Occupational Therapy - Rowan University

Occupational Therapy
Created by: Kelly Smith
What is Occupational Therapy?
 A form of therapy for those recuperating from either
a physical or mental illness by using rehabilitation
techniques to help them get back to their everyday
life activities
Occupational Therapy in the 1700’s?
 Occupational Therapy a new profession? NO
 It was created back in the 1700’s when the mentally ill were treated as prisoners rather
then members of society
 2 men sought out to change this, Phillipe Pinel and William Tuke
 It was called Moral Treatment and Occupation.
Moral Treatment and Occupation
 Patients were treated with kindness and
 They were given literature, music, exercise
and relaxing activities to relieve stress
 Helped improve the activities of daily life (now
called ADL’s)
OT 1840-1860
 Considered the “golden years” for Moral Treatment and Occupation in hospitals
 Arts and crafts were widely recognized and used as treatments for relaxation and stress
 This was a start to a new approach in occupational therapy
OT in the 1900’s
 After the civil war occupational therapy
seemed to disappear, until the 1900’s when a
nurse named Susan Tracey began to teach
other nurses the specialty which is known as an
occupational nurse.
 By 1917 The National Society for the Promotion
of Occupational Therapy was founded, now
know as the American Occupational Therapy
 It was then that OT became a more organized
medicine and had more of a scientific
approach to this field of study
OT in the 1900’s continued
 Then the wars hit and OT took off into full force by
treating and rehabilitating injured soldiers
 It continued to grow, they were now treating not
only the mentally ill, but patients who severed their
spinal cords, people who have had strokes, or
terrible accidents.
 Also treating diseases like cerebral palsy, autism,
and down syndrome
OT Today
 Occupation is the main purpose of the profession
 Occupational therapist are every where and working in many different environments
 Working with a number of different types of patients
 It is ever evolving and growing depending on the social environment around us, and all
the new things to come
Duties of an Occupational Therapist
 Find out what matters to the patient and what they want to accomplish
 observe them in daily activities, observe their home life and work life based on the
patient’s health needs
 Demonstrate exercises based on patient’s needs
 Teach family how to accommodate for the patient
 Recommend special equipment, such as wheel chairs, braces and eating aids and
demonstrate how to use them.
 Assist in every day activities based on the patient’s disabilities and show them how to
accommodate activities that they may have a hard time completing.
Where can you find Occupational
 Hospitals
 Mental Health Centers
 Physicians offices
 Rehabilitation centers
 Schools and education centers
 The clients home
 In research labs
 Work environments
 Assisted Living Homes
What Type of Patients Do OT’s Treat?
Mentally Ill
Children with development disabilities or disease
Patients with injuries
Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome
Patients who have had strokes
Spinal cord injuries
Patients who are paralyzed
People with drug and alcohol addictions
Elderly patients
People of any age who need help with daily occupations
What a Typical Day For an OT Looks Like
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jLsL_IuA1k
 Most OT’s are on their feet for about 8-10 hours a day, this obviously varies depending on
where you chose to work
 They also lift and support patients throughout the day
 It is a very active and hands on profession
What Do You Need to Become an OT?
 Bachelor’s and Masters degree
 It is not yet required to have a doctorate degree to practice but could change in the near
 After graduating from an Accredited Program by the Accreditation Council of Occupational
Therapy Education, you must take and pass the National Board for Certification in
Occupational Therapy Exam
 Then you must complete supervised field work, that takes 24 weeks
 After that, you obtain your license
 You need to be compassionate and caring
 You need to have patience and perseverance
 You need to not give up on yourself and your patients
 Lastly, time and dedication
OT Master’s Degree Programs in the Area
 Temple University-Philadelphia, PA
 Philadelphia University (Weekend program)-Philadelphia,PA
 Jefferson University-Philadelphia, PA
 University of the Sciences-Philadelphia, PA
 Richard Stockton College of New Jersey-Galloway Twp., NJ
Salaries for Occupational Therapists
 The median salary for an OT as of 2013 is $76,940
 The highest paid OT’s are around $109,380
 75th percentile are $91,600
 25th percentile are $63,580
Occupational therapists who work for home health care
services are generally paid higher
American Occupational Therapy
 Founded in 1917 (see earlier slide
 AOTA has 50,000 members including OT’s, OT assistants and OT students
 It educates the public and helps to advance the profession by providing resources
 It ensures the quality of occupational therapy and promotes the profession development
of its members.
Goals of AOTA
 Mission statement:” The American Occupational Therapy Association advances the
quality, availability, use, and support of occupational therapy through standard-setting,
advocacy, education, and research on behalf of its members and the public. (AOTA
Website http://www.aota.org/AboutAOTA.aspx#sthash.I0whjk2O.dpuf)
 Vision statement: The American Occupational Therapy Association advances the quality,
availability, use, and support of occupational therapy through standard-setting,
advocacy, education, and research on behalf of its members and the public. (AOTA
Website http://www.aota.org/AboutAOTA.aspx#sthash.I0whjk2O.dpuf)
 Centennial Vision: We envision that occupational therapy is a powerful, widely
recognized, science-driven, and evidence-based profession with a globally connected
and diverse workforce meeting society's occupational needs. (AOTA Website
Benefits of AOTA
 Even as a student you can become a member of the AOTA for $75 dollars a year
 If you are interested in a career in Occupational Therapy becoming a member will only
help you out in the future.
 Look at the attached web address below to see all the memberships and benefits that
they offer:
And becomes everyone always asks…
 What is the difference between OT and PT?
 Upper extremities vs. Lower extremities
 OT’s work more on the upper body and help with the learning of everyday activities
 PT’s treat injuries based off of exercise prescription
“Physical therapy teaches people how to walk, and occupational therapy teaches them
how to dance.” (http://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/occupational-therapist)
Why OT is so rewarding
 Below are a list of quotes from OT’s about why they love doing what they do, I encourage
you to check out the website as well! https://sites.google.com/a/rams.colostate.edu/preot-club/home/members-quotes
 "I love seeing the satisfaction and happiness on someone's face when they do something
they thought at one time they wouldn't do. I love being that person that helps someone
accomplish their goal.“
 "OT is helping people help themselves; helping them overcome the barriers preventing
them from living life to the fullest.“
 "OT to me is the beauty of watching a person achieve life all over again“
 Sensory Processing Disorder. “The History of Occupational Therapy…” http://www.sensory-processingdisorder.com/history-of-occupational-therapy.html. February 15, 2015
 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition,
Occupational Therapists,
on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/occupational-therapists.htm (visited February 15,
 U.S. New and World Repots: MONEY. Best Health Care Jobs: Occupational Therapy.
http://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/occupational-therapist. February 15,2015
 The American Occupational Therapy Association, INC. http://www.aota.org/AboutAOTA.aspx. February 15,
 The American Occupational Therapy Association, INC.
http://www.aota.org/AboutAOTA/Membership/Types-and-Fees.aspx. February 15,2015
 Colorado State University. Members Quotes. https://sites.google.com/a/rams.colostate.edu/pre-otclub/home/members-quotes. February 15, 2015