Financial Statement Analysis Don Pursley, Col Ret. USAFA, BSE, MS, DBA The speaker does not have any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interests I Have A Financial Statement. So What? So Dr. Landless will be Happy. So the CFO will not get fired. So we can say we have one. So the accounting staff will have something to do. So we can impress the patients. So we can use the extra paper in storage. If We Do Not: Analyze Correct the statement. financial problems. Improve the Institution. Save the paper. Reduce the accounting staff. Explain our reasoning to Dr. Landless. As a Non-Finance Individual What Do You Need to Understand a Financial Statement? 1. 2. 3. An accounting degree? A good course in reading financial statements? Willing to ask questions until you understand it? Financial Analysis Step 1: Produce a complete timely accurate financial statement. Step 2: Explain the differences. Step 3: Do Comparisons. Step 4: Determine the problem. Step 5: Ask yourself: Now what? A Complete Financial Statement What are the key components of a financial statement? BALANCE SHEET TOTAL NET ASSETS 1,336,000 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY NET INCOME 705,000 Pursley Adventist Hospital Sept. 30, 2013 Current A s s ets Cas h in Bank A Cas h in Bank B Petty Cas h A Petty Cas h B Pes s ty Cas h C A c c ount Rec eiv able Patient A A c c ount Rec eiv able Patient B A c c ount Rec eiv able Patient C Medic ine A Medic ine B Medic ine C Tow els Bed s heets Pillow Cas es Bandages 2013 23,400.23 12,456.34 123.00 450.00 345.00 34,502.45 450.34 345.09 123.56 3,456.89 4,536.89 23.00 345.09 3,456.00 342.89 2012 20,826.20 11,086.14 109.47 400.50 307.05 30,707.18 400.80 307.13 109.97 3,076.63 4,037.83 20.47 307.13 3,075.84 305.17 86,369.77 77,089.53 2,346.89 3,456.89 3,267.67 4,567.98 345.90 3,425.89 12.00 12.00 12.00 45.00 45.00 567.00 2,346.89 3,456.89 3,267.67 4,567.98 345.90 3,425.89 12.00 12.00 12.00 45.00 45.00 567.00 23.00 34.00 23.00 34.00 18,161.22 18,161.22 104,530.99 95,250.75 567.90 6,897.45 5,368.67 4,356.00 556.54 6,759.50 5,261.30 4,268.88 17,190.02 16,846.22 Non Current Liabilities Debt 1 Debt 2 Debt 3 Total-Non Current Liabilities 4,567.00 5,342.00 45,467.00 55,376.00 4,475.66 5,235.16 44,557.66 54,268.48 Total Liabilities 72,566.02 71,114.70 104,080.99 94,850.25 Total Cur r e nt As s e ts Property & Equipment Land Plot 345 Land Plot 423 Land Plot 678 Building Y Building X Building Z Des k 1 Des k 2 Des k 4 Computer 1 Computer 3 A mbulanc e Program 1 Program 2 Total Fixe d As s e ts Total A s s ets Liabilities Current Liabilities Pay able Pay able Pay able Pay able to to to to A B C D Total Current Liabilities Fund Balanc e Financial Reports Five Levels LEVEL 1: HOSPITAL Statement of financial position Statement of financial activity Working Capital Notes LEVEL 2: LEVEL 3: LEVEL 4: LEVEL 5: LINE DEPARTMENTS (including volumes) SERVICE/PRODUCT LINES PAYERS PAYER BY SERVICE/PRODUCT Four Basic Rules Rule #1: Produce at least level 1 statements Rule #2: Be timely. Rule #3: Show accurate current data. Rule #4: Show accurate comparative date, (budget and one year ago). PURSLEY ADVENTIST HOSPITAL BALANCE SHEET AS OF 31 Jan. 2015 Date Produced Jul. 31, 2015 PURSLEY ADVENTIST HOSPITAL BALANCE SHEET AS OF 31 Jul. 2015 Date Produced Aug. 14, 2015 Pursley Adventist Hospital Balance Sheet As Of Jul. 31, 2015 Current Year Last Year Current Liabilities Payables Accured Payroll Current Part of LT Debt Long Term Liabilities Long Term Debt Total Liabilities Total Net Assets 1,064,000 243,000 12,000 85,000 233,000 13,000 125,000 146,000 1,444,000 477,000 1,336,000 2,453,000 PURSLEY ADVENTIST HOSPITAL STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY AS OF 31 Jul. 2015 PURSLEY ADVENTIST HOSPITAL STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY AS OF 31 Jul. 2015 Laboratory Department Lab Volumes Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Lab Tests Inpatient 159 207 152 121 279 176 201 85 50 148 161 142 85 114 Lab Tests Outpatient 78 63 93 72 89 63 53 59 66 71 85 64 28 45 Inpatient Lab Volumes 300 250 200 Test 2014 Tests 2015 150 100 50 Ju l Fe b M ar A pr M ay Ju n Ja n 0 Financial Statement for Orthopedics Financial Statement For Payer A Financial Statement For Payer A Orthopedics Case Exercise Analyze the following hospital financial statement. What is(are) the primary problem(s) to be solved? How would you solve them? Step #1 Produce a complete timely accurate financial statement. Hart International Hospital Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2014 Produced Jan. 25, 2015 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2013 173,000 20,655,000 71,559,000 2,050,000 94,437,000 93,000,000 187,437,000 7,906,000 8,556,000 64,762,000 2,688,000 83,912,000 70,000,000 153,912,000 6,314,000 10,720,000 17,034,000 40,866,000 57,900,000 7,153,710 4,620,000 11,773,710 17,230,000 29,003,710 129,537,000 124,908,290 Current Assets Cash and Bank Investments Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets Property and Equipment Total Assets Current Liabilities Payables Notes payable Current Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Balance Hart International Hospital Statement of Financial Activity Dec. 2014 Budget Dec. 2013 Revenues Inpatient Revenue Professional Fees Outpatient Revenue Donation Income Investment Income Other Income Total Revenues 14,676,000 3,620,000 13,128,000 5,600 127,400 434,000 31,991,000 29,578,000 0 17,800,000 0 1,000,000 0 48,378,000 31,296,000 7,582,000 12,916,000 11,760 -284,000 0 51,521,760 Expenses Salaries and Wages Contract Services Outside Medical Providers Food, Drugs, and Supplies Administrative Expenses Maintainance Expenses & Rent Legal & Insurance Depreciation Charity/Discounts Christmas Gifts Utilities Travel Expenses Employee Medical Retirement Advertising Interest Security Audit Fees Total Expenses 14,256,000 1,288,000 1,870,000 7,086,000 1,268,000 632,000 1,416,000 2,190,000 1,706,000 552 791,200 87,400 470,000 278,000 64,000 5,866,000 354,000 392,000 40,015,152 17,028,000 1,725,000 2,152,000 8,920,000 1,186,000 620,000 520,000 2,500,000 750,000 0 1,076,000 0 540,000 708,000 0 5,102,000 480,000 392,000 43,699,000 16,484,000 2,484,000 926,000 11,962,000 1,248,000 702,000 1,222,000 2,538,000 1,792,000 0 1,214,000 82,500 604,000 58,298 54,230 1,680,000 438,000 390,000 43,879,028 Net Income(loss) -8,024,152 4,679,000 7,642,732 Working Capital Current Assets Current Liabilities 94,437,000 17,034,000 Total Working Capital 77,403,000 Recommended Working Capital 20% of Operating Expense (Prior Year) Percentage to Recommendation 8,775,806 882.00% Notes Note 1: Cash and Bank Cash On Hand Bank/Checking Accounts Interest Bearing Account Total Cash and Bank Dec. 2014 5,000 168,000 0 173,000 Dec. 2013 15,000 500,000 7,391,000 7,906,000 Note 2: Investments Lending Agency Reserve Other Investments Total Investments 20,655,000 0 20,655,000 2,000,000 6,556,000 8,556,000 20,000 5,000 71,534,000 0 71,559,000 10,000 6,000 64,746,000 0 64,762,000 120,000 6,194,000 6,314,000 0 7,153,710 7,153,710 10,720,000 4,620,000 40,866,000 17,230,000 Note 3: Accounts Receivable Employees SDA Organizations Government Health Insurance Less: Allowance For Doubtful Accounts Total Accounts Receivable Note 4: Accounts Payables Bank Overdraft Trade Payables Total Accounts Payable Note 5: Notes Payable Current Bank Loan Note 6: Long Term Liabilities Bank Loan Step 2. Explain the differences. Hart International Hospital Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2013 173,000 20,655,000 71,559,000 2,050,000 94,437,000 93,000,000 187,437,000 7,906,000 8,556,000 64,762,000 2,688,000 83,912,000 70,000,000 153,912,000 6,314,000 10,720,000 17,034,000 40,866,000 57,900,000 7,153,710 4,620,000 11,773,710 17,230,000 29,003,710 129,537,000 124,908,290 Current Assets Cash and Bank Investments Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets Property and Equipment Total Assets Current Liabilities Payables Notes payable Current Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Balance Hart International Hospital Statement of Financial Activity Dec. 2014 Budget Dec. 2013 Revenues Inpatient Revenue Professional Fees Outpatient Revenue Donation Income Investment Income Other Income Total Revenues 14,676,000 3,620,000 13,128,000 5,600 127,400 434,000 31,991,000 29,578,000 0 17,800,000 0 1,000,000 0 48,378,000 31,296,000 7,582,000 12,916,000 11,760 -284,000 0 51,521,760 Expenses Salaries and Wages Contract Services Outside Medical Providers Food, Drugs, and Supplies Administrative Expenses Maintainance Expenses & Rent Legal & Insurance Depreciation Charity/Discounts Christmas Gifts Utilities Travel Expenses Employee Medical Retirement Advertising Interest Security Audit Fees Total Expenses 14,256,000 1,288,000 1,870,000 7,086,000 1,268,000 632,000 1,416,000 2,190,000 1,706,000 552 791,200 87,400 470,000 278,000 64,000 5,866,000 354,000 392,000 40,015,152 17,028,000 1,725,000 2,152,000 8,920,000 1,186,000 620,000 520,000 2,500,000 750,000 0 1,076,000 0 540,000 708,000 0 5,102,000 480,000 392,000 43,699,000 16,484,000 2,484,000 926,000 11,962,000 1,248,000 702,000 1,222,000 2,538,000 1,792,000 0 1,214,000 82,500 604,000 58,298 54,230 1,680,000 438,000 390,000 43,879,028 Net Income(loss) -8,024,152 4,679,000 7,642,732 Working Capital Current Assets Current Liabilities 94,437,000 17,034,000 Total Working Capital 77,403,000 Recommended Working Capital 20% of Operating Expense (Prior Year) Percentage to Recommendation 8,775,806 882.00% IAD Working Policy P 37 “Working Capital shall be defined as the amount of current assets above the total of current liabilities” Health Care Institutions-20 percent of the operating expenses of the latest complete fiscal year, or for interim statements, the latest 12 actual operating expense, plus allocated funds” The Meaning of Working Capital Current Liabilities will be paid out of current assets. Current liabilities are debts to be paid within one year. Current assets are assets to be realized in cash or used up within one year Hart International Hospital Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2013 173,000 20,655,000 71,559,000 2,050,000 94,437,000 93,000,000 187,437,000 7,906,000 8,556,000 64,762,000 2,688,000 83,912,000 70,000,000 153,912,000 6,314,000 10,720,000 17,034,000 40,866,000 57,900,000 7,153,710 4,620,000 11,773,710 17,230,000 29,003,710 129,537,000 124,908,290 Current Assets Cash and Bank Investments Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets Property and Equipment Total Assets Current Liabilities Payables Notes payable Current Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Balance How valid are the current assets? Will they be cash within the year? Cash and bank? Investments? Accounts Receivable? Inventory? Cash and Bank Notes Note 1: Cash and Bank Cash On Hand Bank/Checking Accounts Interest Bearing Account Total Cash and Bank Note 2: Investments Lending Agency Reserve Other Investments Total Investments Note 3: Accounts Receivable Employees SDA Organizations Government Health Insurance Less: Allowance For Doubtful Accounts Total Accounts Receivable Note 4: Accounts Payables Bank Overdraft Trade Payables Total Accounts Payable Note 5: Notes Payable Current Bank Loan Note 6: Long Term Liabilities Bank Loan Dec. 2014 5,000 168,000 0 173,000 Dec. 2013 15,000 500,000 7,391,000 7,906,000 20,655,000 0 20,655,000 2,000,000 6,556,000 8,556,000 20,000 5,000 71,534,000 0 71,559,000 10,000 6,000 64,746,000 0 64,762,000 120,000 6,194,000 6,314,000 0 7,153,710 7,153,710 10,720,000 4,620,000 40,866,000 17,230,000 Cash and Bank Valid Value = 173,000 Investments Notes Note 1: Cash and Bank Cash On Hand Bank/Checking Accounts Interest Bearing Account Total Cash and Bank 5,000 168,000 0 173,000 15,000 500,000 7,391,000 7,906,000 Note 2: Investments Lending Agency Reserve Other Investments Total Investments 20,655,000 0 20,655,000 2,000,000 6,556,000 8,556,000 20,000 5,000 71,534,000 0 71,559,000 10,000 6,000 64,746,000 0 64,762,000 120,000 6,194,000 6,314,000 0 7,153,710 7,153,710 10,720,000 4,620,000 40,866,000 17,230,000 Note 3: Accounts Receivable Employees SDA Organizations Government Health Insurance Less: Allowance For Doubtful Accounts Total Accounts Receivable Note 4: Accounts Payables Bank Overdraft Trade Payables Total Accounts Payable Note 5: Notes Payable Current Bank Loan Note 6: Long Term Liabilities Bank Loan Investments What will the bank let us do with these funds? Maybe pay current payable on the bank loan. Value = 0 Accounts Receivable Notes Note 1: Cash and Bank Cash On Hand Bank/Checking Accounts Interest Bearing Account Total Cash and Bank 5,000 168,000 0 173,000 15,000 500,000 7,391,000 7,906,000 Note 2: Investments Lending Agency Reserve Other Investments Total Investments 20,655,000 0 20,655,000 2,000,000 6,556,000 8,556,000 20,000 5,000 71,534,000 0 71,559,000 10,000 6,000 64,746,000 0 64,762,000 120,000 6,194,000 6,314,000 0 7,153,710 7,153,710 10,720,000 4,620,000 40,866,000 17,230,000 Note 3: Accounts Receivable Employees SDA Organizations Government Health Insurance Less: Allowance For Doubtful Accounts Total Accounts Receivable Note 4: Accounts Payables Bank Overdraft Trade Payables Total Accounts Payable Note 5: Notes Payable Current Bank Loan Note 6: Long Term Liabilities Bank Loan CHURCH Working Policy O 15 “The Accounts Receivable shown in the annual Financial Statement shall not be in excess of: Medical Institutions – 6% of annual patients business (not including insurance carriers)” Asset Efficiency Receivables Analysis Receivable Days’ Turnover uncollected Receivable Turnover Yearly Net Patient Revenue ---------------------------------Average Accounts Receivable Days In Patient Accounts Receivable 365 --------------------------------------Net Patient Receivable Turnover Hart International Hospital Statement of Financial Activity Dec. 2014 Budget Dec. 2013 Revenues Inpatient Revenue Professional Fees Outpatient Revenue Donation Income Investment Income Other Income Total Revenues 14,676,000 3,620,000 13,128,000 5,600 127,400 434,000 31,991,000 29,578,000 0 17,800,000 0 1,000,000 0 48,378,000 31,296,000 7,582,000 12,916,000 11,760 -284,000 0 51,521,760 Expenses Salaries and Wages Contract Services Outside Medical Providers Food, Drugs, and Supplies Administrative Expenses Maintainance Expenses & Rent Legal & Insurance Depreciation Charity/Discounts Christmas Gifts Utilities Travel Expenses Employee Medical Retirement Advertising Interest Security Audit Fees Total Expenses 14,256,000 1,288,000 1,870,000 7,086,000 1,268,000 632,000 1,416,000 2,190,000 1,706,000 552 791,200 87,400 470,000 278,000 64,000 5,866,000 354,000 392,000 40,015,152 17,028,000 1,725,000 2,152,000 8,920,000 1,186,000 620,000 520,000 2,500,000 750,000 0 1,076,000 0 540,000 708,000 0 5,102,000 480,000 392,000 43,699,000 16,484,000 2,484,000 926,000 11,962,000 1,248,000 702,000 1,222,000 2,538,000 1,792,000 0 1,214,000 82,500 604,000 58,298 54,230 1,680,000 438,000 390,000 43,879,028 Net Income(loss) -8,024,152 4,679,000 7,642,732 Hart International Hospital Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2013 173,000 20,655,000 71,559,000 2,050,000 94,437,000 93,000,000 187,437,000 7,906,000 8,556,000 64,762,000 2,688,000 83,912,000 70,000,000 153,912,000 6,314,000 10,720,000 17,034,000 40,866,000 57,900,000 7,153,710 4,620,000 11,773,710 17,230,000 29,003,710 129,537,000 124,908,290 Current Assets Cash and Bank Investments Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets Property and Equipment Total Assets Current Liabilities Payables Notes payable Current Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Balance Hart International Hospital Days In Accounts Receivables Yearly Patient Revenue Average Accounts Reveivable Net Patient Receivable Turnover Days In Patient Accounts Receivable Days in Accounts Receivables 27,804,000 68,160,500 0.41 Turnover/365 895 Past Performance Days Uncollected 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Days Uncollected Standard 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Allowance for doubtful accounts 90 days 0% 91 days to 180 25% 181 days to 270 50% 271 days to 365 days 75% Over 366 days 100% Accounts Receivable What are the expectations that these funds will be collected within the next year? Value = 10,000,000 Inventory How confident are you in your inventory? Is it automated? Do you have an audited manual system? Value = 0 Hart International Hospital Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2013 173,000 20,655,000 71,559,000 2,050,000 94,437,000 93,000,000 187,437,000 7,906,000 8,556,000 64,762,000 2,688,000 83,912,000 70,000,000 153,912,000 6,314,000 10,720,000 17,034,000 40,866,000 57,900,000 7,153,710 4,620,000 11,773,710 17,230,000 29,003,710 129,537,000 124,908,290 Current Assets Cash and Bank Investments Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets Property and Equipment Total Assets Current Liabilities Payables Notes payable Current Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Balance True Working Capital Modified Current assets Cash and Bank Investments Accounts Receivable Inventory 173,000 0 1,000,000 0 Total 1,173,000 Modified Current Liabilities Payables Notes Payable Current Total True Working Capital 20% of operating Expenses (prior year) Working Capital Excess (Deficit) 6,314,000 0 6,314,000 -5,141,000 7,260,898 -12,401,898 Financial Statement Analysis Cash Accounts 345,000 Receivable Debt Net Income(loss) 567,000 3,654,872 285,980 Financial Statement Analysis Standards Rule-of-thumb Working capital--20% of the operating expenses of the latest completed fiscal year. Past performance Budget, one year ago and the last 5 years of financial data are we getting better, staying the same or worse? Industry norms What is the average for other hospitals of our size and similar environment? 132 different ratios Financial Statement Analysis Ratios Liquidity Profitability Debt Asset Efficiency Step 3 Calculate ratios and compare. Liquidity Do we have any money? % of Required Working Capital Current Ratio Modified -- Current Assets/Current Liabilities Current Ratio – True Current Assets/True Current Liabilities Working Capital Current Assets Current Liabilities 94,437,000 17,034,000 Total Working Capital 77,403,000 Recommended Working Capital 20% of Operating Expense (Prior Year) Percentage to Recommendation 8,775,806 882.00% True Working Capital Modified Current assets Cash and Bank Investments Accounts Receivable Inventory 173,000 0 1,000,000 0 Total 1,173,000 Modified Current Liabilities Payables Notes Payable Current Total True Working Capital 20% of operating Expenses (prior year) Working Capital Excess (Deficit) 6,314,000 0 6,314,000 -5,141,000 7,260,898 -12,401,898 Current Ratio Current Assets Current Liabilities Hart International Hospital Current Ratio 94,437,000 17,034,000 Equal 5.54 Current Ratio 2013 Almanac of Hospital Financial and Operating Indicators OptumInsight Median Values Revenues < $10 Million 2.11 Rural Hospitals 2.24 Less Than 100 Beds 2.18 Hart International 5.54 Your Hospital??? Modified Current Ratio Modified Current Assets 1,173,000 Modified Current Liabilities 6,314,000 Equal .186 Current Ratio 2013 Almanac of Hospital Financial and Operating Indicators OptumInsight Median Values Revenues < $10 Million 2.11 Rural Hospitals 2.24 Less Than 100 Beds 2.18 Hart International .186 Your Hospital??? Profitability Are we making money? Total Margin = Excess Revenues over Expenses Total Revenue * 100 Hart International Hospital Total Margin Excess Revenues Over Expenses = -8,024,152 Total revenue = 31,991,000 -8,024,152 / 31,991,000 = -.25 -.25 / 100 = -.00251 Debt Can we borrow money? Equity Financing Proportion of total assets that have been financed by non-debt sources. “Creditors usually view a hospital with a high Equity Financing Ratio favorably because it means less debt used and therefore less likelihood of insolvency” Almanac of Hospital Financial and Operating Indicators p 57 Equity Financing (Net Assets / Total Assets) / 100 (129,584,927/187,486,701) = .691169 .691169 / 100 = 69.1169% Equity Financing 2013 Almanac of Hospital Financial and Operating Indicators OptumInsight Median Values Revenues < $10 Million 54.7 Rural Hospitals 59.3 Less Than 100 Beds 58.6 Hart International 69.0 Hart International 54.0 Your Hospital??? Asset Efficiency: How are we doing managing what we have? Days In Receivables Days In Patient Accounts Receivable 2013 Almanac of Hospital Financial and Operating Indicators OptumInsight Median Values Revenues < $10 Million 42 Days Rural Hospitals 35 Days Less Than 100 Beds 36 Days Hart International 895 Days Your Hospital??? Hart International Hospital Statement of Financial Activity Dec. 2014 Budget Dec. 2013 Revenues Inpatient Revenue Professional Fees Outpatient Revenue Donation Income Investment Income Other Income Total Revenues 14,676,000 3,620,000 13,128,000 5,600 127,400 434,000 31,991,000 29,578,000 0 17,800,000 0 1,000,000 0 48,378,000 31,296,000 7,582,000 12,916,000 11,760 -284,000 0 51,521,760 Expenses Salaries and Wages Contract Services Outside Medical Providers Food, Drugs, and Supplies Administrative Expenses Maintainance Expenses & Rent Legal & Insurance Depreciation Charity/Discounts Christmas Gifts Utilities Travel Expenses Employee Medical Retirement Advertising Interest Security Audit Fees Total Expenses 14,256,000 1,288,000 1,870,000 7,086,000 1,268,000 632,000 1,416,000 2,190,000 1,706,000 552 791,200 87,400 470,000 278,000 64,000 5,866,000 354,000 392,000 40,015,152 17,028,000 1,725,000 2,152,000 8,920,000 1,186,000 620,000 520,000 2,500,000 750,000 0 1,076,000 0 540,000 708,000 0 5,102,000 480,000 392,000 43,699,000 16,484,000 2,484,000 926,000 11,962,000 1,248,000 702,000 1,222,000 2,538,000 1,792,000 0 1,214,000 82,500 604,000 58,298 54,230 1,680,000 438,000 390,000 43,879,028 Net Income(loss) -8,024,152 4,679,000 7,642,732 Step #4 Determine the Problem(s). What is(are) the primary problem(s) at Hart International Hospital? Problems No Cash? Not enough revenue? Declining Inpatient Revenue Not collecting receivables Hart International Hospital 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Inpatient Revenue 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Past Performance Days Uncollected 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Days Uncollected Standard 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Now What? 10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR FINANCES Contract Compliance Special Service Lines Lure The Physician Donations Watch Inflation 10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR FINANCES Right Size The Organization Use Flex Staffing Control Overtime Manage Supplies/Medicines Fewer Might Be Better Sharing and questions Which Strategies did you select? What barriers are there to implementing your strategies? How can AHI assist you? Are you going to do it?