Thesis Examination Committee: Dr. Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn (Chairperson) Assoc. Prof. Tapio J. Erke Dr. R. M. A. P. Rajatheva Prof Noel Crespi (External Expert) Dr. Mehdi Mani (External Expert) By: Jagadish Ghimire st105636 ICT/SET Asian Institute of Technology 18th May 2009 Outline Related Concepts Problem Statement Objectives Mathematical Analysis Results and Discussion Conclusion Asian Institute of Technology 2 Wireless ad hoc network src: [1] Kim MANET Mobile ad hoc network WMN Wireless Mesh Network Asian Institute of Technology src: [2] Higgins et al. 3 Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Client/Server vs P2P Centralization Fault Tolerance Scalability src: [3] Androutsellis-Tehotokis and Spinellis (2004) src: [4] Asian Institute of Technology 4 P2P Overlay Network One peer knows how to reach to one or more peers of the network. Maintains a Routing Table Structured kind of P2P overlay allow one to define a specific type of Overlay Network Overlay Network: Logical network built on applicationlayer . Versus Physical Network Common Topologies: Ring, Butterfly src: [5] Wang and Li(2003) Asian Institute of Technology 5 The Lookup Problem Lookup successful H B Wall-E.avi* I need Wall-E A How to find? C G E D F * We assume that the seeker and owner of the movie have required rights for sharing Asian Institute of Technology 6 Structured P2P - Routing table and Greedy Forwarding - Overlay ID space - Node ID - Resource ID B A Asian Institute of Technology 7 Super Node based P2P Overlay Internet (with core routers and network infrastructure) SN: Super Node CN: Client Node Asian Institute of Technology 8 IP telephony service control overlay Considered Scenario: Physical Network: Wireless ad hoc network Service level network: SN based P2P overlay Network as the service control overlay providing Lookup service Overlay Model: Ring and Chord Asian Institute of Technology 9 IP telephony (contd..) Typical “Bob calling Alice” scenario example Lookup Query Message: Initiated by Bob Lookup Response Message: Replied by the SN of Alice SN 1 Bob SN 2 SN 3 SN 4 Lookup Query Message Routing Path Lookup Response Message Routing Path Asian Institute of Technology Alice 10 Problem Statement Post Dialing Delay (session setup delay) in IP Telephony: ITU-T recommendation: 95 percentile of the calls < 3 sec HOW MUCH IS IT NOW? How does delay relate to the number of SNs? HOW MANY SUPERNODES TO SELECT? 1 ? A pure C/S architecture 2? 3? How Many? Increasing SNs results in faster call processing per SN in one hand whereas the overall lookup routing path is increased. What is the exact interplay? In P2P based IP telephony services, determining the optimum number of SNs for minimum session setup delay is crucial. Asian Institute of Technology 11 Problem Statement (2) Capacity of the IP telephony system How many users can a given service control overlay accommodate? How does the number of SNs affect the capacity of such services? What is the exact relationship between the number of SNs and the capacity? Does increasing the number of SN arbitrarily increase the capacity of such systems? Asian Institute of Technology 12 Objectives Perform analysis to understand and express mathematically the delay characteristics and the lookup processing capacity of a SN-based P2P IP Telephony service control overlay over wireless ad hoc networks. Perform simulations to validate the analytical results Asian Institute of Technology 13 Limitations The analytical model of Chord is an ideal model and does not account for the asymmetric keyspace partitioning The overlay model excludes any dynamics due to node joins and leaves. Asian Institute of Technology 14 Contribution of the Thesis Work (summary) Closed-form mathematical expressions were derived for finding the post-dialing delay in the overlay network as a function of number of supernodes. Post Dialing Delay=f(N) For a given load, there exists a number of SNs at which the session setup delay is minimum Optimum number of SNs for minimum post dialing delay can now be determined Asian Institute of Technology 15 Contribution of the Thesis Work (2) Closed-form expressions for finding the capacity of such networks were derived. Now, we can answer, with the help of these equations, how many maximum number of users a system can support ( given the number of supernodes). Such expressions can also be used for dimensioning such systems A lower bound on the number of physical hops traveled by a lookup message in wireless ad hoc network is proposed. Asian Institute of Technology 16 Delay and Capacity Analysis System Model Underlay: Homogeneous Wireless ad hoc network Overlay: SN-based Deterministic graph A service control overlay for IP telephony Two cases: Ring and an idealized Chord Assumptions: SNs are uniformly placed in id-space Equal number of CNs are associated with SNs Asian Institute of Technology 17 System Model (summary) (1) Network Model Summary (Used in Section 4.3 for Underlay Network Delay) Description Parameter Number of nodes n Mode of communication Ad hoc Shortest Path Routing Link Model Two state (Existent and Nonexistent) Two nodes communicate if their Euclidean distance is less than the individual communication range. Communicate Range r0 Homogeneous communication range Area of Deployment axb Rectangular Node Distribution Uniformly distributed x-coordinate and y-coordinate are uniform random number in the interval [0,a] and [0,y] respectively. Asian Institute of Technology Remarks 18 System Model (summary) (2) Overlay Model (Used for delay and capacity analysis in Chapter 4) Model 1. (Ring Overlay Structure) Described in section 4.1.1 Number of SNs N Number of successor per 1 SN Structure of the overlay Ring Model 2. (Chord Overlay Structure) Described in section 4.2.1 Number of SNs N=2c Number of successor per C SN Structure of the overlay Chord Asian Institute of Technology (By Stoica et al. (2001)) 19 System Model(4) SN Model: All SNs of the system are supposed to have the same mean lookup message processing rate (µ) Each SN has an infinite lookup buffer Two cases of service time distribution are considered: Constant service time case, Exponential service time case. Traffic Model: Total lookup message arrival process in the system is a poisson process with λtotal total mean arrival rate Each CN generates lookup with equal rates Destination CN in each lookup message is selected uniformly among all the participating nodes. Asian Institute of Technology 20 Delay Analysis Model The total delay experienced by any lookup message is viewed to be composed of two delays: The Delay in the Overlay Network (Doverlay) The Delay in the Underlay Network (Dunderlay) Dtotal Doverlay Dunderlay We decouple the two delays for making our analysis tractable Asian Institute of Technology 21 Results of Ring Topology Overlay Lemma 1: The distribution of the number of super nodes visited by a lookup in the ring-topology with load-balance is UNIFORM. Theorem 1: The average SNs visited by a lookup in the load-balanced Ring-topology overlay is Absorption Probability: Definition : Absorption Probability of a SN in an SN-based P2P system with N SNs, represented as P(N), is defined as the probability that the given SN absorbs (does not forward) any lookup message that comes to it. A lookup can be a new lookup from its CN or forwarded ones Asian Institute of Technology 22 Results (2) Lemma 2: P(N) of load-balanced Ring-Topology overlay is given as: Queuing Network Node Model Asian Institute of Technology 23 Queuing Network Model Asian Institute of Technology 24 Routing Probabilities Queuing Network Parameters Visit Ratio (ei): Effective arrival per SN i (λi) Utilization per SN (ρi) 25 Asian Institute of Technology Mean Overlay Lookup Delay (Expression) Theorem 2: The average delay experienced by a lookup message (excluding any underlay delays incurred) in the load-balanced ringtopology overlay model, in two cases of a constant service time and an exponentially distributed service time, are given respectively as follows where and are : Asian Institute of Technology 26 Lookup Processing Capacity Corollary 1: The maximum rate of external lookup arrivals the load-balanced ring-topology overlay based IP telephony system can support is given as follows: Capacity scaling in terms of number of SNs is thus given as: 2N max N 1 Proof: Obtained by letting utilization per node( i)=1 (For Finite Delay: ) Asian Institute of Technology 27 Idealized Chord Model Id space of size K=2k Number of SNs N=2c Observation 1 Peer out-degree: c c-regular directed graph Asian Institute of Technology 28 Absorption Probability Lemma 6: In the idealized Chord model, P(N) is given as follows Average SNs visited Per Lookup Theorem 3. The average number of SNs visited by a lookup (E{S}) in the idealized chord overlay routing modeled is given by: Asian Institute of Technology 29 Queuing Node Model - Chord Asian Institute of Technology 30 Overlay Lookup Delay Calculation and Capacity Exponential service time case Per SN delay: Total mean overlay lookup delay Max Throughput Asian Institute of Technology 1 c D 1 (1 i ) 2 31 Analysis of Underlay SN selected Randomly CN associate randomly to SN n wireless nodes uniformly distributed in a rectangular deployment area (a x b m2) Communication range of each node r0 Asian Institute of Technology 32 Analysis of Underlay Number of Logical hops of communication: E{S}+1 Average physical hops between two randomly elected nodes: E{H} Where Ghosh(1951) E{L} is the average number of physical hops traveled by a lookup E{L}=(E{S}+1).E{H}. So, we get Asian Institute of Technology 33 Analysis of Underlay For square deployment of (a x a m2 ). X : Per underlay-hop Delay Asian Institute of Technology 34 Average Length of Lookup Path Ring Topology Asian Institute of Technology Chord 35 Absorption Probability Ring Topology Asian Institute of Technology Chord 36 Total Overlay lookup delay Ring Topology Asian Institute of Technology Chord 37 Delay and Utilization Per SN - Ring Asian Institute of Technology 38 Lookup Capacity Ring Topology Asian Institute of Technology Chord 39 Average Underlay Hops Result for N=5 for Ring Overlay Asian Institute of Technology 40 Conclusion Delay and Capacity Analysis of the lookup processing in a SN-based P2P service control overlay for IP telephony over Wireless ad hoc network have been performed. Estimation of mean lookup hop counts, the distributions, mean delay per SN and mean delay of a lookup in overlay has been estimated for a ring-topology and an idealized version of Chord. Lower Bounds on the number of underlay hops per lookup for the above mentioned overlays have been proposed Capacity of such systems for lookup processing has been obtained as a function of N General case of load-imbalance will be another extension of the work Asian Institute of Technology 41 Graphics References [1] Dongsoo Stephen Kim, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks url: [2] Kathryn Higgins, Ruth Egan, Shonagh Hurley and Marine Lemur, Ad Hoc Networks url: [3] Stephanos Androutsellis-Theotokis and Diomidis Spinellis. A survey of peer-to-peer content distribution technologies. ACM Computing Surveys, 36(4):335–371, December 2004. (doi:10.1145/1041680.1041681) [4] url: [5] Chonggang Wang and Bo Li (2003),Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks: A Survey, April 20, 2003. url: Asian Institute of Technology 42 Thank you Questions and suggestions are welcome!!! Asian Institute of Technology 43