Urbanization and Industrialization - Rise of Leisure

Answer the following in your notes:
• (1) Page 233: How did urbanization and
industrialization lead to the rise of popular
culture? What are the forms of entertainment
• (2) Pages 238 & 239: What are
some of the ways mentioned to
improve the lives of the urban
In response to the short video clip called
“Just the Facts: The Emergence of Modern – the
Gilded Age” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCZtNE3g_sQ
(13:17 – 16:48):
• (1) What is stated about “Victorian” culture?
• (2) What were the forms of entertainment mentioned
during the Gilded Age?
• Project Question:
• Did average Americans benefit
from Industrialization and
Urbanization? Why or why not?
Answer the following in your notes:
• (1) Page 233: How did urbanization and
industrialization lead to the rise of popular
culture? What are the forms of entertainment
• (2) Pages 238 & 239: What are
some of the ways mentioned to
improve the lives of the urban
Student Learning Targets
• Students will understand:
– Growth in electricity
– Rise in “leisure culture” and popular forms
of entertainment
– Efforts to help the urban poor.
Age of Electricity
• Assembly Lines
• Factory Lighting
• Electric street cars
• Soon, other
advances because
of electricity
Benefits from Electricity
• The average work week declines:
– 69.7 hours per week in 1860 (includes farming)
– 61.7 hours in 1890
– 54.9 hours in 1910
• Less polluted and safer working / living conditions
• More consistent form of energy generation
• Longer days of activity!!
“The Factory Belt” now “The Rust Belt”
Rise of Popular Entertainment
• Urbanization and the “New” Industrial Revolution
of late 1800’s transformed American life, providing
for “leisure time” giving rise to “popular
Baseball in the 1890’s
Rise of Popular Entertainment
• People divide their time between “work and going
home” and “going out.”
• Amusement Parks
• Vaudeville and ragtime
• “Saloon Culture”
New York’s Coney Island
Rise of Popular Entertainment
• The average work week declines:
– From 1860 to 1910, a decline of 15 hrs. per week
• Sport was probably the largest single area of
expanded leisure participation …
– Tennis, archery, bowling, skating, bicycling, and team
games such as baseball, basketball, and football are
developed in the late 1800’s.
• Pages 238 & 239: What are some of the ways
mentioned to improve the lives of the urban poor?
• Pages 238 & 239: What are some of the ways
mentioned to improve the lives of the urban poor?
– Social Gospel movement
– Salvation Army
– Settlement Houses
– Jane Addams and Hull House
– “Americanization” movement