853d Electronic Systems Group Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management 101 Prepared By: Capt Ben Brandt 853 ELSG/NT Electronic Systems Center Hanscom AFB, MA 20 Mar 07 Integrity - Service - Excellence ESC 07-0402 OVERVIEW What is CNS/ATM? Who is the 853 ELSG/NT at Electronic Systems Center? Slide 2 Determining Global Airspace Access Requirements SPARC Tool Integrity - Service - Excellence CNS/ATM DEFINED Category C N S Communication Digital Radios to Handle Reduced Channel Spacing and Datalink Navigation Better Horizontal/Vertical Position Accuracy to Enable Reduced Separation Surveillance Enhanced Situational Awareness, Collision Avoidance, Automatic Position Reporting Components • 8.33 • AFN • SATCOM • VDLM2 • CPDLC • HFDL • CMU (Data Comm) • ADS-A • RNP • RVSM • P ILS (FM Imm.) • Mode S Goal A T M Air Traffic Management Transition from ATC to ATM With the Ultimate Goal of Free Flight • TCAS • ADS-A/B GOAL: Continued Operation IAW New Separation Standards/Procedures Slide 3 Integrity - Service - Excellence CNS/ATM BACKGROUND International civil aviation community is pursuing more efficient use of airspace while maintaining or increasing level of safety Reduced vertical and horizontal aircraft separations In-flight rerouting (including weather deviations) User preferred routing Improved situational awareness Flight conformance monitoring Greater flexibility in designing approach procedures Another factor is the need to maintain or increase air traffic services with limited frequency spectrum Plan is to leverage improvements in communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) technology to improve air traffic management (ATM) Slide 4 Integrity - Service - Excellence CNS/ATM = MANY CAPABILITIES Slide 5 Integrity - Service - Excellence WHY CNS/ATM? Slide 6 Integrity - Service - Excellence WHY CNS/ATM? Worldwide scheduled civil air traffic projected to increase steadily Europe and the Pacific Rim increasing most notably CNS/ATM a means to increase airspace capacity Caveats for increased capacity: Slide 7 Must maintain current levels of safety Changes must have economic benefits Integrity - Service - Excellence WHY CNS/ATM FOR DoD? Global airspace access for DoD aircraft by providing interoperability with civil CNS/ATM systems Mandates for civil aviation equipage may not apply to all DoD aircraft Possible Exclusion of DoD aircraft from airspace, if lacking required CNS/ATM equipage CNS/ATM requirements for Air Force aircraft are determined by Major Commands, based on: Knowledge of civil airspace access requirements Assessment of mission impact of non-compliance Tradeoff CNS/ATM against other mission needs Slide 8 Integrity - Service - Excellence WHY CNS/ATM FOR DoD? Aircraft Quantities Air Force Army Bombers 187 Fighters 2,547 Helicopters 216 3,151 Special Mission/Info Dominance 334 47 Mobility (Tanker/Transport) 1,562 828 Trainers 1,102 UAV's 85 Total Aircraft (Estimated) 6,033 4,026 Navy 1,180 1,260 699 316 Total 187 3,727 4,627 1,080 2,706 1,102 85 3,455 13,514 American Airlines ~ 500 aircraft Slide 9 Integrity - Service - Excellence WHY CNS/ATM FOR DoD? Departure Sequencing Delays Impact of Noncompliance Optimal Routing Arrival Sequencing Delays Longer And Less Desirable Routing Warfighter Impact: Longer Flight Times More Fuel / Less Cargo, Pax / Late Delivery Limited Access to Training Areas Degrades Mission Readiness Lack of Transparency Degrades Mission Security Slide 10 Integrity - Service - Excellence IMPACT OF NONCOMPLIANCE Rapid Global Mobility: Excluded From Critical Airspace Global Attack: Impacts Ability to Operate Fighters / Bombers / Special Mission Through Civil Airspace Enroute to Battlespace Agile Combat Support: Hinders Ability to Resupply Deployed Forces, Increases Initial Lift Requirement Notional Gulf War Deployment* 100% 50% 0% 10 2006 Fleet Delivers All Cargo in 92 Days 0 2 42 * Assumes 30 60 90 Minutes of Additional Flight Time Per Sortie Due to Noncompliance Slide 11 Extra Days to Deliver Shortfall Compliant CRAF fleet Integrity - Service - Excellence IMPACT OF NONCOMPLIANCE 13 September 1997 TU-154 479 kts 35,000 ft 909 kts Closing Speed Potential Loss of Situational Awareness due to Sunlight Exposure USAF C-141 430 kts 35,000 ft Slide 12 Integrity - Service - Excellence NAVIGATION AND SAFETY MANDATES FM Immunity Applies to all aircraft VHF Radio, VOR, and ILS Localizer Receivers Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II or ACAS II) Applies to passenger and troop carrying aircraft Requires Mode S level 2 transponder Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) Applies to passenger and troop carrying aircraft Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT), Flight Data Recorder (FDR) Slide 13 Applies to passenger and troop carrying aircraft Integrity - Service - Excellence CNS 101’s More In-depth Presentations on each discipline: https://igatm.hanscom.af.mil or http://www.afceaboston.com: Communication Navigation Surveillance Please note that some CNS/ATM mandates require the use of all three disciplines Slide 14 Integrity - Service - Excellence CURRENT CNS/ATM DEFINITIONS RVSM: Vertical separations reduced from 2000 to 1000 feet between FL290-410 Communications Slide 15 8.33 kHz: Reduced channel spacing on very high frequency (VHF) air traffic control (ATC) voice radios in Europe Satellite communications (SATCOM): Commercial data link and voice capability for oceanic and remote ATC communication High frequency (HF) data link: For polar coverage and possibly North Atlantic position reporting Controller pilot data link communications (CPDLC): Application operating over SATCOM/HF/VHF data links that provides a set of canned text messages that replicate typical voice exchanges VDLM2: A high speed VHF data link for domestic line-of-sight Integrity - Service - Excellence CURRENT CNS/ATM DEFINITIONS Navigation FM immunity: protects VHF omni-range and instrument landing system (VOR/ILS) from VHF frequency modulated (FM) radio interference Required navigation performance (RNP): Navigation system capability needed to support a particular procedure or operation (e.g. reduced oceanic track separations, nonprecision approach) Surveillance Slide 16 Mode S: transponder that allows civil ATC to selectively interrogate aircraft Automatic dependent surveillance - Contract (ADS-C): Aircraft position reporting to oceanic ATC via data link (formerly referred to as ADS-Addressed (ADS-A) Traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS): Provides aural and visual warning of potential collision with another aircraft and resolution advisories Integrity - Service - Excellence Global CNS/ATM Timeline (Based on Civil Aviation Regions) NAS ATLANTIC EUROPE PACIFIC 2005 RVSM 2001 RVSM (WATRS) 1998 BRNAV (RNP-5) 1998 RNP-10 2009 FDR 2002 RVSM (NAT) 1999 8.33 kHz VHF (FL245) 2000 RVSM (Oceanic) 2011 FutureComm 2008 RNP-4 2001 FM Immunity 2002 RVSM (Asia) 2012+ ADS-B 2015 FANS 1/A (AFN, CPDLC, ADS-C) 2002 RVSM 2005 RNP-4 2004-10 PRNAV 2005 30/30 Separation FANS 1/A (CPDLC, ADS-C, AFN, RNP-4) 2004-15 RNP-2 2010-15 RNP-1 RNAV (terminal) 2005 ACAS II (Transports) 2006 8.33 kHz VHF (FL195) 2009 Mode S with ELS Acronym Glossary: ACAS: Airborne Collision Avoidance System ADS-C: Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Contract ADS-B: Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast AFN: Air Traffic Services (ATS) Facilities Notification ATN: Aeronautical Telecommunication Network BRNAV: Basic Area Navigation CPDLC: Controller Pilot Data Link Communications ELS: Elementary Surveillance EHS: Enhanced Surveillance FANS 1/A: Future Air Navigation System FDR: Flight Data Recorder (Data Link Messages) Mode S: Mode Select NAT: North Atlantic PRNAV: Precision Area Navigation RNP: Required Navigation Performance in nautical miles RVSM: Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum VDL: Very High Frequency Data Link VHF: Very High Frequency WATRS: West Atlantic Route System Slide 17 2012+ ADS-B 2009 Mode S with EHS 2010-14 ATN/ VDL-2 or FANS 1/A+/VDL-2 2010-15 RNP-1 RNAV (terminal) 2012+ – ADS-B MIDDLE EAST 2003 RVSM Current as of 18 Mar 07 Integrity - Service - Excellence IMPLEMENTATION DATE Mandate In Effect Mandate Pending INFLUENCING THE FUTURE Near-term CNS/ATM requirements are basically set Far-term requirements are still evolving and there is opportunity to influence them Options are to comply, negotiate accommodation, or live with the impact of non-compliance Be proactive rather than reactive Air Force representatives participate in numerous civil aviation forums Slide 18 Tracking potential future requirements Ensuring Air Force interests and concerns are represented Integrity - Service - Excellence AF PARTICIPATION IN CIVIL AVIATION FORUMS FAA Oceanic Working Group (OWG) NAT FANS Implementation Group (FIG) Informal Pacific ATC Coordinating Group (IPACG) & Informal South Pacific ATS Coordinating Group (ISPACG) RTCA, Inc. Free Flight Steering Committee, Free Flight Select Committee, Policy Board, Program Management Committee, SC-147, SC-159, SC-186, SC-194, SC-189, SC-203, SC-209….. FAA Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) EUROCAE Mode S & ADS-B Standards Committees EUROCONTROL Airspace and Navigation Team, Civil-Military Interface Standing Committee, Airborne Infrastructure and Airborne Monitoring ICAO RVSM Implementation Task Force, Mode S & TCAS Committees Slide 19 Integrity - Service - Excellence AGENCIES INVOLVED HQ USAF Directorate of Operational Capability Requirements (AF/A5R) HQ USAF Directorate of Operations and Training (AF/A3O) Air Force Flight Standards Agency (AFFSA) AMC Directorate of Operations (AMC/A3) and Directorate of Plans and Programs (AMC/A5) US Air Forces in Europe Directorate of Operations (USAFE/A3) Air Force Electronic Systems Center (ESC) MIT Lincoln Laboratory Slide 20 Integrity - Service - Excellence 853d Electronic Systems Group Global Air Traffic Management (GATM) Division 101 853 ELSG/NT Prepared By: Capt Ben Brandt 853 ELSG/NT Electronic Systems Center Hanscom AFB, MA 20 Mar 07 Slide 21 Integrity - Service - Excellence ESC 07-0402 ORGANIZATION CHART 653d Electronic Systems Wing (653 ELSW) 853d Electronic Systems Group (853 ELSG) Mobility Platforms Combat Platforms 853 ELSG/NT Strategic Technologies Business Operations Slide 22 Integrity - Service - Excellence Engineering Hanscom AFB, MA Electronic Systems Center (ESC) 853d Electronic Systems Group (853 ELSG) = Group Global Air Traffic Systems Group = Squadron = Division Col Lum Mobile Landing Systems Div • JPALS • ATCALS-Development • MACS • AFTERPS-R GATM Div Div Ch: Mr. Farnsworth • • • • Div Ch: Lt Col Harrington • Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System • Terrain Awareness and Warning System • Satellite Comm • Comm Mgt Unit • High Freq Data Link • Multi-Mode Receiver Digital Airport Surveillance Radar DoD Advanced Automation System Voice Communications Switching System Airfield Automation System Adv Systems & Tech Div FMS Div Div Ch: Mr. Schultz • Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Egypt, Oman, Poland, Taiwan • 17 Total Cases, $192M in CY05 • Potentially 11 new cases ($171M) in CY06 Div Ch: Mr. Boheim Mr. Kelley NAS Div Div Ch: Mr. Lekberg Ops Mgt Div Div Ch: Mr. St Sauveur Contracting Div Div Ch: Mr. Leeds Slide 23 Engineering Div Global CONOPS Synchronization Next Generation Air Transportation System Small Business Innovative Research Div Ch: Lt Vu • Training • Resource Management • Information Systems Mgt Financial Mgt Div Div Ch: Ms. Juralewicz Integrity - Service - Excellence Who Are We and What Do We Do? 853 ELSG/NT Organizational Chart Administrative Specialist Ms. DiMaio CNS/ATM IPT Chief Lt Col Harrington Deputy Chief Capt Brandt Contracting Mr. Fox Chief Engineer Mr. Morris Chief, Business OPS Capt Maddox Comm Technical Lead Ms. Heinke * Nav Technical Lead Mr. Irwin * * Surv Technical Lead Dr. Thedford Financial Team Ms. Picanso Chief, GATM-CAF Branch Capt Andrews Chief, GATM-MAF Branch Mr. Hogarty Chief, GATM Strat Tech Br. Capt Kruger *Engineering staff matrixed to CAF, MAF, Strat Tech and Biz Ops branches Slide 24 Integrity - Service - Excellence Who Are We and What Do We Do? Engineering Activities Define/maintain USAF CNS/ATM requirements and support SPOs with tailoring requirements for specific aircraft Support SPOs for of CNS/ATM implementation - contract award, design, development and test Conduct CNS/ATM performance assessments for SPOs prerequisite for airworthiness certification Support 853 ELSG/NT business operations for ID/IQ catalog contract award, technical refresh and service bulletins Participate in civil aviation forums, ensuring USAF interests and concerns are represented, examples: Airline Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) FAA Oceanic Working Group (OWG) and Performance-Based Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) Informal Pacific ATC Coordinating Group (IPACG) RTCA, Free Flight Steering Committee, SC-159, SC-186, SC-194.. EUROCONTROL, e.g. MILT Slide 25 Integrity - Service - Excellence Who Are We and What Do We Do? Strategic Technologies Cross-cutting Efforts within 853 ELSG/NT Navigation Data Chain (A/W/E & DAFIF Database) Track/Interpret CNS/ATM Mandates ICAO, FAA, EUROCONTROL etc. Requirements put into Generic Performance Matrix (GPM) Format for Platform Use Develop and Monitor Studies UAS operations in civil airspace Joint Tactical Radio System Center of Excellence for ATC Waveforms Strategic Projection of Airspace Requirements and Certification (SPARC) software Tool Slide 26 Integrity - Service - Excellence Who Are We and What Do We Do? Navigation Data Certification Data Originator Host State Compilation & Distribution Database Provider A/C Unique DB Provider NGA (DAFIF) Platform Specific Processing & Packing DTD Aircraft Avionics (FMS’ & GPS/ RNAV) PCMCIA & DR-200 Pilot & Navigator Ops ( Excluding Pilot & Navigator Ops) CNS/ATM IPT Responsibilities: Slide 27 Requirements Matrices Certification Certification Plan Audits Aircraft Performance Assessment Integrity - Service - Excellence Who Are We and What Do We Do? Platform Support Branches Divided into Mobility (AMC, AFSOC) and Combat (ACC) for focused Customer Support of SPOs and User Program Management arm of 853 ELSG/NT Slide 28 Assist in GPM “Tailoring” to Platform Specific Requirements based on airspace requirements, mission, and/or architecture Maintain knowledge of platform’s CNS/ATM implementation & schedule Educate aircraft program offices on CNS/ATM avionics system performance specifications and support source selection process Create IPTs to accomplish CNS/ATM performance assessments in conjunction with the aircraft airworthiness certification process Manage resources in accordance with CNS/ATM charter and inform aircraft program offices when tasks are beyond CNS/ATM scope Attend CNS/ATM related meetings for & with aircraft program office Ensure aircraft CNS/ATM implementation meets required performance Integrity - Service - Excellence Who Are We and What Do We Do? Business Operations Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) iGATM (https://igatm.hanscom.af.mil) Electronic Ordering System for CNS equipment Long-term Lifecycle Product Support TCAS, Mode S, TAWS, CMU, SATCOM, MMR, MFD, MCDU, Printers, Data Loaders, FDR, CVR, ELT, EFB, WXR, FMS/C, DADC, Digital Altimeters, ATC VHF Voice Radio, VDR, ILS, EGI, INS, AP/FD, ELT Test Equipment Warranties Technical Refresh Awarded 12 ID/IQ Contracts in Feb 2006 CNS/ATM I: 25 Product Lines Slide 29 All Encompassing CNS/ATM avionics catalog Recompete of GATM II, III and IV – Now all expired Integrity - Service - Excellence CNS/ATM CHALLENGES Synchronizing with ICAO capabilities roadmaps Military unique requirements Emitter “on/off” capability IFF transponders Communications security Desire for anonymous operation Integrating CNS/ATM functions into highly integrated architectures on small, complex aircraft Mil-unique solutions like JTRS Need to integrate CNS/ATM Capabilities with C2ISR Timing and funding for technology transition Slide 30 Integrity - Service - Excellence SPARC Strategic Projection of Airspace Requirements and Certification (SPARC) software Tool Research Worldwide CNS/ATM Requirements from your Computer Select Route of Flight and View CNS/ATM Mandates along selected route and various time frames MAJOR Update to Requirements Database – Jan 2007 Not All Civil Requirements are Air Force Requirements – Check with your MAJCOM! Slide 31 Integrity - Service - Excellence SPARC OVERVIEW Slide 32 Integrity - Service - Excellence SPARC ROUTE SELECTION Slide 33 Integrity - Service - Excellence ROUTE SUMMARY: 2002 Slide 34 Integrity - Service - Excellence ROUTE SUMMARY: 2005 Slide 35 Integrity - Service - Excellence GET SPARC Slide 36 Register for an account online at http://sparc.titan.com/support/register Integrity - Service - Excellence QUESTIONS? Questions or Problems with SPARC Can Be Directed to: Ms. Pam DiMaio Administrative Assistant Via Email at: pamela.dimaio@hanscom.af.mil Slide 37 Integrity - Service - Excellence POINTS OF CONTACT Combat Air Forces Branch Chief Mobility Air Forces Branch Chief Mr. Michael Hogarty – ext. 8669 Strategic Technologies Branch Chief Capt Sounder Andrews – ext. 4438 Capt Jeremy Kruger – ext. 9384 Business Operations Branch Chief Capt Patrick Maddox – ext. 9031 853 ELSG/NT Main Number – ext. 3090 DSN 478-XXXX / Commercial 781-377-XXXX Slide 38 Integrity - Service - Excellence