PC management notes - Southern Connecticut State University

Arvia Walker
CSC Week #3
Notes Assignment
System Restore
A system of Microsoft’s Window Me, XP, Vista and Windows 7. It is a program
that allows you to restore your system files, registry keys and installed programs
when your computer malfunctions.
You can create a system restore point manually or change the system restore
Restores can be undone, and old restores can be deleted.
System can be restored when the computer is rebooted in normal or safe mode.
If the computer is unbootable then the system cannot be restored.
A limitation for the restore system is that it only monitors certain file types and
certain file locations.
The following resources are backed up: [5]
Files in the Windows File Protection (Dllcache) folder
Local user profile
COM+ and WMI Databases
IIS Metabase
Specific file types monitored [4]
Keeping hackers out
A component of the computer system that blocks out unauthorized access.
*Firewalls can be implanted in both hardware and software or both.
*Most often used to block unauthorized internet access.
*All information entering or leaving through a intranet are ran through a firewall
and makes sure that it has the correct security access.
There are several types of firewall protections:
1. Packet Filter
a. Inspects each packet going through the network, and either
accepts or denies access.
2. Application gateway
a. Applies security features to certain applications like, FTP and
telnet servers.
3. Circuit level gateway
a. Applies security functions whenever a TCP or UDP connection
is established.
4. Proxy Sever
a. Intercepts messages that enter or leave the network
Keeping Data Private
Data privacy
Is the collection and distribution of data on technology.
Refers to the publics expectation of privacy
Legal and political issues on privacy
Types of information that have privacy concerns:
o Lifestyle
o Financial
o Internet
o Medical
o Political
o Around the world there are different laws for privacy. Some agencies
have there own privacy standards to keep the client protected.
 In the USA privacy is has many laws around it
 There are many different acts that pertain to a certain field of
 Example: Children’s Online Privacy Act
Data Shredding
There are various companies that shred data for an individual.
 Examples
 Data Shredding Services, Inc.
 Provides data shredding for New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and South
Florida since 1977/
 Provides custom programs that fit each companies needs for data destruction.
 Data shredding is essential in today’s world because of things like identity theft.
 Shredding documents can protect you from people getting unwanted information.
 Increasing legislation requires proper data destruction.
 Pleases like banks, insurance companies, and any business no matter how small has
the obligation to destroy or keep sensitive information safe.
(Data Shredder)
Data Reminisce
Is the residual representation of data that has been in some way nominally erased
or removed. (Data Reminisce)
 The residue of the data may be from
 Data being left intact by a normal deleting operation.
 Or properties of a storage medium.
 If data reminisce is not disposed of properly it can be make sensitive information
available to the public.
 Causes
 Some file managers or software make it so that data is not immediately deleted
but put into a holding are so that there can be access to the deleted
 Counter measures
 Clearing
 Is the removal of sensitive data from storage devices in such a way that there
is assurance that the data may not be reconstructed using normal system
functions or software file/data recovery utilities. The data may still be
recoverable, but not without special laboratory techniques.
Clearing is typically an administrative protection against accidental disclosure
within an organization. For example, before a hard drive is re-used within an
organization, its contents may be cleared to prevent their accidental disclosure to
the next user.
 Purging or sanitizing
 is the removal of sensitive data from a system or storage device with the intent
that the data cannot be reconstructed by any known technique. Purging,
proportional to the sensitivity of the data, is generally done before releasing
media outside of control, such as before discarding old media, or moving
media to a computer with different security requirements.
 Destruction
 The storage medium is physically destroyed. Effectiveness of physical
destruction varies. Depending on recording density of the medium, and/or the
destruction technique, this may leave data recoverable by laboratory methods.
Conversely, physical destruction using appropriate techniques is generally
considered the most secure method available
(Data Reminisce)
Antispyware is software that detects and removed any malicious activity trying to
attack you computer.
 Malicious activity typically tries to send the users information to a third party.
 Two main antispyware functions
 Catching in coming spyware in real time
System scans the computer transactions for spyware and tries to stop it before
it is downloaded into the computer.
 Updateable software list where users can continue to have the updated version of
the antispyware program to stay protected.
 This software detects and removes software that has already been downloaded.
 Antispyware of this type typically scans the registry, programs, and operating system
(What is Antispyware, 2003-2010)
Computer Forensics
A branch of forensic science that pertains to legal information on computers.
 Used to explain the current state of a computer artifact.
 Can tell what
 information is on the computer
 what was done on the computer
 the sequence it was done on the computer
 When computer forensics are used
 In legal cases
 To recover data
 To analyze a computer system after a break in
 To gather evidence against an employee
 To gain info on how computer systems function.
There are five basic steps to the computer forensics:[
Preparation (of the investigator, not the data)
Collection (the data)
Data Reminisce. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2010, from Wikipedia:
Data Shredder. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2010, from Mobile document destruction:
Firewalls. (n.d.). Retrieved february 2010, from webopedia.com:
What is Antispyware. (2003-2010). Retrieved February 2010, from Wis GEEK:
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2010, from Firewalls (computing):
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2010, from Information Privacy:
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2010, from Computer Forensics:
Wikipedia. (n.d.). System Restore. Retrieved 02 09, 2010, from Wikipedia.com: