maintain the tradition and raise money for good causes. Clues down: 1 .Traditional relish used with roast beef. (11) 2. Old-fashioned fireplace.(5) 3. Be quiet. (4) 4. Wickets. (6) 5. Coronation Street’s ex-landlady, Mrs Walker. (5) 6. Unglazed pottery. (11) 10 .A whipped cream dessert. (6) 12. Shrink in fear. (5) 14. Mrs Flintstone. (5) 15. Tidings. (4) Fence United’s Newsletter Our Newsletters are independent of the Fence churches, pubs and businesses but we like to support them all. We hope our Directory is useful and covers all the organisations in the village. If we have missed any, we apologise. Please let us know if there are others which should be included. Furthermore, if you have been involved in an event which is worthy of a report, please email one in, preferably with a picture, or ask us to send a photographer along. We want our Newsletter to represent all aspects of our village and its varied activities. Contact us at info@fenceunited.org.uk The Village Children’s Playground Fence United heartily supports our Parish Council in its endeavours to upgrade and improve the playground for our children. A major facelift has been needed for some time now but the level of funding available has had to be diverted to emergency repairs and maintenance to just keep keeping the park going. The funds required to do an effective and safe upgrading are considerablesome £40 000-and much of this will need to be raised locally. Fence United has agreed that substantial parts of its profits from all its organised events for the near future, including our Barbeque Demonstration, the Annual Ball and our Music Festival and Fete near Greenbank Farm will be donated to this cause. We hope that other village bodies will follow suit. ST ANNES CHURCH WELCOMES A NEW VICAR Shortly before Christmas, St Annes received its new vicar who is to be shared with the church at Higham. Jane Bury was born and brought up in Oswaldtwistle in a family involved in the textile industry. Later, her family moved to Blackburn. Where she was educated at Blackburn High School and Westholme School before undertaking three years teacher training at St Hild’s College, Durham. On qualifying she taught PE, Music and French in a high school in Warwickshire before returning to St Francis C of E Primary School in Blackburn. In 1993, she left teaching to study at Lancaster University and was awarded a BA in Religious Studies. In 2000 Jane was selected for training for the Ministry at Ripon College, Cuddesdon, Oxford. After serving her title at Christ Church, Thornton-le-Fylde she became Priest-in-Charge at St Anne’s Beech Hill, Wigan as well as Chaplain to the Deanery CE High School, also in Wigan. In her spare time, Jane likes foreign travel, the Far East being her favourite destination. She enjoys musical activities and has been a member of various Choral and Amateur Operatic Societies and Drama Groups. She enjoys going to the gym and she is a supporter of Blackburn Rovers!!!!!! I suppose someone has to be!!! Despite this we welcome Jane to our community and wish her every success in her new post in the villages of Fence and Higham. Directory St Annes Church of England Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley, BB12 9EP Ring 01282 617316 Email: info@stannes.info Web: www.stannes.info Wheatley Lane Methodist School Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley BB12 9ED Ring 01282 617214 Email: heaqd@wheatleylane.lancs.sch.uk Web: www.wheatleylane.lancs.sch.uk Wheatley Lane Methodist Church Wheatley Lane Rd , Fence, Burnley, BB12 9ED Rev Gareth Higgs, 01282 694439 Email: revgarethhiggs@googlemail.com Fence Reading Group Meets 3rd Wednesday each month in the Village Hall Ring Shirley on 01282 617934 Fence Women’s Institute Ring Shirley Ingham on 01282 615062 Wheatley Lane Inghamite Church Wheatley Lane Rd Fence Burnley Rev Matt Butler Ring 01282 613598 Sunday Newspapers: Arthur Nutter 407, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley Ring 01282 695706 Fence & Pendleside Hospice Fundraising Group Ring Judith David on 01282 693330 The Sparrow Hawk Inn & Restaurant, 152, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley BB12 9QG Ring 01282 603034 Web: www.thesparrowhawk.co.uk Email:mail@thesparrowhawk.co.uk Bay Horse Inn & Restaurant 300, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley BB12 9EP Ring 01282 613264 Web: www.bayhorsefence.co.uk Email hello@bayhorsefence.co.uk Fence Gate Inn, Restaurant and Banqueting Suite Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley , BB12 9EE, Ring 01282 618101 Email: info@fencegate.co.uk Web: www.fencegate.co.uk Babar Elephant Restaurant Cuckstool Lane, Fence BURNLEY BB12 9PA Ring 01282 613641 Web: www.baberelephant.co.uk Email: enquiries@babarelephant.co.uk Facebook: /BabarElephantAtFence White Swan Inn & Restaurant 300, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley, BB12 9QA Ring 01282 611773. Or Email: whiteswanatfence@hotmail.co.uk Web: whiteswanatfence@hotmail.co.uk Fence United c/o 4, Eversholt Close, Fence, Burnley BB12 9EL 01282 697336 Email: info@fenceunited.org.uk Web: www.fenceunited.org.uk Facebook: Fence United (Community) Roamin Roosters Farm Shop & Bistro On the bypass, between Fence & Higham Email: info@roaminroosters.com Web: www.roaminroosters.com Gallery: Keith Melling Studio 486, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley BB12 9EB, Ring 01282 696641 Email: info@kmelling.com Web: www.kmelling.com Fence Pre-School c/o Pendle Forest Scout & Guide HQ Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence BB12 9EE Ring 07765952766 or 07792382553 or email beverleye@hotmail.co.uk Pendle Forest Scouts & Guides Pendle Forest Scout & Guide HQ Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley, BB12 9EE Leaders are needed. If you would like to be involved ring Clare on 01282 693050 Fence Village Hall Wheatley Close, Fence, Burnley, BB12 9QH Ring 01282 691305 or 01282 693528 Car Repairs Chris Nutter, Spring Mill Garage, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley, BB12 9EE Ring 01282 696396 Brian Newman, Central Garage Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence ,Burnley BB12 9EE Ring 01282 617315 or 01282 692794 Fence Post Office For Banking, bill paying, , newspapers, magazines, greetings cards and confectionery Ring 01282 614655 422, Wheatley Lane Road, Fence, BLY, BB12 9ED Email: addison@fencepostoffice.co.uk Web: www.fencepostoffice.co.uk Scouts meet on Mon 7.30 – 9.00 pm Ring Julie on 0789 170 7195 Cubs meet on Mon 6.45 – 8.00 pm Ring Louise on 0792 162 4723 Beavers meet on Mon 5.45 – 6.45 pm Ring Karen on 01282 695353 Convenience Store: Thorougoods Fence Village Store, 379,Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence Burnley, BB12 9PZ Ring 01282612125 Building & Construction Simon Milligan, 2, Forrester Drive, Fence, BURNLEY BB12 9PG 01282 619389, or 07970 077743 A Rollinson & Son,378 Wheatley Lane Road, Fence BURNLEY BB12 9QA, 01282 694105 Web: www.arollinsonbuilders.com Kevin M Hiley Lower Wellhead, Newchurch in Pendle, 01282 606144 or 07973 448185 Pendle Forest Sports Club Old Laund Booth Playing Fields, Fence, Burnley, BB12 9QQ Ring 01282 612346 Web: www.pendleforest.com BASE-CAMP high energy workout Pendle Forest Scout & Guide HQ BB12 9EE Thursdays 7 – 8 pm Ring Kevin on 7800907264 WEB www.thefitnessprogramme.co.,uk email; Kevin@thefitnessprogramme.co.uk Guides meet on Wed 7.30-9.00pm Ring Clare on 01282 69305 Brownies meet 0 on Wed 6.15 – 7.30 pm Ring Sue on 01282 604318 Rainbows meet on Wed 5.00- 6.00 pm Ring Louise on 0793 567 3320 Health & Beauty: Essence 427, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley BB12 9ED Ring Elaine on 01282 696687 Pilates (Mixed ability) Wheatley Lane Methodist School. Mondays 5.40 – 6.40 pm Pilates (Beginners) St Annes Church Hall Tuesdays 10.00 – 11.00 am Ring Tracy Edmondson on 07773 785904 Email: tracy@pilates-classes.co.uk Web: www.pilates-classes.co.uk Hairdresser: Transformations, 427, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence, Burnley, BB12 9ED Ring Lynne on 01282 615709 Safe Lanes in Pendleside: Email: sheilaclegg@cravenlea.co.uk Ring Sheila Clegg on 01282 695795 Fence Mums & Toddlers Wheatley Lane Methodist School Wheatley Lane Library Wheatley Close, Fence, Burnley, BB12 9QH Ring 693160 or 0845 0501083 Email: WheatleyLane.library@lancashire.gov.uk Panaz: Innovation in Contract Fabrics Ring: 012826 969696 Email; admin@panaz.co.uk Old Laund Booth Parish Council: Brian Newman (Chair), Janet Myers, Donald Smith, John David, Eric Nutter, Paul Shaw, Gavin Roper & Dianne Hall. Correspondence: Rebecca Hay, Ring 07977 611974, www.fence-in-pendle.co.uk, email; travel2pud@hotmail.com Meetings: 1sr Monday of every month at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall. All are welcome to attend. Slate Age (Fence) Ltd Ring 01282 616952 Email: sales@slateage.com Ring: 01282 616508 or 01282 6128280 Zumba Fitness Classes St Annes Hall, Wheatley Lane Rd, Fence BB12 9EP. Ring Chris Clarke on 07739 184942 Also contact or book your place via the Web: www.zumbatastic.co.uk NSPCC Ring Sylvia Ryder on 01282 616480 Christmas Fayre at the Village Hall Dorothy Hayworth prepares to sell this splendid selection of home made cakes and other confections for the Village Hall funds. Christmas cakes galore go on sale at this stall, one among many offering Christmas goodies for the public to buy. Marjory Howarth and Megan McCarthy prepare to greet guests and sell goods from their stall in the Village Hall entrance. A Message from our Parish Council FUNDING is still being sourced to upgrade the children's play area. To help raise the £40,000 needed, the parish council are asking villagers to agree to pay £1 per week for a year and in return, a list of those who have donated will be placed in the area. Local firms are also asked to sponsor pieces of equipment. Anyone interested in helping out, can contact a parish councillor, or email the council clerk, Mrs Rebecca Hay at travel2pud@hotmail.com or ring her on 07977611947. Wheatley Lane Methodist Primary School’s Xmas Factor Christmas Nativity King Herod auditions to be King of Kings in the ‘Xmas Factor’ Three Wise Men with their gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Mary sings about the arrival of the baby Jesus All the players sing the final song about God’s gift of Jesus Under the guidance of Mrs Baker, all the Key Stage 2 children gave a wonderful interpretation of the Nativity story referring loosely to television’s ‘The X Factor’. All the main players sang confidently and well while everyone involved gave very entertaining performances. Both the children and the audience, which included many very proud parents, clearly appreciated and enjoyed the whole afternoon’s entertainment Mrs McFadyen and Mrs Riley organised the Reception and Infant Classes in their very charming performance of their Nativity play, ’How the Little Angel got its Wings’. The poor Little Angel had to walk all the way to Bethlehem because she had no wings. On the way she met the Shepherds and the Three Kings who were going to visit the infant Jesus and also gave help to the donkey with a thorn in its foot, the lamb with its foot stuck in a hole and a dove with a sore wing. For her kindness and ‘Gift of Love’ she was finally awarded her wings by the other angels. Tickets for any Fence United event can be bought by e-mailing info@fenceunited.org.uk or by telephone from Howard Hartley on 01282 690492, Catherine Nutter on 01282 690591, Anne Clark on 01282 696553, Lynn Taylor on 01282 691443, Trevor Stapleton on 01282 613719 or Robin Yerkess on 01282 697336. If you have the time and energy to work with us to create a greater sense of community in our village, why not contact us via our e-mail, info@fenceunited.org.uk or telephone one of the numbers above