CONSTRUCTING ADVOCACY SKILLS PLAN • Know your strengths & needs: Your learning profile – Learning Style/Type of Intelligence/Strategies • Know your rights: IPRC & IEP • Know your responsibilities: How to ask for what you need - Communication Skills Learning Disability Facts INVISIBLE DISABILITY Average to Above Average Intelligence Brain processes information differently Ability to think is not affected Great abilities Difficulties with: We use different methods and/or equipment to complete school work.. -writing -spelling -reading -math -organization Lifelong We learn to negotiate our learning disability. Tested on our weaknesses Hereditary Common 1 in 10 Ranges from mild to severe EXPLORE FURTHER Learning Style Quiz Sites: Developed by Dr. Linda Karges-Bone Also lists a 6 Question Kids Style Quiz (Gr. 5-8) Parent Quiz to explore the learning styles for young students Learning Style (Sensory Approach) Your learning style affects how you prefer to take in new information. Visual Learner -benefit from seeing information in a written format or in an illustration -may grow impatient listening for long periods of time. Auditory Learner -best at absorbing information when it is delivered orally -visual cues reinforce learning but hearing information is preferred Kinesthetic/Tactile Learner -prefers to be active while processing new information -frequent short breaks and/or interacting with the material increases your ability to learn VISUAL LEARNER (Information comes in through the eyes) Visual Learner Characteristics Visual Learner Benefits from: AUDITORY LEARNER (Information comes in through the ears) Auditory Learner Characteristics Learns by watching Draw a map of events in history or draw scientific process Has to think awhile before understanding lecture Make outlines of everything! Likes colors & fashion. Copy what’s on the board. Is good at explaining. Watching videos. Dreams in color. Ask the teacher to diagram. Remembers names. Repeating facts with eyes closed. Understands/likes charts. Take notes, make lists. Notices sound effects in movies. Participating in group discussions Needs quiet study time. Color code words, research notes. Reads slowly. Using audiotapes for language practice Is good at spelling but forgets names. Use flashcards. Is good at grammar and foreign language Taping notes after writing them SEEING & READING Likes to read to self out loud Auditory Learners Benefit from: Using word association to remember facts and lines Recording lectures. Is not afraid to speak in class. Use highlighters, circle words, underline. Follows spoken directions well. Watch videos. Can’t keep quiet for long periods. TACTILE/KINESTHETIC LEARNER (Learning incorporates movement) Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner Characteristics Tactile/Kenesthetic Learners Benefit from: Can’t sit still for long. Studying in short blocks. Does not have great handwriting. Taking lab classes. Takes breaks when studying Taking field trips, visiting museums. Is not great at spelling. Studying with others. Likes role playing. Role playing. Likes adventure books, movies. Using memory games. Is involved in sports or dance Take notes of main points & then self-test Likes science lab Is fidgety during lectures. TOUCHING & DOING LISTENING & SPEAKING Learning strategies to improve academic learning Note taking, Listening, Participation 8 ½ minutes Techniques for effectively recording and learning information from classes Managing Your Time 18 minutes Time Management - methods for getting organized and making better use of your time Reading Improvement: Comprehension and Rate 11 minutes Strategies for improving reading rate and comprehension Improving Concentration, Memory, and Motivation 9 minutes Strategic Learning - a three-step process for meaningfully understanding and retaining information Preparing and Taking Tests and Exams Stress Management - learn more about stress and stress management techniques Mind Mapping: Smart Ideas / Inspiration Organization: Rainlender The ability to read and write are not a measure of intelligence. The questions aren’t: Howard Gardner Ph.D. Social Psychology Professor Harvard University Are you smart ? Do you have abilities? The questions are: What kind of smart are you? What kind of abilities do you have? Education tends to be focused on a limited window of learning Book Smart (Language) Intrapersonal (Reflectors) Logical Mathematical (Numbers / Science) Naturalists (Investigators) Interpersonal (Interested in others) Bodily-Kinesthetic (Active / Movers) Visual/Spatial Smart (See It / Conceive It) Musical (Hummers / Tappers) Strong In THINK LOVE NEED Linguistic In Words Reading, writing, telling stories, word games Books, tapes, writing tools, paper, diaries, LogicalMathematical By reasoning Experimenting, questioning, puzzles, calculating Things to explore and think about. Science materials & museums Spatial In images & pictures Designing, drawing, visualizing, doodling Art, LEGO, video, movies, slides, games, mazes, puzzles, illustrated books BodilyKinesthetic Through somatic sensations Dancing, running, jumping, building, touching, gesturing Role play, drama, movement, building, tactile experiences, hands on Musical Via rhythms & melodies Singing, humming, tapping feet & hands, listening Sing-along time, concerts, musical instruments, music playing Interpersonal By bouncing ideas off other people Leading, organizing, relating, manipulating Friends, group games, social & community events, clubs/mentors Deeply inside themselves Setting goals, dreaming, Secret places, time alone, Intrapersonal 4 or more in any of the Categories A - E indicates your strongest abilities. being quiet in those aspects as self-paced projects, 1 or more in Categories F & G means you have abilities well. choices Type of Intelligence Description Typical Roles Related Tasks/Activities Preferred Learning cues Linguistics words and language, written and spoken; retention, interpretation and explanation of ideas and information via language writers, lawyers, journalists, speakers, trainers, copywriters, English teachers, poets, editors, linguists, translators, PR / media consultants write a set of instructions; speak on a subject; edit a written piece or work; write a speech • make flashcards • take extensive notes • keep a journal of what you learn Logical Mathematical logical thinking, detecting patterns, scientific reasoning and deduction; analyze problems, understands relationship between cause and effect scientists, engineers, computer experts, accountants, statisticians, researchers, analysts, traders, bankers bookmakers, insurance brokers negotiators perform a mental arithmetic calculation; create a process to measure something difficult; analyze how a machine works; create a process; devise a strategy to achieve an aim •Make notes into numeric charts and graphs • use the roman numeral style of outlining • put information you receive into categories Musical musical ability, awareness, appreciation and use of sound; recognition of tonal and rhythmic patterns musicians, singers, composers, DJ's, music producers, piano tuners, acoustic engineers, entertainers perform a musical piece; sing a song; review a musical work; coach someone to play a musical instrument •create a song or rhyme to remember concepts • listen to classical music while you study Bodily Kinesthetic body movement control, manual dexterity, physical agility and balance; eye and body coordination dancers, demonstrators, actors, athletes, divers, sports-people, soldiers, fire-fighters, PTI's, performance artistes juggle; demonstrate a sports technique; create a mime to explain something; assess work-station ergonomics •act out or imagine concepts • look for real-life examples that demonstrate what you’re learning about Spatial visual and spatial perception; interpretation and creation of visual images; pictorial imagination and expression; artists, designers, cartoonists, story-boarders, architects, photographers, inventors, sculptors, town-planners, design a costume; interpret a painting; create a room layout; create a corporate logo; design a building; • sketch pictures of notes • draw on flashcard for each concept or vocabulary Interpersonal perception of other people's feelings; ability to relate to others; interpretation of behavior and communications therapists, HR professionals, mediators, leaders, counselors, politicians, educators, salespeople, psychologists, teachers, interpret moods from facial expressions; demonstrate feelings through body language • discuss what you learn with a friend or family member • have someone quiz you before an exam • create or join a study group Intrapersonal self-awareness, personal cognisance & objectivity, the capability to understand self-aware and involved in the process of changing personal thoughts, beliefs & behavior in consider and decide one's own aims and personal changes required to achieve them • keep a personal journal • quiet study place • individualize projects Differentiated Instruction Based on a student centered approach ask for an assignment - CHOICE Build a model / Create a collage / Create an advertisement Create a brochure / Create a bumper sticker / Create cartoons / Create a dance Create a “how-to” / Create a mind-map with or without software / Create a political cartoon Create a Power Point / Create a recipe / Defend a theory Design a brochure / Design and construct a new product Design a game / Develop a Rubric / Draw a diagram / Draw a graph Design and make costumes / Design a Web Quest / Give a demonstration Give a speech / Illustrate a story / Illustrate a math concept / Interview an expert Invite a speaker / Keep a diary / Make a calendar / Make a learning center Make a map / Make a mural / Make a puzzle / Make a simulation game Make a tape recording / Paint a picture / Present a news report Produce a multimedia presentation / Re-enactment of an event Set up a system of checks & balances / Teach a lesson / Take a survey Write a book / Write an essay / Write a letter to the Editor Write a diary from someone else’s perspective / Write a monologue / Write a news report Write an opinion article / Write a poem / Write a song / Write and perform a rap Write a story / Write and/or tape a conversation Choice needs to be focused on absolutely essential learning goals. Shared Solutions / Culture of Collaboration Steps in Problem Solving ☼ Define the issue ☼ Share issues and ideas ☼ Generate and explore possible solutions ☼ Predict consequences ☼ Choose a solution & develop a plan of action ☼ Develop a follow-up evaluation Shared Solutions / Culture of Collaboration Conflict Resolution Do’s & Don’ts Do’s Don’t Look for solutions Look for someone to blame Focus on the problem Focus on the person Take a non-adversarial approach Take an adversarial approach Use dialogue Engage in debate Focus on the student’s interests Focus on a predetermined outcome Think that “everyone can win” Think that “someone has to lose” Focus on change Focus on control Strong Advocates “Do the Do List” The Individual Education Plan Document Addresses: The student's areas of strengths and needs. Strategies and Resources: Specific accommodations, human and material resources Teaching strategies required by the student Intensity of the support required & who is responsible. Method of evaluation and monitoring cycle. ACCOMMODATIONS Assistive Technology - Video Instructions Editing Checklist for textHELP Read and Write: Exporting / Importing Dragon Voice files: Virtual Printing with Kurzweil 3000: How To-s of Zone Editing in Kurzweil 3000: Creating Flash Cards using Kurzweil 3000: Zone Editing using Kurzweil 3000: Creating Flash Cards in PowerPoint: Planning for Success – PDF demonstration: Planning for Success – Excel demonstration: My Learning Profile Hi, my name is __________________. I am looking forward to studying ______________ in your class. I am a smart student who wants to be successful. My Type of Intelligence is: _______________________. My Learning Style is: _______________________. I am currently using the following learning strategies with success: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I use the following assistive technology software with success: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I use the following pre-approved accommodations, (listed in my IEP): _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I would be happy to meet with you to discuss my needs. Respectfully, _______________________. Director James Redford Featuring accounts by students, experts and iconic leaders. Monday, October 29th 7:00 p.m. What kind of smart are you? QUIZ A B C D E F G 7 __ 4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 6 __ 26 __ 27 __ 8 __ 5 __ 3 __ 9 __ 13 __ 28 __ 29 __ 14 __ 12 __ 10 __ 11 __ 15 __ 18 __ 16 __ 20 __ 19 __ 17 __ 25 __ 21 __ 23 __ 22 __ 24 __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 30 __ _____ _____ Add up each row: 4 or more “Trues” in any of the Categories A - E indicates your strongest abilities. 2 or more “Trues” in Categories F & G means you have abilities in those aspects as well. A B C D E F G 7 __ 4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 6 __ 26 __ 27 __ 8 __ 5 __ 3 __ 9 __ 13 __ 28 __ 29 __ 14 __ 12 __ 10 __ 11 __ 15 __ 18 __ 16 __ 20 __ 19 __ 17 __ 25 __ 21 __ 23 __ 22 __ 24 __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 30 __ _____ _____ 4 or more “Trues” in any of the Categories A - E indicates your strongest abilities. 1 or more “Trues” in Categories F & G means you have abilities in those aspects as well. 1. I’d rather draw a map than just tell someone directions. 2. I can play (or used to play) a musical instrument. 3. I can associate music with my moods. 4. I can add or multiply in my head. 5. I like to work with calculators & computers. 6. I pick up new dance steps fast. 7. It’s easy for me to say what I think in an argument or debate. 8. I enjoy a good lecture, speech or sermon. 9. I always know north from south no matter where I am. 10. Life seems empty without music. A B C D E F G 7 __ 4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 6 __ 26 __ 27 __ 8 __ 5 __ 3 __ 9 __ 13 __ 28 __ 29 __ 14 __ 12 __ 10 __ 11 __ 15 __ 18 __ 16 __ 20 __ 19 __ 17 __ 25 __ 21 __ 23 __ 22 __ 24 __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 30 __ _____ _____ 4 or more “Trues” in any of the Categories A - E indicates your strongest abilities. 1 or more “Trues” in Categories F & G means you have abilities in those aspects as well. 11. I always understand the directions for new appliances or gadgets. 12. I like to work puzzles and play games. 13. Learning to ride a bike (or skates) was easy. 14. I am irritated when I hear a statement that sounds illogical. 15. My sense of balance and coordination is good. 16. I often see patterns and relationships between numbers easily. 17. I enjoy building models or sculpting. 18. I’m good at finding the fine points of word meanings. 19. I can look at an object 1 way and see it sideways or backwards easily. 20. I often connect a piece of music with some event in my life. A B C D E F G 7 __ 4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 6 __ 26 __ 27 __ 8 __ 5 __ 3 __ 9 __ 13 __ 28 __ 29 __ 14 __ 12 __ 10 __ 11 __ 15 __ 18 __ 16 __ 20 __ 19 __ 17 __ 25 __ 21 __ 23 __ 22 __ 24 __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 30 __ _____ _____ 4 or more “Trues” in any of the Categories A - E indicates your strongest abilities. 1 or more “Trues” in Categories F & G means you have abilities in those aspects as well. 21. I like to work with numbers. 22. Just looking at shapes of buildings & structures is enjoyable for me. 23. I like to hum, whistle & sing when I’m alone. 24. I’m good at athletics. 25. I’d like to study the structure & logic of languages. 26. I’m usually aware of the expression on my face. 27. I’m sensitive to the expressions on other people’s face. 28. I stay “in touch” with my moods. I can easily identify my moods. 29. I am sensitive to the moods of others. 30. I have a good sense of what others think of me. Linguistic Logical Mathematical Musical Spatial BodilyKinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal A B C D E F G 7 __ 4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 6 __ 26 __ 27 __ 8 __ 5 __ 3 __ 9 __ 13 __ 28 __ 29 __ 14 __ 12 __ 10 __ 11 __ 15 __ 18 __ 16 __ 20 __ 19 __ 17 __ 25 __ 21 __ 23 __ 22 __ 24 __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 30 __ _____ _____ Add up each row: 4 or more “Trues” in any of the Categories A - E indicates your strongest abilities. 2 or more “Trues” in Categories F & G means you have abilities in those aspects as well. A B C D E F G 7 __ 4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 6 __ 26 __ 27 __ 8 __ 5 __ 3 __ 9 __ 13 __ 28 __ 29 __ 14 __ 12 __ 10 __ 11 __ 15 __ 18 __ 16 __ 20 __ 19 __ 17 __ 25 __ 21 __ 23 __ 22 __ 24 __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 30 __ _____ _____ Add up each row: 4 or more “Trues” in any of the Categories A - E indicates your strongest abilities. 2 or more “Trues” in Categories F & G means you have abilities in those aspects as well. Linguistic Logical Mathematical Musical Spatial BodilyKinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal A B C D E F G 7 __ 4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 6 __ 26 __ 27 __ 8 __ 5 __ 3 __ 9 __ 13 __ 28 __ 29 __ 14 __ 12 __ 10 __ 11 __ 15 __ 18 __ 16 __ 20 __ 19 __ 17 __ 25 __ 21 __ 23 __ 22 __ 24 __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 30 __ _____ _____ Add up each row: 4 or more “Trues” in any of the Categories A - E indicates your strongest abilities. 2 or more “Trues” in Categories F & G means you have abilities in those aspects as well.